~Vol. XVI , No. 6. Jnne 1940 示直牛勿~子安芯奈佐言志 rTHE rTHE JOURNAL OF JAPANESE BOTANY 第十六巻第六披 (通巻第百六十六競) 昭和十五年六月後行 Oritical Oritical 110tes 011 some ]lormosan Euphorbiaceae (1) By Leon CROIZ .A T and Hiroshi H .A R .A クロイツアー・原 寛: 墓湾産たかとうだい科植物エ就テ〈其ー〉 A g 1' eat cleal of confusion has so fa 1' resultecl from the fact that botanic work in Chiila , Inclo-China ancl Formosa has been concluctecl along independent lines lines by. botanists who. have studied in particular any one of these 宣oras. :Such :Such confusion has been particula 1' ly great in the case of the Euphorbiaceae , whiσh in the 1' egion of the Yellow. Sea presents very cli 盤cult p 1' oblems o~ ~classi :fi cation and of dist 1' ibution. It has been our pu 1' pose to b1' ing togethe 1' ~and to interp 1' et at least some of the Formosan species in function of thei 1' allies allies 0 1' p 1' esumed alli~s endemic on the Asiatic .mainland. Our work has been been macle possible by the cooperation of P 1' of. T. N .A K .A I) Director of the Botanical Botanical Institute of the Faculty of Science of Tokyo Impe 1' ial Univetsity , who has generously consented to loah the types of these species , thus making it it possible to b 1' ing. together for a critical comparison the historic material of the the herbarium of Tokyo Imperial Unive 1' sity ancl the rich collections of the he 1' barium of the Arnold Arboretum. The junior author in addition wishes to acknowledge with deep appreciation the kind interest of Prof. E. D. .MERR ,!LL J A c1 ministrator of the Botanical Collections of Harvar c1 U niverstiy an c1 Prof. M. L. FERN .A LD) Director of the Gray Herba 1' ium of Harvard University to whom he stan c1 s in c1 ebte c1 for the extension of the full facilities available in herbaria herbaria ancl libraries of the University. The origin of the specimens cite c1 is in c1 icated as follows: TK (Herbarium ⑪ f the Botanical Institute of the Faculty of Science of Tokyo Imperial -1- 314 314 植物研究雑誌、 第十六巻焦六競 University); University); AA (Herbarium of the Arno1d Arboretum of Harvard Univer~ sity) sity) ; GH (Gray Herbarium of Harvard University) ; NY (Herbarium of the' N ew Y ork Bota ;n ica1 Garden). 孟ntidesma pentandrum (BLANCO) MERRILL in Phi1ipp. J ourn. Sci. 1玄,. p. p. 462 (1914); Enum. Phi1ipp.- P 1. II , p. 但416 (1923) 一, PAX &, 宜OF 町、胃'F 町百官亦YM山'[A 却NN in ENG 低LER 九) P ι. 丑イ.-1' M旺[A 却SAMUNE 叫) Short F l. Fo 凹rmos .p.118 (1936). Syn. Syn. C αnsjer αpent αndr αBLANCO) F 1. Fi1ipp. p. 73 (1837). Antidesm αkotoe ηsis KANEHIRA) Formos. Tree. p. 472 (1918); ed. rev. p. p. 329 (1936)-YAMAMoTo in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agric. VI , p. 558. (1934)-M .A sAMUNE ,1. c. (1936). Antides 慨 α仰向町lisep α初冊 HAYATA) Icon. P l. Formos. IX , p. 98 (1920) ← Nom. Jap. Koto-y αm αhα dzu. Specim. Specim. Exam. Formosa. Taisenseki ,Koshun (HAYATA , Jun. 1912 in TK.); , Bankinsing (HENRY) no. 176 in AA.); South Cape (HENRY) no. 91 Ci in AA.); Takao (HENRY) no. 780 ,114 壬& 1885 in AA.). Liukiu. Liukiu. Loo-Choo (WRIGHT) no. 283 ,185 生 in AA.). The Formosan material seen agrees well with that of the Philippine Islands; which is ident i: fied as A. pentandnlm by MERRILL and PAX & HOFFMANN. To our knowledge the type-specimen of Blanco's species is not extant. Bridelia Balans ぉ TUTCHER in J ourn. Linn. 80c. XX 玄VII ,P ・66 (1905)- -GEHRMANN in ENGLER) Bot. J, ahrb. XLI ,l. Beib 95 , p. 37 (1908)-JABLON- SZKY in ENGLER) Pf l.・ .reich IV-147-VIII , Ht. 65 , p. 72 (1915). 8y11. 8y11. Bridelia pachinensis HA Y.ム TA in MATSU~主URA et HAYATA) Enum ・ P l. ]lormos. ]lormos. p. 362 (1906) nom. nud. Brideli αKα w αkα mii HAYATA) 1. c. (1906) 110m. 11ucl. Bridelia Bridelia ov α ta (non DECAISNE) HAYATA) Mater. F l. Formos. p. 263 , (1911) (1911) ; Gen. ,Ind. F 1. Form. p. 65 (1917)-8. 8UZUKI In Sy1via IV t p. p. 135 (1933)-IuNEHIRA) Formos. Tree. ed. 1' ev. p. 333 ,fig. 28&; (1936) ー-MASAMUNE) Sho 1' tF l. Formos. p. 118 (1936 ト Brideli α pubescens (no11 'KURZ) JABLONSZKY ,1. c. p. 73 (1915) quoaa specim. specim. Formosa. ー- <) '_' CROIZAT CROIZAT and HARA: Critical notes on some Formosan Euphorbiaceae (1) 3お Nom. Jap. M α'ru 抑制α-k αnko (HAYATA 1917) ,K αw αkα 例 i':'k αnko. Specim. Specim. E 玄am. Formosa. Chosokei (N.4: KAHARA) no. 156 ,Ju l. 1905 in TK.); Shirin (TANAKA & SHIMADA , no. 11058 & no. 11164 , 1932 in AA.); Vicinity Vicinity of Taihoku (TANAKA) no. 101 ,Ju l. 1929 in AA.); sine loco speciali (OLDHAM) no. 498 ,1864 in GH.). Liukiu. Liukiu. 1s. 1riomote (J. L. GR ,ESSITT) no. 565 ,Aug. 1934 in AA.). Dist. Dist. Liukiu ,Formosa ,China (Kwangtung ,Kwa 昭 si ,Haina 叫 Yunnan) and 1ndo-China. This This plant is most closely related to B. pubescens 'KURZ) which has leaves pubescent pubescent along the nerves beneath. The leaves of B. B αlαη sa are glabrous or or very minutely adpressed-hairy on the lower surface. Bt'ide1i α0倒的 DECAISNE is a quite distinct species which has depressed globular fruits with 2 locules and glabrous calyces. We retain G1ochidion basing the generic name upon a concept which is purely purely that of 'a natural group うbecause we are satisfied that the so called “ generic characters" used to segregat.e this genus from Phyll α nthus are ephemera l. The 1ndian members of the genus are indeed an homogenous unit ,which differs from Phyll α nthus In ・"the total .a bsence of a disk , in habit , .a nd in the singular modification of its styles and stigmas" (HOOKER fi l. F l. Brit. Brit. 1ndia V , p. 306 ,1887) , but this is far from being the case in other regions ,e.g づ Australasia , in which G1ochidion is. common ,a p. d in which GZochidion GZochidion probably originated. Discrete styles are tresent in G. sericeum) for for instance , which. J. D. H o6K ER 五1. lists (op. cit づ p. 326) ,and controverts J. J. D. HOOKER'S very note that styles of the genus are “singularly modified" by comparison with Phυ 11 ω~thus. The habit of S αurop u' s L1anosi is so com- pletely pletely that of a Glochidion that it has for a Iong もime been classified under Glochidion) Glochidion) which obviously renders the habit. character untenab~e as generic. The absence of a disk does not separate Glochidion from Phyll仰~thus) as J. J. D. HOOKER and others believe , because rudimentary 'disk-glands occur in the 白rst three series of Phyll α nthus) sensu MUIι.:ARG ・) that. include the true Glochididn Glochididn (cf: DC. Prodr. XV-2 , p. 275 , 1866). The mistaken belief that Glochidion Glochidion can be tI・ eated otherwise than as a 'purely natural group' (i.e. , as -_ 3 ー 3M 植物研究雑誌 第十六巻第六君主 an aggregate which in the Iast analysis is 0 凶 standi 昭 merely hy inta 時 ibles) has has led to severaI gTave errors ,one of which directly concerns a Japanese plant ,Phyll ω'lJ thus fiexuos~~s (8IEB; 凶 Zucc.) MULL.-ARG. This species is treated treated by P .A X & HOFFMANN (Nat. P :tl・ -fam. 2 Auf l. 19 c, p. 58. 1931) as a Glochiclion ,-w hich is against every one of its natural a缶nities and involves a very confuse concept of the classification of the entire phyllanthoid alliance. On the mistaken 部 sumptioh that the absence of a disk and. that undivides styles styles are the generic characters of Glochidion ,L 並ANDRI has. published a Phyll α nthus as G. Perrieri (Bull. 8oc. Bot. France LXX 玄1, p. 606 , 193 .;1:) which needlessly confuses the range of all the natural groups in the vicinity of of Phyllanthus. We believe that the best ar 伊lment ever introduced for the maintenance maintenance of Glochidion as a distinct genus is that of HOOKER (op.' cit づ p. p. 306) ,who acknowledges his keeping the genus as distinct to “comply with the the wishes of 1ndian botanists ,whose opinion it is of importance to consult . in in regard to the nomenclature of so very large and universall y. distributed an 1ndian genus". This frank and authoritative statement of the uIt imate reasons reasons why a genus should be maintained or. rejected is accepted by us as the the besf answer to be given. when certain genera of the Euphorbiaceae are challenged challenged because some of their characters happen to be transitionaI with those those of other genera. Glochidion Hayatae CROIZAT et 1王ARA ,nom. nov. Hyn. Glochidion bicolot ,HAYATA , Rev. E 叩 horbiac. Jap. p. 18 ,t. II ,E (1904) exc l. syn. ,quoa c1 specim. et descr.-MATsUMURA , 1nd. P l. Jap. 11-2 , p. p. 306 (1912)-HAYATA , Gen. 1n c1. F l. Form. p. 66 (1917). Glochidion Glochidion hypoleucum (non BOERLAGE 1900) HAYATA , 1con. P l. Formos. 1X , p. 95 (1920)-YAMAMoTo in Journ. 8oc. Trop. Agric. VII1 , p. 153 153 (1936)-KAN 阻 IR.A ,Formos. Tree ed. rev. p. 346 ,fig. 301 (1936) -MASAMUNE ,8hort , F l. Formos. p. 120 (1936). Nom. Jap. Ur αjiro-k αnkonoki (HAYATA 1904) ,T αkαsα go ・kek αη konoki , Kob αno-k α侃 onoki. Specim. Specim. Exam. Formosa. Tamsuy (OLDHAM , no. 499 ,1864 in AA.); in mo 凶 ibus Kelung (FAURIE , no.
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