![Sail]! |Ttnncbft Journal Eaton Family School](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
I GOVERNOR D1SGLETS LETTER of the “beautiful village of Grand Fre,” since Mr?. Manchester, the well known Clair- their barbarous removal from their old homes. Jfor Sale or to net. OF ACCEPTANCE. voyant and Eclectic Physician, will visit Gar- Sail]! |ttnncbft journal They have also increased aud multiplied, in diner July 15th, and remain ten days. Mrs. Waterviree, July Glh, 1874. a manner well calculated to excite the wonder For Sale at a AUGUSTA. of the American was Manchester lias a world-wide for Bargain. Mt : I have the honor to inform unprolifle stock, for it reputation Dear Sir EVENT HOI SE stated at the recent ef and Stable near Farm FRIDAY MORNING. July 10. 1874. meeting French-Cana- the wonderful cures she has made when all < rs that at the Slate Convention, AUONNHole!, will be sold low. Inquire1 ol WM you Republican dians in that no less than of GIGE. Quebec, 500,000 other have tailed. I.et one held at on the 18th ult were physicians every REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. Augusta, you them had emigrated to the United States, and Augusta, June 25,1874. Jane26-ltf consult her at once at the Gardiner Hotel, unanimously nominated as candidate for Gov- it was proposed to lure them back by the offer of a land july 8 +lw FOR GOVERNOR, ernor, to he supported at the next election. bounty. For Sale ! Here are lost the poor children ol the Aca- IiKMovAt,.—F. C. Foote has I herewith inclose to you a copy of the res- removed her BLACK MARE, ft good driver, seven JR. dian*, for instance, right before our and yeii> NELSON DINGLEY, eyes, stock ot Imir goods to 140 Water St., over A eld one Harness, most new, one Basket olutions adopted by the convention. who can tel! ot their sa romantic anything I, Pierce’s Hook Store, where she will be Phaeton, made by C. P. Kimball. Will be sold at pleas- a bargain. of \.M. J. S REPRESENTATIVES TO CONGRESS, obedient servant, story since their in 1755? Hard- Inquire MoKKNNKY at FOB Very truly your dispersement ed to exhibit to old an I new customers her lie mice's ly in the but Photograph Rooms. Edmund F. VVebu, anybody world—perhaps nobody large assortment of switches, braids, natural Junc2;J-Jlw* First District, JOIIN' H. BURLEIGII. “VV. G.," the Hon. William Goold of Wind- President of the Convention earls, Jtc. Work of all kinds done to order. WILLIAM P. FRYE. now one our Second District, ham, of State Senators, liy juneO-tif Tenements to Rent. Third District, JAMES G. BLAINE. To lion. Nelson Dinghy, Jr., Lewiston dint, of long and laborious research, prosecut- ed in libraries and in course ol visits to the ll.nne's Pain-Killing Ud is safe to Fourth District, SAM’L F. HERSEY Magic to 1874. old Acadian he knows the histo- use, and does not soil the clothing or the per- T. S. or LIZZIE T. BARTLETT. EUGENE HALE. Lewiston, July 7rh, homestead, Appi.y Fifth District, rical side of their us well as son, neither docs it lose its virtues or Augusta. May t«4. septBMtl To Hon. F.. F. Webb, President ok the story Longfellow by age knows the poetical side. With his usual good exposure. Directions on each bottle how to Republican State Convention. To Let. Governor Letter of Accept- luck, he hasjeome into possession of genuine cure pain, bow to be bappv, how to be hand Dingley's pleasant rooms turnished or unfurnish with Dear Sip. : I am in receipt ol your com- treasure trove, less than the Journal oomh, "It works like a ehaiin.” Try it. ance is brief. He contents himself nothing IAItGEJ ed with board, Apply to RE-OPENING munication of the Glh inst., informing me of ol an ( Hi or of one of the English vessels,, julvO—f&wlw N! G. W A HE, Spring St. the nomination tendered him, _marlMlOl* OF T1IE accepting kept during tile from Grand l’re to Geor- my nomination by the Republican State Con- trip The "Domestic” Sewing Machine will do the State and gia w ith the French on board. I bis To Rent. endorsing platform pledging captive sewing wtfli a band of a vention, as candidate for governor; and in- ordinary single M OLCOTT at 29 Oak St., to advance the with other journals and lug-bocks, also in his. thread of Xo. CO having painter’ his best efforts if elected spool cotton. Try yours MRS.and papered her rooms nice enough lor a of the resolutions with the of the closing copy adopted possession, together traditions with one, then with two or and bride, would like to rent them to or la material and moral interests of the more, you gentlemen people In the descendants ot the Acadians, asettlein tit ol dies as rooms. Board can be had near by by the convention. accepting will have the relative power to oper- lodging required < >r she would rent three or lour rooms toasmal of the State. whom yet remains in Nova Scotia with all ate re-nomination tendered with such j them, and perhaps comprehend more w it limit children. the family Corner original Habits and dress, will enable so what in meant aa 1874. Slate and Court Street; and so with an clearly by “easy running” Augusta, May 23, Jtf Augusta, Me. of Maine are in a declin- unanimity, Mattering enthusiastic and a as The democrats accomplished historian sewing machine. julyc’ttf endorsement of the manner in which I have Mr. Goold to execute his For Sale. condition. They are declining in successfully project, SATURDAY, JULY T874. ing which is to the .Ara- 4th, thus far discharged my official duties, I desire give us a description of TWO GOOD FARMS, within eight miles of tin numbers and their would-be available * bians or neutral French, and a history of City of Augusta. Ten houses and lots, at through you to thank the convention and the candidates make haste to decline before their removal from their homes on the Bay ol prices ranging irom $1000 to $5000. Terms easy. -1SY- of Maine for the honor con- i. o. f. is a republicans high Fundy,” together with some account of the E.W. WIIITEIIOUSE, they are nominated. Unless there ferred me; and also to express my ap- condition of their desendants in the United %-yiciiu ff.odxe, Xo. 70, Attorney at Law. a woful upon soon they will show Will hold 7, 1871. change very of the cnunicatcd the States. regular mootings every Friday evening Augusta, May may9*ttf proval principles by at Odd Fellows in until further W. M. THAYER 9c decline at the election. When the leaders The true will be found stranger than Hull, Darby Block, SON. convention. I should do to my own story notice. injustice fiction. The were more numerous have so far declined in the faith that they people j Per order N. G. For Sale. I hiring the past season this ever popular establishment has been I did not also to fellow- re-papered, painted and otherwise feelings if express my than is generally supposed, numbering lb,000 mar-M-Hljanl R. B. C A PEN, Sec’y improved, and entirely re-furnished with will not consent to have their names j citizens generally, my grateful acknowledge- in three or four districts and 2000 at Grand A New Two Story House, on the ticket, the number that will l’re alone. were of their placed ments for the generous forbearance and cor- They kept ignorant New fate till the moment of their which Special Notices. pleasantly located. A great bargain if applied Furniture and come to the polls will be small and feeble. captivity, Bedding dial co-operation which have thus fur been for soon. Inquire of In is was simultaneous in all the districts. They every department. Kvery thing new, fresh, bright and attractive, and, after a brief absence from AI STAPLES. •ublic the make their best bow to the extended to me in the official position to were allured to labor at the of their junellftl duty, pi opr.etors again traveling public, feeling assured that we gathering an do to old and new customers Radical ring organs continue to howl over justice We shall try to merit by honorable dealing and cureful at- which their have elevated me. So crops, which were allotted to the use SANFORD’S n ation to the wants of our the that has in the removal of radical officeholders by the suffrages secretly guests, generous patronage the past been extended to this ot t ieir The 500 men of Grand l’re, Kennebec For Sale. establishment. Our boils are all new and first class. Our table shall be second to in New as I continue in this it captors. none, and will al- Democratic administration Hamp- long may position, Laundry ways be ed with the best the market allords. The house, in its renovated like those of the other districts, were separ- stock, tlx.ures, machinery, furniture and siippl condition, is suppl ed out whole columns of lamen- will be to the extent of constitu- rpiIF!1. vith all the modern conveniences and comforts, including hot and cold bathe. It is located shire, pouring my aim, my ated from their wives and children, who wen: good w 11 of the Kennebec Laundry is thb centrally a neai to places of business, and to the that be found in of the tations at a time. Was there ever greater JAMAICA day offered for sale at panic price.
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