Pu'u Mahoe Block A Coding Scientific Name Hawaiian name Distribution status Island occurrence Federal Protective Status Origin of Material Planting date A1aHibiscus tiliaceus L. (yellow) hau indigenous 1954 A1bHibiscus tiliaceus L. (yellow) hau indigenous 1954 A1cHibiscus tiliaceus L. (yellow) hau indigenous 1954 A2aHibiscus tiliaceus L. hau indigenous 1954 A2bHibiscus tiliaceus L. hau indigenous 1954 A3 Hibiscus arnottianus A. Gray subsp. arnottianus koki'o ke'oke'o endemic O Oahu 1975 A4 Pipturus albidus (Hook.&Arnott) A.Gray mamaki endemic K,O,Mo,L,M,H volunteer A4-1Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. var. agrimonioides kamanomano endemic O,L,M Endangered Kanaio 2001 A5aHibiscus kokio Hillebr. subsp. Kokio koki'o 'ula'ula endemic K,O,Mo,M,H Species of Concern West Maui 2001 A5bHibiscus kokio Hillebr. subsp. Kokio koki'o 'ula'ula endemic K,O,Mo,M,H Species of Concern West Maui 2001 A5cHibiscus kokio Hillebr. subsp. Kokio koki'o 'ula'ula endemic K,O,Mo,M,H Species of Concern West Maui 2001 A6 Pittosporum tobira (Thunb.)Ait.f. non-native 1953 A7 Acacia koa A. Gray koa endemic K,O,Mo,L,M,H Maui 1952 A8aHibiscus waimeae A. Heller subsp. waimeae koki'o ke'oke'o endemic K Kauai 1992 A8bHibiscus waimeae A. Heller subsp. waimeae koki'o ke'oke'o endemic K Kauai 1992 A9aAnnona cherimola Mill. cherimoya non-native 1952 A9bAnnona cherimola Mill. cherimoya non-native 1952 A9cAnnona cherimola Mill. cherimoya non-native 1952 A10aPipturus albidus (Hook.&Arnott) A.Gray mamaki endemic K,O,Mo,L,M,H volunteer A10bPipturus albidus (Hook.&Arnott) A.Gray mamaki endemic K,O,Mo,L,M,H volunteer A11 Myoporum sandwicense A. Gray naio indigenous all islands Kanaio 2001 A11-1Alyxia oliviformis Gaud. maile endemic K,O,Mo,L,M,H Auwahi 2004 A12 Pritchardia aylmer-robinsonii St. John wahane endemic N Endangered Niihau 1988 A12-1Cyanea duvalliorum Lammers haha nui endemic M Waiohiwi Stream 2001 A13aColubrina oppositifolia (Brongn.) ex H.Mann kauila endemic O,M,H Endangered Hawaii island 2000 A 13 a-1 Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arnott 'ala'alawainui indigenous N,K,O,Mo,L,M,H Kanaio 2000 A13bColubrina oppositifolia (Brongn.) ex H.Mann kauila endemic O,M,H Endangered Hawaii island 2000 A14aPritchardia forbesiana Rock loulu endemic M West Maui 1989 A 14 a-1 Cyanea asplenifolia (H.Mann) Hillebr. haha endemic M Candidate Makawao F.R. 2001 A14bPritchardia forbesiana Rock loulu endemic M West Maui 1989 A15aMyrsine lanaiensis Hillebr. kolea endemic K,O,Mo,L,M,H Auwahi 1952 A15bMyrsine lanaiensis Hillebr. kolea endemic K,O,Mo,L,M,H Auwahi 1952 A16 Pritchardia arecina Becc. loulu endemic M East Maui 1952 A17 Pritchardia forbesiana Rock loulu endemic M West Maui 1952 A18 Pritchardia forbesiana Rock loulu endemic M Eke crater 1952 A19aClaoxylon sandwicensis Mull.Arg po'ola endemic K,O,Mo,L,M,H Auwahi 2002 A19bClaoxylon sandwicensis Mull.Arg po'ola endemic K,O,Mo,L,M,H Auwahi 2002 A20 Melicope knudsenii (Hillebr.) T.Hartley&B.Stone alani endemic K,M Endangered Auwahi 1953 A21aMelicope knudsenii (Hillebr.) T.Hartley&B.Stone alani endemic K,M Endangered Arboretum seed 2004 A21bMelicope knudsenii (Hillebr.) T.Hartley&B.Stone alani endemic K,M Endangered Arboretum seed 2004 A21cMelicope knudsenii (Hillebr.) T.Hartley&B.Stone alani endemic K,M Endangered Arboretum seed 2004 A22aHibiscus kokio Hillebr. subsp. Kokio koki'o 'ula'ula endemic K,O,Mo,M,H Species of Concern Honokowai 1952 A22bHibiscus kokio Hillebr. subsp. Kokio koki'o 'ula'ula endemic K,O,Mo,M,H Species of Concern Honokowai 1952 A22cHibiscus kokio Hillebr. subsp. Kokio koki'o 'ula'ula endemic K,O,Mo,M,H Species of Concern Honokowai 1952 A23aNototrichium sandwicense (A.Gray) Hillebr. kulu'i endemic all islands arboretum cutting 1991 A23bNototrichium sandwicense (A.Gray) Hillebr. kulu'i endemic all islands arboretum cutting 1991 A23cNototrichium sandwicense (A.Gray) Hillebr. kulu'i endemic all islands arboretum cutting 1991 A24aHibiscus arnottianus A. Gray subsp. punaluuensis(Skottsb.)D.Bates koki'o ke'oke'o endemic O Oahu 1952 A24bHibiscus arnottianus A. Gray subsp. punaluuensis(Skottsb.)D.Bates koki'o ke'oke'o endemic O Oahu 1952 A24cHibiscus arnottianus A. Gray subsp. punaluuensis(Skottsb.)D.Bates koki'o ke'oke'o endemic O Oahu 1952 A25 Cordylene fruticosa (L.) A.Chev. ki Polynesian intro 1953 A26 Hibiscus kokio Hillebr.subsp. saintjohnianus (M.Roe)D.Bates koki'o endemic K Species of Concern Kauai 1996 Pu'u Mahoe Block B coding Scientific Name Common Name Class Distribution Federal Status Origin of Material Planting date B1 Pellaea ternifolia (Cav.) Link kalamoho lauli'i indigenous K,O,Mo,L,M,H East Maui 2005 B2 Dianella sandwicensis Hook. & Arnott 'uki'uki indigenous K,O,Mo,L,M,H 2002 B3 Coprosma foliosa A. Gray pilo endemic K,O,Mo,L,M Auwahi 2002 B4 Peperomia tetraphylla (G. Forster) Hook. & Arnott 'ala'alawainui indigenous K,O,Mo,L,M,H Auwahi 2005 B5 Metrosideros polymorpha Gaud. var. glaberrima (H. Lev.) St. John 'ohi'a endemic K,O,Mo,L,M,H 2004 B6a Senna gaudichaudii (Hook. & Arnott) H. Irwin & Barneby kolomona indigenous K, O, Mo, L, Ka, M, H 2004 B 6 a-1 Deschampsia nubigena Hillebr. ----------- endemic K, Mo, M, H 2004 B6b Senna gaudichaudii (Hook. & Arnott) H. Irwin & Barneby kolomona indigenous K, O, Mo, L, Ka, M, H 2004 B6c Senna gaudichaudii (Hook. & Arnott) H. Irwin & Barneby kolomona indigenous K, O, Mo, L, Ka, M, H 2004 B7 Acacia koa A. Gray koa endemic K, O, Mo, L, M, H Maui 1952 B8 Hibiscus Clayi Degener & I. Degener koki'o 'ula'ula endemic K Endangered 2004 B9a Hibiscus kokio Hillebr. subsp. saintjohnianus (M. Roe) D. Bates koki'o'ula'ula endemic K Species of Concern Kauai 2002 B 9 a-1 Hibiscus calyphyllus Cav. ------------ non-native 1989 B9b Hibiscus kokio Hillebr. subsp. saintjohnianus ( M. Roe) D. Bates koki'o'ula'ula endemic K Species of Concern Kauai 2002 B 9 b-1 Hibiscus calyphyllus Cav. ----------- non-native 1989 B10a Hibiscus waimeae A. Heller subsp. Hannerae (Deg. & I. Deg.) D. Bates koki'o ke'oke'o endemic K Endangered Kauai 1989 B10b Hibiscus waimeae A. Heller subsp. Hannerae (Deg. & I. Deg.) D. Bates koki'o ke'oke'o endemic K Endangered Kauai 1989 B10c Hibiscus waimeae A. Heller subsp. Hannerae (Deg. & I. Deg.) D. Bates koki'o ke'oke'o endemic K Endangered Kauai 1989 B11a Ochrosia haleakalae St. John holei endemic M, H Candidate Auwahi 1989 B11b Ochrosia haleakalae St. John holei endemic M, H Candidate Auwahi 1989 B12a Ochrosia haleakalae St. John holei endemic M, H Candidate Auwahi 2004 B12b Ochrosia haleakalae St. John holei endemic M, H Candidate Auwahi 2004 B12c Ochrosia haleakalae St. John holei endemic M, H Candidate Auwahi 2004 B12d Ochrosia haleakalae St. John holei endemic M, H Candidate Auwahi 2004 B12e Ochrosia haleakalae St. John holei endemic M, H Candidate Auwahi 2004 B12f Ochrosia haleakalae St. John holei endemic M, H Candidate Auwahi 2004 B13 Santalum ellipticum Gaud. 'iliahi alo'e endemic N, K, O, Mo, L, Ka, M, H Kanaio 1992 B13-1 Psilotum nudum (L.) P. Beauv. moa indigenous N, K, O, Mo, L, Ka, M, H Auwahi 2000 B13-2 Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arnott 'ala'alawainui indigenous N, K, O, Mo, L, M, H 2000 B14a Metrosideros polymorpha Gaud. var. glaberrima (H. Lev.) St. John ohi'a (red) endemic K, O, Mo, L, M, H 1952 B 14 a-1 Delissea rhytidosperma H. Mann ------------- endemic K Endangered Oahu 2004 B14b Metrosideros polymorpha Gaud. var. glaberrima (H. Lev.) St. John ohi'a (red) endemic K,O, Mo, L, M, H 1952 B 14 b-1 Delissea rhytidosperma H. Mann -------------- endemic K Endangered Oahu 2004 B 14 b-2 Nephrolepis cordifolia (L.) C. Presl okupukupu indigenous K, O, Mo, L, M, H 2004 B14c Metrosideros polymorpha Gaud. var. glaberrima (H. Lev.) St. John ohi'a (red) endemic K, O, Mo, L, M, H 1952 B 14 c-1 Freycinetia arborea Gaud. 'ie'ie indigenous K, O, Mo, L, M, H Makawao F.R. 2003 B15 Metrosideros polymorpha Gaud. var. glaberrima (H. Lev.) St. John ohi'a endemic K, O, Mo, L, M, H 2004 B16a Metrosideros polymorpha Gaud. var. incana (H. Lev.) St. John ohi'a (yellow) endemic O, Mo, L, M, H Kanaio 1989 B16bMetrosideros polymorpha Gaud. var. incana (H. Lev.) St. John ohi'a (yellow) endemic O, Mo, L, M, H Kanaio 1989 B17 Diospyros sandwicensis (A. DC) Fosb. lama endemic K, O, Mo, L, M, H 1953 B18a Diospyros sandwicensis (A. DC) Fosb. lama endemic K, O, Mo, L, M, H 2004 B18bDiospyros sandwicensis (A. DC) Fosb. lama endemic K, O, Mo, L, M, H Auwahi 2004 B19 Santalum freycinetianum Gaud. var. Lanaiense Rock 'ili'ahi endemic L, M Endangered B19-1 Cocculus trilobus (Thunb.) DC huehue indigenous N, K, O, Mo, L, M, H B20 Hibiscus waimeae A. Heller subsp. Waimeae koki'o ke'o ke'o endemic K 1976 B21 Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd. kukui Polynesian intro Pu'u Mahoe Pu'u Mahoe Block B coding Scientific Name Common Name Class Distribution Federal Status Origin of Material Planting date B22 Strebulus pendulinus (Endl.) F.v. Mueller a'i a'i indigenous K, O, Mo, L, M, H 1952 B23a Pleomele auwahiensis St. John halapepe endemic MO, M Auwahi 1954 B23b Pleomele auwahiensis St. John halapepe endemic MO, M Auwahi 1954 B23c Pleomele auwahiensis St. John halapepe endemic MO, M Auwahi 1954 B23d Pleomele auwahiensis St. John halapepe endemic MO, M Auwahi 1954 B24 Canavalia pubescens Hook. & Arnott 'awikiwiki endemic N, K, L, M Candidate 2004 B25 Sophora chrysophylla ( Salisb.) Seem. mamane endemic K, O, Mo, L, M, H 1953 B26 Alectyron macrococcus Radlk.
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