Weekend Enjoyment Section SEEPAGES7.il The Weather FINAL Mostly cloudy and cool THEDMIY today, low tonight around 40. Red Bank, Freehold Partly sunny and cool tomor- Long Branch EDITION row. Chance of rain Sunday. 7 32 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO. 98 RED BANK, NJ. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1972 TENCENTS ntnmiuiintiiii •Miami niniiumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu iimiiiiiiHiiuuiinnniiimiiutnui iiiiiiniiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiii^B Apy Would Revise Coast Development Bill ByBENVANVLIET jor Coastal Area Facilities its affect on Monmouth Coun- Assemblyman Eugene J. an elevation of 10 feet above Review Act.,'1 is; now before ty. Bedell, D-Monmouth, said he- sea level. TRENTON - A co-sponsor Mr. Dawes' committee. It has The bill would forbid con- views the bilj as being so Definition Revised pf: a far-reaching bill whien been there since it was in- struction of all Industrial broad and giving the state However, the revised bill of- wouldgive the state control troduced July 17 and Mr. plants, and all residential sub- such power that it constitutes fered by Mr. Kean, now de- over industrial and major Dawes says it will remain division of 25 homes or more an invasion of home rule. fines as coastal areas about residential development in there until sometime next in what the bill defines as the He also said the bill could 161 square miles of Monmouth coastal areas, says he will not year. : coastal areas without tbe per- be interpreted so strictly that County, including portions of support the bill in its present Mr. Apy, one of five spon- mission of the state commis- it would completely lock out northwestern Middletown and forni. sors of the bill, said he agreed sioner of Environmental Pro- industrial development. Homdel townships with eleva- The co-sponsor, Assem- to co-sponsor the legislation tection. "We could preserve every- tions up to 390 feet. blyman Chester Apjf, R-Mon- because he felt it was impor- To obtain tbe permit, the thing," he said, "but we will The coastal area defined by mouth, said the bill is too tant enough to bring the mat- bill would require a detailed be penalizing ourselves eco- the state In the bill is all the .broad In its concept and ter to public attention. inventory of environmental nomically." area east of the Garden State "needs a lot of work." conditions at the proposed Parkway, except for the area , .His view isshared by boto "But," he said, "my posi- The bill, whose major spon- tion ,js that unless there are site, plus an assessment of sor is Assembly Speaker between Newman Springs the Monmouth County Plari probable impact the construc- Road and Route 537. Between ning Board and by Assem- changes made, I will not sup- Thomas H. Kean, replaces an port u7' - tion would have on "air quali- earlier bill which would have those two roads the coastal blyman John L Dawes, R- ty, water, quality, hydrology, area extends west to Route 34 Monmoutl), chairman of the affected a much narrower : The changes Mr. Apy wants geology, soils, topography, ve- strip of land. thus taking in parts of Holm-* Assembly's Air, -Water Pollu- are those spelled out by the getation, wildlife, aquatic or- del, Colts Neck, and Middle- tion and Public Health Com- Monmouth County Planning ganisms, ecology, demograpy, That bill - A-722 - includ- town. mittee. Board which closely reviewed land use,, aesthetics, history ed as coastal areas lands be- 11 The Planning Board noted Tbe bill, known as the "Ma- tbe proposed, legislation and and archeology. ' tween mean high water and See Apy, Page 2 Chesjer Apy Eugene J. Bedell John [.Dims Marburger Rejected On Tie Vote in Senate TRENTON (AP) - Gov. nomination was released for a to education and the children ic criticism was against a sioner Marburger was saying William T. Cahill today began Senate vote he would abide by of New Jersey," Cahill said. Marburger-backcd program to the people and the Legisla- looking for a state education the decision. The nomination had drawn to institute statewide school ture were indeed true and, commissioner after tbe State - After the vote the governor a steady stream of fire from testing. The association ar- had he been heeded, many of ; Senate rejected the reappolnt- the New Jersey Education As- gued that the program would our problems would have been said he was "deeply, dis- usurp the teacher's traditional ment of incumbent Commis- appointed" and announced sociation, the 70,000-member resolved. And this comment sioner Carl L. Marburger fol- teacher union, whose policy role of evaluating classroom from the NJEA: "We shall that Marburger will resign performance. welcome a commissioner In lowing a debate dominated by soon and that the search for a council recently voted formal racial issues. opposition to the commission- NJEA opposition was count- whom everyone can have con- new commissioner wi>uld get ered by support for Marbur- fidence." # Opponents of Marburger under way immediately. er. tagged him as an advocate of The NJEA's primary objec- ger from jne Mew Jersey Marburger himself had this forced busing to achieve ra- "I am convinced that Mr. tion Was the claim that Mar- School Boards Association. to say. "The will of the Senate cial balance in the schools and Marburger has been an ex- burger had denied teachers Following the vote the asso- Is apparent. They have made • , APWlnpftot* then succeeded in denying cellent commissioner and bad their proper role in setting ciation issued this statement: their determination. I will not TURNED DOWN AND ALL ALONE - State Education Commissioner him reappointment to a sec- rendered outstanding service educational policy. Its specif- "Many of the things Commis- be roappolnted." Carl AA. Marburger sits alone in the board room of the State Education ond five-year term. With 21 Building after the State Senate turned down his re-nomlnatlon for another votes needed for confirmation five-yeor term as commissioner. the vote Thursday on Marbur- ger was 19-19 with one Senator absent and another recorded as not voting. Flood Plains Control Act Governor Demanding All three of Monmouth County's senators voted In support of Dr. Marburger, but only one of them — Alfred N. Beadleston — spoke during Approved by Assembly s Violence End the two-hour debate. Sheriff Al Amiss said his Sen. Beadleston said the TRENTON (AP) - The flood control measure arid a Much of the argument dwelt BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) Parish Coroner Hypolite Senate was "tearing the man were lobbying on the floor for — Louisiana Gov. Edwin Ed- Landry, who first said he men heard pistol fire coming New Jersey Assembly has means to help replenish the on the elimination of an the bill, a practlco usually apart" and its actions were voted to give the state broad receding water tablo by pro- amendment designed to wea- wards says he will not nego- could not tell whether the two from the students lined in reminiscent of the days when frowned on by lawmakers. tiate with students at South- ' were killed by buckshot or front of the administration new powers to limit devel- moting drainage Into the soil ken the bill by providing for Proponents twice defeated the Romans let the lions go af- opment in flood plains adja- rather than runoff into the such a legislative veto. That ern University, where two shrapnel, later said they were building. ter tbe Christians. motions to send the bill back young blacks died in a con- killed by shotgun fire. Fires broke out In two cent to streams and rivers. rivers and to the ocean. amendment was quietly de- to committees for amend- The county's other two sen- The Cahill administration Opponents argued that it leted Monday by voleo vote on frontation with police, until Officers said they never campus buildings, causing ex- ators, Richard R. Stout and ments and for study of its fis- they denounce violence and fired a gun shot, only tear tensive damage, and a bomb measure was approved gave the Commissioner ol En- the Assembly floor with few cal impact. Joseph Azzolina, did not take Thursday by a vote of «9-2 af- vironmental Protection too members aware of its signifi- return peacefully to classes. gas, but witnesses said they exploded in another building part in the debate, but voted Mrs. Milllcent Fenwick, R- heard shots popping through later in he day. ter two hours of debate and much authority to draw up cance. Somerset, the prime Bponsor Several hundred students in support of the commission- was sent to the Senate. occupied the administration the smoke and confusion. Edwards ordered 500 Na- er. regulations which would not During the debate, nearly of the bill, said it was really a building at the nation's larg- Chief Deputy Gene Rives of tional Guardsmen onto the Proponents argued that the be subject to legislative ap- half a dozen of Commissioner consumer measure. East Baton Rouge Parish said Longtime legislative observ- measure was necessary as a proval. Richard J. Sullivan's aides "We can pass all the con- est predominantly black unl- campus and placed all of East ers said they could not recall Versity yesterday and refused early today his men were us- Baton Rouge Parish County in sumer protection legislation 'ing hand-thrown tear gas grc-' another case In which a cabi- we want but it's all peanuts -to leave at the request of a state of emergency. The net level appointment was sheriffs deputies and state nades and tear gas projectiles campus was dosed until after when a person loses his life's fired from special grenade voted down on the floor of the savings In a flood," she said.
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