Election Summary Report Date: 8/13/2018 PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 7, 2018 Time: 4:30:43 PM CDT JEFFERSON COUNTY, MISSOURI Page 1/15 August 7, 2018 Primary Registered Voters 149,684 - Total Ballots 60,235 : 40.24% 54 of 54 Precincts Reporting 100.00% Party Distribution STATE AUDITOR (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 54 Number of Precincts 54 Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Vote For 1 Total VotesBallots 60,235 Total Votes 25,825 NON-PARTISAN 2,930 4.86% KEVIN M. ROACH 7,798 30.20% REPUBLICAN PARTY 31,913 52.98% DAVID WASINGER 6,521 25.25% DEMOCRATIC PARTY 24,561 40.78% PAUL CURTMAN 4,526 17.53% LIBERTARIAN PARTY 513 0.85% SAUNDRA McDOWELL 6,980 27.03% GREEN PARTY 131 0.22% Undervote 6,085 CONSTITUTION PARTY 187 0.31% Overvote 3 U.S. SENATOR U.S. REP DIST 2 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 54 Number of Precincts 12 Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Precincts Reporting 12 100.00% Vote For 1 Vote For 1 Total Votes 28,432 Total Votes 4,972 TONY MONETTI 4,141 14.56% ANN WAGNER 4,323 86.95% AUSTIN PETERSEN 2,482 8.73% NOGA SACHS 649 13.05% JOSH HAWLEY 14,372 50.55% Undervote 444 FRED RYMAN 382 1.34% Overvote 1 CHRISTINA SMITH 1,744 6.13% KRISTI NICHOLS 2,304 8.10% U.S. REP DIST 3 BRADLEY KREMBS 242 0.85% (REPUBLICAN PARTY) KEN PATTERSON 1,070 3.76% Number of Precincts 33 BRIAN G. HAGG 375 1.32% Precincts Reporting 33 100.00% COURTLAND SYKES 568 2.00% Vote For 1 PETER PFEIFER 752 2.64% Total Votes 14,113 Undervote 3,470 Overvote 11 CHADWICK BICKNELL 3,666 25.98% BLAINE LUETKEMEYER 10,447 74.02% Undervote 2,434 Overvote 0 Election Summary Report Date: 8/13/2018 PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 7, 2018 Time: 4:30:43 PM CDT JEFFERSON COUNTY, MISSOURI Page 2/15 August 7, 2018 Primary Registered Voters 149,684 - Total Ballots 60,235 : 40.24% 54 of 54 Precincts Reporting 100.00% U.S. REP DIST 8 ST REP DIST 111 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 24 Number of Precincts 16 Precincts Reporting 24 100.00% Precincts Reporting 16 100.00% Vote For 1 Vote For 1 Total Votes 7,488 Total Votes 5,243 JASON SMITH 7,488 100.00% SHANE RODEN 2,929 55.86% Undervote 2,461 GARY BONACKER 2,314 44.14% Overvote 0 Undervote 542 Overvote 0 ST SENATOR DIST 22 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) ST REP DIST 112 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 43 Precincts Reporting 43 100.00% Number of Precincts 18 Vote For 1 Precincts Reporting 18 100.00% Total Votes 18,378 Vote For 1 Total Votes 4,151 PAUL WIELAND 18,378 100.00% Undervote 5,764 ROB VESCOVO 4,151 100.00% Overvote 0 Undervote 1,249 Overvote 0 ST REP DIST 97 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) ST REP DIST 113 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 12 Precincts Reporting 12 100.00% Number of Precincts 11 Vote For 1 Precincts Reporting 11 100.00% Total Votes 3,737 Vote For 1 Total Votes 3,449 MARY ELIZABETH COLEMAN 1,612 43.14% PHIL AMATO 860 23.01% DAN SHAUL 3,449 100.00% DAVID C. LINTON 1,265 33.85% Undervote 1,003 Undervote 390 Overvote 0 Overvote 0 ST REP DIST 114 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 14 Precincts Reporting 14 100.00% Vote For 1 Total Votes 4,261 BECKY RUTH 4,261 100.00% Undervote 1,034 Overvote 0 Election Summary Report Date: 8/13/2018 PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 7, 2018 Time: 4:30:43 PM CDT JEFFERSON COUNTY, MISSOURI Page 3/15 August 7, 2018 Primary Registered Voters 149,684 - Total Ballots 60,235 : 40.24% 54 of 54 Precincts Reporting 100.00% ST REP DIST 115 CIRCUIT JUDGE CIRCUIT 23, DIV 4 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 12 Number of Precincts 54 Precincts Reporting 12 100.00% Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Vote For 1 Vote For 1 Total Votes 3,054 Total Votes 22,488 ELAINE FREEMAN GANNON 2,391 78.29% BRENDA STACEY 22,488 100.00% MARVIN FRICKE 663 21.71% Undervote 9,424 Undervote 291 Overvote 0 Overvote 0 CIRCUIT JUDGE CIRCUIT 23, DIV 5 ST REP DIST 118 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 54 Number of Precincts 9 Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Precincts Reporting 9 100.00% Vote For 1 Vote For 1 Total Votes 22,145 Total Votes 3,126 VIC MELENBRINK 22,145 100.00% MIKE McGIRL 1,691 54.09% Undervote 9,767 KYLE BONE 421 13.47% Overvote 0 CHUCK HOSKINS 1,014 32.44% Undervote 382 CIRCUIT JUDGE CIRCUIT 23, DIV 6 Overvote 0 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 54 CIRCUIT JUDGE CIRCUIT 23, DIV 1 Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Vote For 1 Number of Precincts 54 Total Votes 22,625 Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% TROY CARDONA 22,625 100.00% Vote For 1 Undervote 9,287 Total Votes 26,837 Overvote 0 CARL W. (WES) YATES III 10,456 38.96% JOE RATHERT 16,381 61.04% ASSOC. CIRCUIT JUDGE DIV 10 Undervote 5,074 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Overvote 1 Number of Precincts 54 Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Vote For 1 Total Votes 22,271 JEFFREY T. COLEMAN 22,271 100.00% Undervote 9,641 Overvote 0 Election Summary Report Date: 8/13/2018 PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 7, 2018 Time: 4:30:43 PM CDT JEFFERSON COUNTY, MISSOURI Page 4/15 August 7, 2018 Primary Registered Voters 149,684 - Total Ballots 60,235 : 40.24% 54 of 54 Precincts Reporting 100.00% ASSOC. CIRCUIT JUDGE DIV 11 ASSOC. CIRCUIT JUDGE DIV 15 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 54 Number of Precincts 54 Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Vote For 1 Vote For 1 Total Votes 25,642 Total Votes 21,904 ED PAGE 12,616 49.20% SHANNON RENEE DOUGHERTY 21,904 100.00% MARY-COURTNEY MANUS 6,950 27.10% Undervote 10,008 JENNIFER L. BREEDLOVE 6,076 23.70% Overvote 0 Undervote 6,268 Overvote 2 CIRCUIT CLERK (REPUBLICAN PARTY) ASSOC. CIRCUIT JUDGE DIV 12 Number of Precincts 54 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Number of Precincts 54 Vote For 1 Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Total Votes 26,631 Vote For 1 MIKE REUTER 10,554 39.63% Total Votes 22,078 LAURIE LAIBEN 7,866 29.54% ANTONIO (TONY) MANANSALA 22,078 100.00% GARY DAVIS 3,359 12.61% Undervote 9,834 JOHN CAMPISI 2,277 8.55% Overvote 0 ASHLEY M. SCRIVNER 2,575 9.67% Undervote 5,277 ASSOC. CIRCUIT JUDGE DIV 13 Overvote 4 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 54 COUNTY EXECUTIVE (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Vote For 1 Number of Precincts 54 Total Votes 21,971 Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Vote For 1 KATHERINE HARDY SENKEL 21,971 100.00% Total Votes 25,819 Undervote 9,941 Overvote 0 GARY L. STOUT II 8,879 34.39% DENNIS GANNON 16,940 65.61% ASSOC. CIRCUIT JUDGE DIV 14 Undervote 6,089 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Overvote 4 Number of Precincts 54 Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Vote For 1 Total Votes 22,090 TIM MILLER 22,090 100.00% Undervote 9,822 Overvote 0 Election Summary Report Date: 8/13/2018 PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 7, 2018 Time: 4:30:43 PM CDT JEFFERSON COUNTY, MISSOURI Page 5/15 August 7, 2018 Primary Registered Voters 149,684 - Total Ballots 60,235 : 40.24% 54 of 54 Precincts Reporting 100.00% CO COUNCIL DIST 1 CO COUNCIL DIST 7 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 9 Number of Precincts 13 Precincts Reporting 9 100.00% Precincts Reporting 13 100.00% Vote For 1 Vote For 1 Total Votes 4,167 Total Votes 3,878 BRIAN HASKINS 2,672 64.12% JIM TERRY 2,377 61.29% DON BICKOWSKI 1,495 35.88% CHRISTIAN ERIC TAYLOR 1,501 38.71% Undervote 561 Undervote 1,043 Overvote 0 Overvote 0 CO COUNCIL DIST 3 COUNTY CLERK (REPUBLICAN PARTY) (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 9 Number of Precincts 54 Precincts Reporting 9 100.00% Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Vote For 1 Vote For 1 Total Votes 2,574 Total Votes 26,862 PHIL HENDRICKSON 2,574 100.00% KEN WALLER 15,178 56.50% Undervote 1,202 JEREMY DAY 11,684 43.50% Overvote 0 Undervote 5,048 Overvote 2 CO COUNCIL DIST 5 (REPUBLICAN PARTY) RECORDER OF DEEDS (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 13 Precincts Reporting 13 100.00% Number of Precincts 54 Vote For 1 Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Total Votes 4,058 Vote For 1 Total Votes 22,100 TRACEY PERRY 2,911 71.73% TERRY VARNER 1,147 28.27% DEBBIE "DUNNEGAN" WATERS 22,100 100.00% Undervote 986 Undervote 9,812 Overvote 0 Overvote 0 Election Summary Report Date: 8/13/2018 PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 7, 2018 Time: 4:30:43 PM CDT JEFFERSON COUNTY, MISSOURI Page 6/15 August 7, 2018 Primary Registered Voters 149,684 - Total Ballots 60,235 : 40.24% 54 of 54 Precincts Reporting 100.00% COLLECTOR OF REVENUE ARNOLD TWP COMMITTEEMAN (REPUBLICAN PARTY) (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 54 Number of Precincts 5 Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Precincts Reporting 5 100.00% Vote For 1 Vote For 1 Total Votes 25,536 Total Votes 2,326 LISA "BREWER" SHORT 13,454 52.69% JASON FULBRIGHT 1,554 66.81% JASON FULBRIGHT 12,082 47.31% JEREL LEE POOR 772 33.19% Undervote 6,375 Undervote 520 Overvote 1 Overvote 0 COUNTY AUDITOR ARNOLD TWP COMMITTEEWOMAN (REPUBLICAN PARTY) (REPUBLICAN PARTY) Number of Precincts 54 Number of Precincts 5 Precincts Reporting 54 100.00% Precincts Reporting 5 100.00% Vote For 1 Vote For 1 Total Votes 25,408 Total Votes 2,332 KRISTY L.
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