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DENVER METRO Includes: Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Elbert, Denver, Douglas, & Jefferson vice Years of Ser 50+ ADULTS CONNECTING LOCAL BUSINESSES WITH THE 50 PLUS COMMUNITY April 2017 • Volume 23 • Issue 4 Conference on World Affairs Begins April 10 With a full roster of about 100 Monday, April 10 to Friday, includes three major themes – working professionals), are iden- speakers and 200 sessions, the April 14. “Why Food Matters: A Taste of tified with corresponding icons as Conference on World Af- “The 69th year of the CWA will things to Come,” (or Future of well. fairs (CWA) begins its feature yet another week of im- Food), “Space Exploration” and Chris Borland, known for his one week run from pressive and engaging free events,” “Democracy Now.” The event pro- outspoken comments about brain said John Griffin CWA faculty di- gram contains icons correspond- injuries related to football, along rector. “Our all-volunteer program ing to these themes as an aid to with Ellie Shaffer, former presi- committee has been preparing an attendees for their schedule plan- dential special assistant in the exciting schedule – addressing ning. White House, are among the nota- the central issues of our time Dava Newman, Deputy Direc- ble speakers. Kimbal Musk, owner with outstanding speakers tor of NASA, is scheduled as the of Colorado’s The Kitchen restau- from around the world.” 11:30 a.m. Keynote Speaker on rants, will participate as will CU This year’s con- Monday, April 10 in CU’s Macky Boulder alum Vicki Huddleston, ference, “Be Auditorium. Her topic is “Hu- retired ambassador to Mail and Worldly,” manity’s Exploration: From Earth Madagascar. to Mars and Beyond.” Once again, this conference is Throughout the week, Plena- free and open to the public. For ry Sessions are scheduled along those unable to attend, a large ma- with Roundtable ones where the jority of the panels and presenta- moderators facility a discus- tions will be live-streamed at colo- sion with the panelists. These, rado.edu/cwa. in addition to CWA@Night More information can be found (programs beginning at 5 p.m. at http://Colorado.edu/cwa. to accommodate students and Senior Day At The Capitol Was a Great Success! By: Harvey McWhorter ray of Colorado politicians spoke Senior Day at the Capitol put on to and with the by the Colorado Senior Lobby this overflow crowd in year was an overwhelming suc- telling them what cess! It was a packed house with they are trying to Seniors, Sponsors, and young stu- do and accom- dents from Metro State University plish in helping interacting, interviewing and pro- preserve and in- viding technical streaming services vest in the people of the event to reach people across who sacrificed to the Country. make America Governor Hickenlopper, Lieu- great for the last thing our politicians must put on tenant Governor Lynne and ar- 80 plus years of sacrifice and work. for Servicios de La Raza for the their radar because there is a social The Lobby recognized people past 14 years. As the coordinator, breakdown that has profound neg- for their tireless efforts in working Juanita, through culturally respon- ative effects on our Nation. with and for seniors to continue to sive practices, serves the Latino Mary Catherine Rabbitt, Esq. INSIDE be an asset to the Country. Senior Community in many criti- Retired. Mary Catherine Rab- Pictured is the Master of Cere- cal areas including, but not lim- bitt has had a distinguished legal The Kingston Trio monies for the Day. Carol J. (CJay) ited to: Hearing Aids and Glasses career and a rich community life Page 3 Smith, CEC, Motivational Speak- Pro-curement, Medicare Naviga- of faith and leadership. Disability er, DiFfErEnT by DeSiGn, Inc- tion Services, Assisting Seniors in Law Colorado has indeed been Witty, Charming, Intellectual, En- achieving Legal Custody in Im- Relay Colorado fortunate to have her as the legal ergetic, Caring … just a few words migrant Family Separation Cases, Page 4 assistance developer since 2008. to describe the many facets of CJay Securing Housing for Seniors and She has secured legal services for Smith. Info: www.cjaysmith.com Seniors with pets, Food Security older individuals around the state. MS. Colorado Largressa Munnerlyn, Foster including Food Baskets, Nutri- Juanita Montoya, Community Senior Pageant Grandparent working as a volun- tional Literacy, SNAP Enroll- worker. Ms. Juanita Montoya, a ment, Garden Cultivation, Cloth- Page 7 teer with Volunteers of America, Denver Native, has coordinated Grandparents raising and caring ing, Case Management, Linkage the Basic Emergency Program for Grandchildren. This is some- to Care, etc. www.50plusmarketplacenews.com Like us at www.facebook.com/50plusnews Page 2 • 50 Plus Marketplace News • Denver Metro • April 2017 APRILCalendar Before Taking Another Prescription Medication Alcohol Awareness Month Your life might depend on it1 cogenomics Distracted Driving Awareness (PGX test- Occupational Therapy Month For decades, doctors have pre- ing). The test scribed drugs using a trial-and-er- is a simple Monday/17 ror process in which primary care saliva swab; Stroke Support, 6-8pm, Swedish physicians prescribe a series of it can deter- Medical, 501 E. Hampden Ave. drugs and doses to find the right mine how Englewood, 3rd Mon. monthly, match for the patient. Adverse an individual Info: [email protected] drug reactions have affected over metabolizes 2 million patients, caused over prescription Wednesday/19 100,000 fatalities, and are one of drugs. All of Clear Creek Church, 10555 W. the leading causes of death in the us metabolize 44th Ave. Senior Lunch, 3rd United States. prescription Wed. monthly, 11:30 am. Lunch & Patients taking statins for high drugs differ- program. Info: 303-424-3031. lipids, pain medications, psycho- ently. If you metabolize a drug too cine is Here. Pharamacogenomics tropics (used to treat depression, slowly, the medicine stays in your is a rapidly growing area of medi- Monday/24 sleep disorders, ADHD, Par- system too long and becomes tox- cine, and its effectiveness can be US Immigration Policy, 6-8 pm. A Music and kinson’s Disease symptoms and ic. If you metabolize too quickly, life-changing. With the power of look at the history and how this Language more), or who are receiving on- the drug leaves your body before it PGX testing, doctors now have issue is currently playing out at cology treatments are particularly can become effective. Sometimes a the abilityFor ages to 3-5 diagnose and 6-8 and pre- both the federal and state level. at risk. Many of these patients are higher dose or a different drug may scribeMorning/afternoon medications basedclasses each pa- Charter Financial Resources seniors. be in order. The American Medical tient’sPlus: Pianogenetics. lessons To inquire about Memory Lane, 9335 Commerce The fantastic news is that there Association calls Pharacogenom- the• ForPGX beginners, test, oldercontact kids, andFixUrRx adults • for kids and adults with special needs. Center St, Highlands Ranch, Free. Music and Language is a solution. FiXuRX’s objective ics “the medicine of the future”. located inside Fastest Labs (6810 RSVP: 303-468-2820. For more information call Nora 630.981.4483 is to increase awareness of and Well, the future is now! S. Dallas Way, Greenwood ForVillage, ages 3‐5 and 6‐8 provide easier access to Pharma- The Era of Personalized Medi- Co.) at 720-282-1381. Tuesday/25 Morning/afternoon classes TRIAD 1:30 pm, Jffco District Attorney, 500 Jefferson Cty Pkwy, Plus: Golden. Program: Smart and Safe Funeral Planning, by Dr. Grant Piano lessons for beginners, older kids, and adults Steffen. Free. Info: 303-271-6980. Music and LanguagePiano lessons for kids and adults with special needs. Thursday/27 Music and Language For ages 3-5 and 6-8For more information call Nora 630.981.4483 Take a Bite of the Big Apple, For ages 3‐5 and 6‐8 Morning/afternoon classes 9:30-11:30 am. Explore the city’s Morning/afternoon classes past, present, and the important Plus: Plus: people & places that have shaped • Piano lessons for beginners, this unique city. Rosemark at Piano lessonsolder forkids, beginners, and adults older kids, and adults Mayfair Park, 833 Jersey, Denver, Piano• Piano lessons lessons for kids and for adults kids with and special needs. Free. RSVP: 303-770-7673. For moreadults information with call special Nora 630.981.4483 needs. The United Nations, 6:45-7:45 pm. For more information Examine the origins and history of Call Nora the U.N. as well as its current and 630.981.4483 future role in the world. Sam Gary Library, 2961 Roslyn St, Denver, Free. Every Monday Forest Street Care Center, 3345 Music and Language Forest St.,10-noon. Free Info. Reg: For ages 3-5 and 6-8 • Morning/afternoon classes www.alz.org or 720-877-3474. Plus: Piano lessons • For beginners, older Calendar sponsored by… kids, and adults Senior Housing Authority • For kids and adults www.seniorhousingoptions.org For more information with special needs. Music and Language Call Nora 630.981.4483 For ages 3‐5 and 6‐8 Morning/afternoon classes Find Einstein Plus: Piano lessons for beginners, older kids, and adults Piano lessons for kids and adults with special needs. For more information call Nora 630.981.4483 Can you find the hidden Einstein in this paper? • 50 Plus Marketplace News • Denver Metro • April 2017 • Page 3 CONTACT The Kingston Trio: How To Reach Us 60th Anniversary Celebration email [email protected] Paramount Theatre vived the many changes in Sat. April 29 phone: 303-694-5512 the world of music by keep- ing three things constant: the mailing address 4400 Sioux Dr. “All people want is for us to songs are all familiar; they still Boulder, CO 80303 sing a song, tell a story, and have two guitars and a banjo; website make it good.” there are still three of them.
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