Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU EMU Student Newspaper: The orN mal News & University Archives The Eastern Echo 1917 The orN mal College News, February 2, 1917 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.emich.edu/student_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "The orN mal College News, February 2, 1917" (1917). EMU Student Newspaper: The Normal News & The Eastern Echo. 443. https://commons.emich.edu/student_news/443 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in EMU Student Newspaper: The orN mal News & The Eastern Echo by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The . Nor01al College NeW"s VOL. 14 YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, J 917 �o. 1a Normal Meets Old Platform F�e Tonight! GREEN AND WHITE COURT STARS * THIRD ANNUAL NORMAL-FERRIS :. :A�END:R ,, F�R �T:E W;E : : WIN ANOTHER DOUBLE VICTORY * INSTITUTE ENCOUNTER TONIGHT 'l'ODA0Y, 1•1RJ�AY, �EB. 2 : 8. ��::� Beat M. A. C. Fresh 28-20; Olivet 37-14 0 :� ��;o�7 DdiatP, ea:s� : To be Held in Pease Au ditorium at Iight * �� an a a n Thoe M. A. C. Fresh and Olivet quin- The nu l Norm SAT----, U ftVAY, FhlBtHU.AJH,Y ;J l Ferrisn I stitttte tettes a re the latest twoa foes to be PROF. WEBSTER H. PEARCE DR. C. 0. HOYT TO li : 4-5 Baslcetball. Preliminary ADDRESS dual debate takes place to ight, Bur­ WILL SPEAK TO Y. W. C. A. Y. M.C.A. vanquished mby the Norni al's winning game, H,esel'\'eR vs. Muskegon. ON "THEa UNKNOWN" ket, Smith, and Williamson upholding court perfor Professor Vvebster H. Pearce will be ; Barring an earthqu ers. In a g me replete Normals. Normal vs. Hill:;- ke, Dr. C. o. thea negaantlve for the Normal ,h e speaker at the Y.W.C.A. meeting * a at Big with brilliant passing, guarding, and t * dale. *,., Hoyta will addressa the Y. M. C. A. meet- a a R pids, d Quinnell,a Bre key, and . I ::;unday afternoon at 4. He has a mes- ing t Starkwe ther ,Sunday at 2:n 30. s h ootrng, the Aggy first ye r men Benner tJhe affirm sage th t every girl on the campus SUNDAY, I •'hlBIRUAIRY 4 * His topic will be "The Unknow ." a tive, here. Thea Fer· went down to defeat on the local noor should hear. 2: 30-l)r. C. 0. Hoyt at Y. lVl. " l<J very man out. ris neg tive and athe Normal ffirma· -------·------ last Friday night by a score of 28 to U. A. tive teams will t lce the platform in 2-0. The Olivet game on the succeed­ 4:00-Prof. \V ebsler ll. l'Parce Pease Auditorium SWIMMING MEET TO NORMAL BAND at 8 o'clock thisd ev­ ing night was hardly worthy of the at Y. W. C. A. :• ening. The questi:in to ab'e debate is,a name,a being marlced by one sidedness "Resolved, That all BE HELD NEXT WEEK .VLONDtAY, l<�illBIR UARY 5 MAKES DEBUT st te and loc l and r gged work by both teams after revenue should be de Is Made Up of Seven Very Inter- * 8: 00-Faculty Recital, �1rs. Bas­ * Most ..significant Event of rived from aa sin­ the firstn f·ew minutes ina whiach Mitch- kerville and �r. Matlreys, Past gle tax on the econ esting Events at omic rent of l nd.n " ell's men acquired �·. s afe le d. The auditorium. Week on Campus The judges will be m * Prof. W. E. Atki s, one thi g that will m ke the Olivet The swimming eet, the third big * of Albion, Mr. Horatio J. Abbott, post­ WIDDNElSDA);,, :lt"'E!BR R Undoubtedly tlre biggest n a encounter stand out in the minds of , UA Y 1 * eve t on event on the schedule of inter-class 8 : 0-0-illoyal Gwent Singer� the campus the past week - master of Ann Arbor,a and Prof. Carl· those present was the v-ery succes�ful at * was the p a e ontes ts for men, will occur next Fri· * Auditorium. * pearance of what is now known to be ton ,Miller of 'Hillsd le. Mayor C. V. debut of the new Norm l Band. a reality, NORMAL BAN[), Brown of Yps day in the big pool. Seven exciting *,:, at the QJi. ilanti will preside.a Seating capacity was at a pl'emium - ,. * * * ··.·. .� \'f't game Saturday n1·ght. The num b·ers w1 11 ma k e up lile program * * * * - .. 1· m- •Becausem of the l'PCE>nt Norma l-Albi· for the Aggy-Fresha fray, which w'as a portance of the Band toa the College which, except Ior the omission of the _______ -· on wo en's debatP, which nrousded thriller fmm st rt to finish. It was can hardly be overestim ted,a for noth- 22•0 yard swim and the game of water much interest among the stude t bo y easily the fastest and best gamea of ing is so «>ffective in cre tinga spirit polo is. the same a:: that out.lined in fACULJY R[CfJ AL the hom·e season thus far. Botha te ms and ''pep" as a real college b nd. And in forensic work, :t good sized crowd Spaulding' put up a splendida b1·and of b sketball, s guide for inter-collegiate I hat's the kind our Dand is. is to be expected at tonight's "battle c�nt�sts. Profes�ot· Paul U. �an�son MOND V NJNG the passing, �u rding, and ashooting . AY E [ Under t he efficient direction o f Mar of words backed by thots." ThP great will m ll_ probal.Jl. lity be the officall of being excellent. It was in tea m work a slrn,11o HyrnP of Detroit, Norm'al Band signiJficancea of the question to be acle­ th:e oecasIOll. Furtl r nnouncements Mrs. Baskerville and Mr. Matheys that the aNormala men outcl ssed the I w a has f r the fil'St t ime to lh·e knowledge bat-ed will l�o prove a d rawing c re!. l1l h visiting ggreg tion, the majority of will be wade on t e l>ulletin boards T Present Program of thf> present stULlent body lakenma on 'l'he single tax will be up before the and the columns of next week's O M.n A. C.'s baskets coming from long I A a real being. The men whoa ke up American public i'or discussion for News.a The various numb th ra age,a wbil-ea Mitchell's men almost ers on � brilliant program, indeed, is the this excellent organization re Floyd many years ,to come . A mthoro study progr m follow: inv ri bly c rried the ball under the one which has been arranged for the Barkman, Bugen·e Barnoski, Guy Be-a of thea questiona has been ade aby the 1. Relay, 4 men, each to swim two d e II, o Rant 11 1 B ogu,,,, Seeley Br Norm l deb ters and they are ble to basket before rl·ugi· ng i· t. For M ..A. C. I ac u ltY rec1· ta 1 ot b e given in the Audi een, H r . a lengths of pool. - ley Duvall, Chas. A. present it clearlya and in a pop\llar Bartells formel Albi'on player·, Hi'gbi· e I torium Engelman, iS'ilva· ' :!. l•'ancy diving. next Monday evening. 111:rs. a (" m of last year's J cksona High •State J nus Paddy") Gordon, Lowell Grant manner. Last. ye r, MoKay·s men won championship team, nd Johnson at "· 40 yaa rd dash. o B·askerville pres·ents some exquisite Lel nd Hewitt, Harold Hodge, L. N'. twoa unani ous victories over the Big ·1. Bre st stroke 4 yards. R pids folks, anda judging by the SU· cent-er featured. The latter loomed modern compositions to abe heard for Hoagland, Reuben Lenh·eiser, C. V. 5 Plung-e for distance. :\-r illard, Ha perb form displ ayed by thea men in over ,Dunn b y 3 or 4 inch es. T h e heavy I · lhe first time in Ypsil nti, and Mr. rry Miller, George Quin• work for the Normal was done co-oper- G. Dack strike 40 yard:,;. nell, Edwin Smellie, and Wm. Tecl- the practiC'e deb te Tuesd y night, . yard race. Henri Matheys, new head of the vio, tivelya by "Ryna y," Hole, Dunn, Law- 7 100 row. they are more than likely to repeat a lin de ler nd Edw rds. ",Ryny" 'and Hole partment at thea Conservatory, ---------- this recorda in tonight's donble bill. n a executeda a somea pretty passes, Dunn I makes his first app-e rance in nconcert. The neg tive team with Louis Gret· ALUMNI ASKED PHOEBE J £FF [RSON ten berger as alternate and ccompa­ h d "regul r" eye for the basket, Mrs. Baskerville needs no i troduc-a tion toa · ied by Profe::;sor 'iVebster H. aPearce whi:le Lawler and Edwards kept the ' · Ypsilanti audienres 1 Mr M th· JO CO • OPERATE · IN PIANO a a visitors from getting too close to the eys pl y�d at a recent ge;a e;ala assem- RECITAL left last night on thP Michig n Cen­ tral for !Big R pids.
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