HANDOUT B Immigration in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era Directions: Read the essay and answer the questions that follow. It is impossible to understand the American Coming to America experience without understanding the impact of Migration is the movement of a person from one immigration. The millions of immigrants who geographic location to another. The immigrants came to the United States settled across the of the late nineteenth century came primarily nation, named its cities, helped build its canals, from southeastern and northwestern Europe, roads, and railroads, mined its ore, and shaped Asia, and from Mexico and Canada in North its culture. To understand immigration in the America. The migrants only became immigrants United States is to understand the history of the when they crossed the international border for country itself. the United States. It is this factor that makes Between 1880 and 1920, over twenty million immigration a matter of law between countries. people immigrated to the United States. Men, For immigrants of this era, and any era, women, and children from across the world, the long journey to a new home began with seeking the opportunity and freedom available a decision. Uprooting themselves from their in a society rooted in the principles of the homes, farms, and jobs was an arduous process. Declaration of Independence. They traveled The immigrants came to the United States thousands of miles in the hope of providing a for different reasons. For many immigrants better life for themselves and their families in in the late nineteenth century, there was the economic opportunities available in a free- something that pushed them out, such as slow enterprise, industrial economy. They brought economic growth in Southern Italy, or religious with them diverse languages and cultural persecution in Eastern Europe. Others were traditions that enriched American society and pulled from their homes by the job opportunities culture. Their experience of immigration varied, the rapidly expanding industrial economy and but those who stayed became Americans and cheap, farmable land in the countryside. helped build modern America. These push and pull factors acted together to However, whenever different cultures animate the millions of immigrants who found meet, the differences can cause tensions. The their way to the United States during this period. absorption of these immigrants into the fabric Finding their way was no easy task. Immigrants of American society was not always a smooth had to contend with treacherous roads and process. Pressures stemming from the blending oceans, often in cramped and uncomfortable of cultures had profound effects on the politics quarters. They also had to overcome language and opinions of the era. The clash and unity barriers and foreign social customs and of these worlds, the conflicts, successes, and traditions. Moreover, they had to navigate the failures, are the real story of immigration in the legal process of coming to a new country. Gilded Age and Progressive Era. The Gilded Age and Progressive Era Unit 2, Lesson 2: Immigration in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era © Bill of Rights Institute Handout B, page 2 Their experiences upon arriving in the Beginning in 1882, laws restricting the United States changed throughout the period. immigration of Chinese and other Asian peoples Immigration to the United States in the early were put in place by the federal government. part of the eighteenth century was fairly informal, Countless numbers of Asians immigrants were but this would change throughout the century. denied entry to the United States at Angel Island By the 1860s the Fourteenth Amendment, and as a result of these laws. the 1866 Civil Rights Act, helped to make clear a definition of who was and was not a citizen. This The Challenge of Assimilation led to an increase in regulation of immigration at From these processing centers, the immigrants the federal level. By 1890, the federal government spread out and settled across the nation. had assumed the responsibility of processing Throughout the 1870s and 80s many of these immigrants arriving in the United States. To immigrants settled in the West, seeking the cope with this responsibility, the government opportunities for land afforded by the frontier. developed a formalized method for vetting They worked as farmers and laborers, tilling immigrants as they arrived. By 1892, the famous the land and building the infrastructure that port of entry at Ellis Island was opened and facilitated the nation’s growth. As the century began welcoming immigrants ashore in New York progressed, the rise of the industrial economy City. In 1910, on the West Coast, Angel Island, opened up thousands of new low-skilled, labor- in San Francisco Bay, also begin examining intensive jobs in cities across the country. These newcomers as they came ashore. jobs opened opportunities for the newly-arrived Immigrants arrived at these ports of entry into immigrants. The impact of immigration was the United States with high hopes for the future. felt throughout the nation, from the Pittsburg From their steamships they were ferried ashore steel mills, to New York’s garment district, to to the processing facility on the island. They California’s farms. would be subjected to a medical examination, To find and take advantage of these have their documents inspected, and most opportunities, immigrants relied upon familial were then released to gather their luggage and and cultural networks in the United States. They purchase or pickup train tickets. Most walked out relied upon information and introductions the doors carrying all they owned in their arms. received from family members to seek out and Not all of the immigrants were granted exploit economic opportunities. Being strangers permission to enter the country. The majority of in a foreign land, familial groups also provided those on Ellis Island who were denied entry were support to the newcomers. Groups of immigrants denied due to medical reasons. Those deemed from particular countries settled in cities and medically unfit could be treated on the island, neighborhoods together and created distinctive but if their condition was too dangerous, they cultural enclaves. In addition to providing would be sent back to their country of origin. support getting jobs and places to live, these Others were rejected for being (or suspected neighborhoods allowed immigrants to keep of being) radicals, anarchists, or criminals. On their own customs and traditions alive. Common Angel Island the circumstances were different. languages, familiar foods, cultural festivals, The Gilded Age and Progressive Era Unit 2, Lesson 2: Immigration in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era © Bill of Rights Institute Handout B, page 3 native language newspapers, and religious nativist sentiment created political movements observances all assisted immigrant groups as to restrict immigration. Nativist organizations they adapted to life in the United States and like the Immigration Restriction League and assimilated into society. the American Protective Association advocated strongly for limiting immigration into the United The Rise of Nativism States. Many of the members were progressives who believed that restricting immigration of the The hatred and fear of immigrants and “inferior races” would help bring about greater immigration during this period was known as social order and harmony. Many unions whose nativism or xenophobia. Nativism arose out of members’ jobs were threatened by competition the tensions between native-born Americans with cheap immigrant labor supported and newly-arrived immigrants. Competition immigration restriction. Many politicians who over jobs and a general fear of the unknown, represented rural areas supported the measures. perpetuated by myths and propaganda, helped shape nativism into a strong political movement. Opponents of immigration restriction were the owners of factories, mines, and other The ideas of Social Darwinism also helped industries that relied heavily on large pools of to perpetuate nativist sentiment. Applying the low-wage immigrant labor. Other opponents concept of evolution as theorized in Charles of immigration restriction included politicians Darwin’s The Origins of Species (1859), many who represented northern states and cities native-born Americans reasoned that different where millions of immigrants settled. Finally, races or groups of people had reached higher the immigrants who already had settled in levels of civilization depending on their race or America were strong opponents of restricting ethnicity. People who applied Darwin’s theory immigration. to society and the ranking of the races around the world, predominately believed that white, The two sides of the immigration debate western European men had reached the pinnacle demonstrate the tensions which arise from of civilization. They believed, therefore, that it a society coping with change. Immigrants was their duty to assist those they saw as “lesser played a vital role in the country’s economy, races,” mainly Eastern and Southern Europeans, but they introduced foreign beliefs, customs, Africans, and Asian peoples, to become more and opinions about American society and civilized. They feared that too great an influx government. Therein lies a tension. of these groups into the country would pose a This tension has at its heart a difficult threat to the white, Anglo-Saxon race in America question for a democratic society. Fundamental and the ordered and complex civil society into principles like the rule of law, private property, which they were entering. The progressives were and individual liberty may be undermined if firmly behind the movement to Americanize the they are not properly understood and jealously immigrant population in America for a more guarded by the people. In the Gilded Age and united culture and social order. Progressive Era, however, this question became The tide of nativism rose throughout the late erroneously entangled with the racial prejudices 1890s and into the twentieth century. Increasing of the time. The main tension still exists today, and the questions that still beg asking today.
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