ii-s, JATURDAT, MABCR 8, T W iU ^V B jKanrl;»jatrr lEttntlns I|entl8 r Your Red Cross Serves You h- Will You Help the- Red Cross ? ■ $'.’3 wc ilscldsd to ghrs it sway. Wa couldn't Influancs anybody ta take List Engagement CoUect $5 ^ 0 0 It In Manchester. Then ws heard Average Daily Net Preas Run About Town Heard Along Main Street of a family tn tllaatonbury who wanted a piano. Ws got In touch For Red Cross For the Week Ending The Wetther Ite swlor LuOiw t<—«y ^ writh them and ona cold winter’s 0 rai!ge H all B ingo Much 6. 1951 roreoMt of 0. 8. Woathw ■arzaa th« Ooncordta Uitherw And on Some of Manche$ter*$ Side StreeU^ Too day they aeiit a truck for the win hoM « meeting tomoirow e ^ piano. That Iff Result of the 10,139 Today—Fair ood mIM: tonight nlng at new" o’clock at We are Intrigued no end by this. with trees, make a better looking When It arrived at its destina­ EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT All members are requested to be tion It was Impossible to get It First Week^s Canvass Member of the Audit iwurniu^ llFraiQ —putly ekMidy; Tneoday— eon* present. ___ through any door In the houae and B un^ of OtraulntlonB oMemble doudlneoa, eooler. r H ' s i r ■r. "S*.' 1 our friend had quite a time trying In Present Campaign P«mi7 Bingo 7:15 to 7:45—Regular Bingo at 7:41 Manchester— A City of Village Charm Richard 8. Carpentw and ^ k to dispose of it, gratis. p Sheldon, local representatives £n I.isn.'sr.: blltioni of bucks, but It la their these eye sores is Returns from the Residential Dl> of the Phoenix Mutual Ufe Insur­ nature that they don t trust no- thing visitora see VOL. LXX, NO. 130 (CIoMUIed Adverttatag oo Bic« It) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY'. MARCH 5. 1951 ance Oo- have received national Toii’ve heard about "canned" vision of Red Cross Fund Drive (TWELVE PA(iEB) PRICE FIVE CENTS body. You ran add up your own they conic off the new high- news? Well, this news Is in a bot­ have been very slow in coming In, ORANGE HALL recognition by earning check in a restaurant, you arc let and the end of the first week of m e^ to the president s Held staff tle. Into the groceries in the super­ Ym sure if you will print this, Just an ordinary bottle, too — the 1951 campaign finds that only of the company for 1951. accord­ market. you are urged to "use ' everyone w 111 agree with It. 10 of the 20 districts have rspogted ing to Edwin H. May, manager of with about one good shot left In It. Death in a Ditch the Price of Ainhukh your credit" at clothiers of whom Yours very truly, If you've ever noticed the mutual any figures at all. Most residential - the Home Office Agency. vou have never heard. But banks, A Reader Two Soldiers Dead heating plant at the rear of the returns to date are ao small as to (leallng in money, are con.stltution be Inconclusive. The fourth in the series of I.a.st week we fold you about House and Hale building, you have U. S. Infantry Routs ally suspicious. Dog Warden I.,ee Frari liia and bin probably alao noticed the big The Corpotallons and Retailers family Lenten servirea vklll take Now, in a flash, all this is going Divisioas. while still far from their place tomorrow evening at l^e iniltation of a shaving advertise­ smokestack. And if you've noticed to be changed. the smokestack —or chimney — individual goals, head the list of Four Hurt in Wild The old system is headed for the ment. Here la this week's aeqiiel. The gong gathered at Lee'e sta­ you may have noticed the little this primary return. film. "Journey Into Faith, will M vault. Itemised figures according to S T v ^ a tS iS O tion la.st Saturday afternoon after black, Iron door near the base. The First National Bank is The Herald had come off the press. Well, the little door Is to permit divlalons follow: 6,000 North Koreans bring sandwiches, and the bringing its dough out into the Corporations .................... 13,128.00 W anted! Williams group will One of the boys was reading the periodic cleaning of the black, Smash at Meriden open and setting it on the table account about laie when the latter grimy soot produced In most cbim' R etailers ............................. 863.00 coffee and coCoa for the children. Mias Beverly Beats and Inviting you to break a buck strolled into the station in hla neys. Seems that ths man who Residential ........................ 779.75 with no more embarrassment or usual Jolly mood. Starting to fool Professional ...................... 157.00 Chief Herman O. Schendel and runs ths heating plant was doing Mr. and Mrs. Norman T. BenU Organizations .................... 112.00 Men Returning to Fort D r Harold B arrett will •P***' supervision then you get when with Eddie Wilson, who waa read­ his chimney-cleaning one day when Invited Guest you do the same In the collec­ ing the paper, Lee couldn’t get a of 40S E ast Middle T urnpike wish Devens Ram Under Big In Great New Attack a meeUng at Temple Beth Sholom —that's right. In the midst of the tion plate in church. The compari­ word out of anyone, least of all to announce the engagement of First week’s total ___ $5,039.75 Saleswomen Monday evening at soot was our newsy bottle— with An analysis of these figuree Both men will discuss Ci\ illan De­ son. is, in fact, fortunate, for Eddie. Everyone waa waiting for their daughter, Beverly E. Bents, I Trailer Truck; One of Lee to ask w'hflt waa In the pa|ier, about one good shot left In It. Ap­ •shows th a t th e sum raised in this Helped Hotel fense measiires; Dr. Barrett was there is something (lownrighl parently. one of the local gentry to Frank H. Carlson, son of Mr. Injured May Not Live Aided by Artillery Sup­ formerly with the government brotherly and human in this bank­ but he didn t. Finally Lee pulled first week's effort is slightly less out a book of matches and lit the wasn’t satisfied w ith using treea or and Mrs. Frank I. Carlson of 64 than one-fourth of the tolal quota After Delicate Brain First Complete Story port I I . N. Forces Hit atomic project at Oak Ridge and ing gesture. paper that Wilson waa ao en­ secluded comers (are there any South Alton atreet. of $21,000. Get RFC Loan is now on the staff of the State The losses. If indeed there are EXPERIENCE HELPFUL BUT grossed in. Eddie didn’t bat an left?) of the park to hide his bot­ Both Mias Bents and Mr. Cart- York Strangfeld, general chair­ From Three Sides in Board of Health. A film entitled any at all. are expected to be due Surgery; All Critical ejvelash. but Just continued to read tle. So he used the little Iron door son are graduates of Manchester man of the Drive, points out that "Pattern of Survival.' dealing with to something like a customer mis­ NOT ESSENTIAL Central Area; Reds until the flames got near his and some soot. High school In the cla.ss of 1950. prompt canvassing will abrogate Official Given Hospi­ Of ^Massacre Valley^ Civilian Defense will also be shown. taking a half for a quarter in his hands, and then dropped the paper Well, the chimney-cleaner de­ Miss Bents is attending Rider the necessity of dragging out the Meriden, March 5.—(A’)— Flee to New Line of favor. Some Uiink there may well on the floor. stroyed the bottle and finished his Oollege, Trenton, N. J., and Mr. campaign for an undesirable length One soldier was killed, an­ tality at Plush Palm Members of the various local be a snrplUB at the end of the aver, About that time aomebody told Carlson is in the air force, sta­ Hesistanee to North; Orange lodges are reminded that cleaning Job. of time. In the Residential Divi­ TEMPORARY and PERMANENT other was injured fatally and Bearli Spot He Arlinits age day. We tend to amlle a little I>ee his name was In Heard Along, It was a couple of days later tioned at Scott Field, Illinois. sion, particularly, majors and four others were injured crit­ In Korea Is Now Told today marks the deaiiiint for res- cagily at this as part of the old and he asked. ’Where?" Wilson No definite date has been set Enemy Trying to Build ervaUona for the annlversarj- ban­ that he noticed the furnace wasn't captains are urged to get their POSITIONS ically here early today when As Probe Continues bank blarney about money "grow scooped up the burnt pieces of working Just right. Investigation for the wedding. workers out so that house-to-house Up Strength for Attack quet. March 10. They may be made ing," but no, they tell us. paper and handed them to Lee. an automobile in which they Hoengsong. Korea, March 5 i,Vi , dent a mile of burned and bullet- through Frank Duncan. Little dlaclosed that the little Iron door canvassing may assume a more ac­ B u lletin ! Time find (lie ro tira tln g Reds lorn tr\i<ks, bla.sled field guns, There are, it aeems, so many They say Lee made a bee-line for wae open.
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