The Flyleaf Friends of Fondren Library Vol. 44, No. 2 Winter 1994 wSfortfif * * i* ;tei^H r \ja Flying for Fondren Gala - The "Ariel" From The Anderson Collection A Letter to the Friends Dear Friends, Anderson consulted bibliographies and On April 9, 1994, we will be "Flying antiquarian catalogs, worked with dealers in for Fondren". We invite you to join us that the United States and England, and traveled evening at Cohen House on the Rice cam- extensively. pus for a festive evening as we honor Ben In the soaring spirit of this gift and and Mary Anderson and acknowledge their the many others of the Andersons, we are extraordinary generosity to Rice. planning a grand celebration. Please join us In 1986, Mr. Anderson gave his for our annual fundraiser for the Friends of extensive aeronautical collection of books Fondren Library Endowment Fund. For and related materials to the library. There further information, call 285-5157 and come are between 3,500 and 3,800 books, pam- fly with us. phlets, bound periodicals, albums, scrap- books, clippings, and photographs, models Cordially, of airplanes, kites, and lantern slides. Mr. Anderson put together his collection over 20 years. He has covered the history of manned flight from the dreams of Leonardo da Vinci to the beginning of the Sally K. Reynolds Space Age. To build this collection, Mr. Chairman, Fondren Saturday Night FONDREN LIBRARY THE FRIENDS OF THE FLYLEAF FONDREN LIBRARY Founded under the charter of the university dated May The Friends of Fondren Founded October 1950 and ; 18, 1891, the library was Library was founded in 1950 published quarterly by the established in 1913. Its as an association of library Friends of Fondren Library, present building was dedi- supporters interested in Rice University, P.O. Box cated November 4, 1949, and increasing and making better 1892, Houston, Texas 77251- rededicated in 1969 after a known the resources of Fon- 1892. The Flyleaf is a record of substantial addition, both dren Library at Rice Univer- Fondren Library's and made possible by gifts of Ella sity. The Friends, through Friends' activities, and of the F. Fondren, her children, and members' contributions and generosity of the library's the Fondren Foundation and sponsorship of a program of supporters. Trust as a tribute to Walter memorials and honor gifts, William Fondren. The library secure gifts and bequests, and celebrated its half-millionth provide funds for the pur- volume in 1965 and its one- chase of rare books, manu- millionth volume on April 22, scripts, and other materials 1979. that are needed to support teaching and research at the university. Contents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson to be Second Booksale Honored at "Flying For Fondren" Gala Page 2 A Success Page 8 Fruit Box in Allen Center Basement Financial Report for Yields Mr. Rice's Papers Page 3 Fiscal Years 1992 and 1993 Page 9 Architect's Papers Added to Collection Page 5 Friends of Fondren Library Page 10 Notices to the Friends Page 6 Gifts to Fondren Library Page 11 Director of Admission Explains The Process Page 7 Membership Page 17 Cover photograph from L' Aeronautique des origines a 1992, from the Anderson Aeronautical Collection, Woodson Research Center. See story on page 2. Managing Editor, William Pannill; Editorial Advisors: Walter S. Baker, Jr., Bertie Carrell, Betty Charles, Elaine I. Davis, Barbara Kile, Charles D. Maynard, Jr., Mrs. William H. Merriman III, Karen Hess Rogers, Joan Ryan, and Beth Shapiro Photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson courtesy of Mary Anderson Abell. Photographs by Betty Charles BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1993-94 OFFICERS Roxanne K. Shaw, President Ronald W. Blake, Vice President, Walter S. Baker, Jr. Membership Elizabeth Hutcheson Carrell Charles D. Maynard, Jr., Vice President, Programs Mrs. William P. Conner Texas Anderson, Ph.D., Sally K. Reynolds, Harry Gee, Jr. Karen Hess Rogers, Vice Presidents, Special Events Oscar D. Graham II David S. Elder, Secretary Mrs. Thomas W. Houghton Herman J. Schultz, M.D., Treasurer Elaine Illig Davis, Immediate Past President Diana P. Hobby Elizabeth W. Kidd EX OFFICIO Edward H. Koehler, Jr. Mrs. William H.Merriman III Beth J. Shapiro, Ph.D., University Librarian William Pannill G. Anthony Gorry, Ph.D., Vice President for Graduate Studies, Research and Information Systems Oliver Pennington James L. Kinsey, Ph.D., Interim Provost Joan Ryan Meredith A. Skura, Ph.D., Chair of the University Frank C. Shelden, Jr. Committee on the Library Kathryn V. Smyser Betty D. Charles, Executive Director The Flyleaf Page 1 Donors: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson to be Honored at "Flying For Fondren" Gala by Dorothy Knox Howe Houghton lying for is the medical, civic, educational activities of f f T7 Fondren" theme of the and Hous- JT Fondren Saturday Night gala on April 9, ton. Mrs. Anderson's father, Dr. James Green- 1994. The gala honors Mary Greenwood Anderson wood, established one of the first private hospitals and Benjamin Monroe Anderson, donors of the for mental illness in Texas. The Greenwood extensive Anderson Aeronautical Collection Sanitarium for Nervous and Mental Disorders was housed in the Woodson Research Center. south of the Rice Institute, at Old Main Street Road Mrs. Anderson, who graduated from Rice (now Fannin) and Old Spanish Trail. The sani- in 1938 with a degree in biology, English, and tarium operated there from 1912 until 1951. sociology, celebrated her 55th class reunion in Mr. Anderson's father, Frank E. Anderson, 1993. Eight members of her family graduated from his uncle, Monroe Dunaway Anderson, and their Rice, including all four of her siblings. Mr. Ander- brother-in-law, William L. Clayton, founded son graduated from the University of Texas at Anderson, Clayton and Company in 1904 in Austin in 1939 with a B. A. degree in geology. Oklahoma City. Another brother-in-law, Benjamin Mrs. Anderson is a native Houstonian. Mr. Clayton, joined the company a few years later. Anderson is a native Oklahoman, who moved to In 1916, the company moved its headquar- Houston in 1928. Both of their families have been ters to Houston and became one of the largest deeply involved in the business, social, cultural, cotton brokerage companies in the world. The Flyleaf Page 2 Donors cont'd. In 1936, Monroe D. Anderson established Fondren Library. Her involvement with local the M. D. Anderson Foundation "to benefit the libraries began when she served on the board of public, advance knowledge, and alleviate human the Friends of the Houston Public Library. suffering". In 1942, the foundation bought 134 After Mrs. Anderson helped organize the acres next to Hermann Hospital for a state cancer Friends of Fondren, her life-long friend, Dr. Lillo hospital to be run by the University of Texas. This Crain, urged Mrs. Anderson, Dr. William Seybold, was the beginning of the Texas Medical Center. and P. F. Graves to organize the Friends of the Benjamin Monroe Anderson, his brother- Texas Medical Center Library, of which Mrs. Ander- in-law, Marvin Greenwood (Rice '37), and Lomis son was the first president. Slaughter, Jr., founded Anderson, Greenwood and Mrs. Anderson has served on the Rice Company in 1940 to build light airplanes. World University Fund Council and the Class of '38 War II stymied this effort, and the three men went Scholarship Committee. An avid gardener, in 1979 to Seattle to work on airplanes for the Boeing she donated 78 holly bushes to Rice in memory of Company—then supplying airplanes to Britain. Salvatore Martino (known as Tony), the univer- In 1945, when the war was over, these men sity's head gardener until his death. In the com- returned to Houston, and reactivated Anderson, munity she has been involved in many civic Greenwood. The company continued to build light organizations, including the Junior League of airplanes and did aeronautical engineering under Houston, the River Oaks Garden Club, the South- contract for other companies. Anderson Green- ern Garden Club, and the Committee for Southeast wood then began to manufacture specialty valves. Texas of the National Cathedral Association. She In 1986, before Keystone International bought has also served as president of the Ladies Parish Anderson, Greenwood, the company was among Association of Christ Church Cathedral. the 100 largest public companies in Houston. Charter Members Passion for Airplanes The Andersons are charter members of the Although their business changed, Mr. William Marsh Rice Society and Contributing Life Anderson and Mr. Greenwood never gave up their Members of the Rice Associates. Mr. Anderson passion for airplanes. Mr. Anderson became an was a member of the Rice University Fund Council avid collector of books, paintings, watercolors, and - Major Gifts Committee (1991-93). In 1987, the memorabilia relating to aeronautics. He sought the Andersons established an endowment fund to help of a Royal Air Force pilot from World War II, support the James and Ella Harris Greenwood F. E. F. Prince, to build the collection of historical Laboratory for Basic Medical Science in the George materials, many of British origin, which comprise R. Brown Hall, the Benjamin M. and Mary Green- the Anderson Aeronautical Collection housed in wood Anderson Chair in Mechanical Engineering the Fondren Library today. and Materials Science, and a research grant for the In addition to his business and collecting Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. This interests, Mr. Anderson has been an active mem- was in addition to a fund in honor of James and ber of Christ Church Cathedral. He has served as Ella Greenwood that they endowed in 1975. chairman of the Houston Chapter of the Multiple The Ben Andersons and others created a Sclerosis Society and as president of the third fund in memory of Marvin Greenwood, Huntington's Chorea Foundation.
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