808 RQYSTON. HERTFORDSHIRE. [KELLY's County Court, Fish hill, His Honor Wm. Hy. G. Bagshawe I SCHOOL A'l'TENDANCE COMMITTEE. Q.c. judge; H. Dalton Nash, registrar & high bailiff. A l\Ieets at the Board room, Workhouse, Baldock road, on al- court is held bi-monthly. The following parishes are ternate wednesdays, at the conclusion of the meeting of within its jurisdiction:-Abington Pigotts, Anstey, Arde- the Rural Sanitary Authority ley, Ashwell, Aspeden, Barkway, Barley, Barringion, Clerk, Thomas Shell, High street Bassingbourn, Buckland, Buntingford, Great & Little Attendance Officer, Albert Bunyan, Gas House rd. Roystoll Chishijl, Cottered, Croydon, Foulmire, Foxton, Heydon, Hinxworth, Great & Little Hormead, Kelshall, Knees- Public Officers. worth, Layston, Litlington, Meesden, Melbourn, Morden Assistant Overseer & Collector of Land, Assessed & Income Guilden, ;\Iorden Steeple, Nuthampstead, Reed, Royston, Taxes, James Smith, Melbourn street Ru!>hden, Sandon, Shepreth, Shingay, Therfield. Thrip- Coroner for Royston Division of the County of Herts, Daniel low, Throcking, Wakeley, Wallington, Weudy, Westmill, Barley Balding, Melboum street; deputy, Herbert Ray Waddon & Wydial Archer M.D. Melboum street, Royston Certified. Bailiffs under the Law of Distress Amendment Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes, H. Dalton Nash, High st Act: Alfred Nasb, Baldock street, Royston & William Inspector under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act for Shepherd, High street, Royston Odsey & Buntingford Divisions, Frederick Hewson Additional Churchyard, Melbourn road M. R.C. v.s. The Roystous Cottage Hospital, Sidney Coupland M.D. consulting phy- 8urveyor of Roads, James Smith, Melbourne street sician; Edmund Carver M.A., M.B. cnnsulting surgeon; Town Crier, William Stamford, 6 Sun hill D. B. Balding F.R.c.s.Eng. & 1\. R. Archer M.D. surgeons; Places of Worship, with times of service$. E. H. Grundy, sec Fire Engine Station, E. Mat.thews & W. Beale, supts St. John the Baptist Church, Rev. Joseph Harrison M.A. Herts, Cambs & Essex Association for the Prosecution of vicar; II a.m. 3 & 7 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m Felons, H. Dalton Nash, solicitor, High street Congregational, John street, Rev. William Naylor; II a.m. Inland Revenue Office, Bull inn, High street, James & 6.30 p.m. ; tues.8 p.m Magowan, officer St. John Baptist Mission Room, Kneesworth street; 3 p.m Police Station, near Market hill;erected in 1883, at a cost of Congregational, Kneesworth street, Rev. Edwin Corbold, over £3,000; Robt. Goodyear, inspector, & one constable ; minister; 10·30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m there is also one constable stationed at the following Unitarian, Back st. Rev. Richard Shaen M.A. ; II a.m. only places :-Ashwell, Barkway, Barley, Sandon & Therfield Wesleyan, Queen's road; II a.m. 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. Market House, Market hill 7 p.m Royston (Nonconformist) Cemetery, Melbourn road, Waiter Schools. Beale, see National (boys & girls), built in 183S & rebuilt & enlarged ROYSTON UNION. in 1886, at a cost of £500, for 300 children; average attl\ndance, 129 boys & 97 girls; Charles Attridge, mas­ Board day, alternate wednesdays, at the Board room at the ter; Miss Mary Constance Greenstreet., mistress workhouse, Baldock road, at II a. m. Parochial (infants), built about 1837 & enlarged in 1888, for The Union comprises the following places :-in Herts­ 200 children; average attendance, I IS j Miss Laura Ashwell, Barkway, Barley, Hinxworth, Kelshall, Nut­ Hulls, mistress hampstead, Reed, Royston & Therfield; in Cambs­ British (mixed), enlarged in 1888, for 170 children; average Abington-in-the-Clay (or Abington Pigotts), Barrington, attendance, 144; Miss Emily Medley, mistress Bassingbourn, Foulmire, Foxton, Guilden Morden, Knees­ Herbert Humphreys, Market hill, attendance officer for worth, Litlington, Melbourn, Meldreth, Royston,Shepreth, Royston Shingay, Steeple Morden, Thriplow, Wendy & Whaddon j & in Essex-Great Chishall, Little Chishall & Heydon j Newspapers. the population of the union in 1881 was 18,621 ; rateable Herts & Cambs Reporter & Royston Crow, High street; value, £76,509 Warren Brothers, printers & publishers; published friday Treasurer, Fredk. Nash Fordham, Bank, High st. Royston Royston Weekly News, High street j A. Henderson, pub­ Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Thomas lisher; published friday Shell, High street, Royston Collectors to the Guardians & Relieving Officers, Royston Great Northern Railway Station. distrICt, Edwin Davies, Reed; Melbourn district, John Samuel Packwood, station master Davies, Gower road, Royst{)n Carriers Vaccination Officer, Albert Bunyan, Gas House rd. Royston Medical Officers, No. I district, Herbert Ray Archer M.D. (With inns they call at & days of departure). Melbourn street, RO'yston; No. 2 district, Daniel Barley ABINGTON-Pearce, 'Hoops,' wed Balding F.R.c.s.Eng. Melbourn street, Royston; No. 3 ANsTEY---Smith, 'Sun,' wed district, William Gallimore Hayden L.R.c.p.LOnd. Ash­ ARRINGTON-Pett, • Falcon,' wed well j Nos. 4 & 6 districts, Hubert Sextus Reynolds ASHwELL-Pepper, •Angel,' wed & sat. &Pateman, 'Angel,' L.R.c.p.Edin. Melbourn; No. 5 district, Francis Albert wed. &; sat Davey, Barkway ASPEDEN, BUCKLAND, BUNTINGFORD, BRAUGHING, PUCKER­ Public Vaccinators, No. I district, Daniel ~arley Balding IDGE, STANDON, WESTMILL-Deville, •Angel,' wed. & sat F.R.c.s.Eng. Royston; Nos. 2,3, 4, 5 & 6 districts, same BARKWAy-Tofts, 'Chequers,' wed as Medical Officers BARKWAY & REED-Lawrence, Sun,' daily & Stamford, Superintendent Registrar, Thomas Shell, High street, Roy­ Kneesworth street. daily ston; deputy, Frederick Shell, Melbourn street, Royston BARLEy-Machon,• White Lion,' daily Registrars of Births & Deaths, Buntingford sub-district, H. BASSINGBOURN-Howe, Stamford's yard, daily G. Macklin, Buntingford; deputy, Hugh H. Macklin, BASSINGBOURN & KNEESWORTH & LITLINGTON & MORDEN- Buntingford j Melbourn sub-district, John Campkin, Mel­ Ingrey, • Crown & Dolphin,' daily bourn; deputy, J. S. Campkin, Melbourn; Royston sub­ BucKLEDoN-Haylard, • Chequers,' wed district, Edwin Davies, Reed; deputy, James Smith, Mel­ BUNTINGFORD-Chipham, • Chequers,' wed boum street, Royston CHIsHlLL-Jef'fery, 'Chequers,' wed. ; Law, • White Lion,' Registrars of Marriages, Melbourn district, John Campkin, wed.; Stamford, Kneesworth street, daily Melbourn; deputy, J. S. Campkin, Melbourn; Royston CHISHILL & HEYDON-E. Watts, • Bell & Anchor,' wed. & sat district, Edwin Davies, Reed j deputy, James Smith, CROYDON-Preston, •Falcon,' wed Royston ELMDoN-Jeffery, 'Chequers,' wed Workhouse, situated on the Baldock road, is a structure of HEYDoN-Jeffery, 'Chequers,' wed. & Stamford, Knees- brick, erected in 1835 & will hold 244 inmates; R. Austin, worth street, daily master j Daniel Barley Balding F.R.C.s.Eng. medical HEYDON, CHRISHALL, BARLEy-Waters, ' Chequers,' wed officer; Mrs. Austin, matron; Miss Lucy Dyball, indus­ KNEEswORTH-Howe, Stamford's yard, daily trial trainer; the children attend the elementary schools, LANGLEY, RICK LAND GREEN, ST.4.NSTED, CLAVERING, QUEN­ Royston DON & NEwPoRT-Flack, 'White Lion,' wed. & fri LoNDON-Wedd, 'White Horse,' to the' Catherine Wheel,' RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. Bishopsgate street, on thurs. returning sat Meets at the Board room, Workhouse, Baldock road, Roy­ MELBOURN, MELDRETli-Negus, • Falcon,' daily ston, on alternate wednesdays, at the conclusion of the MELBouRN-Wedd, 'White Horse,' to London, 'Catberine Board of Guardians' meeting. Wheel,' Bishopsgate st. OD thurs. returning sat. morning Clerk, Thomas Shell, High street, Royston MORDEN-Kirbisher, ' Hoops,' wed. ; Oakley, 'Hoops,' sat. Treasurer, Fredk. Nash Fordbam, Bank, High st. Royston & Sanderson, 'Angel,' wed. Medical Officer of Health, B. Anningson M.D. Barton road, ORWELL-8cott, 'Crown & Dolphin,' wed Cambridge NEwsELLs-Joiner, Red Lion tap, wed.. thurs. & sat Sanitary Inspector, Albert Bunyan, Gas House rd. Royston SHEPRETH, CAMBRIDGE-Chamberlain, 'White Horse,' wed.
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