California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Inland Empire Business Journal Special Collections & University Archives 2-2009 February 2009 Inland Empire Business Journal Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/iebusinessjournal Part of the Business Commons Recommended Citation Inland Empire Business Journal, "February 2009" (2009). Inland Empire Business Journal. 159. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/iebusinessjournal/159 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections & University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Empire Business Journal by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ...SiliiTID PAID A E **"""*"AUJO••SCH 1 DIGIT 916 Onwno,('·- \ IHGRlD nHJHOHV Ptmut ,,. I OR CURRfHI OCCUPAHI 6511 CRISTA PAlHA OR HUHIIHGIOH DEACH, CA 9264/ 6617 ourn 11.1 .... 1.1.11 ... 1•• 11,,,1,11 ... 11,,,,,111 ••• 1••• 11 ,,,1111 ... 1 \\\\\\ 0USJOoHI Jl l-01'1 VOLUME 21. UMBER 2 '52.00 February 200L) School for Autism Spectrum Disorders expands to AT DEADLINE meet the needs of the grO\\ing autistic population Special LeRo) Ha)nec., Center It \\a\ jU\t ll\C year\ ago that n----'T::::';J;;:::::.. 11111"'~F., Sections Appoints former Habitat LeRo) llaynes Center tkcided to open ,t clas,room to meet the 'Pl'­ Thr ( rtdit l'nsrs an Inland t.mptre for Humanit) controller as Opportumh? Quarttrl) Eronollllf cial need' of thL' grovv ing autistJL' nen chief financial officer Report population. The former controller for Focus is placed on the develop­ Pg. 3 Pg.J! I laoitat for llumantt) of Greater mg. and enh.tncmg language skill\, Lo-, Angck' ha' been named C)L' contact and JOint attention chief financial ollJceJ lor LeRoy sk1lls. init1at1ng 1nteractwn vv 1th pL·ers. pia; 'kills. appropriate e.tt­ I lay nes Center 111 La \Ierne. mg skills. and lnllovv 1ng direct Jon,. ac-cording to Dan "vla) tkck. president and CEO Why NOT to Slash Marketing- and a Whole New Way to T hink About the " M" Word When time' get tough. compan1cs haw a knee-Jerk temknc) to 'ta1t slashing <md buming. The) Ia) oil employees. 'flle) search [()r cheaper healtlKare benefits <md eluninate holida; h<.llllN~'- The) seL·k v\a)s to reduce oved1ead <md c\tJ<Ull'OUs C<bh Someumc' thrs cntde 'mger; imprmes the health of the overall org<Ull/.iltJon: someumes 11 doesn't. But 111 Autism the thick of all the "bad econom) ·· de<u·-t:utung. there\ one bus mess func­ Conference tion that should n..:v·er get the a\-and )Ct. it\ all too often the first v1ctim. Casa Colina will present 12 Mm·keting. nationall) knov.. n auttsm experh ll1at \ nght fo cut back on your efl()rts to market your produch <md at Jh Xth Annual rrcnd' 111 '..:rv icc' when people are a! read) rcluet<mt to buy is akin to eorpor.ue sui­ Auu'm Confcrcnce on March Cide 14th. 15th The conference v.ill In a recession. 11\ harder to gain nev\ customel'\. to convmce C\Jsung he ht.:ld at Galilc.:o Hall on the cu,tomcrs to bu; more .•md to win back customeJ"> who ha\ e left. So com­ Han C) ~tudd College Campus Tony WillJalll'>, a veteran panies olicnneed to he spendmg more money. not less. They JUSt need to he located at 240 East Platt Blvd .. v. ith II years of cxpenence 1n smart about it. m Claremont. .III a'pects of accounting wuhan It\ this simple: During <Ul) peri< xi or economic hardship. there are\\ in­ Conference speakers \\ill empha'1' on the puohc sector nel'\ <Uld loseJ">. Choke your marketing errorts dov.n to a triclde-{)r JUSt <L'> discuss the latest re,earch and and non-profit arena. holds a bad. thrcct your dollaJ"> 1nto the wrong chmmels -<Uld you'll surely lind treatment programs m the Iield bachelor's degree 1n ous1ncss youl'\d r <U110ng the latter group. Ovcdlaul your approach to mark.ctmg <Uld or auttsm. adn11mstrat ion from Cal State you'll he pos1Uoncd to s\V<Xlp dmv n <Uld grab some of the cu,tomcr dollal'\ Thirteen Continuing UnJver'>lt) Dommguo Hills. 1s that previous!; went to a competitor or even capture <m untapped market. Education Lnits v. ill be issued currently working on a master's Consider. for exan1plc. that in a g<xxl economy the vacation and video to speech/language pathologl\ts. degree in public admllllstratJon. game mdu,trie' do not compete vv ith each other In a bad L'(;OnOm). con­ audiologi\ls and nur'e' \\ ho and is a member of both the sume~'\ ma) have no opuon but to I(Jrgo vacations. But to compensate l(lr attend both days of the confer­ Institute of Internal Auditors and this loss. they may reward themselves with a smalL a!Tordablc purchase ence. At the dos1ng se\Sion. the Government Finance such as a Video game. And that\ wh; it's important to pay attention to 'hlfh attendees vv 1!1 have the opportu Officers Association. in consumer sPL·nd1ng-if )OU ·rca v1deo g<mle maker.) ou ma) vvell hene­ nit) to tnteract. engage and Prior to Haottat for lit from a dramatic mcrcase in your marketing right nov.. C\change information with a l lumantty. Williams sc·rved as Before you. the h) pothetical v 1deo game maker. c<m achieve 'uch a feat. panel of auti,m spectah,h. controller for the l.os Angeles you mu't lirst get ;our marketing ;md linm1c..: tkpanmcnts v\ork1ng togeth­ County l\1ulticultural er rather thm1 cl<1shing against each other It\ no secret that lin<mce people For more informarion call Counselmg Center and. before typically v..idd the cosH.:utting blade-while marketing peoplt.: are pet­ l)(}<J 5lJf>-7733 or e-mail J/1.1;\'­ that. as an accounting supervisor cehcd th fJ~e-spendel'\ v.ho have a tough time qu<mtilymg their JdC.l\. llllllllki0 ca.1aco/ina.orl!, or l'i.ll/ for the Los Angek' County Fonunatel; common ground does e\tst. 'W1len these tv\o groups stop talk­ \\'\\ II'.Cll.\l/CO/ina .Or!!, Department ot Mental l lealth. mg. at each other. when they get out of continued on fWl!,t' 6 h:bruar 2009 F.:bruan 2009 BUSINESS JOuRNAL • PACil· \ A Contrarian View: EXECUTIVE MBA The Credit Crisis as an Opportunity JJJ;ov/rkJd By Payden & Rygel Home Loans & Realty The global credit cri\1~ has left lllVl:stors un.,ure of what the future hold~. When the cnsis began more than a year ago. fc\\ 1220 De\\ey Wa). Suiter \\Ould have imagined that American Insurance Group (AIG). Upland. California 91786 Fannie Mae. Freddie :vtac. Bear ')tearn~. Lehman Brothers. Merrill 909-938-1138 Cell Lynch and others would be out of business. sei/ed or bought. Fear 800 834-6088 and pamc have gripped mvestors as they shun all but the safest and Mike Morrell 909-946-0164 Fax most liquid investments. President But. history suggests an opportunity IS at hand. The US gov­ [email protected] ernment and pnvate sector are working together to resolve the cri­ www.providenthomcloans.com sis. and investors should look to position themselves to take advantage of the changing environment. During prior periods of financ1al upheaval. corporate credit spreads have typically w1dened out at the height of the crisi~. before eventually tighten­ mg back as the government intervene~ and the economy improves. Th1~ pattern was evident dunng the Oil Crisis of the 1970s. the Savings and Loan Cns1s of the 1990s. and the Enron Collapse in 200 I. In the text that follows. we will examine these past crises and discuss the implicauons for the corporate bond market going forward. ABA Adds Inland Empire Riverside The Oil Crises of the 1970s Rage to Expansion Teams The 1970s saw two separate penods of economic stress 111 The Amencan Basketball on to the next level. she began \\ hich corporate bonds suffered. The first otl cns1s began in Assoetallon (ABA) announced her team. October 1973. as members of the Organization of Petroleum that the Inland Emp1re Monique is the director of Exporting Countries (OPEC) announced that they v.ould no longer Inland Southern California's New Riverside Rage \\Ould jom the sports activities for LA F1tness ship oil to the united States because of Amencan support for Israel growing list of expansion team~ Internauonal. City of Redlands. in the Yom Kippur War. Th1s embargo was reinforced by the pro­ EXECUTIVE MBA for High Potential, for the 2009 season "with a little Moreno Valley. Riverside. and ducers· decision in O\ember 1973 to reduce output by a quarter. Fast Track Managers and Professionals twist," according to Joe prov1des program facilitation. The embargo. which extended through March 1974. resulted in the Newman. ABA CEO. marketmg and promotional sup­ net loss of four million barrels per day and represented a decline • Jom other I eadmg fhmkers, Lcadmg c.nm th. TOSHIBA "Monique Flaherty. the team port, league direction and tour­ of 7f'/c of world production. • De 1 ned for workmg profe,slonals, mana~ers and emrepreneurs. BUSINESS SOLUTIONS owner. is a remarkable woman nament organization and host­ Otl prices quadrupled in a matter of months and the global Colifomlo • Anend cia e~ on alrcrn.uc \\cekcnds. who began puttmg things ing. camp and clinics for youth economy slipped into a deep recessiOn. As the 1mpact of the cns1s and adults. She has been rippled through the US economy. corporate spreads widened to a • I rn fr m top fa~ult), mdustr) profcss1on I and thought leaders.
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