--- - - -===~::::--::;:; - :tlltl----- fl - --- FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE GEMCO DIVISION OF LUCKY STORES, INC. OCTOBER 1986 NEW STORE MANAGER ADVISORY COUNCIL CREATED ugust 14 marked the first official meet- pate in special developmental projects, and generated by the council fresh and new, and ing of GEMCO's new Store Manager serve as a two-way communications link be- so that participation on the council doesn't Advisory Council. The council, formed by tween the stores and upper management. become overly burdensome to the energies Dave Bolen and Grant Cottingham, vice Council members, who were chosen for of its members. presidents, operations, south and north, their strong performance and leadership Scheduled to meet monthly, the council's respectively, is made up of one store manager abilities, include: Mike Borger, Dick DeKalb, first agenda items include making recommen- from each district. Its purpose is to serve as Jack Dyer, Woody Gray, Dave Locko, Will dations on Christmas store hours, restructur- a sounding board to Grant and Dave about Mathwig, Bob Moore, Craig Stevenson, Doc ing the base crew schedule, and the new the advisability and implementation of new Wright and Terry Wuertz. Members will be internal management training program. orograms, policies and procedures, partici- rotated on a regular basis to keep the ideas GEMCO LENDS A HELPING HAND by James J. Barnett tion in each GEMCO area, the board allowed receives about 500-600 charity requests each for the development of regional chapters year from our chapters. Each request must herever there's a GEMCO store, the Here again, local public-spirited people who be screened for IRS acceptance and ca- GEMCO Charitable and Scholarship were knowledgeable of the charitable needs tegory approval. Checks are then processed Foundation is at work, lending a helping hand, of the area gladly offered their services. Today and sent to the applying chapter's chair- aiding local civic endeavors, supplying need- there are 31 chapters, about 190 people, person for signature and presentation. ed funds to local charities and helping deserv- covering the 80 GEMCO stores throughout CONT'o. ON PG. 2 ing students with college scholarship grants. California, Arizona and Nevada. This is GEMCO's commitment to the commu- The Foundation's nities it serves. most publicized en- With the opening of the first GEMCO in deavor is the scholar- Anaheim, the GEMCO Foundation in 1959 was ship program. Each chartered as a California corporation. The year every school in Foundation was, and is today, governed by the vicinity of a a board Of prominent civic leaders who serve GEMCO store is invited without compensation. Mr. A.E. ("Pat") to enter a student in Arnold, president emeritus, presided from the the GEMCO scholarship inception of the Foundation until his retirement competition. College in 1983. grants of $500 to The Foundation was the medium through $1500 are awarded to ,hich GEMCO established itself as not just high school students another commercial enterprise but as a com- in each district. pany dedicated to playing an integral part in Contrary to public opinion, the life of the community. it ISN'T easy to give away money! You have to work at As GEMCO grew, so did the Foundation. Jim Barnett, manager of the GEMCO Foundation for over a Quarter of a century, In order to localize the efforts of the Founda- it! The Foundation office accompanied by Mary Enlow, the Foundation's office manaaer. 1 Helping Hand Cont'd. CONT'D. FROM PG. 1 MESSAGE FROM STAN Each year, invitations and entry applica- tions are mailed to hundreds of high school being directed toward concentrating on the counselors and principals for GEMCO's completion of those plans and projects that scholarship competiton. As each contest is have already been initiated, without infusing local, nearly 200 people are contacted to act any new projects or programs. as judges for the 31 yearly contests. I'm happy to say, there's every reason to Throughout the years, streamlined meth- be optimistic: This year we will have systems ods have been developed to make it possible that are working for us, making our jobs easier for a small staff to efficiently handle the all the time. And of course we won't have the myriad of necessary functions. In 1983, when merchandise distribution problems that crip- the growth of the company made it impossible pled our success last year. for the Foundation to continue as a two- Our mission for 3rd and 4th quarters will person operation (Mary Enlow and myself, be to maximize each and every sale, continue Jim Barnett). the Foundation was joined by to reduce shrink, get our merchandise onto Ken Sutton. Ken takes on a share of the the floor in the most efficient way possible scholarship competitions as well as handling (after all, we can't sell it when it's in the back the award presentation dinners. room!), and KEEP OUR MEMBERS COMING The Foundation operates on an annual Dear GEMCO Associates: BACK! budget of $330,000, entirely funded by It's easy to settle into a gloomy complacen- LUCKY continues to have great faith in GEMCO, and does not accept outside dona- cy when things haven't gone the way you GEMCO, committing major funds for our tions. Thirty-three percent of the budget is wanted or expected them to. remodel, merchandise information and POS spent for charity: the scholarship program Our second quarter results were a dis- systems in 1987. Let's all make a personal accounts for 51%. Sixteen percent is for appointment to us all, there's no doubt. We commitment to give the rest of the year 110% operating and miscellaneous expenses. The can't undo them-but we can sure make up of our efforts. With your help, it'll be a sue- Foundation's cost to each GEMCO is less than for them with improvement in the 3rd quarter $4,200 per year. In return, each store and a great 4th quarter. The two quarters we ceSSfUI19)k~ becomes actively engaged as a benefactor are facing are the most important of any year, and good neighbor through the efforts of the and in 1986 we have got to give them all we GEMCO Charitable and Scholarship have and make them work! All our efforts are Foundation. T THE HOUSE THAT Fth-reHAA-8~ JACK BUILT MERIT SCHOLARSHIP by Liz Walker t's been said that" all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" but in this puz- PROGRAM zle, a little hard work is in order. The answer to each clue is a word, name or phrase that contains JACK. For example, the clue ur Merit Scholarship Program was (National Merit Scholarship Corporation, an "Rochester's 39-er" would be JACK BENNY, established for the sons and daughters independent, non-profit organization which while "Day of the (Wild Dog)" is JACKAL. of all of our employees, with the purpose of administers the program) in order to become Answers are on Page 8. honoring academically talented students and finalists. NMSC chooses the winners by helping them obtain a college education. evaluating academic record through high 1. There's nothing he can't do. Children of all LUCKY, INC. employees are school, leadership qualities, extracurricular 2. A trick or two with a squash. eligible to compete for the scholarship accomplishments, the school's recommenda- 3. Serve up a stack. awards, which can range from $500 to $2000 tions, the student's self-description and, of 4. It's a real cut-up. per year for up to four years of college. course, test scores. 5. Many try to hit it. 6. Puff's childish companion. To apply, students need to make arrange- FULL DETAILS ABOUT THIS PROGRAM 7. Close cousin to TV's Mr. Ed. ments with their high school counselor IN ARE BEING SENT TO ALL EMPLOYEES _ 8. The original Big Chill. THEIR JUNIOR YEAR to take the PSAI/NMSQT 9. You wear it well. exam. The fee to take the test is $5. INDIVIDUALLY. T 10. Peanuts, popcorn, prizes. Semifinalists are selected based on test IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE 11. They did it all for some H20. score results. From there, they must meet CONTACT YOUR CHILD'S COUNSELOR. 12. Wind me up and out I pop. additional requirements specified by NMSC T 2 NEW APPOINTMENTS In The Stores ... Hardlines at 535, MARY BETH LEWIS to general merchandise manager of Hardlines, Assistant Store Manager, Softlines at 539, JIM HYMAN's responsibilities, formerly vice ecent promotions to Store Manager ANNETTE MAGETTE to Assistant Store president and general merchandising positions are JEFF ELROD (515) and Manager, Operations at 541, MICHELLE WALLY REISBECK (537). manager, Home, have been expanded to FRANTZ to Assistant Store Manager, Softlines include Hardlines. Also as a part of this Jeff joined GEMCO in 1973 as a warehouse- at 523, RALPH CITARELLI to Assistant Store redefinition of roles, JOE NAUGHTON has man. In 1975, he became Warehouse Manager, Operations at 524, and DAVE been appointed vice president and general Manager, serving in that capacity for 5112 POTOPOFF to Assistant Store Manager, merchandise manager, electronics and years, at which time he moved to the floor hardlines at 543. jewelry, and will report to JIM HYMAN. as a Patio Department Head. He has also held In the July issue, we featured an interview the positions of Hardlines Manager, Softlines MICHAEL CLARK, BRAUN HAWKINS and with DOROTHY MAGETTE. Little did we know Manager and Operations Manager. MARTHA HEWITT have recently completed the 8-week Assistant Store Manager-in- then that we would very soon have the Wally began his career with GEMCO in 1974 Training Program and have been promoted pleasure of announcing that Dorothy has just as a cartboy at LaPuente.
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