FREEDOM AND FAIRNESS VOL. 105 ISSUES FOGHORN.USFCA.EDU OCTOBER, 30 2008 Students Struggle to Budget Flexi Spending Increased food prices and expensive snacking eat up meal plan money The Foghorn's four step plan for making it through the semester without going Flexi broke Stepl: Stop buying bottled water. Not only does bottled water create unneces­ sary trash, but it costs lots of money. At around $2 a bottle, buying one botde a day will cost more than $200 over the Columnist Chris Hall course of the semester. Instead, drink the shares his faith and thoughts water from the soda machine in on offensive videos that have or fill up your own reusable water attacked his beliefs. bottle and carry it with you throughout the day. OPI » Step 2: No more mooching {by your friends Paying for your roommates, tes or out of town friends' meals the caf may seem like no big deal, be- use Flexi is not "real" money, except that when you run out of Flexi you will have to start using real money. Let your friends know that you are not going to pay for their lunch just because they spent all their Flexi on Outtakes frivoli­ ties while you carefidly budgeted. Melissa Stihl/Foghorn Freshman Andrew Sanchez hands over his Flexi to purchase lunch in the Market Cafe on Monday afternoon. Many students are Step 3: worried about running out of Flexi before the semester ends. Head to Luckys and stock up on Top Ramen, Cup Noodles, Easy Mac and CHELSEA M. STERLING Junior resident advisors Christyl Wil­ cafeteria, curbing spontaneous purchases other cheap snacks. If you are truly low News Editor son and Courtney Ball are also low on and limiting drinks from Jamba Juice, on Flexi, try microwaving a few of these Flexi. Wilson said that she often buys which can run from $4-6. She also said meals at home instead of running down meals for friends that are upperclassmen that many students do not look at the bal­ Hard economic times are hitting USF your balance on Crossroads pizza. students as many are already running low who do not have meal plans. To conserve ances on their receipts. Flexi, she is not buying bottled drinks and Freshman Luke Hendrickson, whose on Flexi, despite the fact that the semester Step 4: is just over halfway through. Many stu­ avoids eating when she is not hungry. Ball Flexi balance just dropped under $200, dents are scrambling to save their last Flexi said she spends at least $1 a day on card­ said that he mistakenly thought that he Look for deals in the caf. Fruit is ex- dollars by skipping meals, not buying bot- board to-go boxes because she rarely eats had more money. Next semester, he plans Nick 13, front man for suc­ nsive, so are Odwalla juices and just ded drinks and opting for cheaper meals. in the cafeteria. She also said that when to figure out a daily budget and stick to it. cessful! Psychobilly band Tiger about everything in Outtakes. Because Adriana Galvan, a sophomore entre- her current balance of $212 runs out, she In the meantime, he is planning to work Army, speaks on issues of band you are going to have to start using cash preneurship major, said that she is "freak­ will not buy food at the cafeteria, but will something out with friends who have popularity and even the emer­ to buy food when you run out of Flexi ing out" about her low Flexi balance. She eat out at restaurants more often. higher Flexi balances. gence of a solo album in an in­ anyway, you are better off buying $4 de- has about $500 left, while a chart provided Part of an on-campus resident's tu­ Frequent trips to the cafeteria are an­ terview by Lani Hatakenaka. at Lucky's than $8 deodorant at by Bon Appetit estimates that students ition is a $1,725 fee, per semester, for the other common pitfall that students may s. should have between $825- $860 at this meal plan. Bon Appetit manager Holly not realize is eating their Flexi dollars. Toast with peanut butter is cheap and point in the semester. While blaming the Winslow recendy looked at a report that Winslow said she sees students that make filling. Try two cinnamon toast with pea­ exorbitant cost of food both in the Market showed that 75 percent of the 1,800 stu­ five trips to the cafeteria a day, getting nut butter sandwiches instead of a bur- Cafe and Outtakes Cafe, she also admit­ dents who are on a meal plan are within three meals, a snack and a beverage. These _S£ rito or chicken sandwich. A bagel sand­ ted that when she hosts visitors, she allows the budget and should not run out of Flexi small purchases add up quickly. When Wt wich is also a cheap option. Toast a bagel them to use her meal plan and buy what­ dollars. As for the remaining 25 percent, and add lettuce, tomato and onion. ever they want. Winslow recommends limiting trips to the FLEXI: Continued on Page 3 Senior Opposes Proposition K, Advocates Sex Worker Reform ELYSE MARTIN StaffWriter Laura Aguirre, a senior politics major, is working as the assistant event coordina­ tor for the Not For Sale Campaign. Their latest mission is campaigning for San Franciscans to vote no on Proposition K, which would decriminalize prostitution in San Francisco. This would not necessarily legalize prostitution, but it would make it illegal for authorities to investigate, arrest The volleyball team stays or prosecute anyone for selling sex. undefeated in the WCC (7- Hunter Patterson/Foghorn Aguirrre said, "Regardless of whether 0) after beating LMU and USF students and Resident Advisors Lucy Hanley and Naod Sheferaw face off in a or not you believe prostitution should be Pepperdine this weekend. friendly game of chess last Monday night in Hayes-Healy. Hanley and Sheferaw hope to create a chess club on campus. decriminalized, Proposition K is not the Melissa Stihl/Foghorn While the women's soccer way to go about it. If Prop K passes, law Laura Aguirre, a senior politics major, team fell to both Gonzaga has become an advocate against enforcement would no longer be able to and Pordand. Proposition K through her involvement Chess Night Checks Into Hayes investigate cases of human trafficking in with the Not for Sale Campaign. San Francisco. In addition, funding would came out on top. Both are relatively new HUNTER PATTERSON be taken away from SAGE, Standing need for protection. But Aguirre begs to to chess and were excited about creating StaffWriter Against Global Exploitation, the primary differ. She said, "Decriminalizing prostitu­ an opportunity for their residents to learn service provider for victims of human traf­ tion does not benefit prostitutes, it benefits the game along with them and get to know ficking in the Bay Area." pimps and Johns who will still maintain Freshmen residents from Hayes-Healy each other in the process. The Not for Sale Campaign is an anti- their business, and likely increase it. This and Gillson Hall headed down to the Hanley and Sheferaw plan to offer more J human trafficking organization working proposition will prevent them from being Hayes Healy lobby for an evening of chess chess events in the near future and hope to to end the global slave trade, started by punished for selling human beings. Pros­ last Monday night where they participated find someone to offer lessons to the group. USF Professor David Batstone and USF titution is not a business just like any other; in friendly competition. Eventually they would like to start a chess students. It has successfully identified lo­ the statistic that 95% of prostitutes were The chess event was hosted by Hayes- club at USF. cations of human trafficking and reported raped or sexually abused as a child or youth Healy Resident Advisor Naod Sheferaw, a Hanley said she knew a lot of students it to the local authorities. Aguirre said, "If before entering prostitution is a clear sign super senior, junior Lucy Hanley, an RA who are interested in chess and hoped the Prop K passed, these authorities would not that there is often physical, emotional and in Gillson and University Ministry Intern event would be an opportunity for people be able to look into these cases." psychological abuse playing a significant Kilian Moote. of different ability levels to get together Proponents of Proposition K say the role." Hanley and Sheferaw are both chess and learn from each other. _SP proposition will decrease the amount of fans and challenge each other often, on PROP K: Continued on Page 3 this particular evening, it was Hanley who CHESS: Continued on Page 3 pimps, because prostitutes will not feel the SAN FRANCISCO FOGHORN 2130 FULTON STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94118 NEWSROOM 41.r>.422.(>122. ADVERTISING 415.422.2(>r>7 OCTOBER 30,2008 NEWS San Francisco Foghorn Faculty Reach Contract Agreement HUNTER PATTERSON believe is in the best interest of both par- community support. ties_• . " StaffWriter In an earlier interview with The Fog­ The agreement will have to be approved horn, Neaman expressed his frustration by the entire faculty union at a meeting with the administration, saying that it had University of San Francisco Faculty later this week before it is officially ac­ dragged its feel all summer, and was not Association President Elliot Neaman an­ cepted. being flexible on the terms of salary in­ nounced in an Oct. 24 email addressed to Representatives from the faculty union creases and retirement provisions.
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