CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH, &c. ~fnot St C!!o.'1S 1 paper; and nails are made in the town. Here is an tion, fo1· a National aud Infants' School, in which not \ establishment for wa1·ehousiug goods, this place being )ess than three hundred childreu a1·e educated. The a medium of communication hetween the populous Union Workhouse, calculated to accommodate one bun. manufacturing towns of Manchester and Sheffield; dred persons, is a large and handsome building, stand· and many of the humbler classes are employed in iug at the western entrance to the town. At Barmoor· weaving for the Manchester houses. Lead and coal clough, about two miles to the east of the town, is an mines, and quarries are worked in the neighbourhood i ebbing and flowing well, visited hy many as a great and a railwav passes near here, from the lime-stone curios1ty. The market, wbich is entitled to be held on quarries, to the Peak Forest canal, which it joins at Thm·sday, is but thinly attended; and the fail·s, princi~ Bugsworth. A fine resel'VOir in the parish SUI>plies pally for cattle, rnot extensh'e-they are held on Feb. the canal; it is a beautiful sheet of water, muc 1 fre- 7th, April 19th and 30th, May 31st, July 7th, August quented by anglelll. The municipal law of the town is 19th, October 3rd, and November 7th. The parish is I administered by the magistrates, who hold petty ses- divided into three townships-Bowden's Edge, Brad- , sions once in a fortnight; and a court-baron for the shaw Edge, and Coomb's Edge, which, collectively, I )mndred and liherty of the High Peak is held every contained, by the retul'lls for 18311 3,220 inhabitants, third week, for the recovery of delJts under ..£5, at and in 1841, 3,201. which the steward of the Duke of Devonshire presides. BuGSWORTH with CHINLEY and BROWN SIDE, form '!'his is a polling station at the election of members to a chapelry, in the parish of Glossop, about three miles reprrsent the northern division of the county. from Chapel-en-le-Frith. There are some lime works The places of worship are the pari:;h church of St. in the chapelry, which contained, by the late census, Thomas-a-Becket, and a chapel fo1· Wesleyan metho- 996 inhabitants. dists: the church is a neat edifice, with a square tower: WHA LEY, or Whaley Bridge, is a joint township the living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the with Yeardi8ley, in the parish of Taxall, hundred of resident f1·eeholders and ratepayers, who elect the Macclesfield, and county of Chester, three miles from n1inister by a majority of votes: the present incumbent Chapel-en-le-Frith; situated on the J"Oad from Manches• is the Rev. George Hall. In 1839 a handsome and ter to Buxton. The Peak Forest eanal passes through commodious building was erected, by public subscrip- the parish.-Population of the township about 400. POST OFFICE. CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH, George Washington, Post llfaster.-Letters from all parts arrive every day at twelve, and are despatched every afternoon at two. c;;ENTRY AND CLERGY. 1 Cooper Robert, Whaley Bridge Kirk Peter, Chapel-en-le-Frith C~rrmgton 1\lr. Jos. Rurroug~ field I Cooper Samuel, Tunstead Milton LomaR John, Chavel-en-le-Frith G1sbome Thomas, esq. Horw1ch Ford Thomas, Chapel-en-le-Frith Lowe Joseph, Tuustead Milton Glossop. Rev. Ebenezer, Chapel-en- Hame James, Upper Crossings Melior Samuel, Sparrow pit le-Fnth Heathcote William, Whaley Bridge Morten John, Chapel-en-le-Frith Goodman Thomas, esq. Eccles h~?use Hegginbothom Hy. Upper Crossings Nail Margaret, Chapel-en-le-FritlJ Hall Rev. Geo. Chapel-eu-le-Fnth Jackson John, Bugsworth Righton John, ChaJ>el-en-le-Frith Klr~ Mr. Henry, Eaves Jackson William, Whaley Bl'idge Rowbotham Nath. Chapel-le-Frith Robmson Mr. John, Bottom's hall Jowle Joseph, Upper Crossings Shepley .John, Chapel-en-le-Frith Slack John, esq. Bowden hall Mather Geor.s-e, Chapel-en-le-Frith Shepley Thos. Chapel-en-le-f1·ith Slacke ~r. Thomas, M. D. Slack hall Melior Francis, Chapel-en-le-Frith Shirt James, Sparrow pit Thornlull Wm. esq. Ollerenshaw Melior George, Chapel-en-le-Frith Simpson Ann, New Smithy Webster .Mr. Godfrey, Bank hall Melior James, Tunstead Milton SmithJonathan, Chapel-en-le-Frith William~on Mrs. Jaue, Chapel-en- Pollard John, Chapel-en-le-.Frith Swan James, Whaley Bridge le-Frith Sayer Abraham, Whaley Bridge Taylor Joseph, Gnat hole A:CADEMIES & SCRO~LS. Swindells Jam~s, Upper Crossings Timms Thomas, Chapel-en-le-Frith Atkm Ann, Chapel-en-le-Fnth Walker Zachanah, Upper Crossings Turner Ralph, Cock yard Cheetham Harriet, Whaley Bridge Yeoman John, Lane head Ward John, Chapel-en-le-Frith G~·een Ann, Chapel-en-le-~rith BUTCHERS. Washington George (and timber H1bberson M a?, Chap.el Milt~n , Ford Robert, Chapel-en-le-Frith ~ealer) Chapel-en-le-Frith Jamesou Hanuah, Wbaley Budg~ Hyde Solomon Chapel-en-le-Frith Wild John, Bugsworth Mat'ShallR~bert,Ch~pel-en-le-Fnth Lomas John, Chapel-en-le-Frith Wild William, Whaley Bridge )larsto~ Ehza and Emma ~d~y and Watts Isaac, Chapel-en-le-Frith INNS. boardmgi.v<?~apel-en-le-Fr!th COTTON SPINNERS AND King's Armt'l, John Clark, Chapel• Middleton tlham, New Smithy MANUFACTURERS. en-le-Frith NAT!ONAL ScHOOL, Chapel-en-le- Ashton John & Robert, Chapel- Roval Oak (and posting) Elizabeth Fnth-John Braddock, master. en-le-Frith [Watertide mill Timms Chapel-en-le-Frith Pollard Susanh. Chapel-en-le-Fnth ' Scholes Benjamin, Whaley Bridge Beddome Samuel (cotton wadding) ~RONMONGE~s & TINME~. Vernon Ann, Chapel-en-le-Frith Hodgson Wright, Bugsworth Bmlsall Josepl1, Chapel-en-le-Fnth AGENTS. Ct1RRIERS AND LEATHER Chambers John Bates, Chapel, Marked thus • are Agents to the Peak CUTTERS. Pott Thomas, Chapel-en-le-Fnth Forest Cana1 Company. Barratt Samuel, Chapel-en-le-Fl'ith Shallcross \Villiam, Whaley Bridg·e •se.nnett Robert, Whaley Bridge. Hall John, Clmpel-en-le-Frith Taylor William, Chapel-en-le-Frith •Bntland John, Chapel-en-le-Fnth SbepleyThomas, Chapel-en-le-Frith JOINERS AND CARPENTERS,.. *'Po!tS John, Bugsworth • GROCERS AND DEAltERS IN Armfield Benjamin, Whaley Bridge Shngley John. (to Thomas G1sborne, SUNDRIES. Gregory Josepb, Chapel-eu-le-Fritb esq.) Ho1'W1ch lodge Ashton Josepb, Chapel-en-le-Frith H'bb G Ch 1 1 F 'tb Taylor Josiah (to Yorkshire .Assu- Bacon Richard, Chapel-en-le-Frith J~hn~~~ J~~~.eWh~~~ -en- e- l'l ranee Co.) Chapel-en-le-Fnth Bargh Thomas (and drugBist) Lowe Jose11h Charlel-en-le-Fl'ith ATTORNEYS. Chapel-en-le-Frilh r ' • ) Bennett Wm. Chapel-en-le-Frith Bayley William, Combs Lowe Peter (and. timber dealer W b E Cl 11 F · h Chapel-en-le-Fnth e ster rasmus, mpe- e- nt Bennett Adam, \Vhaley Bridge Melior Thomas Whaley B 11·'dge BLACKSMITHS Booth George, White hall · ' . Brocklehurst George, Com'bs BrightmoreJohn,Chapel-en-le-Frith .M~lls George,, Chapel-en-lc-fnth Doughty Michl. Chapel-en-le-Frith Buckley John, Whaley .Bridge .1\hlls John, Chapel-en-le-fnth Green Samuel, Chapel-en-le-Frith Cutts Henry, Whaley Bridge Walton John, Upper Crossmgs Holgate Robert, Chapel-en-le-F1ith Goddard James, \Vhaley Bridge LIME BURNERS. Jackson John, Whaley 1-lridge Hague Jame>~, HoiTidge eud Booth man Thomas, Bugsworth Lee John, Tunstead Milton Handford John, Chapel-en-le-Frith Sattersfield Robert, Bugsworth Waltou Samuel, Cock yard Harrison Ralph, New Smithy Wild John, Bugsworth Williamson John, Tunstead Milton Hay William, Whaley Bridge LINEN DRAPERS. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Hollinshead George, White lmll BramwellPeter(&woolleu) Chapel .. Barratt John, Cock yard Jack~on Edward, Whaley Bridge en-le-Frith Barratt William,Chapel-en-le-Fritb Johnson John (&druggiflt) Whaley Ferguson Mary, Cbapel-en-le-Fdtb Benne" James, WJWe1 Brldg~ Blid&~ Jladtiel<l ~<lwru:d, WbaleJ 22. .
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