24 - THE HERALD. Frl„ May 15, 1981 .............. ......................... Apartment* For Rent 53 Aportmontn For Root 53 RoMort Proportf For Auto* For Solo 51 Autoo For Solo $1 Autoo For Solo SI MofororelM-BfcycfM 64 LEBAL NOTICES Root 56 MANCHESTER - 2 WORKSPACE OR 1980 MONZA - Power SURPLUS JEEP - Value MOTORCYCLE Notice To Credllon bedroom, 5 room rent in STORAGE SPACE FOR' NARAGANSETT RHODE steering, power brake*, 4 $3196. Sold for $44. CaU2U- I^URANCE. see ua now ESTATE O F John Klock, d eceu ed tw o family house. REPn* In Manchester. No ISLAND - Two year old, cylinder. 45 mpg. $4,900. 70-1143, Extension 5426 for ' for same day coverage and The Hon. Wllllnin E. FltiG ernM , Appliances, carpeted, no lease or security deposit. three bedroom, two WANTED JUNK AND Call 6466464, Don Nielaon. information on how to competitive rates. Ask for Judge, ot the Court ot Probate, utilities. Adults, no pets. Reasonable rates. Suitable bathroom home. Walk to LATE MODEL WRECKS - urchase bargains like Judy or Janet, Crockett DIftrict o f Mancheater at a hearing held on May 12, I8SI , Pope still for small business. Retail the beach, tennis courts, Cash Paid. Call Parker lis! Agnicy, Inc., 643-1577. Available June 1st. 1978 TRANS AM SPEQAL IB ordered that all claim a muat be plus security. Call 646-8S18 and commercially zoned. playground. June 27th- Street Used Auto Parts, EDITION • Black. 6493391. preaented to the llduciary on or after 4:00 p.m. Call 872-1801, 10 to 5. LAbor Day. Two week ren­ Excellent condition! T- 1973 BUICK REGAL, Y A M A H A 1975 RD200B before August 12. ItSI or be barred tal prepreferred, $350. Call Roofs, stereo, custom pin- AM/FM. Ehccellent condi- Street, electronic start, 2 aa by law provided. JEEPS, CARS TRUCKS MANCHESTER - 3 rooms, NEWLY RENOVATED 646-4^ striping, new tires and Uon. CaU 2286003. cyl., 5 speed, 7,760 miles. Sherrie L. Anderson, available through govern­ 1 bedroom, furnished, 310 square feet office extras! Please call 643- •••••••••••••••••••••••• Excellent condition. $575. Asst. Clerk. iManrl|00lpr Umli ment agencies, many sell appliances, dishwasher, available. Main Street Wontod to Root 57 0702. Tru^s for Solo 62 6436669. The fiduciary Is: for under $200. Call 6 ( i ^ l - w/w carpeting, patio, air- location with ample Gertrude Stoneman in danger 8014 ext. 7816 for your conditioning, ^ 1 . $390 parking. Call 649-2891. Comporo, Trollort and . M Bretton Road Sening the Manchester am for 100 years directory on how to 1977 C H E V R O L E T plus utilities. 649-1819 or BONANZA Pickup. Mobllo Home* 65 MaWhester. CT OdOM 15.000 Ft. Will sub-divide in purchase. 02M6 649--934S or M9-4003. RESPONSIBLE COUPLE Elxcellent condition. 43,000 MahehestBr, Conn. Saturday, May 16, 1981 25 C ents ROME (U P I) — Doctors said vestigators. “ He is a killer who was Small Sections. 35 Oakland miles. Call after 5 p.m. 872- 1973 VIKING TENT with three children looking 1964 VW Running condi­ Slate of Connecticut ' Friday they were still not absolutely engaged by an international group FOR RENT TO MATURE Street, Manchester. 646- 1211. CAMPER. Sleeps 6. Stove, for a three bedroom duplex tion. $400 or best offer. See unk Court of Probate, District of certain that Pope John Paul If will for subversive purposes." Couple. One bedroom, 3 3251. Ice Box and Heater. 649- in the country. Have most at 97 Bissell Street before Manchester live, although be is making Backing that idea was Alfredo room apartment, second 4144. tools for repairs. Will do NO TICE TO Rooort Proporty For 2 :00. "favorable” progress from an Lazzarini, chief of the Rome anti­ floor. Heat included. No yard work. Will help out Motorcyefes-Bfeyefe* 64 GILBERT WARREN NEI^N, Ron! 56 assassination attempt. terrorism squad, who described appliances. $275 monthly. older couple. Call Marie SHASTA COMPACT 13’. JR 1964 VW Running condi­ s Sleeps four. Ice box, gas Since the pope underwent major Agca, 23, as "a trained and ruthless S^urlty deposit. No pets. 289-6517. tion. $400 or best offer. See MOTORCYCLE whose last known residence was In Call 643-8474 after 7 p.m. stove and oven. Excellent abdominal surgery Wednesday terrorist with a capital ‘T .’” at 97 Bissell Street before INSURANCE - Lowest the town of East Hartford. County condition. $1200 firm. 643- of Hartford. State of Connecticut. afternoon doctors have repeatedly Earlier, surgeons issued their 2 :00. Rates Available! EAST HARTFORD - 2 4307. stressed that the next seven to 10 CAPE COD DENNISPORT Immediate Binding Lay- Pursuant to an order of Hon. most optimistic medical bulletin to bedroom apartment William E. FitzGerald, Judge, a 1967 R A M B L E R Up Options. Call Joan, days would be critical because of date on the pope’s condition. available for immediate - 3 bedroom cottage, all YOUNG PROFESSIONAL hearing «r1ll be held on an applica­ conviences. Vacancy June AMERICAN. 57,000 Clarke Insurance Agency, the risk of infection. “ The favorable evolution of the occupancy. Includes heat, MARRIED COUPLE $764231 64M6I 643-1126. tion for termination of parental rf^'- and July. Telephone original miles. Body needs For rights concerning certain Minor “ We are still not in a position to post-operative process is con­ hot water, appliances. No without children, looking a Manchester - 644-2623 after work. 646-9736. Child born on May 19, 1966, say whether the pope will live,’’ said tinuing," said Dr. Luigi Candia. pets. Adults preferred. 528- for 3 or 4 room apartment. Home 1494 between 10 and 4 or 6 p.m. weekdays. wherein the Court’s decision will Dr. Emilio Tresaiti, chief medical Gemelli hospital director. Call 6496989. 1977 FO RDI LTD - 1979 YAMAHA XS 1100 affect your interests, if any, as in 2896000. SPECIAL. Windshield and officer of Rome’s Gemelli hospital. ’’The pope’s pain has reduced con- Automatic transmission,la P m s Delivery said application on file m ore fully He said, however, doctors were Autoo For luggage rack. Back rest, appt'ars. at the Court of Probate on siderjibly since yesterday,” he said, Solo 51 power steering,I power 1974 P L Y M O U T H brakes. Excellent con­ low mileage. Excellent Call •May 28, 1901 at 10 00 a m “ satisfied,” considering the extent “ but sedatives were never ad­ condition. 5X950. Home 6 ^ of his wounds. 1975 CORDOBA Fully DUSTER - Asking $500. 6 dition! $1995, or best offer. By order of the Court ministered at a high level." PRIVATE 9474, or work 527-6373 Ext. equipped. (Jood condition. cyl., 3 speed. Call 646-9679. Call 871-6042, after 5:00 Sherrie L. Anderson, Earlier, doctors said the pontiff’s He said John Paul’s morale was MANCHESTER - Spacious B 391. 647-9946 Asst. Clerk PROPERTY Keep trying. p.m. condition was improving from the high and "he is talking willingly to 1 bedroom apartment $11()0. Call 649-2125. 037-05 \ assassin’s bullets which shattered available. Swimming pool, Want AdSi, ■■ those who are near him." centrally located on bus his left index finger, pierced his But despite the cheerful sounding lines. Near shopping center right elbow, severed his colon and medical bulletin, doctors warned and schools. Immediate oc­ narrowly missed the vital aorta that that the 69-year-old pontiff sfill cupancy. For further carries blood to the lower body. faced considerable risk of ab­ details call 649-7157. Tresaiti said there was notable dominal ‘ infection, not uncommon e x p a n s io n c o m e s t o c o u r t h o u s e o n e , a g a in . improvement in the pope’s when such extensive surgery is per­ breathing. "Up until last night he formed. had to use an oxygen mask. Today, To minimize the risk of infection, FIVE ROOM, Second floor he didn’t need the oxygen: doctors said the pope was being kept apartment in newer 2 fami­ “ He has no trouble speaking,’ ’ in the glasswalled isolation cubicle ly. Air conditioners, stove, Tresaiti said, but noted that John inside the hospital's recovery and dishwasher and carpeting. Paul still was being fed intravenous­ intensive care suite, with his vital $450 a month plus utilities. signs monitored 24 hours a day. Call 646-1379. ly- The pope, who is being given mild Despite the severity of his 4 ROOM 2ND FLOOR un- sedatives to reduce abdominal pain, wounds, the surgeons said John heated apartment. was kept isolated in a.glass cubicle Paul’s recovery progress was such Available in June to a to reduce chances of infection, doc­ that he was able to confer with mature married couple. tors said. visitors and pray along with his per­ Gas/gas range, Qov. william O’Neill administers the oath to Capt. Lester Forat as deputy In a dramatic turn in the in­ sonnel aide, Polish priest Stanislaw refrigerator, attic storage, New duties commissioner of Public Safety with the rank of Colonel and command of vestigation of Wednesday’s attempt Dziwisz, who wore sterilized gowns parking for one pleasure tha Connecticut State Police Friday. Public Safety Commissioner Donald on the pope’s life, Italian officials so he could stay with the pope inside car, are provided. No Long Is at left. (UPl photo) said the Turk accused of the the isolation cubicle. utilities. No children. No shooting was almost certainly a pets. References And 2 The hail of gunfire that struck the months security required. hired killer acting on behalf of an pope also wounded two American Rent $275 monthly. 643- unnamed international terrorist women who were in St.
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