Natural History Sciences. Atti Soc. it. Sci. nat. Museo civ. Stor. nat. Milano, 4 (1): 43-72, 2017 DOI: 10.4081/nhs.2017.310 A preliminary review of the fossil species of Ranina Lamarck, 1801 (Decapoda, Brachyura, Raninidae), with systematic remarks Giovanni Pasini1, Alessandro Garassino2* Abstract - The systematics of the fossil representatives of Ranina revisione preliminare ha permesso di stabilire che dodici specie sono Lamark, 1810, has been discussed by several authors in the last cen- da considerarsi specie dubbie di Ranina: ?Ranina americana Withers, tury, showing some problematics above all due to the lack of a close 1924, ?R. berglundi Squires & Demetrion, 1992, ?R. bouilleana A. diagnosis of the type species (R. ranina) and to the scarce number of Milne Edwards, 1872, ?R. brevispina Lőrenthey, 1898, ?R. granulosa well-preserved type series of each fossil species. However, based upon A. Milne Edwards, 1872, ?R. griesbachi Noetling, 1897, ?R. haszlin- a close comparison among the type series of each species, authors’ orig- skyi Reuss, 1859, ?R. libyca (Van Straelen, 1935), ?R. molengraaffi Van inal descriptions, and the main diagnostic characters of Ranina, this Straelen, 1924, ?R. oblonga (von Münster, 1840), ?R. ornata De Angeli preliminary review finds that twelve species have to be considered as & Beschin, 2011 e ?R. speciosa (von Münster, 1840). Quattro specie doubtful species within Ranina, as follows: ?Ranina americana With- sono da considerarsi come Ranina nomina dubia: Ranina elegans Rath- ers, 1924, ?R. berglundi Squires & Demetrion, 1992, ?R. bouilleana A. bun, 1945, R. hirsuta (Schafhäutl, 1863), R. lamiensis Rathbun, 1945 Milne Edwards, 1872, ?R. brevispina Lőrenthey, 1898, ?R. granulosa e R. tejoniana Rathbun, 1926. Ranina bavarica Ebert, 1887, R. fabri A. Milne Edwards, 1872, ?R. griesbachi Noetling, 1897, ?R. haszlin- Schafhäutl, 1863 e R. helii Schafhäutl, 1863 devono essere attribuite a skyi Reuss, 1859, ?R. libyca (Van Straelen, 1935), ?R. molengraaffi Van Lophoranina Fabiani, 1910. Ranina cuspidata Guppy, 1909 deve essere Straelen, 1924, ?R. oblonga (von Münster, 1840), ?R. ornata De Angeli attribuita a Calappa Weber, 1795 (Calappidae De Haan, 1833). Infine & Beschin, 2011, and ?R. speciosa (von Münster, 1840). Four species R. burleighensis Holland in Holland & Cvancara, 1958 deve essere have to be considered as Ranina nomina dubia, as follows: Ranina ele- considerata una specie dubbia nell’ambito dei Decapoda. gans Rathbun, 1945, R. hirsuta (Schafhäutl, 1863), R. lamiensis Rath- bun, 1945, and R. tejoniana Rathbun, 1926. Ranina bavarica Ebert, Parole chiave: Decapoda, Brachyura, Raninidae, Ranina. 1887, R. fabri Schafhäutl, 1863, and R. helii Schafhäutl, 1863, have to be assigned to Lophoranina Fabiani, 1910. Ranina cuspidata Guppy, 1909, has to be assigned to Calappa Weber, 1795 (Calappidae De Haan, 1833). Finally, R. burleighensis Holland in Holland & Cvancara, 1958, INTRODUCTION has to be considered as doubtful species within Decapoda. The morphological characters and systematics of the extant and fossils Raninidae De Haan, 1839 were pre- Key words: Decapoda, Brachyura, Raninidae, Ranina. viously discussed by several authors (Tucker, 1988; Gui- not, 1993; Ahyong et al., 2007; Feldmann & Schweitzer, Riassunto - Revisione preliminare delle specie fossili di Ranina 2007). Later Karasawa et al. (2011) provided a cladistic Lamarck, 1801 (Decapoda, Brachyura, Raninidae), con osservazioni analysis of fossil and extant Raninoida representatives, sistematiche. whereas Van Bakel et al. (2012) provided an emended La sistematica dei rappresentanti fossili di Ranina Lamark, 1810 è diagnosis of the family. Finally, Karasawa et al. (2014) stata discussa da numerosi autori nell’ultimo secolo, mettendo in evi- proposed a phylogenetic hypothesis and new re-classifi- denza alcuni problemi dovuti alla mancanza di una approfondita dia- cation of the section. gnosi della specie tipo (R. ranina) e alla scarsità e povera conservazione degli esemplari originali di ciascuna specie fossile. Tuttavia, grazie Moreover, Karasawa et al. (2014: 260) also provides ad un confronto tra gli esemplari originali di ciascuna specie, le loro a diagnosis of Ranina, based on the extant and fossil type descrizioni originali e i principali caratteri diagnostici di Ranina, questa species R. ranina: “Carapace generally widest in anterior one-quarter, narrowing posteriorly; rostrum trifid, with axial two spines serving as inner orbital spines, central spine triangular; intra- and outer orbital spines triangu- 1 Via Alessandro Volta 16, 22070 Appiano Gentile (CO), Italia. lar; anterolateral margin generally with two spines that E-mail: [email protected] are bifid or trifid, often larger and more complexly or- 2 Sezione di Paleontologia degli Invertebrati, Museo di Storia namented in males; post-frontal region depressed slightly Naturale, Corso Venezia 55, 20121 Milano, Italia. below level of remainder of carapace, can be granular * Corresponding author: [email protected]; or scabrous; remainder of carapace ornamented with for- [email protected] ward directed spines; appendages and pterygstome orna- mented with less densely-spaced spines; sternum smooth.” © 2017 Giovanni Pasini, Alessandro Garassino Due to the lack of a close diagnosis of the type spe- cies (D. Guinot pers. comm., 2014; J. Luque pers. comm., Received: 10 October 2016 Accepted for publication: 12 February 2017 2016), and based on the more recent diagnosis by Karasawa et al. (2014), we focused our attention on the main diagno- 44 Giovanni PASINI, ALESSANDRO GARASSINO stic characters of the carapace more commonly preserved lección Nacional de Paleontología, Instituto de Geología, in fossil specimens (= ‘proxy characters’ sensu Schweitzer, UNAM, Mexico City (Mexico); IHNFG: Museo de Pale- 2003): the rostrum outline, the frontal spines, the shape of ontología “Eliseo Palacios Aguilera”, Instituto de Historia the anterolateral spines, and the dorsal ornamentation. Natural y Ecología de Chiapas, Chiapas (Mexico); MCZ: Based upon the most recent diagnosis of the genus, the Museo civico “G. Zannato”, Montecchio Maggiore, Vicen- type materials, and authors’ original descriptions and fi- za (Italy); MNHM: Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, gures, we are able to carry on a review of all listed species Paris (France); NHM: Natural History Museum, London assigned to Ranina by Karasawa et al. (2014) (23 species) (Great Britain); MHN-UABCS: Museo de Historia Na- in order to attest or not their assignment to the genus. tural, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, La We provide for the revised species the author’s ori- Paz, Baja California Sur (Mexico); USNM: US National ginal descriptions, supplied with their literal translations Museum of Natural History, Washington (USA). (never previously proposed), in order to make easier the direct comparison, and useful to follow each discussion. This preliminary review allows us to consider that SPECIES DOUBTFULLY attributED to twelve species have to be considered as doubtful spe- RANINA cies within Ranina, as follows: ?Ranina americana Wi- thers, 1924, ?R. berglundi Squires & Demetrion, 1992, ?Ranina americana Withers, 1924 ?R. bouilleana A. Milne Edwards, 1872, ?R. brevispina Fig. 1 Lőrenthey, 1898, ?R. granulosa A. Milne Edwards, 1872, ?R. griesbachi Noetling, 1897, ?R. haszlinskyi Reuss, Ranina americana Withers, 1924: 125-127, Pl. 4, figs. 1859, ?R. libyca (Van Straelen, 1935), ?R. molengraaf- 1-3. fi Van Straelen, 1924, ?R. oblonga (von Münster, 1840), ?R. ornata De Angeli & Beschin, 2011, and ?R. speciosa Ranina americana - Rathbun 1926: 91, Pl. 23, figs. 1-4. (von Münster, 1840). Four species have to be considered – Glaessner 1929: 360. – De Angeli et al. 2009: 120. as Ranina nomina dubia, as follows: Ranina elegans Ra- – Waugh et al. 2009: 20, Tab. 1. – Schweitzer et al. thbun, 1945, R. hirsuta (Schafhäutl, 1863), R. lamiensis 2010: 74. – De Angeli & Beschin 2011: 13. – Van Ba- Rathbun, 1945, and R. tejoniana Rathbun, 1926. Ranina kel et al. 2012: 208. – Karasawa et al. 2014: 260. bavarica Ebert, 1887, R. fabri Schafhäutl, 1863, and R. helii Schafhäutl, 1863, have to be assigned to Lophora- Hela americana - Lőrenthey in Lőrenthey & Beurlen nina Fabiani, 1910. Ranina cuspidata Guppy, 1909, has 1929: 109. to be assigned to Calappa Weber, 1795 (Calappidae De Haan, 1833). Finally, R. burleighensis Holland in Holland Type material: holotype, NHM 23798. & Cvancara, 1958, has to be considered as a doubtful spe- Type locality: Clallam Bay, south shore of Strait of cies within Decapoda. Juan de Fuca, Washington State, USA; Blakeley Forma- After Glaessner (1929), no author has reported in the tion, Late Oligocene. systematic lists of Ranina species, R. fabri and R. helii Geological age: Late Oligocene. described by Schafhäutl (1863), probably because Glaes- Examined material: holotype; 4 specimens reported sner (1929: 361, 362), simply considered both species as by Rathbun (1926) from the middle Eocene Hoko River synonymous with “Lophoranina marestiana” [= Ranina Formation, Washington State, USA (Stanford University, (Lophoranina) Marestiana, sic], without any discussion N. Pac. 167); 3 specimens reported by Karasawa et al. to justify this assignment. Therefore, in this review we (2014), KSU D675-678, from the the middle Eocene Ho- consider also these “disappeared” species in order to cla- ko River Formation, Washington State, USA. rify their systematic assignment. Description by Whiters (1924): “Cephalothorax
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