PAVILIONPAVILIONPAVILION COMPETITIONSCOMPETITIONSCOMPETITIONS SHEEArtP F &EA CraftsTURPAVILIONE B*RCookeryEED COMPETITIONS * Farm & Home Produce * SSSHHHEEEEArtEEArtArtPPP F F F &E&E&EA AA CraftsCraftsTCraftsTTUUURRREEE B BBB***RRRRCookeryCookeryECookeryEEEEEEDDD *** FarmFarmFarm&&&HomeHomeHomeProduceProduceProduce *** Art & CraftsHorticulture* Cookery ** TextilesFarm & Home* WoolProduce * HorticultureHorticultureHorticulture*** Textiles TextilesTextiles**** Wool WoolWoolWool Pavilion Competitions have a range of times and dates for Entry Registration, Delivery, Judging and Pick-up. PavilionPavilionPavilion Competitions CompetitionsCompetitions have havehave a aa range rangerange of ofof times timestimes and andand dates datesdates for forfor Entry EntryEntry Registration,RegistrationRegistrationRegistration, ,, Delivery, Delivery,Delivery, Judging JudgingJudging and andand Pick PickPick--up.-up.up. Pavilion***PLEASE Competitions NOTE THAThave aALL range PAVILION of times SECTIONSand dates for ARE Entry NOWRegistration TO BE JUDGED, Delivery, ON Judging THE THURSDAY and Pick-up. ***PLEASE***PLEASE***PLEASE NOTE NOTENOTE THAT THATTHATALLALLALL PAVILION PAVILIONPAVILION SECTIONS SECTIONSSECTIONS ARE AREARE NOW NOWNOW TO TOTO BE BEBE JUDGED JUDGEDJUDGED ON ONON THE THETHE THURSDAY THURSDAYTHURSDAY ***PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL PAVILIONPRECEEDING SECTIONS THE ARE SHOW*** NOW TO BE JUDGED ON THE THURSDAY PRECEEDINGPRECEEDINGPRECEEDING THE THETHE SHOW*** SHOW***SHOW*** PRECEEDING THE SHOW*** IMPORTANT: HOW TO ENTER IMPORTANT: HOW TO ENTER IMPORTANT:IMPORTANT:IMPORTANT:IMPORTANT:HOWHOWHOWTOTOTOTOENTERENTERENTERENTER Entry form on page 41 (Feel free to copy) Entry form on page 41 (Feel(Feel(Feel free freefree to toto copy) copy)copy) EntryEntryEntryEntry form formform on onon page pagepage44144111(Feel free to copy) ENTRY REGISTRATION EXHIBIT DELIVERY: PICK-UP: ENTRY REGISTRATION EXHIBIT DELIVERY: PICK-UP: ENTRYDUEENTRYENTRY BY: REGISTRATIONREGISTRATION REGISTRATION EXHIBITEXHIBITEXHIBIT DELIVERY: DELIVERY:DELIVERY: PICKPICKPICKPICK-UP:--UP:-UP:UP: DUE BY: DUEDUEDUE BY: BY:BY: WOOL th th th WOOLWOOLWOOL 5pm Friday 9ththththOctober Tuesday 13ththththOctober 4.45pm Saturday 17ththththOctober (pageWOOL22) 5pm5pm5pm Friday FridayFriday999th OctoberOctoberOctober TuesdaTuesdaTuesdayy y1 1133th3 OctoberOctoberOctober 4.45pm4.45pm4.45pm Saturday SaturdaySaturday 1 117th77 OctoberOctoberOctober (page(page(page2222 22))) 5pm Friday 9 October Tuesday 13 October 4.45pm Saturday 17 October FARM(page 22 &) HOME th FARMFARMFARM & && HOME HOMEHOME th 2-6pm THURSDAY 15ththththOctober, th PRODUCEFARM & HOME 4pm Wed 14ththththOctober 222-6pm--6pm6pm THURSDAYTHURSDAYTHURSDAY111555th October,October,October, 4.45pm Saturday 17ththththOctober 4pm Wed 14 th October 2Grandstand-6pm THURSDAY 15 October, th PRODUCE(pagePRODUCEPRODUCE24) 4pm4pm4pmWedWed Wed111444 OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober 4.45pm4.45pm4.45pm4.45pm Saturday Saturday SaturdaySaturday 17 17 1717OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober GrandstandGrandstandGrandstand (page(page(page242424)))) th HORTICULTURE th 2-6pm THURSDAY 15ththththOctober, th HORTICULTURE 4pm Wed 14th October 2-6pm THURSDAY 15th October, 4.45pm Saturday 17th October HORTICULTURE(pageHORTICULTUREHORTICULTURE25) thththth 2Grandstand22---6pm6pm6pm THURSDAY THURSDAYTHURSDAY 1515 1515October,October,October,October, thththth 4pm4pm4pmWedWed Wed111444 OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober 4.454.454.454.45pmpmpmpm Saturday Saturday SaturdaySaturday 17 17 1717OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober (page(page(page252525 )))) GrandstandGrandstandGrandstand th COOKERY th 7.30-9.30am Thurs 15ththththOctober, th 5pm Friday 9th October 7.30-9.30am Thurs 15th October, 5pm Saturday 17th October COOKERYCOOKERYCOOKERY thththth 7.307.307.30--9.30am-9.30am9.30amThursThursThurs 11 151555October,October,October,October, thththth (page 27) 5pm5pm5pm Friday FridayFriday9999 OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober Croxford Pavilion 5pm5pm5pm5pm Saturday Saturday SaturdaySaturday 1 1 7 11777OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober (page(page(page272727 )))) CroxfordCroxfordCroxford Pavilion Pavilion PavilionPavilion TEXTILES th th th 5pm Friday 9 October Tuesday 13 October 5pm Saturday 17 October TEXTILESTEXTILESTEXTILES ththththth ththththth ththththth (page 32) 5pm5pm5pm Friday FridayFriday9999 OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober TuesdayTuesdayTuesday 1 1 131333 OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober 5pm5pm5pm5pm Saturday Saturday SaturdaySaturday 17 17 1717OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober (page(page(page323232)))) ART & CRAFTS th th th 5pm Friday 9 October Tuesday 13 October 5pm Saturday 17 October ARTARTART & && CRAFTS CRAFTSCRAFTS ththththth ththththth ththththth (page 35) 5pm5pm5pm Friday FridayFriday9999 OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober TuesdayTuesdayTuesday 1 1 131333 OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober 5pm5pm5pm5pm Saturday Saturday SaturdaySaturday 17 17 1717OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober (page(page(page353535)))) WAYS TO ENTER: WAYSWAYSWAYS1. TO TOTOIN ENTER: PERSONENTER:ENTER: to the Secretary’s Office, just inside the main gates of the Showgrounds, opposite the Rose Gardens. Office 1.1.1. ININtimesINININ PERSON PERSON PERSONPERSONPERSON are listedtotototo the theon thethe the Secretary’s Secretary’s Secretary’sSecretary’s inside front Office, Office,Office, Office,Office, cover just just justjust of inside insidethe insideinsideSchedule. the the thethe main main mainmain gatesgates gates gatesgates ofof of ofof thethe the thethe Showgrounds,Showgrounds, Showgrounds, Showgrounds,Showgrounds, opposite opposite opposite oppositeopposite the the the thethe Rose Rose Rose RoseRose Gardens. Gardens. Gardens. Gardens.Gardens. Office Office Office OfficeOffice 2. timestimesBYtimestimestimes POST are are areareare listed listed listedtolisted PO on on on onBox the the thethe 168, insideinsideinside insideinside Benalla front frontfront frontfront cover cover cover cover3671.cover of of ofof the the thetheSchedule.Schedule.Schedule. 2.2.2. BY**CorrectBYBY POST POSTPOST entrytotototo PO PO POPO feesBox Box BoxBox 168,168,and 168,168, a Benalla BenallaBenalla Benalla BenallaDL size 3671. 3671.3671. 3671.3671.Stamped, Self Addressed Envelope must be enclosed** **Correct**Correct**Correct entry entryentry fees feesfees and andand a a aa DL DL DLDL size size sizesizeStamped,Stamped,Stamped,Stamped,SelfSelfSelf Addressed AddressedAddressed EnvelopeEnvelope EnvelopeEnvelope mustmust mustmust be be bebe enclosed** enclosed** enclosed**enclosed** Entry fees must accompany the Registration Form or the entry will NOT be processed. EntryNoEntryEntry phone fees feesfees entries.must mustmust accompany accompanyaccompany thethe theRegistrationRegistrationRegistrationRegistrationFFFormormormororor the thethe entry entry entryentry willwill willwill NOTNOT NOTNOTbebebebe processed.processed. processed.processed. NoExhibitsNoNo phone phonephone can entries. entries.entries. be delivered to the Secretary’s Office prior to judging day. Please note Office hours on the Inside Front ExhibitsCover.ExhibitsExhibits can cancan be bebedelivereddelivereddelivered toto to thethe the Secretary’s Secretary’s Secretary’sSecretary’s Office OfficeOffice prior priorprior to toto judging judging judgingjudging day.day. day.day. PleasePlease PleasePlease note note notenote Office Office OfficeOffice hours hours hourshours on on onon the the thethe Inside Inside InsideInside Front Front FrontFront Cover. Cover.NOCover.Cover. REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED ON THE DAY OF JUDGING NO REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED ON THE DAY OF JUDGING NOPLEASENONO REGISTRATIONS REGISTRATIONSREGISTRATIONS NOTE: Judging ACCEPTED ACCEPTEDACCEPTED for the Horticulture ON ONON THE THETHE DAY DAYDAY and OF OFOFFarm JUDGING JUDGINGJUDGING & Home Produce Sections will now be done on THURSDAY PLEASE NOTE: Judging for the Horticulture and Farm & Home Produce Sections will now be done on THURSDAY PLEASEevening.PLEASEPLEASE NOTE: Times/details NOTE:NOTE: Judging JudgingJudging listed for forfor the thewiththe Horticulture HorticultureHorticulture each section. and andand Farm FarmFarm & && Home HomeHome Produce ProduceProduce Sections SectionsSections will willwill now nownow be bebe done donedone on onon TH THTHURSDAYURSDAYURSDAY evening. Times/details listed with each section. evening.Pleaseevening.evening. note: Times/details Times/detailsTimes/detailsEvery effort listed willlistedlisted be with withmadewith each eacheach to display section. section.section. all exhibits in space available. When space is limited all eligible exhibits will be Please note: Every effort will be made to display all exhibits in space available. When space is limited all eligible exhibits will be PleasejudgedPleasePlease note:but note:note: notEvEvEv necessarilyeryeryery effort efforteffort will will willdisplayed. be bebe made mademade to toto display displaydisplay all allall exhibits exhibitsexhibits in inin space spacespaceavailableavailable.availableavailable. .. When WhenWhen space spacespace is isis limited limitedlimited all allall eligible eligibleeligible exhibits exhibitsexhibits will willwill be bebe judged but not necessarily displayed. judgedjudgedRegisteredjudgedjudged but but butbut not notexhibits notnot necessarily necessarily necessarilynecessarily deliver eddisplayed. displayed. displayed.displayed. late: judging and display cannot be guaranteed but all reasonable efforts will be made to do so. RegisteredRegisteredRegistered exhibits exhibitsexhibits deliver delivered deliverdeliverededed late:late: late: judging judging judgingjudging and and andand display displaydisplay cannot cannotcannot be be
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