SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES Healing Gods: The Cult of Apollo Iatros, Asclepius and Hygieia in the Black Sea Region Moschakis Konstantinos A Dissertation thesis submitted for assessment with a view to obtaining the degree of Master of Arts (MA) in Black Sea Cultural Studies Supervisor: Manolis Manoledakis September 2013 Thessaloniki – Greece I hereby declare that the work submitted by me is mine and that where I have made use of another’s work, I have attributed the source(s) according to the Regulations set in the Student’s Handbook. September 2013 Thessaloniki – Greece Healing Gods: The Cult of Apollo Iatros, Asclepius and Hygieia in the Black Sea Region To my parents, Δημήτρη and Αλεξάνδρα. « πᾶς δ' ὀδυνηρὸς βίος ἀνθρώπων κοὐκ ἔστι πόνων ἀνάπαυσις» «The life of man entire is misery he finds no resting place, no haven of calamity» Euripides, Hippolytos (189-190) (transl. D. Greene) TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents……………………………………………………………………………01 Sources- Abbreviations- Bibliography…………………………………………...03 Preface……………………………………………………………………………...17 Introduction………………………………………………………………………..19 PART A 1. The Cult of Apollo Iatros in the North and Western Black Sea: Epigraphic Evidence and Archaeological Finds. 1.01. Olbia-Berezan………………………………………………………………22 1.02. Panticapaeum (Kerch)………………………………………………………25 1.03. Hermonassa…………………………………………………………………26 1.04. Myrmekion………………………………………………………………….27 1.05. Phanagoria…………………………………………………………………..27 1.06. Apollonia Pontica……………………………………………………….......27 1.07. Istros (Histria)………………………………………………………………29 1.08. Tyras…………………………………………………………………….......30 PART B 1. The Cult of Asclepius and Hygieia in the Northern Black Sea Region: Epigraphic Evidence and Archaeological Finds. 1.01. The cities in the Northern Black Sea…………………………………………..31 1.02. Chersonesus……………………………………………………………………31 1.03. Olbia…………………………………………………………………………...34 1.04. Panticapaeum (Kerch)…………………………………………………………35 2. The Cult of Asclepius and Hygeia in the Southern Black Sea Region: Epigraphic Evidence and Archaeological Finds. 2.01. The coast of Bithynia, Paphlagonia and the Pontus……………………………37 2.02. The Case of Abonuteichos – Ionopolis (Inebolu)……………………………...38 PART C Asclepius and Hygieia in Thrace and Lower Moesia 1. The Cult of Asclepius and Hygieia on the Thracian Coast:Epigraphic Evidence and Archaeological Finds. 1.01. The Cities on the Thracian Coast………………………………………………39 1.02. Mesembria (Nesebar)…………………………………………………………..39 1.03. Odessos (Varna)..................................................................................................40 2. The Cult of Asclepius and Hygieia in the Thracian Hinterland: Epigraphic Evidence and Archaeological Finds. 1 2.01. Philippopolis (Plovdiv) Region……………………………………………….43 2.02. Philippopolis (Plovdiv)……………………………………………………….43 2.03. The Sanctuary of Asclepius Zemedrenos at Batkun, Pazardzhik Vicinity (Philippopolis Region)………………………………………………………………45 2.04. The Sanctuary of Asclepius Zydenos at Varvara, Pazardzhik Vicinity……….49 2.05. Serdica (Sofia) Region, The Sanctuary of Asclepius Koulkoussenos……........50 2.06. The Asklepieion of Asclepius Limenos at Slivnitsa…………………………...51 2.07. Other Sites in the Serdica Region……………………………………………...52 2.08. Beroia (Stara Zagora) Region…………………………………………………53 2.09. Carasura (Rupkite)…………………………………………………………….54 2.10. Sliven Region, The Sanctuary of Asclepius at Kabyle………………………..55 2.11. Pautalia Region………………………………………………………………..55 2.12. The Asklepieion of Asclepius Keiladenos at Pernik…………………………..56 2.13. The Asclepieion of Asclepius Pautaliotes-Skalpenos at the city of Pautalia (Kyustendil)…………………………………………………………………………58 3. The Cult of Asclepius and Hygieia in the Lower Moesia: Epigraphic Evidence and Archaeological Finds. 3.01. Cities in Lower Moesia………………………………………………………..61 3.02. Istros (Histria)…………………………………………………………………61 3.03. Κallatis (Mangalia)……………………………………………………………62 3.04. Tomis (Costanta)………………………………………………………………62 3.05. Nicopolis ad Istrum……………………………………………………………63 3.06. Novae (Svishtov)………………………………………………………………63 3.07. The Sanctuary of Asclepius Saldenos at Glava Panega, Lovec Region……….65 PART D 1. The Cult of Asclepius and Other Healing Deities in Thrace and Lower Moesia: Researching a Phenomenon 1.01. The Organisation of the Asklepieia……………………………………………68 1.02. The Thracian Rider……………………………………………………………69 1.03. Thracian Tradition: The Case of Zalmoxis and Rhesus……………………….71 1.04. The Syncretism Between Asclepius and the Local Thracian Rider or Hero…..73 Conclusions……………………………………………………………………..…...74 Summary………………………………………………………………………..…...79 List of Plates……………………………………………………………………..…..81 List of Maps………………………………………………………………………....84 Plates……..………………………………………………………………………......85 Maps..........................................................................................................................107 2 Sources Herodotus, The History, 4.94 Homer, Iliad, A, 35-52, B, 229-732. Titus Livius (Livy),The History of Rome, 4, 25 Pausanias, Description of Greece, 1.21.4, II. 27. 2, 8. 41. 8 Plato, Charmides, 156D-157B. Philostratus, Heroicus, p. 680. Pliny, Natural History, 34. XVIII Plutarchus, Pericles, 13.8. Pomponius Mela, De Chorographia, 2.18. Porphyrius, Vita Pythag., 14. 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