Mass Meeting Of Dial Preview In LIST CANCER HEADS Restoration Fund B IG G E S T ’’B IG T O P ” FOR $54,000 CAMPAIGN Final Installment O f COMING TO NEPTUNE Ocean Grove For 2,500 Iri Trenton Now Totals $24,621 Mrs. H. Floyd Rush will The biggest, of all the “Big head the 1954 Cancer fund Climaxes Mission Pres. Merritt’s Talk On T o p b ” is coming ,to Neptune 1 April 10 Service campaign in Ocean Grove, ; Ocean G rove’s $325,000 this summer! ,. W alter W. Reid, Jr., county chairman for the drive an­ Dr. B. Harrison Decker, Restoration and Improvement Barnum & Bailey Circus has District Sup’t., of Ocean Ocean Grove Planning Fund now totals $24,621, ac­ New jersey Bell Tele­ nounced this week. The county just signed for a Jersey Coast is seeking $54,000 this year'in Grove, Chairman Of cording to yesterday’s, report phone Checks Custom­ Committee in Charge released by Trustee George C. appearance June 3 on the ers Dialing Technique the annual drive which starts Miller, general chairman. This Springdale Avenue field a t the In Training Program April 1/ Ocean Grove's quota In bis address before Supday afternoon: last saw a ', is an increase of slightly more site'of the sanitary landfill. A will be $1,000. the Ocean Grove winter Other- chairmen in the area great gathering of Methodist folk than $500 the past week. Telephone customers in Occan reunion Feb. 20 in Phila­ huge circus tent will'be erected are: Mrs. Norman Sauer, Nep­ from all,oyer the New Jersey An­ delphia, Association Presi­ Contributors to the [and and will boast a capacity of GrbVe and Manasquan had a pre­ tune; Mitchell M. Liebesman, nual Conference in the oulminating dent Kinsey' N. Merritt sincfe last week’s listing in 8,500. Parking for nearly . view of dial service this week. Asbury Park; Mrs. Beatrice service of the Spiritual Life. Mis­ presented a long-range The Times are as follows: 5,000 cars will be provided. In preparation for the change Woolridge, West.Asbury Park; sion in tlie New Jersey Annual program for the develop­ Conference in the War Memorial Miss Marion A. Bell over from manual to dial service at Gordon C'. Kelly, Allenhurst; ment and continued im- The Barnum &- Bailey ap­ Building, Trenton, Frederick,P. & Edna E. Sloat. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Crook, Jr., provem'ont of this resort pearance here has teen ar­ midnight April 10, New Jersey Bell Roelkey L. Poulson Avon; Mr. and Mrs. August j: It was estimated that about 2500 community. on Monday began calling all its people were in attendance. The Frank B. Ross ranged by, Neptune’s Unex­ Regan,. Belmar, anil Mrs. I Youth Choir of Senior High School The Harry L. Barrons celled Fire Company commit­ customers in the general shore area Joseph A. S. Millar, Inter­ The Times is publishing girls and boys from the various Miss Leila Powell tee of Harry G. Faby, Jr., Jos­ to canvass their familiarity, with laken. the entire text of his talk. churches, consisting of 215 singers, ..... Mrs. Mary Schmidt dialing technique. The first installment ap­ eph A. Shafto, Arnold Brown (were led by the Rev. Charles H Christian M. Schmidt peared Feb. 26. The sec­ and Leon Robbins’.’.' Fred Weston, traffic super­ Beynon, pastor of the- Freehold Florence H. Atkinson ond ; part of President intendent for the company, O.G. Acknowledges Methodist ■ Church. Churches as Edna M. Bealo* : : Merritt’s program ap- announced that the “over the far away as Capt May were repre­ Mary W. R, Miller •peared laSt - week, while telephone”" training program sented by .delegations. Dr. & Mrs. Frank 0. Nagle All Donations To the concluding installment would continue from,9 A.M. to Among churches in this' area .- Mrs.’ Grace M. Wilson Janet Sandford is published below. 9 P.M. daily until the cutover represented by delegations, were Mrs. Wagner Clark date. Improvement Fund Bradley Beach with a bus load; Walter J; Crater On Dean’s List Avon and Belmar with bus loads; The North End Hotel. Many of you stop there, I am sure. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph C. Brown The training routine calls for a Well, we are going to make some improvements in the North If you sent a contribution to the the Long Branch Churches; Ham­ Austin G. King " simulated dial tone sent over the End Hotel. In fact, our maintenance men are going through LEWISBURG; Pa.—Miss Janet Ocean Grove Restoration and Im­ ilton; Freehold; M anaBquan; Ramon E. Ozias, Sr. telephone line which enables the feel the North End is a total loss. I do not. I think it can be E. Sandford, of Ocean Grove, has provement Fund and it has not Spring Lake and Bay Head. Smith- Robert C. Mehorter customer to dial-a test calli tho hotel right now doing little jobs that need to be done.' Some been cited on the, dean’s honors been acknowledged, there is a dis­ burg Circuit, with its. three Julia/ Catherine & Elizabeth The results of the call are1 re­ made a fine hotel and intend to work to that end. list for scholastic achievement dur­ tinct possibility- that your letter churches, turned out in large num­ Blewitt And then about the matter of the concessionaires along the ing the first-semester of the cur­ corded on a special machine, called did not -reach the Ocean Grove bers, having buses to carry the ..' Mrs. John Hoffman boardwalk at the North Endi We’ve got to straighten out that rent academic year at Bucknell the Pen Register, The register Camp Meeting Association. mem b c.r s, Lakewood attended Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Moeshlin university. - shows up the digits dialed by the This was revealed, this week at with a bus load. Dr.. B. Harrison section a little bit. I think it is getting a little too much on Miss Frances .0. Walters.. the honky-tonk side. Many of the stores, for example, move • 'Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph customer. and enables the operator the Association office, which said Decker, District Superintendent of Rev. & Mrs. Harold D. Flood . their sales counters right out on the boardwalk and sell op the Sandford - of 89 Embury Avenue, to judge the customer’s familiarity it had received word from, three the New Brunswick District, living Florence E. Kelley she completed her studies for her with both local and long range persons who had mailed checks in Ocean Grove, .was chairman of , boardwalk. That isn’t rjght. .We don’t lease them space on the Mr. and Mrs. John J. De Mott boardwalk and we should insist they confine their sales.activities bachelor of arts degree in January, dialing.. and money orders-on or about Jan the committee in charge of tho Charles Baumann Only those! students -who achieve Special emphasis is being placed 9 but who had not received ac mass meeting. ..... , ^. ■ to the stores.' MrS. R. M. EckcnsbeTger We must do something about making them ventilate their a high average.iri their studies are on tht- dial training program be- knowledgments. The Association Miss .Carrie- L. Fox . BISHOP CORSON SPEAKER "> S booths in such a way that the smell of food will not assail those named on the .honors list. Cited on cause under the new type-system double-cheeked its records and dis­ . Mr. & Mrs. Robert H, Herr The sermon was delivered by " • who are passing and those who ore in the hotel. the current list, were 277 men and being installed in the new Asbury covered that none of the, three let­ Ralph P. White Bjshop Fred Pierce Corson, Resi­ : I do not think.any store along the boardwalk should be per- ters had been delivered. This led women. ■ ' Park center, one and two party dent Bishop of the Philadelphia mittcd to display a sign that is not first approved by the busi­ to the belief that many other let­ 4S——— line customers will be able to dial Area, who spoke on the subject ness manager of the Association. And, of course, all of this ters mailed about the same time Enlists In Navy calls throughout North Jersey and “Facing the World’s Spiritual '.MEMORIAL CROSS into New York City. A special 1-1 might have been lost in the mails area needs to be kept painted and attractive. Needs.” This address was based . ". Pa»e Seven, Please William JosenlOJoore, 18, son I c°de must be used to route dial The Post Office Department has • The 18 -foot Memorial Cross ! been asked to investigate. on the Bishop’s recent inspection- on the front of the^ Oce»« of'. Mr. itn3>M i^:Joseph F»rtW lln| caP? into New York. of- the -Missionary.- Field in: India, . .'• ' Grove ' Auditorium'- will * be Moore, 115 Fulham---Place, Nep- '" ........ 1 and his tour of duty: in Formosa,r£ Chamber of Commerce Manager lighted the week of March IS tune, has enlisted in the Navy and Forty Clubwomen Enjoy Program Japan and Korea for .the United ' v to 20 in memory of Marion H. is now undergoing training at States Government,’ Defense!’and Says “Shore Needs Industry” Marenti by; Mabelle Grimsey, Baihbridge, Md. He was processed Presented By American Home Dep’t State Departments. While in For- 32 Atlantic Avenue, Oce»* at the Asbury Park Navy Recruit­ , mosa he and Mrs. Corson were the As Balance For Resort Economy Grove.' .. -V ing Station and enlisted in Phila­ Holloway, Mrs. R. Phillips, ;.Miss | guests of the Generalissimo and delphia. “Your Home Charming” was the Katherine Brandley, Mrs,1 Lewis Mrs.
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