CBIOBESTER. SUSSE~. (IUlLLY18 bui:dings include a chapel, library, good class-rooms CARRIERS. ~ a practisi~g. ~cho~l, & a new wing was added m 1905; adJOining JS a field for recreation. The With the places they go to, inns they call at & daya residPntial staff consists of a lady superintendent of departure. & sevPn lecturers; Rev. Edwin Hammonds M . .A. of Aldingbourne-Rowbottom & Dignance, 'Fountain ' inn, Trinity College, Dublin, principal. Attached to the South street, man. wed. fri. & sat. 2.30 p.m. ; Col1ins, college is an elementary school for girls & infants 'Fleece,' East street, mon. wed. & sat. 3 p.m (used as the practising school of the college); Miss .Apuldram-Petter, 'Fountain,' mon. wed. fri. & sai. ChignPll, head mistress 4 p.m Prebendal, 53 West st. founded in 1497, by Bishop Storey A rundel, through Crock er Hill-Hare, 'Fountain,," &. placed under the superintendence & duection of Sonthgate, tues. thurs. & sat. r p.m thP prPhPnciary of H:ghleigh; the education imparted Ashling-Barkham, 'Founta_in,' daily except thnrR·- is classical, mathematical & general. The Rev. Fredk. 2 p.m George Bennett B.C.L. of St. Mary Hall, Oxford & Bersted-Hale, 'King's Head,' South street, tues. thurs. prebendary of Chichester, is head master & sat. 2.30 p.m Oliver Whitbv's (Bluecoat), 16 West street, was founded Birdham-Trickey, 'Fountain,' Southgate, daily ai by Oliver Whitby gent. the son of a canon residentiary 2.30 p.m of that name, in 1702, for a master & 12 poor boys, & Birdham-Petter, 'Fountain,' mon. wed. fri. & sat. educates 48 poor boys, who are also clothed, boarded 4 p.m & lodg-ed; in 1826, the funds having materially Bognor-Taylor, 'King"s Head,' South street, daily, ex­ increased, the trustees applied to the court of Chancery cept thurs. 2.30 p.m for power to increase the number of boys to 20 or Bosham-Norris, 'Cross,' daily, at 4 p.m more ; boys whose parents are m em hers of the Boxgrove-Poland, 'Fountain,' Southgate, mon. wed. Church of England & residents in Chichester or the fri. & sat. at 2.30 p.m parishes of Harting or West Wittering, are admitted Charlton-RPeves, 'Fountain,' Southgate, daily,2.3o p.m between the ag-es of 9 & 12 & leave usually the Chilgrove-Page, 'King's Head,' South street, mon.wed_ next vacation after they are 14; vacancies are filled fri. & sat. at 4.30 p.m by the governors after a competitive examination, Cockin~, through Lavant, West DPan & Singleton­ & hPld three timl's a ·vear,• viz. :-Easter, Harvest Lambert, 'Fountain,' Southgate, tnes. thurs. & sat . Xmas; in 1906 the school was enlarg-ed & rebuilt at 2.30 p.m on the old site; the yearly income of tbis charity Compton & Stoughton-Ayling, 'Fountain,' South­ is about £r,2oo, derived from tithl's, land & funded gHte, man. wed. & sat. 1.30 p.m property; Charles Fairbrother, head mastPr Cosham-Grainger, Eastgate square, daily, except wed. Chichester High School for Girls (under West Sussex 9 a.m County Council), built in 1909, is a spacious red Donnington-Fidler, 'Fountain,' Southgate, daily, 2.30 brick building, with large g-rounds attached, on the p.m Stockbridge road near the city; :Miss Lane, head mist Eartham-Hotston, 'Fountain,' Southgatr., wed. & t>ai. The Elizabeth Johnson Girls' School, in the parish of 2 p.m St. I'ancras, was established in r 88 I -2, for 150 chil­ East .Ash1ing-Ay1ing, 'Fountain,' man. wed. & sat. dren; averag-e attrndance, Bo; Miss .A. Fleming, mis­ r.3o p.m tress, & is supported by an endowment of £35 yearly EHst DPan-Reeves, 'Fountain,' South street, daily. through West Dean & Singleton, at 2.30 p.m PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. Eastergate & 1VestargH.te-Rowhottom & Dignance, 'Fountain,' man. wed. fri. & sat. 2.30 p.m There is a School Attendance Sub-Committee of the East Marden-Page, 'Fountain,' mon. wed. fri. & saL Joint Education Committee for Chichester & West 4·30 p.m Sussex of I r memberR of the Corporation ; the town East Wittering Jordan, 'Fountain,' Southi!ate, tues. clerk iR secretary to the Committee, F. B. Tompkins, wed. fri. & sat. 2.30 p.m.; Redman, 'White Horse; assistant secretary; Charles Rees, Westgate, attend­ South street, mon_ wed. fri. & sat. 3 p.m ance officer Emsworth, through N utbourne & Southbourne-Lowten, CPntral, New Park road (boys), built in r887 & en­ 'Fountain,' Sonthgate, dailv,except thnrs.at 2.30 p.m larged in 1893, for 385 children; average attendance, Felplwm J. Hale, 'King's Head,' South street, tues. 290; 1Vi1liam Henry Bowater, master thnrs. & sat. at 2.30 p.m Central, Chapel street (girls), bnilt in r882, for 350 Fish bourn e-N orris, 'The Cross,' daily, except thurs. children; average. attendance, 250; Miss Annie 4 p.m Warden, mistress Funtington,t.hroug-h East & West.Ashling & Stoke Bark­ Central, St. Peter's (infants), Tower street, built in ham, 'Fountain,' South street, daily, except thurs_ 1870, for 140 children ; average attendance, 110; Miss 2 p.m Jane Ketteley, mistress Harting & Peter!'.field-Ewens, 'Fountain,' Southgate. Portfield (infants), for 170 children; average attendance, tues. thurs. & sat. 2.30 p.m 104; Miss M. Chaloner, mistr!'ss Havant-Lowten, 'Fountain,' Southgate, daily, except Rnmboldswhyke (infants), built in r883, for 100 children; thurs. 2.10 p.m • average attendancl', 68; Miss Jda Streetl'r, mistress Highfield-Hale, 'King's Head,' South street, tnes. J.:mcastrian (Couneil schools), Orchard street, built in thnrs. & sat. 2.30 p.m rgro, for 4 ro bovs, r 50 girls & 200 infants; average ftchl'nnr-Rohinson, ' King's Head,' South street, mon. attendance, 398 boys, 95 girls & no infants; George wed. fri. & sat. at 4 p.m Thomas Apps, master; Miss .Julia Braden, girls' mis­ J,~v::~nt-RePvPs, 'Fnnntain.' Southgate, daily, 2.30 p.m tress; Miss Sarah Fanny Reed, infants' mistress Marden (West)-Ayling, 'Fountain,' mon. wed. & sat_ St. Pancras (infants), built in 1843. for 120 children; 1.10 p.m average attendance, go ; Mrs. Apps, m is tress Midhurst-Holden, 'Fountain,' South street, mon. weii. St. Richard'~ C~tholic, St. Paul's rd. for 7o children; & sat. 2.30 p.m average att!'ndanc!', 63 ; Miss Leonora Brnarl, mistres~ Mundham-.Apps, 'Fountain,' Sonthgate, fri. 2.30 p.m Bishop Otter Practising school, for 200 children: aver­ North Mundham-Hayward, Eastgate square, man. age attendance, rso; Miss Ruth Chignell, mistress wed. & sat. 4 p.m Bt. Pancras (g-irls), ac('ommodation, roo; average at­ Oving & Tangmere-Collins, 'Fleece.' East street, mo;1 tendance, 8o ; Miss Fleming, mistress wed. & sat. 3 p.m Pagham-.Apps, 'Fountain,' Southgate, mon. wed. fri. & sat. at 2.30 p.m NEWSP .APERS. Portsmouth, through Emsworth & Havant--" Victoria West Sussex Gazette & South of England .Advertiser, Van,'' 'George & Dragon,' North street, daily, at 9.30 13 South street, W. Victor Cook, representative; 111..m. except wed. returning in the evening published thurs Racton-.Ayling, 'Fountain,' mon. wed. & sat. 1.30 p.nl Chichester Observer & West Sussex Recorder, 62 South Runcton-Apps, 'Fountain,' Southgate, man. wed. fri. street; R. J . .Acford Ltd. proprietors; published wed & sat. 2.30 p.m Convevance.-Snmmersdale Omnibus Co Ltd. from & Runcton-Hayward, Eastgate square, mon. wed. k sat. to Chichester station to Summersdale, several time~ 4 p.m daily Selsey, through Donnington & Sidlesham-Sherrington, 'Fountain,' Sonthgate, daily, at 2.30 p.m.; Fidler. RAILWAY STATION. 'Fountain,' Southgate, daily, at 2.30 p.m Sidlesham-Fidll'r, 'Fountain,' Sonthgate, daily, at L. H. & S. C., Soutb gate, .Alfred Page, station master 2.30 p.m Omnibus & fiys to & from every train Singleton-Reeves, 'Fountain,' Southgat-1.',daily,2.30 p.rn .
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