ISSN 0354-8724 (hard copy) | ISSN 1820-7138 (online) The influence of the Refugees on Age Structure in Immigration Municipalities in Vojvodina (Serbia) Stojsavljević RastislavA*, Pantelić MilanaB Received: February 2013 | Revised: March 2013 | Accepted: March 2013 Abstract A large number of civil war refugees migrated to Vojvodina in the period 1991-1996. Each of nine immi- gration municipalities received over 10,000 refugees. This article will try to prove that refugees changed age structure of these municipalities in the negative sense. Demographic indicators such as median age and age index are higher and unfavorable in municipalities which received the largest number of refu- gees than in non-immigration municipalities which received the smallest number. The most unfavora- ble indicators due to the arrival of refugees has Sombor municipality and the best indicators has Stara Pazova municipality. In period 1991-2002. Immigrating municipalities shows higher ageing of population then non-immigrating. Key words: migration, Vojvodina, Serbia, demography, civil war Introduction ous century characterized by very turbulent times and The human suffering and adverse economic conse- mass migration. quences inflicted by internal unrest and civil conflicts Civil war in former Yugoslavia lasted 1991-1995. are evident to all. Wars produce large death tolls, dis- During this 5 years the most population migrated rupt human and physical capital accumulation, dam- from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to Serbia age the environment, weaken institutions, limit po- and smaller number in Montenegro. The civil war af- litical governance, and erode civil liberties. And their fected largerly common population, especially in eth- horrors uproot entire populations from their lands, nically mixed municipalities of war-affected Croatia mostly non-combatants. Since civil wars typically go and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Goodhand and Hulme on for many years, these exoduses have been common (1999) point out that ‘[i]n contemporary conflicts, “the and on the rise in many parts of the world (Baez, 2011). community” represents the nexus of conflict action.’ In the late 80-s and to the of the 90-s of the XX cen- It is at the community level, they emphasise, where tury the Balkan region is characterized by intensive most of the physical violence and suffering occurs. migration of the population, and given their scope, in- Indeed,that is why current wars generate massive ref- tensity, types, causes and consequences of the twen- ugee movements, because forcible migration of par- tieth century can reasonably be called a century of ticular groups or ‘ethnic cleansing’ of local communi- migration (Raduški, 2011). If we mentioned a large ties has become a tool in establishing new ethnicised number of refugees in the early decades of the XX forms of statehood based on the politics of exclusion. century in First and Second Balkan Wars 1912-1913, Those who shape policies of international intervention through First World War, the interwar period and in conflict zones, argue that the return of refugees is especially during and after Second World War, then central to any sustainable and just peace agreement the previous statement is true, in the Balkans previ- (International Crisis Group, 2003; Koser & Black, A Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Science, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia B Climatology and Hydrology Research Centre, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia * Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected] 26 Geographica Pannonica • Volume 17, Issue 1, 26-31 (March 2013) Stojsavljević Rastislava Pantelić Milana 1999; Petrin, 2002). All such communities migrated in ed by war. Serbian Autonomous Province of Vojvodina most cases in Serbian border municipalities with Cro- received 48,3% of refugees received in Serbia. Vojvo- atia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Djurdjev, 1999). dina had 9 municipalities which received over 10,000 Protocol on the United Nation Status of Refugees refugees in period 1990-1996: Subotica, Sombor, Bačka gave us definition of refugees which says that “a refu- Palanka, Novi Sad, Sremska Mitrovica, Ruma, Indjija, gee is a person who owing to a well-founded fear of be- Stara Pazova and Pančevo (Djurdjev, 1998). That is the ing persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationali- largest immigration municipalities in Vojvodina. ty, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail him- Methodology and data self of the protection of that country; or who, not hav- When we talk about the age of a population we think ing a nationality and being outside the country of his about the age of their members, or precisely on it’s age former habitual residence as a result of such events, is structure. In the public and science is proven trend of unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to ageing population in most countries in Europe, even it” (UNHCR, 1996; UNHCR, 2012). If we apply this def- in Serbia. By aging population implies an increas- inition to determine number of refugees in Serbia after ing proportion of elders in total population (Djurd- civil war, we obtain the result that according to the data jev, 2001). The largest three age group in population of UNHCR, 1996 Serbia received 617,728 refugee. Of are young, maturely and old group. The best known that number, 537,937 persons were internationally rec- classification based on relations between these three ognized refugees and 79,791 were other persons affect- groups are Sundberg typology. Novi Non-immigrating municipality Kanjiža Kneževac Subotica Immigrating municipality Senta Čoka Bačka Sombor Kikinda Topola Ada Mali Nova Iđoš Apatin Kula Crnja Bečej Novi Bečej Odžaci Vrbas Srbobran Žitište Temerin Žabalj Bač Bački Бачка Petrovac Zrenjanin Sečanj Паланка Novi Sad Titel Plandište Beočin Sremski Karlovci Inđija Kovačica Irig Opovo Alibunar Šid Vršac Sremska Mitrovica Stara Ruma Pazova Bela Crkva Pančevo Pećinci Kovin 0 10 20 40 60 80 km Figure 1. Immigrating and non-imigrating municipalities in Vojvodina Cartography: Lazar Lazić Geographica Pannonica • Volume 17, Issue 1, 26-31 (March 2013) 27 The influence of the Refugees on Age Structure in Immigration Municipalities in Vojvodina (Serbia) Table 1. Sundberg tipology Type of population 0-14 years 15-49 years 50 and more years progressively 40% 50% 10% regressive 26,5% 50,5% 23% stationary 20% 50% 30% Source: Bevolkarungsstatistik 1750-1990; toward Djurdjev, 2001. Table 2. Friganović, Rosset and United Nations typology Types of population 0-19 years 60 and more years 65 and more years Friganović youth 35% and more 8% and less on the verge of ageing 35% and less 8% and more ageing Less than 35% 12% and less aged Less than 35% More than 12% old 30% and less 15% and more Rosset youth Less than 8% on the verge of ageing 8-10% In the process of ageing 10-12% aged 12% and more United Nations youth 4% and less maturely 4-7% old More than 7% Source: Friganović, 1978; Rosset, 1968 and United nations, 1956; towards Djurdjev 2001. If we look to other typologies, there were three Pearson Correlation will be used. This correlation is which has more transitional types of population. The most common measure of correlation in statistics, most common are Friganovic typology, Roset tipolo- which shows the linear relationship between two vari- gy and typology given by United Nations. ables. Results are between -1 and 1. A result of -1 means One way to incorporate a number of age of the en- that there is a perfect negative correlation between the tire population is calculation of arithmetic mean age two values at all, while a result of 1 means that there (a): a = ∑ (x + n÷2) × nPx ÷ P (in formula “x” is the is a perfect positive correlation between the two var- beginning of the interval, “n” is size of the interval, iables. A result of 0 means that there is no linear re- and “P” is total population). Another way is to calcu- lationship between the two variables (Hay, 2010). Co- late median age (Me): Me = L + (P÷2 - ∑fi) ÷ fme × n hen (1988) distinguished different size of correlations: (“L” is value of the lower limit of the median interval, 1. High correlation: 0.5 to 1.0 or -0.5 to -1.0 ∑fi is number of population who is younger than me- 2. Medium correlation: 0.3 to 0.5 or -0.3 to -0.5 dian interval and fme is number of population in me- 3. Low correlation: 0.1 to 0.3 or -0.1 to -0.3. dian interval). The good indicator of aging population is index of Age structure of the largest immigration aging which represent relation between old and young municipalities in Vojvodina in year 1991. population. It’s values vary between 0,1 and 0,65 and critical value is 0,4. If index is bigger that criti- According to the census 2011. Autonomous Province cal value, the population is old (Djurdjev, 2001). For- of Vojvodina has 1,931,809 inhabitants which is 99,183 mula is i = ∞P60 ÷ 19P0. The last two indicators that less than in census 2002. The nine largest immigra- will be used in this article are coefficient of ageing tion municipalities has population of 995,498. In 1991. (ks = ∞P60 ÷ P × 1000) and coefficient of youth this nine municipalities has 57,408 less than 2011. al- (km = 19P0 ÷ P × 1000). though population growth was negative. For calculating the dependence between the num- As we can see in table 3, average arithmetic mean ber of refugees and some demographic indicators the age in immigrating municipalities is 1,37 while aver- 28 Geographica Pannonica • Volume 17, Issue 1, 26-31 (March 2013) Stojsavljević Rastislava Pantelić Milana Table 3.
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