GENUS Brachypleura Gunther, 1862 GENUS Citharoides Hubbs, 1915

GENUS Brachypleura Gunther, 1862 GENUS Citharoides Hubbs, 1915

FAMILY Citharidae de Buen, 1935 - flounders [=Brachypleurinae, Eucitharidae] Notes: Citharidae de Buen, 1935a:82 [ref. 33085] (family) Citharus [genus inferred from the stem, Article; name only, but used as valid by Hubbs 1945:6 [ref. 26824], Hubbs & Hubbs 1945:243 [ref. 32639] and Hubbs 1946:97 [ref. 32857] Article 13.2.1] Brachypleurinae Chabanaud, 1937:23 [ref. 793] (subfamily) Brachypleura Eucitharidae Springer, 1982:34 [ref. 33086] (family) Eucitharus [published after 1960 as a junior synonym; not available, Article 11.6.3] GENUS Brachypleura Gunther, 1862 [=Brachypleura Günther [A.], 1862:419, Laiopteryx Weber [M.], 1913:423] Notes: [ref. 1969]. Fem. Brachypleura novaezeelandiae Günther, 1862. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Brachypleura Günther, 1862 -- (Norman 1934:400 [ref. 6893], Ahlstrom et al. 1984:640 [ref. 13641], Li & Wang 1995:108 [ref. 16193], Hoshino 2001:391 [ref. 25785], Hensley 2001:3796 [ref. 26310], Hoese & Bray 2006:1808 [ref. 29000]). Current status: Valid as Brachypleura Günther, 1862. Citharidae. (Laiopteryx) [ref. 4602]. Fem. Brachypleura xanthosticta Alcock, 1889. Type by monotypy. Misspelled Liopteryx by Jordan 1920:551 [ref. 4905]. •Synonym of Brachypleura Günther, 1862 -- (Norman 1934:400 [ref. 6893]). Current status: Synonym of Brachypleura Günther, 1862. Citharidae. Species Brachypleura novaezeelandiae Gunther, 1862 [=Brachypleura novaezeelandiae Günther [A.], 1862:419] Notes: [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 4; ref. 1969] New Zealand. Current status: Valid as Brachypleura novaezeelandiae Günther, 1862. Citharidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific. Habitat: marine. GENUS Citharoides Hubbs, 1915 [=Citharoides Hubbs [C. L.], 1915:452, Brachypleurops Fowler [H. W.], 1934:341, Paracitharus Regan [C. T.], 1920:209] Notes: [ref. 2224]. Masc. Citharoides macrolepidotus Hubbs, 1915. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Citharoides Hubbs, 1915 -- (Norman 1934:170 [ref. 6893], Ahlstrom et al. 1984:640 [ref. 13641], Amaoka in Masuda et al. 1984:346 [ref. 6441], Heemstra 1986:853 [ref. 5660], Lindberg & Fedorov 1993:14 [ref. 21500], Li & Wang 1995:105 [ref. 16193], Hoshino 2000:321 [ref. 25114], Hoshino 2001:391 [ref. 25785], Hensley 2001:3795 [ref. 26310], Hoese & Bray 2006:1808 [ref. 29000], Shinohara et al. 2011:55 [ref. 31715]). Current status: Valid as Citharoides Hubbs, 1915. Citharidae. (Brachypleurops) [ref. 1416]. Masc. Brachypleurops axillaris Fowler, 1934. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Citharoides Hubbs, 1915 -- (Amaoka 1969:80 [ref. 105], Lindberg & Fedorov 1993:14 [ref. 21500], Li & Wang 1995:105 [ref. 16193]). Current status: Synonym of Citharoides Hubbs, 1915. Citharidae. (Paracitharus) [ref. 3671]. Masc. Arnoglossus macrolepis Gilchrist, 1904. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Citharoides Hubbs, 1915 -- (Norman 1934:170 [ref. 6893]). •Valid as Paracitharus Regan, 1920 -- (Hoshino 2000:321 [ref. 25114], Hoshino 2001:391 [ref. 25785]). Current status: Synonym of Citharoides Hubbs, 1915. Citharidae. Species Citharoides macrolepidotus Hubbs, 1915 [=Citharoides macrolepidotus Hubbs [C. L.], 1915:453, Pl. 25 (fig. 1), Brachypleurops axillaris Fowler [H. W.], 1934:341, Fig. 95] Notes: [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 48 (no. 2082); ref. 2224] Eastern channel of the Korean Strait, Albatross station 4874, depth 66 fathoms. Current status: Valid as Citharoides macrolepidotus Hubbs, 1915. Citharidae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: marine. (axillaris) [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 85 (for 1933); ref. 1416] Balayan Bay and Verde Island Passage, Philippines, Albatross station D.5117, depth 118 fathoms. Current status: Synonym of Citharoides macrolepidotus Hubbs, 1915. Citharidae. Habitat: marine. Species Citharoides macrolepis (Gilchrist, 1904) [=Arnoglossus macrolepis Gilchrist [J. D. F.], 1904:12, Pl. 31] Notes: [Marine Investigations in South Africa. v. 3; ref. 1646] 22 miles north of Tugela River mouth, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, southwestern Indian Ocean, depth 63-73 fathoms. Current status: Valid as Citharoides macrolepis (Gilchrist, 1904). Citharidae. Distribution: Australia and Indian Ocean off southeastern Africa. Habitat: marine. Species Citharoides orbitalis Hoshino, 2000 [=Citharoides orbitalis Hoshino [K.], 2000:322, Figs. 2-5] Notes: [Ichthyological Research v. 47 (no. 4); ref. 25114] Off Western Australia, 26°22.7'S, 112°26.9'E, depth 288 meters. Current status: Valid as Citharoides orbitalis Hoshino, 2000. Citharidae. Distribution: Australia: Western Australia. Habitat: marine. GENUS Citharus Artedi, in Rose, 1793 [=Citharus Artedi [P.], in Röse, 1793:116, Chopinopsetta Whitley [G. P.], 1931:322, Citharus Bleeker [P.], 1862:424, Eucitharus Gill [T. N.], 1889:599] Notes: [ref. 3833]. Masc. Pleuronectes linguatula Linnaeus, 1758. Type by subsequent designation. •Synonym of Eucitharus Gill, 1889 -- (Norman 1934:168 [ref. 6893]). •Valid as Citharus Artedi, 1793 -- (Nielsen 1973:615 [ref. 6885], Nielsen in Whitehead et al. 1986:1286 [ref. 13677], Hoshino 2001:391 [ref. 25785], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:592 [ref. 29996]). Current status: Valid as Citharus Artedi, 1793. Citharidae. (Chopinopsetta) [ref. 4672]. Fem. Pleuronectes linguatula Linnaeus, 1758. Type by being a replacement name. Unneeded replacement for Eucitharus Gill, not preoccupied by Eucithara Fischer, 1883 in Mollusca. •Synonym of Eucitharus Gill, 1889 -- (Norman 1934:168 [ref. 6893]). •Synonym of Citharus Artedi, 1793. Current status: Synonym of Citharus Artedi, 1793. Citharidae. (Citharus B) [ref. 388]. Masc. Pleuronectes macrolepidotus Bloch, 1787. Type by monotypy. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Citharus Artedi, in Röse, 1793 and Citharus Reinhardt, 1837 in fishes; replaced by Eucitharus Gill, 1889. Bleeker 1862:424 gives species as Pleuronectes macrolepidotus L. [Linnaeus], but that was named by Bloch. •Synonym of Citharus Artedi, 1793 if available. Current status: Synonym of Citharus Artedi, 1793. Citharidae. (Eucitharus) [ref. 1730]. Masc. Pleuronectes macrolepidotus Bloch, 1787. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Citharus Bleeker, 1862, preoccupied by Citharus Reinhardt, 1838 in fishes but also predated by Citharus Artedi, in Röse, 1793 in fishes. Norman 1934:168 [ref. 6893] does not accept Citharus Artedi, in Röse, 1793 as available. •Valid as Eucitharus Gill, 1889 -- (Norman 1934:168 [ref. 6893], Ahlstrom et al. 1984:640 [ref. 13641], Aboussouan 1988 [ref. 12841]). •Synonym of Citharus Artedi, 1793 -- (Nielsen 1973:615 [ref. 6885], and later workers). Current status: Synonym of Citharus Artedi, 1793. Citharidae. Species Citharus citharus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 1809) [=Serrasalmus citharus Geoffroy St. Hilaire [E.], 1809:[218], Pl. 5 (figs. 2-3), Citharinus geoffroei Cuvier [G.], 1829:313, Citharinus citharus intermedius Worthington [E. B.], 1932:123, Distichodus marnoi Steindachner [F.], 1881:200 [22]] Notes: [Poissons du Nil v. 1 (part 1); ref. 4182] Nile River, Egypt. Current status: Valid as Citharinus citharus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 1809). Citharinidae. Distribution: Africa. Habitat: freshwater. (geoffroei) [Le Règne Animal (Edition 2) v. 2; ref. 995] Current status: Synonym of Citharinus citharus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 1809). Citharinidae. Habitat: freshwater. (intermedius) [The Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology v. 38 (no. 258); ref. 16405] Lake Rudolf [Lake Turkana], Kenya. Current status: Synonym of Citharinus citharus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 1809). Citharinidae. Habitat: freshwater. (marnoi) [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 83 (1. Abth.); ref. 4231] Bahr-el-Seraf and Bahr-el-Gebel, Nile system, Sudan. Current status: Synonym of Citharinus citharus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 1809). Citharinidae. Habitat: freshwater. Species Citharus linguatula (Linnaeus, 1758) [=Pleuronectes linguatula Linnaeus [C.], 1758:270, Pleuronectes citharus Spinola [M.], 1807:374, Pleuronectes macrolepidotus Bloch [M. E.], 1787:34, Pl. 190, Pleuronectes patarachia Nardo [G. D.] (ex Chiereghini), 1847:col. 121] Notes: [Systema Naturae, Ed. X v. 1; ref. 2787] European seas [Mediterranean Sea]. Current status: Valid as Citharus linguatula (Linnaeus, 1758). Citharidae. Distribution: Mediterranean Sea, eastern Atlantic: Morocco to Angola. Habitat: marine. (citharus) [Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris v. 10; ref. 18741] Gulf of Genoa, Italy, Mediterranean Sea. Current status: Synonym of Citharus linguatula (Linnaeus, 1758). Citharidae. Habitat: marine. (macrolepidotus) [Naturgeschichte der ausländischen Fische v. 3; ref. 468] "Brazil" [errorous, Tranquebar, India]. Current status: Synonym of Citharus linguatula (Linnaeus, 1758). Citharidae. Habitat: marine. (patarachia) [Sinonimia moderna delle specie registrate nell' opera intitolata: ...; ref. 17994] Current status: Synonym of Citharus linguatula (Linnaeus, 1758). Citharidae. GENUS Lepidoblepharon Weber, 1913 [=Lepidoblepharon Weber [M.], 1913:421] Notes: [ref. 4602]. Neut. Lepidoblepharon ophthalmolepis Weber, 1913. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Lepidoblepharon Weber, 1913 -- (Norman 1934:401 [ref. 6893], Ahlstrom et al. 1984:640 [ref. 13641], Amaoko in Masuda et al. 1984:346 [ref. 6441], Lindberg & Fedorov 1993:16 [ref. 21500], Li & Wang 1995:110 [ref. 16193], Hoshino 2001:391 [ref. 25785], Hensley 2001:3796 [ref. 26310], Hoese & Bray 2006:1808 [ref. 29000]). Current status: Valid as Lepidoblepharon Weber, 1913.

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