· · """� ,;;..,, Non-Prontar,. M e .. �_: _. t metilillor ....�-�-sj, ;_;__v : _ 1 Officialat Undergraduate·O m Newspaper of Yeshiva College n■nday,November 7, 1915 Yl'SBIVAUNIVERSITY, 500 VOL.(N0.2 Admissions Office Reports Increased Enrollment A thletjcs Hit NeW Heights 970/o Acceptance The Y. U. Athletic Department and administration hopethat.the to Law School The Alumni vs. Varsity game basketball game will initiate a on Tuesday November5 served new wave of school spirit. The Heads Banner Year as a preparatory event. Prof. Max Stem Athletic Center will .for '85 Grads Tauber described the Alumni sparkwhat promisesto be ayear By Jonathan Bandier gameas the"dry rlDl" preceding full of social, athletic, and The graduates of the Yeshiva OpeningNight and usedthe even­ academic happenings. The College class of 1985 maintained ing to check equipment, the building which houses a weight the school'sremarkable recordof gym's floor, as well as the room, a gymnasium with six placement in thefields of accoun­ scoreboard. baskets, a running track, locker ting, computers, law and roomscomplete with showers,as medicine. The accounting and Tickets for the opening night well as a lobby and recreation computer departments each game will be available to all room , avails to students oppor­ report a 10096 placement rate students approximately two tunities to enjoy themselves on · while over 9596of the&eQiors who weeks prior· to game day. These campus. Despite the new applied to accredited law or tickets are free as aJJ facilities, some YC athletic medicalschools were accept ed. undergraduates are charged an courses still convene in the Tan­ Dr. AizikLeibovitch, Chairman athletic fee in addition to tuition. nenbaum Hall gym. With the of theComputer ScienceDepart­ Dr. Efrem Nulman will dis­ large health course selection and ment,reports that the 25 Compu­ tribute tickets sewand arrange basketball sessions of the basket­ Scimajors of last year's cla• a re transportationfor students. ball team, it is impossible to allpresently employed at AT&T, For YC students, tickets will be schedule them all in the Athletic mM, andvari ouscomputer/soft­ distributed on a first come, first Center. ware consulting firms where served basis through the Athletic some are already making yearly Department. All tickets will Student response to the new salaries of over '30,000. Dr. Nor­ become available to students gym was one of gratitude and man Schlessberg,head of the Ac­ after alumni reservetheirs, thus amazement that such a facility counting department, reports leaving around 350tickets for the now exists. Their only complaint thatlast year's 29 graduates kept students; was against the limited hours up the department's perfect On opening night, planned that the center is now ooen. In recordof job placement. Not only events Include a cocktail party Cont'd. on Page 15 doeseach accounting student find a job but they are all employedby the time they graduate. Dr. Schlessberg attributesthis to the interview process which the department provides for its . students. Each year, beginningin ClublatYU Page& October, major accounting firms Jews SpaceIn Pages Cont'd. on Page 15 AcademicAdvisement . Pagea:,/ .-,,1-f,ki{(',·' ' · ,fllle2 Editorial m11e C!tommentator AIPAC· By'GabeSolDe .� WNt 1•1h 81111t, New YOIII, New YOIII 1111133, "2S-1ffl. Publllllld·111- Mark Wllklrcilrlng Chi IOldlffllc,-r i. 1111 YNhlta Colllgl 8tlldllll Couttcll. Thi and Mariban· WllwaUllflllld In thllloolUIIIIII.,. tho• of THECOMMENTATOR onlr llld donot IIIOllllrllr 19fllOI IM opinion of 1111 llocb,lludlnl 1111 f1oulty, or 1111ld­ REITS Revival mlnlllrltlonof Y....,.. �- w, do not 111cloluanr of 1111Plllductl or llnlOIIIIM!tllld In,_ 111811, Although Y.U.'s student body represents a diverse Cl'CIB8 section ol opinions on moat lsaues, WbUe dormpreparatlops for the 1985-'88ICbool . therels one ilsue which unites III all. tbe concern for yearWINI In prGlnll tlda summer, tbe Office � GovemlngBoard Che welfare ofthe State ol Israel. 'Diemillloas ol RaldenceHalll WU Inf duarmed apected rise� AVI MOSKOWITZ Arab petl'CMlollan Ooodlngtbe American pollUcal Plltin, mrolltnmtby Ila. Judy Director� AdmJs­ FAlffer-ln■CIIJef scene ID recentyean have made our graaaroots .-. In n,apame. btp lcboo1 1tudeals were not support even more cruclal to Israel's well being. 81'1Dted dorlnin8 JrMI.- 'in RIETS Hall tb11 TZVIHIRSHAUT STEVENCOHEN A..-JlteEditor SealorEditer Israelii dependenton AmericanJewry's �tieal year, thtNby. freeing ao additional beds for influence tbroulb theAmerican Israel PublicAf­ IRAP� .­ DAVD>SCHONBRUN . under(ll'adllltIlle. NenEdltor NenEditor fairsCommittee (AIPAC),tbe Israelipro lobby, to . Delpltelate Nllatration by many, tbeOffice of MARCMENDELSON NACHUMBANE maintain America's commitment to Israel's well Reaidellce·lfalll diacovwed befor.e lcbool beg8ll FeatureEditor F•tureEditor beingand security, tbatthe numberapplleaUom ofdorm received was . MARTYFINEBERG AARON KATZ 0 . anater tbln anticipated and tbat flR'ther ar­ FeaueEditor F•tureEdlCdl' Wblle Che New York Times calls AIPAC The lllQ.lltpowerful best-runand effectiveforefgn polic;y l'UltlMlllllwould probably be neca11ry. Yet,DO mJARTGOLDBERG YAACOVLEWIS pnpantiomWtl'emade.-'lbe Unlvtl'llty was aeem­ SpartaEditor LayoutEditor interestll'Ollp in Washington,"1he 1981AWACS aale llillJ boptnc for late eanceDatlom andnCHlhowa, SOLOMONSCHNEIDER JEFFCHAJTOFF to Saudla Arabia dispels the thatmyth the-Israeli , anddid not wllb to go to theexpense of aetting up Coordlnatin&Editor MIDINl:dltar lobbyii invincible. AIPAC cannot guarantee that no unW the 1tudenta appeared on campus. Al a Staff anti-Israelilegislation will pa11 Congress, but It ex­ result, a nmnberof students were asked upon ar­ eels at teachingthose who areconcerned with the NEWS: Janalban Budler, Guy Raviv, Lance IDrt, Yltzy welfare of Israel howto bestutlllze the political rivalto stay temporarily with friends ar relatives ar Jacobowltl, Zev Kaplan, Dan Kaufman.Jeffrey Lummerman, wereoffered beds in theinfirmary. 'lbese students DavidPiekan, Man Sus, Marc SeJJelner i'e80urces available to· them. AIPAC organiz.es have,by now,been a111gned to rooms: freabmen FEA111RE8:Elban Benlwlll, NathanDlament, ManMamball, PoliticalLeadership Semlnan and PoUUealAction havebeen tripled up in Rubin and upperdasamen . ArnoldSinler, Gabe Some, Alex Wittenberg Workshopsaimed at educatingparticlpanta,on the havebeen placed in theMorgenstern floor lounges .. SPORTS:Avram_Scbreiber, JeffSlepoy details ol Jslues pertinent to Israel and Che FoUcnrin1tbe ebios that p-evailed at tbebeainn­ American politicalprocesa. '1bese seminars feature hope the CROUWOiUJ:Molhe.Drlian prominentpolitical figures and bring�ether con­ mg d theschool year, we unlvenity will ART: EllClark, Janalban Re.la exerellebetter Jlldgement in the futureby prepar­ cerned students from,collegs all over the New ingcaatlngeney p TYPING: HowardPolenetlky, Head; Jeff Goldberl, Sb1Jaml1 · Yorkmetropolitan area and the nation. We urgeyou la111should enrollmenUurtber in·. Ucbtllein,Mare Paley; Lee PodDJaky, Yltzi e Welu,Mike Wofeey crease. However, pre&ellt solutfom are also un­ to take advantage of these Pl'OIP'� for while .aatiafaetory and m111t be reprded as temporary. PROOFREADING:KOibe Stepuuy apathymay suggest silence,common sense dictates 'lbeJoaa of loungesmeam the lou of valuable late COMPUTERCONSULTANTS: Howard Polenetlky, YCllef GoJd action. nightstudy balls. Forfreshmen, a tblrdroommate CIRCULATION: EfllanBeaovitz, Gery Raviv, YltzyJacobowitz, DanKaufman, Molbe Minty, Marc Paley The AIPAC Uaitons here at are loofllnefor­ canea1111 unnec:esaary tension, as roomsare cuflt• Y.V. tedfor only two. ward to what promlaea to be a 1reatyear: If you A viable'alternative is the renovaUoa of the wouldlike more informationaboc,t becominf a par­ •. underutillr.eclRIETS dormitory. Aceordlng to Rab­ tlclpatlnt member, AIPAC'a polltlccil action blJoalua a»elfetz, Director of Residence Halls.'tbe Mar.elTov: wolit,hopsand leadershipseminars, or Juatwant to RIETSdorm can-accommodate averone lmndrecl /ind out about how AIPAC can help you to help To �damSchwartz on bis engigementto AdinaBloom. Israel, pfeaae/eel free to,top by Rubin 708or call mare lltudelil by renovatlnlandreorntn1tbe fifth 1 . .., floarandbycamerting fourtll roomsondie floor to . IZB-ISIBaalt and for Ooh �n�o.r Ma,-11 Mar,hall.·. on bis engagementto aterylEhrenrelch. bedroama. ('l'be fourth floor JINSIDUY boUles the To Elliot Small- Belz ScboolMIiiie, d acbeduJed toreJocateto tlle . Do you have old issues Sc:bottmlteln Center next year.) Wltb proper To Helene and LennyWarburg on tbe birth of ason. maintenanee,improved acc:ess and the addition <I Baruch loungee, RJETS can be;come a full•Oedaed dor­ , To Malki Glick (SCW'87)on herengagement to Eisenberg. of the Commentator? mitory. Rabbi his RlETS · ii available to relieve preaentover­ · To Mordechei Winiarz· on -engagement to Lisa Stern Commentator needs crowdinlallow andto for the� of the Marg <SCW'85). loung• andfuture expamdoni of tbe coll11e. Let's them. takeadvantage of tbe limited available. To JoelPleeter <YC '85> on his engagementto Sharlene Goldberg space <SCW '86). Contact Avi Moskowitz To Sbuliand SusanMoskowitz on the birthof a son. (212) 923-1879 To David Noble-� <YC, 'BS)on his engagementto Shoshana Matza. LindaScbonhaut to BarryNathan. In addition, over the summer, trical system, every time so­ · I was· forced into this conclu­ meor thepersonnel office or with WYUR brought in an engineer meone turnson alilht or Wle8 an sion
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