r\ The CheStervillC Record. VOL. XVIII, NO. 3 CHEST ERVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1911. SINGLE COPIES 3c. New Merrickville Prie11t. Archbishop Spratt has appoint­ Tnf~Il.ANK.OF 0TTA--W--.A ed Father Carson, Merrickville, to Picton to succeed Father Killen, THE MOLSONS BANK UTABLISHIE:D 1874. who was appointed to the Arch­ INCORPORATED 1855 Capital Paid Up, Rest and Undivided Profits, $7,617,93aB5 bishop's old charge at Belleville. Father \,Vm. McDonagh, Merrick­ Capital Paid Up ...... ...... $ 4,000,000 ville, has been appointed to Father Carson's place at Merrickville. R eserve Fund. 4,600,000 Open an account in the Fal/11 Couple were Near Death. Total Assets over. 44,000,000 Mr. and Mrs Fred McCrum, a Has 83 Branhes in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents young couple of Smith's Falls had in all the Prinipal Cities o f the World. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT a narrow escape from being asphy­ A G ENERAL BANKING B USINESS TRANSACTED Your savings will increase and your idle xiated by gas Tuesday morning Mrs McCrum's father happened to capital while readily available will be go to their home and found the SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT earning interest. doors locked. He forced an entrance At all Branche s. Intere st Allowed at Highest Current Rate and found Mr. McCrum in a faint­ ing condition and his wife alto­ G. M. WHITNEY, gether unconscious. Had help not Chesterville, Ont., Branch. MANAGER. ChestervilleBranch. C. R. KAVANAGH, Manager. come when it did, their lives could not have been saved. M r11 J. S. Carlough. Wantll the Child. On Sunday morning last Mrs J . The shooting of Wm. Shaw, Per11onal TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH Mr. Robert Fraser of Russell, ! C H ESTERVI LLE S. Garlough passed to her reward druggist of Carp for which F. D. was in town yesterday. Minister, - • REV. w. H. STEVENS. after an illness extending over the McRae is serving a life term at > • Union Bank past four months, the last month Kingston is recalled by the fact Miss Ethel Warren went to Mont- Sabbath Services: of which she was confined to her that Dr. Charles Magee has in­ real on Sunday to undergo treat- Public Worship 10.30 a.m. and 7.00 iun. • · Sh Class Meeting 10 a.m. of Canada bed. Heart trouble was the cause f l1 t structed Toront6 solicitors to se­ ment or r eumatlsm. e expec s Sunda.y School nnd Bible 0iassc~ 2.3> p.111 of her lingering illness. cure possession of his 11 months to remain for a month at least. Senior Epworth League. Monday, s 11 .m. Paid-up Capital • • $4,755,000 The maiden name of deceased Real and UndiTidecl Prolita 3 ,300,000 old child. The child, a boy is with Mr. Joseph Fl.sher went to Mont- Prayer and Praise Service. Wedncsdav ICve:i, Total Aue ta, (Over) 53,000,000 was Ruth Beckstead, she being ing, 7.30 o'clock. its mother. It was to gain possession real on Sunday and returned the Strangers CordiallY. Welcomed.. the eldest daughter of the late of the child that Dr. Magee led same evening with Mrs Fisher, London, England Office. Aaron and Mrs Beckstead, of G1. Tb.readneedle Street. E.C. the fatal excursion to Bridge End, who ha_s been there foe some time Bouck's Hill. Some twenty-eight Arnprior Treasurer Dead. where the shooting took place. nuder treatment. A Branch of this Bank has been years ago she was united in mar­ Falls Children to Save Pennies. John Tierney, forthepast thirty­ established in London, England, at riage to Mr. Jacob S. Garlough, Mrs Chester Casselman and Miss six years treasurer of Arnprior No. 51, Threadneedle Street, E. C., and tQ this union there were born At a meeting 6f the Board of Ella Harrison attended an At and a former police magistrate, where Letters of Credit and Drafts two sods and two daughters. But Education of Smith's Falls it was Home in Morewood on Tuesday died Friday afternoon. The funeral payable at all important points in one son Harry A., and the ber­ decided to adopt the Penny Bank evening, given by the Women's took place on Monday. Canada and the United States, can be eaved husband survive to mourn system in the public schools of Institute. They report having a purchesed, and Money Transfers good time and that the society is Slept on Tracks. arranged. the loss of a beloved wife and Smith's Falls. It will go into effect mother. the first school Monday in January quite alive. John Charteris, of Syracuse, N. A Visitors' Room is provided for Possessing a most amiable dis­ and after that, from nine o'clock the the convenience of clients of the Bank Y., a machinist, laid down on when in London, to which their mail position, deceased made many fast to half-past nine every Monday Falls to Vote on Grant. G. T. R.. tracks a few miles east of friends during the many years she morning, will be given up to bank­ Kingston on Sunday night to have may be addressed. The ratepayers of Smith's Falls had resided here, who now regret ing. The money brought _by the a sleep. He was found by a young­ Correspondence solicited. 1 will vote at the municipal elections the loss of a true friend. children will be depositetl each in January on a by-law to fix the man walking home, and in time to The funeral took place on Tues­ week by teacher in the Bank of save him from being cut to pieces loodoaBrallcll:{F.·W, ASHE, Man&&er. day at 2 p. m., from the family re­ Ottawa. • assessment of the Frost & Wood 6. M. c. HART-SMITH, Asslstant-llanapr. Company at $40,000 for a period for the express rushed by a few sidence, Augusta street, to the minutes later. Lutheran church, where Rev. Mr. Took a Ballot from the Box. of ten years. The company has em­ DP. P. B. PPoudfoot McCreery conducted the funeral A somewhat unusual occnrrence ployed several hundred men for a Throttle Veteran Retire&. great many years, and they are DENTIST service, after :which interment was took place on Monday shortly after now extending their plant so that Richard Potter one of the oldest made in Mt. Pleasant cemetery. the opening of the Provincial polls and most reliable locomotive en­ Honor Graduate of Royal College of they may employ a great many Dental Surgeons, Toronto. and of the The Chosen Friends, of which in Athens, at which Mr. E. J. gineers of the Montreal-Brock\'ille Chicago College of Dental Surgeons. deceased was a member, turned Purcell was the deputy returning more. division of the Grand Trunk, hav­ CRYSLER EVERY FRIDAY out in a body to pay a last tribute officer. One of the first voters to Christma& Furs. ing reached the age limit has re­ be given ·a ballot was Dr. Peat, of respect to the memory of their In buying Furs for gifts you tired from active service with a departed sister.-Leader. who should have voted at another liberal pension. Mr. Potter for DP. S. H. Hutt, D.D.S. booth. When the mistake was dis­ want to be ahsolntely sure that Teacher& are Scarce. the qualities are genuine. Sham and many years, was in charge of a re­ CHESTERVILLE, ONT. covered Mr. Purcell is said to have gular manifest freight train and For the past two or three weeks opened the box, removed what he false pretenses are more apt to Office: In the Fulton Block. creep into Furs than anything else, his work always gave entire satis­ the school board at Smith's Falls supposed to have ·been Dr. Peat's faction. OVER MOLSONS BANK. has been advertising for two ballot, and marked it "spoiled. " and it pays to be careful whom you teachers for the new collegiate in­ The box was then locked up again bny from. A low price seems to be The Liberal Caedidate. the whole aim of some people in stitute to complete the staff of and sealed. The incident, when it Mr. R. S. Muir, the Liberal can­ · E. H. Marcell us, buying, and that is where the seven, and also for three teachers became known. created somewhat didate, who opposed Sir James P. M.D., C.M. Physician, Surgeon, &c. for the public school staff. Only of a sensation in the village. Mr. mail order houses make their ap­ peal. But unless you want to run Whitney in Dundas County, held SOUTH FINCH, ONT. one application was received in Purcell is.the Division Court Clerk meetings in Winchester, Mountain, answer to the former and not one at Athens. the risk of getting a cheap imitation you will do your buying from some­ Morrisburg, Iroquois and Chester­ from a qualified teacher for the Sent to Prison. ville, and was well received. He is Lawson & Cass. latter, this too in face of the fact one you know and who can be a fluent speaker, and the subjects Michael Johnston, alias Dorthy, be held responsible. We sell only W. B. J,AWSON, KC. W. J.M. CASS, B.A. that high salaries were offered for on which he delivered his addresses reliable Furs, and get a positive the .respective positions. This is arrested at Montreal a few days were dri\·en to his hearers with Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries, ago charged with stealing a sum of guarantee from the makers that Conveyancers, &c. taken as pretty good evidence of force.
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