Hawks,in lateNov. An ad.and up to 2 juv. GrayHawks were present in Cattn deFer- nfindez10 Aug(AVJ, FVP, WB). Peregrine Mexico Falconswere noticed from early Sep+ hunt- ing blackbirdsand dovesfrom the Canal9 Antenna, Torretn (FVP). A Prairie Falcon wasseen flying over Lerdo, Dgo. 23 Nov (FVP,WB). Freshfootprints of a flockof H&ctorGGmez de Silva Wild Turkeyswere seen near Ocampo 18 Nov (HGdS). Xola314-E Morethan 50 StiltSandpipers were pho- tographedat Yfivaros,Son. 7 Oct, the first 03100Mxico, D.F. documentedrecord and by far thelargest Mexico numberfor Son. (DS, MS). A first-year Sabine'sGull was at the inland location of ([email protected])PresaRodriguez Gtmez 8 Oct (DS,MS). A first-yearThayer's Gull, 2 first-yearGlau- cous-wingedGulls, and an ad. Lesser Black-backed Gull were at the Puerto fteralate onset ofthe rains this year Son.8 Oct (DS, MS). Pefiascosewage ponds 23 Nov. An ad. in mostof Mexico (see the Summer From 21 to 45 Wood Ducks were seen at WesternGull was at Y•varos7 Oct (SG, 2003 report),the rainswere very six censusspots at Cation de Fernandez, LN). There were many first-yearLeast strongand lasted until early November. Dgo.Aug-Nov. A femalewith 10 ducklings Terns at both Yfivarosand Estero Tobari 7-8 was seen on the Nazas R. close to the Fran- Oct (LN, SG). NORTHERN MEXICO cisco Zarco Dam 6 Aug (SR). A Ross's Two Greater Roadrunners were near Ocampo16 Nov (HGdS). EurasianCol- lared-Doveswere reportedlynumerous along the highwayn. of San Fernando, Tamps. 10 Nov but were not seen s. of Hermoõlllo therein the next few days0CA). A flock Isla San [ Chiht.•ua of around 20 Green Parakeets 12 Nov at RanchoCielito, Tamps., where formerly abundant, was the most seen there in Our•-• •Torre6n\• recentyears, while the only evidencethat same morning of Red-crownedParrots, alsoformerly abundant there, was a pair San Bias heard 0CA). A flock of at least 110 Green Parakeetswas above Callejonesnear Ocampo 19 Nov (HGdS). A pair of TamaulipasPygmy-Owls that responded to whistled imitations at around 800 m on Coldspells starting in Novembermay have Goosewas seenwading among Mexican theroad to Alta Cima 13 Nov (JCA)was at drivenindividuals of somespecies that are Ducks on Puentes Cuates, downstream a low elevation. not regularaltitudinal migrants downslope from Cattn de Fernandez23 Nov, a first of theirusual elevations along the Sierra recordfor theTorretn region. Five Canada HUMMINGBIRDSTHROUGH FINCHES Madre Oriental. Geesewere aroundPuerto Pefiasco, Son. 23 A maleBroad-billed Hummingbird at Alta Nov(KK, RT). Several Muscovy Ducks--in Cima, Tamps.15 Oct (HGdS) was e. of its LOONSTHROUGH OWLS pairs,singly, and in a groupof 4--were seen normalrange and unexpectedin sucha A Red-throated Loon was at Puerto Petiasco in early and mid-Nov at marshesnear the humidarea. An Anna'sHummingbird was 24 Nov (KK, RT). BothWestern and Clark's Rio Sabinashighway bridge, at a marsh on the Mesade Campaneroabove Y&ora Grebeswere behind Presa Rodriguez nearCiudad Mante, Tamps., and in Venus- on the Son./Chih.border 7 Oct (SG, kN). Gtmez in Hermosillo,Son. 8 Oct (DS, MS). tianoCarranza and Laguna La Soledadnear OneAmazon Kingfisher along an irrigation Black Storm-Petrelswere seen from shore at Ocampo,Tamps. (JCA, HGdS). A female canaljust s. of CiudadMante 14 Nov was Huatabampito,Son. 7 Oct (DS,MS) andat Surf Seoter was at Puerto Pef•asco 11 Nov the only reportof a speciesthat was for- Puerto Pefiasco11 Nov 0T). Three Brown OT). merly commonn. to the Rio Sabinasand Pelicans,24 NeotropicCormorants, and 3 An Ospreywas seen by AVJin the Cafitn RioFrio prior to a majorflood in Aug2000; Tricolored Herons were seen on the Fran- de Fernfindez3 Aug,and one was at Fran- thespecies is nowrare in Tamps.(JCA). A ciscoZarco Dam upstreamfrom Cattn de ciscoZarco dam 6 Aug (SR). A Northern Russet-crownedMotmot was along the Rio Fernandez (SR). A Least Bittern was in Goshawk was above YEcora, Son. 5 Oct Mayo near Alamos,Son. 6 Oct (SG, LN). marshesjust s. of Culiacfin,Sin. 28 Nov (SG,LN). A Short-tailedHawk was sighted Four Greater Pewees were as low as 280 m (MG). At least one ad. Boat-billed Heron alongHighway 16 around 198 kme. of Her- on the road between Gtmez Farias and E1 wasat the permanentroost on the Rio Frio mosillo5 Oct (SG, LN). Two CraneHawks Encino,Tamps. 16 Oct (HGdS).All Tropi- belowGtmez Fadas, Tamps. 12 Nov (JCA). weredisplaying in flightnear Ocampo 18 cal/Couch'sKingbirds recorded around A juv. RoseateSpoonbill was near the Rio Nov(HGdS). AH reportsthat, as last year, Ocampo in the 3rd week of Nov were Frio 12 Nov 0CA). EightWood Storks were the city of Montetrey,N.L receivedan Couch's (HGdS). At least 3 Hammond's on the Rio Yaquin. of CiudadObregtn, influx of raptors,particularly Red-tailed Flycatchersat VenustianoCarranza 18 Nov 150 NORTH AMERICAN BIRD (HGdS)were at an unexpectedlylow eleva- usedto gatherto roost.This season, instead, migratings. with a flockof Broad-winged tion for the Gulf slope. blackbirdsare roostingin city parksand Hawks 1 Oct (]M, GC; Hawk Mountain In s. Tamps.,numbers of Chihuahuan leafysuburbs. A Black-headedSiskin was at tour). This speciesis very rare in Mexico Ravens and the formerly abundant Callejones19 Nov. anywhere.Singing Quail were calling at Las TamaulipasCrows have been down sub- Minas 24 Sep. stantiallyin recentyears (fide JCA). On Contributors(area compilers in boldface): Four PipingPlovers were with several afternoon drives between Ciudad Victoria, John C. Arvin, William Beatty,Steve Gan- Collared Plovers at M.A.R. i Oct. A Tamps.and GOmezFarias no crowsor ley, Hector GOmezde Silva, Manuel Killdeer was heard near Instituto de ravenswere seen /1 Oct, and only one Grosselet,Antonio Hidalgo, Kenn Kauf- Ecologia,UNAM in theevening of 11 Nov. raven was seen 15 Nov (HGdS); the same man,Larry Norris, Molly Pollock,Sandra A Buff-breastedSandpiper was at Las Bar- drivein themorning of 20 Novproduced 9 Ramos,Dave Stejskal, Mark Stevenson,Jay rancas29 Sep.At least2 MarbledGodwits TamaulipasCrows and 2 Chihuahuan Taylor, Rick Taylor, Frandsco Valdes werein the mouth of La AntiguaR. 28 Sep. Ravens.About a dozen TamaulipasCrows Peresgasga,Alfredo Villalobos Jfiuregui. Several White-rumped Sandpiperswere were noted around Ciudad Mante 14 Nov seenalong the Lim0n R. in theheart of the (]CA), and similarnumbers were noted at CENTRAL MEXICO Alvaradowetlands 12 Sep.Two Black Terns and aroundOcampo 16-20 Nov,in addi- tion to two encounters with flocks of 100-200 individuals(HGdS). A pair of CommonRavens (a speciesnot clearly mappedin Tamps.by Howelland Webb [1995]) was at Alta Cima duringearly Jun and mid-Octvisits (HGdS). Spotted Wrens were seen near E1 Platanito above E1 Naranjo,S.L.E 14 Novand at thecrest of theroad w. of Ocampo15 Nov (]CA). Two RussetNightingale-Thrushes were found on theMesa de Campanero 7 Oct (SG, LN). One White-throated Thrush was low at 420 m between GOmez Far/as and E1 Encino 16 Oct (HGdS). Blue Mockingbirdswere at Sepemberand October were very wet and and2 LaughingGulls were at Almoloya del severalplaces between 400 and525 m ele- warm(especially October). Some areas of Rio13 Sep(DP, HGdS). One Eurasian Col- vationnear Ocampo 18-19 Nov (HGdS). Veracruz visited in October (e.g., Los lared-Dovewas seenalong the cen. Ver- A Black-and-white Warbler was at km 198 Humerosand LasMinas) had experienced acruzcoast by S.N.G. Howell early Oct (fide alongHwy 16, Son.4 Oct (SG,LN). A floodingor wereunder water. Localities are JM). A BarnOwl washeard in Coyoacfin16 Northern Waterthrushwas in mangroves in Vet. unless otherwise stated. Nov (MG). alongthe bay at Yfivaros,Son. 7 Oct (DS, Flocksof BlackSwifts were seen14 Sep MS, LN, SG).A PaintedRedstart was low at HERONSTHROUGH HUMMINGBIRDS near La Mancha and 4 Oct at Cafetal E1 450 m at Callejones,near Ocampo 19 Nov A Great Blue Heron was near SanJos• Cac- Basurero. At least 4 Chestnut-collared (HGdS). Small numbersof Blue-grayand ahuatepec,Gro. 3 Aug (HGdS).A juv. Tri- Swiftswere seen 14 Sep at RanchoE1 Yellow-wingedTanagers were at Ocampoin colored Heron, 2 Least Bitterns, and 2 Mirador, and others were at Cafetal E1 mid-Nov(HGdS). A pair of ScrubEupho- Black-crownedNight-Herons were at the Basurero 4 Oct. A Great Swallow-tailed nias was above the landfill at Alamos 6 Oct Almoloyadel Rio marsh13 Sep (HGdS, Swift at Texolowaterfall 24 Sepappears to (DS, MS). An evening constituteonly the 2nd most of 30 or more Scrub Ver. record (another Euphoniaswas foundin was in the same local- mangotrees at Bocatoma ity last year). Two alongthe upperRio Frio Green-breasted Man- 12 Nov (]CA). White- gos near Tlacotalpan winged Tanagerswere 12 Oct were rather late heard between GOmez for this summer resi- Farias and E1 Encino 16 dent. Green Violet-ears Oct (HGdS). At least 5 were present and Dickcissels were in the ThisCanada Warbler was banded atVagul, Oaxaca, Mexico 9 September 2003. This species isa singing at Parque Alamos area 5 Oct (DS, regulartransient through the eastern lowlands ofMexico but casual inwestern and central Mexico. Nacional Desierto de Thebirdlife of the Oaxaca Valley features a mixture of speciesofwestern and central Mexico, Los Leones, D.E from MS). Severalpairs of withfrequent "eastern" visitors as well. Photograph byRamiraArag6n. Rusty Sparrows were lateJul at leastthrough seen 14 Nov near E1 Pla- Aug (SA).Single Green tanito,where regular, and a pair was seen DP). A flockof around15 NorthernPintails Violet-ears,rarely reported in Ver., wereat nearthe crestw. of Ocampo15 Nov (]CA). wasat themarsh at Almoloyadel Rio, Mex. Los Humeros25 Sepand 4 Oct, as was a Largemixed flocksof blackbirdsstarted 13 Sep(DE HGdS).Two pairs of Muscovy male Lucifer Hummingbird.A Blue- appearingin Torre0nby mid-Oct.However, Duckswere seen flying over La Mancha23 throatedHummingbird nest was foundin for the first time sincerecords began in Sepand Playa Juan Angel 27 Sep,respec- the Parque Nacional Desierto de Los 1984,no roostsformed on CalzadaColOn, a twelyAn Ospreywas at Almoloyadel Rio Leones30 Aug(SA).
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