Next PDAA Lunch Program Monday, Sept. 8, 2014 DACOR-Bacon House 1801 F Street NW, Washington, DC Panel: Jarek Anders, Orly Keiner, Mike Hurley, and Mary Kruger Russia’s Influence and Propaganda on Ukraine • Cash bar 12 noon Topics of September 8 PDAA Program • Lunch 12:30 pm Belarus. She holds an MA in Russian, East Eu- e are kicking off our fall season with a ropean and Central Asian Regional Studies • Speaker 1:00 pm W topic that could not be timelier – Russia and from Harvard University. $35.00 members and Ukraine – looking not so much at the state of guests, $42.00 non- the current conflict, but at some of the under- Our third speaker will be Mike Hurley, cur- members currents within the countries, particularly in rently a senior public diplomacy inspector the area of human rights, and how Russia is with OIG and is a Minister Counselor in the Reservation deadline: using its propaganda tools to influence public Foreign Service. During his nearly 30 years Saturday. August 30, 2014 opinion both inter- with USIA and State, Mike has been posted to Moscow three times, To reserve please return nally and externally. the last as PAO. In coupon on p. 7, or reserve online at Clearly, non- addition to assign- www.publicdiplomacy.org governmental organi- ments in Kuala Lum- zations are finding it pur, Surabaya and increasingly difficult Budapest, Mike has to do the type of served as Director of November PDAA work that would fos- the Press and Public Event ter democratic pro- Diplomacy Office in cesses and advance the Bureau of Euro- The next PDAA lunch pro- human rights within pean and Eurasian gram is tentatively set for Russian and dissent is Affairs. less tolerated. Yet November 24, with the internally Putin’s public approval ratings are Rounding out our panel is Mary Kruger, re- topic: Rising China and Its stronger than ever. Our speakers today will cently back from Ukraine as an election moni- Challenges for the U.S. and discuss the crackdown on NGOs in Russia, tor. Mary Kruger served multiple tours in Ukraine and Russia during her Foreign Service the Asia-Pacific Region. how Russia is influencing public opinion in Ukraine and what, if anything, the United career. Her career began as an exhibit guide Watch the October PDAA States and Europe can do to effectively coun- in the Soviet Union, moved to VOA as a Rus- sian language broadcaster, opened up the first Today for details. ter Russian propaganda. PD office in Kiev, later served as PAO there. Our panel of four speakers will include Jarek She has also served in Moscow and St. Peters- burg, where from 2005-2008 she was Consul Inside this issue Anders, Deputy Director of the Office of Eu- ropean Affairs in the Bureau of Democracy, General. PD Morphs into PR …… 2 Human Rights and Labor (DRL/EUR). Jarek, who has published numerous articles for the This event takes place on Monday, September 2014 PDAA directory … 3 New York Review of Books, The New Repub- 8, 2014, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm, at the lic, Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, and other DACOR-Bacon House, 1801 F Street NW, President’s column ……. 4 periodicals, has the lead responsibility for mat- Washington, D.C. Reservations are $35.00 for members and $42.00 for non-members, In memoriam .…………. 5 ters concerning the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). He will and are due by Saturday, August 30. You can pay with a credit card at www. Appreciation …………... 6 outline the latest situation in Ukraine. publicdiplomacy. org, or complete and Member update ……..… 6 Jarek will be followed by Orly Keiner, who has mail the coupon on page 7 with your check. the Russian portfolio at DRL. She was a Peace Reservation form ...……. 7 Corps volunteer in Ukraine and has worked in (Photo: DefenseLink.mil) August 2014 - Volume 33, Number 4 Page 2 PDAA Today Public Diplomacy Morphs Into PR Following Merger Fred Coffey Editors note: This essay also appears in the member blog on PublicDiplomacy.org ane and I moved back to Denton, Texas in May leav- ing our many friends and a very important unfinished J project. Several former USIA colleagues and I tried for nearly a decade to persuade the State Depart- ment to restructure the information (public diplomacy) operations to better serve our foreign affairs. Neither the current structure nor the application of public diplo- macy are acceptable. Most foreign service practitioners from USIA who devel- oped their understanding of genuine communication -- listening, learning, discussion, and issuing credible output -- rued the 1999 merger into State. Why? Forty six years of developing effective information pro- grams and modes of application would be subjected to fit State’s traditional culture: hierarchical, reactive, rigid and slow to affect policy. A dynamic, non- propagandistic information program should be proac- tive, nimble, and flexible based on cross-cultural under- standing, that we called public diplomacy. But now? USIA professionals involved with the merger failed in Fred Coffey, before the Denton County courthouse. their effort to maintain the structural organization from (Photo: Susanne Coffey) field to Director, giving the Director (now Under Secre- tary) control over field programs and personnel. Also meaningful, the Under Secretary would provide field of- A respected label discarded ficers with someone to “carry their water” in Washing- ton, important when field initiatives need support. The pre-merger version of public diplomacy underwent negative changes in effectiveness, interpretation, and ap- Then Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Amb. Tom plication. Respected widely everywhere, the USIS-label Pickering, directed that information field programs an- was discarded. Information initiatives emerging from the swer to the Regional Bureaus, not the new Under Secre- new embassy Public Affairs Sections are vetted by em- tary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. The PD Un- bassy section chiefs -- not just the ambassador as before der Secretary acquired a limited support staff and did -- often followed by public relations-inclined decision oversee ECA and IIP, but reaching the vital field opera- makers in the Regional Bureaus. Public relations and tions required negotiating with the Regional Bu- even spin (does it make us look good or bad) may creep reaus. Today, however, Ambassador Pickering sup- into those decisions, a distortion of this country’s val- ports restructuring information operations within ues. State or a separate organization similar to the former USIA, perhaps linked to State as is USAID. Neither po- Concerned about America’s loss of post-merger infor- sition advances at this time. mation effectiveness, several of us, retired officers from USIA and senior overseas PAOs, spent years trying to persuade State and key members of Congress to re- (Continued on page 3) Page 3 Volume 33, No. 4 www. PublicDiplomacy.org PD Morphs Into PR (ctd.) Hit and run structure the information instrument in State. For- mer Director Charles Wick was very active. Joining Post-merger PD Under Secretary Charlotte Beers rode Stan Silverman and me were senior PD professionals into office following her success with promoting Uncle included Amb. Bill Rugh, Bill Maurer, Len Baldyga and Ben’s Rice, vowing to “rebrand“ the US image. PR? Beers David Hitchcock. Also Bob Chatten and Al Hansen complained her barrier to field operations were the Re- contributed. Field PAOs requested anonymity as gional Bureaus. Wick personally asked Secretary Powell their remarks might affect relationships with their to “correct” the structure. Powell put the issue to the ambassadors and regional bureaus. regional assistant secretaries who resisted ceding this staff resource. Concerned about the decline of our infor- Our goal: Require that the Under Secretary (R) have mation effectiveness, Congressman Frank Wolf asked Am- authority and control of the PD budget, personnel bassador Ed Djerejian to investigate. Djerejian’s commit- and field operations. Currently that position has the tee, meeting at State, included no USIA or State PD Congressionally-mandated responsibility but not the concurrent authority. Our goal: Require that the Under Secretary (R) have Former Chairman Henry Hyde of the House Foreign Affairs Committee exclaimed when shown the new authority and control of the PD budget, personnel and organizational diagram for PD, “How in hell can you field operations. run a railroad this way?” Our response: “You can’t.” He stated he would correct the structure but politics intervened. Multiple calls on Senators professionals. With the exception of former USIA Deputy Hagel, Lugar, and staffers for Kerry, Feingold, and Director Gene Kopp, no PD professionals were called up- Biden along with visits to several congressmen voiced on. The result: minimum change recommended. similar refrains. Then Deputy Secretary Jake Lew and Under Secretary for Management Pat Kennedy Hit-and-run Under Secretary appointees contin- only advised, “Let’s not make waves.” ued: Margaret Tutwiler said she was not going to stay long enough to make changes. She was gone in six months. Karen Hughes listened to us but declined to fol- PDAA Membership Directory, Now low the advice of Amb. Rugh with recommendations for the PD approach to the Middle East. In fact she made Published Quarterly telling public gaffes during her first trip to the area. Also, she placed two political appointees in regional bureaus In October, PDAA will send its next membership directory to be responsive to her. to members in electronic (PDF) format to your e-mail address. If you have a spam filter, please allow More stumbles. James Glassman refused to confront the [email protected] to send messages to Regional Bureaus in an effort to reclaim authority over your inbox. field operations. However, he was successful in expanding outreach with social media, and breathed life into this new For members who already told us they prefer the printed tool.
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