NEW HAMPSHIRE COUNCIL OF CHURCHES 2021 Cycle of Prayer PO Box 1087 140 Sheep Davis Road Concord, NH 03302-1087 Pem"roke, NH 03275 in%o&nhch'rches.org ***(nhch'rches.org +603) 219-0889 ABOUT THIS CYCLE Beloved, pray for us. (1 Thess. 5:25) /he NH Co'ncil o% Ch'rches has nine !e!"er deno!ina1ions2 3!erican Baptis1 Ch'rches o% 4er!on1 and N(H( 5piscopa0 Diocese o% Ne* Ha!pshire 6reek Or1hodox 7e1ropo0is o% Bos1on 5van)e0ica0 8'1heran Ch'rch in 3!erica, Ne* 5n)0and S9nod Pres"91erian Ch'rch +US3-, Pres"91er9 o% Nor1hern Ne* 5n)0and Re0igio's Socie19 o% ;riends, Ne* 5n)0and <ear09 7ee1in) United Ch'rch o% Chris1, Ne* Ha!pshire Con%erence United 7e1hodis1 Ch'rch, Ne* 5n)0and Con%erence Unitarian Universa0is1 3ssocia1ion, Ne* 5n)0and Re)ion /here are a"o'1 380 con)re)a1ions *ith !e!"ership in one +or !ore- o% 1hese deno!ina1ions( /his c9c0e )ro'ps con)re)a1ions in se1s o% 7-8 %or each *eek o% 1he 9ear( =n 'sin) 1his in 9o'r con)re)a1ion, 9o' !a9 *ish 1o2 Pra9 %or 1he 7-8 con)re)a1ions each S'nda9 as >1s 9o'r o*n *orship 1radition( Pra9 %or 1he con)re)a1ions in s!a00er se1s in dail9 or !id*ee# pra9er services( ;ind 9o'r 1o*n and see o1her ch'rches in 9o'r 1o*n( Ch'rches are 0is1ed "9 1o*n, in a0pha"e1ica0 order( High0igh1 1his %ac1 as 9o' pra9 %or 9o'r neigh"ors( Share 1hese pra9er needs on 9o'r socia0 !edia as *e share 1he! a1 %ace"oo#(co!?nhco'ncilo%ch'rches Please se d correc"#o s to # fo$ %c%&rc%es'or( JANUARY )a &ary * :nited Church o% 3c*orth +3BC :CC- 3lexandria :nited Methodist Church Orchard Hill @uakers-3lstead /hird Congre)ationa0 Church 3lstead Co!!uni19 Church o% 3lton Messiah 5vangelica0 8utheran Church 3!herst Congre)ationa0 Church o% 3!herst, :CC )a &ary 10 3ntri! Baptist Church ;irst Presb9terian Church o% 3ntri! 3shland Co!!uni19 Church Ne* Li%e Church o% the Ahite Mountains +3BC- 3shland St. Mark’s 5piscopal Church 3shland 3shland :nited Methodist Church Congre)ationa0 Church 3tkinson )a &ary 1+ Long!eado* Congre)ationa0 Church 3'"urn Bartle11 Congre)ationa0 Church :CC Bath Congre)ationa0 Church Bed%ord Presb9terian Church ;irst Baptist Church Be0!ont ;irst Baptist Church Berlin St. Barna"as’ 5piscopa0 Church Berlin St. Pa'0Cs Lutheran Church Berlin )a &ary 24 Dure00 Me!oria0 :nited Methodist Church Bethlehe! Bosca*en Congre)ationa0 Church Crossroads Co!!uni19 Church Bo* Bo* Mills :nited Methodist Church Brad%ord Co!!uni19 Church ;irst Baptist Church Brentwood Pi0)ri! :nited Church o% Christ-Brentwood )a &ary 31 Bristol Baptist Church Bristol :nited Church o% Christ Brookline Co!!uni19 Church Ca!pton Baptist Church Canaan :nited Methodist Church ;irst Baptist Church Candia :nited Co!!uni19 Church Canter"'r9 Concord ;riends Meeting Canter"'r9 The grass withers, the flower fades; but the word of our God will sta!d forever. Isaiah 40:% FEBRUARY Fe-ruary + Canter"'r9 :nited Co!!uni19 Church Congre)ationa0 Church o% North Barnstead Center Conwa9 :nited Methodist Church Congre)ationa0 Church Center Har"or Mo'01onville :nited Methodist Church Center Ossipee Co!!uni19 Church o% Sand*ich +3BC :CC- /hird Baptist Church Center Stra%%ord Fe-ruary 1, South Parish :nitarian Church Charlesto*n Congre)ationa0 Church Charlesto*n Chatha! Congre)ationa0 Church /he Congre)ationa0 Church o% Chester +3BC :CC- 3sbur9 :nited Methodist Church Chester>eld Chocorua Co!!uni19 Church :nion-St. 8'ke’s 5piscopa0 Church Clare!ent Fe-ruary 21 Grace D Hope Co!!uni19 Church Clare!ont Grace River2 3 8i%e Giving Church Clare!ont /rini19 5piscopa0 Church Clare!ont Prince o% Peace 5van)elica0 Lutheran Church Clare!ont ;irst Congre)ationa0 Church Clare!ont ;irst :nited Methodist Church Clare!ont St. Stephen’s 5piscopa0 Mission-Cole"roo# Fe-ruary 28 /rini19 :nited Methodist Church Cole"roo# :nited Baptist Church Concord Grace 5piscopal Church Concord St. Pa'0Cs 5piscopa0 Church Concord Concordia 5vangelica0 Lutheran Church Concord Ho09 /rini19 Gree# Orthodox Church Concord :nitarian :niversalist Church o% Concord 5ast Congre)ationa0 Church Concord MARCH Marc% + ;irst Congre)ationa0 Church Concord South Congre)ationa0 Church Concord Aest Congre)ationa0 Church Concord Aesle9 :nited Methodist Church Concord Contoocook :nited Methodist Church Conwa9 4illa)e Congre)ationa0 Church :nited Church o% Cornish Marc% 1, Congre)ationa0 Church Dalton :nited Church o% Danbur9 +3BC :CC- Danville Baptist Church Deer>eld Co!!uni19 Church, :CC Deering Co!!uni19 Church ;irst Baptist Church Derr9 5piscopa0 Church o% the /ransfi)uration-Derr9 Marc% 21 St. 8ukeCs :nited Methodist Church Derr9 St. /ho!as 5piscopa0 Church Dover 3nnunciation Gree# Orthodox Church Dover Dover ;riends Meeting ;irst Parish Church Congre)ationa0 Dover St. Eohn's :nited Methodist Church Dover D'"lin Co!!uni19 Church Marc% 28 5piscopa0 Church o% St. Eohn the 5vangelist Dunbarton ;irst Congre)ationa0 Church Dunbarton St. Geor)e’s 5piscopa0 Church Durha! Durha! :: ;ello*ship Co!!uni19 Church o% Durha!, :CC ;irst Parish Congre)ationa0 Church, :CC 5ast Derr9 5ast Ha!pstead :nion Church 5ast Fingston Co!!uni19 :nited Methodist Church APRIL A/ril , Bethan9 :nited Methodist Church 5ast Rochester 5ast Aashington Baptist Church Co!!uni19 Lutheran Church 5nfield 5nfield :nited Methodist Church 5pping Co!!uni19 ;edera1ed Church Ne* R9e :nion Congre)ationa0 Church Chichester :nited Methodist Church A/ril 11 Congre)ationa0 Church, 5rro0 ;irst Baptist Church 5tna ;irst Baptist Church 5xeter Christ 5piscopal Church 5xeter ;irst :nitarian :niversalist Socie19 o% 5xeter /he Congre)ationa0 Church in 5xeter, :CC 5xeter :nited Methodist Church A/ril 10 ;irst Congre)ationa0 Church ;ar!ington ;i1G*illia! Co!!uni19 Church, :CC Co!!uni19 Church, ;rancesto*n ;ranconia Co!!uni19 Church o% Christ +3BC :CC- /he Baptist Church o% ;ranklin /rans>)uration Gree# Orthodox Church ;ranklin :nitarian :niversalist Congre)ation o% ;ranklin A/ril 26 Congre)ationa0 Christian Church ;ranklin ;ranklin :nited Methodist Church PeopleCs :nited Methodist Church ;re!ont Gi0%ord Co!!uni19 Church ;irst :nited Methodist Church Gi0%ord Gi0!anton Co!!uni19 Church Gilsum Congre)ationa0 Church Go%%sto*n Christian ;ello*ship MAY May 2 ;irst Spanish 3!erican Baptist Church Go%%sto*n St. Matthe*’s 5piscopa0 Church Go%%sto*n Hillside :nited Methodist Church Go%%sto*n Gonic ;riends Meeting Gorha! Congre)ationa0 Church, :CC Goshen Co!!uni19 Church Grantha! :nited Methodist Church May 0 Co!!uni19 Congre)ationa0 Church, :CC Greenland Greenland :nited Methodist Church Groveton :nited Methodist Church Star# :nited Methodist Church Groveton St. Christopher’s 5piscopal Church Ha!pstead Ha!pstead Congre)ationa0 Church ;irst Baptist Church Ha!pton May 11 /rini19 5piscopa0 Church Ha!pton ;irst Congre)ationa0 Church o% Ha!pton Ha!pton :nited Methodist Church ;irst Baptist Church Ha!pton ;alls ;irst Congre)ationa0 Socie19 :nitarian o% Ha!pton ;alls ;irst Congre)ationa0 Church, Hancoc# /rini19 Baptist Church Hanover May 23 St. /ho!as 5piscopa0 Church Hanover Our Savior 5vangelica0 Lutheran Church Hanover Hanover ;riends Meeting Fendal Aorship Group Hanover /he Church o% Christ at Dar1!outh Colle)e ;irst Congre)ationa0 Church, Hanover Center Co!!uni19 Church o% Harrisville D Chesha! +3BC :CC- May 30 ;irst Congre)ationa0 Church, Haverhi00 :nion Congre)ationa0 Church, He"ron Aeare ;riends Meeting Henniker Congre)ationa0 Church, Henniker S!ith Me!oria0 Church Hillsboro Hillsboro :nited Methodist Church Ho0derness Co!!uni19 Church Congre)ationa0 Church o% Hollis, :CC &e will give rai! for the seed with whi'h you sow the grou!d, a!d grai!, the produ'e of the grou!d, whi'h will be ri'h a!d plenteous. Isaiah 30:23 JUNE )& e 1 Congre)ationa0 Church o% Hookse11 St. 3ndre*’s 5piscopal Church Hopkinton ;irst Congre)ationa0 Church, :CC Hopkinton ;irst Baptist Church H'dson Co!!uni19 Church, :CC H'dson Eackson Co!!uni19 Church Monadnock ;riends Meeting Ea%%re9 )& e 1* ;irst Church Ea%%re9 /he :nited Church o% Ea%%re9 St. Eohn's :nited Methodist Church Ee%%erson ;irst Baptist Church Feene St. Ea!es’ 5piscopal Church Feene St. Geor)e Gree# Orthodox Church Feene Feene ;riends Meeting )& e 20 Feene :: Church :nited Church o% Christ-Feene ;irst Congre)ationa0 Church o% Fensington :nited Baptist Church o% Lakepor1 St. Ea!es’ 5piscopal Church Laconia Good Shepherd 8utheran Church Laconia /axiarchai Church +Gree# Orthodox) Laconia )& e 27 :: Socie19 o% Laconia Congre)ationa0 Church Laconia St. Paul’s 5piscopa0 Church Lancaster Lancaster Congre)ationa0 Church Christ :nited Methodist Church Lancaster ;irst 5van)elica0 Congre)ationa0 Church :CC Langdon ;irst Baptist Church Le"anon ;irst Congre)ationa0 Church Le"anon JULY )uly , Le"anon :nited Methodist Church Lee Church Congre)ationa0 Loon Mountain Ministr9 Lincoln 5piscopa0 Church o% the 5piphany Lisbon /he Shared Ministr9 Lisbon Litch>eld Co!!uni19 Church Presb91erian 3ll Saints’ 5piscopa0 Church Littleton )uly 11 North Countr9 :nitarian :niversalist Socie19 Littleton ;irst Congre)ationa0 Church, :CC Littleton ;irst :nited Methodist Church Little1on Loch!ere ;ree Baptist Church St. Peter’s 5piscopa0 Church Londonderr9 Londonderr9 Presb9terian Church Londonderr9 :nited Methodist Church )uly 1. Lo'don Center ;ree*i00 Baptist Church 89!e Congre)ationa0 Church ;irst Baptist Church o% 89!e :nited Church o% 89nde"oro')h +3BC :CC- Mad"ur9 :nited Church o% Christ Maranatha =ndonesian :nited Church o% Christ-Mad"ur9 /he Madison Church )uly 25 ;irst Baptist Church Manchester ;rench Speaking Baptist Church Manchester Pri!era =)lesia Bautista Hispana Manchester Grace 5piscopal Church Manchester St. 3ndre*Cs 5piscopal Church Manchester Gethse!ane 8'theran Church Manchester 3ssumption Gree# Orthodox Church Manchester St. Geor)e Gree# Orthodox Cathedra0 Manchester AU3UST A&(us" 1 St.
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