PREHISTORIC OR PRE-EUROPEAN ARCHAEOLOGY IN MAINE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PUBLISHED ARTICLES through summer 2018 compiled by Arthur Spiess Maine Historic Preservation Commission This bibliography is current through the summer of 2018. Our purpose is to record publications that include Maine archaeological site information, either focusing on Maine, one or more Maine sites, or that mention Maine archaeological information in a comparative context. Allison, Roland 1951 Digging and searching the shell heaps of Maine, Algonquin Culture, Eggemoggin Reach, Hancock County, Maine. Ohio Archaeologist 1(1):16 1952 A days dig in a Maine shell heap. Ohio Archaeologist 2(2):7-8 1953 Shell heap digging in Maine. Ohio Archaeologist 3(4):27-29 1972 More about the shell heaps. The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 12(2):1-3. Anderson, Walter A. and J. Kelly, thers 1984 Crustal Warping in Coastal Maine. Geology 12:677-680 Anonymous 1912 Investigations of Maine shell-heaps. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 59(11): 46-48 Anonymous 1976 Introduction to Artifact Photographs. The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 16(2):32-42 Ashley, Asch Sidell, Nancy 1999 Prehistoric Plant Use in Maine: Paleoindian to Contact Period. Pp. 191-223 in Current Northeast Paleoethnobotany, edited by John P. Hart. New York State Museum Bulletin:494. 2002 Paleoethnobotanical Indicators of Subsistence and Settlement Change in the Northeast. John Hart and Christina Rieth, editors. Northeast Subsistence - Settlement Change A.D.700-1300, NY State Museum Bulletin 496:241-263. 2008 The Impact of Maize-based Agriculture on Prehistoric Plant Communities in the Northeast. Pp. 29-52 in Current Northeast Paleoethnobotany II, edited by John P. Hart. New York State Museum Bulletin 512.. Backman, Dave 1996 The Lady Slipper Midden Site (14.31). The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 36:1:1-16. Bailey, Alfred G. 1937 The Conflict of European and Eastern Algonkian Cultures. New Brunswick Museum Monograph Series: 2 St. John Bailey, L. W. 1887 On relics of the stone age in New Brunswick. Bulletin Natural History Society of New Brunswick, 6 1 Prehistoric or Pre-European Archaeology in Maine Bibliography of Published Articles Through Summer 2018 Baker, Emerson W. 1983 The Clarke and Lake Site, 1654-1676: A Place of Trading As Well As Planting. Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology 4. Augusta, Maine. Baker, Thomas R. 1989 Phase I Archaeological Investigations Conducted Along the Proposed CMP Transmission Tie to the Hydro-Quebec Corridor. The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 29:1:13-20. Barber, Russel J. 1988 The Use of Land Snails from Prehistoric Sites for Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction. in George P. Nicholas, ed. Holocene Human Ecology in Northeastern North America, pp. 11-28. Plenum Press, NY. Barbian, Lenore and Ann Magennis 1994 Variability in Late Archaic Burials at Turner Farm, Maine. Northeast Anthropology 47:119. Barton, George H. 1963 Unique Artifacts from Maine. MassachusettsArchaeologicalSocietyBulletin34(2):25-30 Bartone, Robert N. and Ellen Cowie 2007 The Late Paleoindian Beaver Pond Site, 35.19 ME. The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 47:1:43-48. Bartone, Robert N. and David Putnam, and James B. Petersen 1988 Archaeological Investigations at the Brockway Site, Central Maine. Current Research in the Pleistocene 5:1-3 Belcher, William R. 1989 Prehistoric Fish Exploitation on East Penobscot Bay, Maine: The Knox Site and Sea-level Rise. Archaeology of Eastern North America 17: 175-191. 1989 The Archaeology of the Knox Site, East Penobscot Bay, Maine. The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 29:1:33-46. 1994 A Regional Approach to Fish Remains and Seasonality in East Penobscot Bay, Maine. Fish Exploitation in the Past. 7th ICAZ Fish Remains Working Group. Van Neer W.(ed). Annales du Musee Royal de 1'Afrique Centrale, Sciences. Belcher, William R. and David Sanger 2017 The Roque Island Archaeological Project, Maine, USA: Methodologies and Results. North American East Coast Shell Midden Research. Journal of the North Atlantic, Special Volume 10:126-142. Belcher, William R. and David Sanger, Bruce Bourque 1994 The Bradley Cemetery: A Moorehead Burial Tradition Site in Maine. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 18:3-28. Bennett, Thomas C. and Nathan D. Hamilton 2010 An 1868 Lecture on the Shell Midden on Goose Island, Casco Bay, Maine. The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 50(1):9-22 Betts, Matthew W., Susan E. Blair, and David W. Black 2012 Perspectivism, Mortuary Symbolism, and Human-Shark Relationships on the Maritime Peninsula. American Antiquity 77(4):621-645. 2 Prehistoric or Pre-European Archaeology in Maine Bibliography of Published Articles Through Summer 2018 Betts, Matthew W. and M. Gabriel Hrynick 2017 Introduction: North American East Coast Shell Middens. North American East Coast Shell Midden Research. Journal of the North Atlantic, Special Volume 10:v-viii. Bonnichsen, Robson, David Keenlyside, and Karen Turnmire 1991 Paleoindian Patterns in Maine and the Maritimes. Pp. 1-28 in Prehistoric Archaeology in the Maritimes Provinces: Past and Present Research. Edited by Michael Deal and Susan Blair. Reports in Archaeology 8, Council of Maritime Premiers. (Published 1994). Bonnichsen, Robson and David Sanger 1977 Integrating faunal analysis. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 1:109-135 Bonnichsen, Robson, George L. Jackson, Jr, and others 1985 The Environmental Setting of Human Colonization of Northern New England and Adjacent Canada in Late Pleistocene Times. Geological Society of America: Special Paper #197 Bonnichsen, Robson 1988 The coming of the fluted-point People. Habitat 5:1:34-36. (Maine Audubon Society). Bonnichsen, Robson and Richard T. Will 1999 Radiocarbon Chronology of Northeastern Paleoamerican Sites: Discriminating Natural and Human Burn Features. ed. Bonnichsen, Robsen and Karen L. Turnmire, Ice Age People of North America: Environments and Adaptation. Corvallis, Oregon. Borstel, Christopher L. 1982 Archaeological Investigations at the Young Site, Alton, Maine. Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology 2. Augusta. Bouras, Edward, and Garret Evans 2006 A New Look at Munsungun: Excavations at the Ray Carter Site. The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 46(1):23-55. Bourque, Bruce J. 1973 Aboriginal Settlement and Subsistence on the Maine Coast. Man in the Northeast. 6:3-20 1975 Comments on the Late Archaic population of Central Maine: the view from the Turner Farm. Arctic Anthropology 12:2:35-45 1976 The Turner Farm Site: A Preliminary Report. Man in The Northeast 11:21-30 1977 Fishing in the Gulf of Maine: A 5000 Year History. In: G. Lawless (ed) The Gulf of Maine. Blackberry Press, Brunswick, Maine. 1995 Diversity and Complexity in Prehistoric Maritime Societies: a Gulf of Maine Perspective. Plenum Press, NY. 1994 Evidence for Prehistoric Exchange on the Maritimes Peninsula. in Prehistoric Exchange Systems in North America. Plenum Press. 1996 On Misguided Methodology: A Response to Dincauze. The Review of Archaeology 17:1:50-53. (published fall 1997) 2001 Twelve Thousand Years: American Indians in Maine. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln. 2012 The Swordfish Hunters: The History and Ecology of an Ancient American Sea People. Bunker Hill Publishing, Piermont, NH. 3 Prehistoric or Pre-European Archaeology in Maine Bibliography of Published Articles Through Summer 2018 Bourque, Bruce J. Kenneth Morris, and Arthur Spiess 1978 Determining the season of death of teeth from archaeological sites: a new sectioning technique. Science 199:530-31 Bourque, Bruce J. and Steven L. Cox 1981 Maine State Museum Investigation of the Goddard Site, 1979. Man in The Northeast 22:3-27 Bourque, Bruce J., Steven L. Cox and Robert A. Lewis 2006 The Archaic Period of the Merrymeeting Bay Region, South Central Maine. In The Archaic of the the Far Northeast, edited by David Sanger and M. A. P. Renouf, pp. 307-340. University of Maine Press, Orono. Bourque, Bruce J. and Robert Doyle, and Steve White 1984 The Archaeological Distribution of Banded Spherulitic Rhyolite in Maine. Man in the Northeast 28:111-119. Bradley, Bruce, and Arthur Spiess 2017 The Lord-Collins Site (Site 3.12): A Late Pleistocene Site in Sanford, Maine. The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 58(1):21-38. Bradley, James W., Arthur E. Spiess, Richard A. Boisvert, and Jeff Boudreau 2008 What’s the Point?: Modal Forms and Attributes of Paleoindian Bifaces in the New England-Maritimes Region. Archaeology of Eastern North America 36:119-172. Bradley, W. 1957 Radiocarbon age of the Damariscotta shell heaps. American Antiquity 22(3):296 Bradstreet, Theodore E. and Ronald B. Davis 1975 Mid-Postglacial environments in New England with emphasis on Maine. Arctic Anthropology 12:2:7-22 Braun, David P. 1974 Explanatory models for the evolution of coastal adaptation in Prehistoric New England. American Antiquity 39:582-596. Brigham, Michael 1996 The Chandler Collection. The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 36:1:17 Brigham, Michael, Robert N. Bartone, Jessica A. Reed, and Ellen Cowie 2001 Introduction to the Archaeological Phase III Excavations at Ntolonapemk, the Eastern Surplus Superfund Site. The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 41:2:27-39. Brockman, Mark E. and Jeffrey Georgiady 2005 Prehistoric Lithic Resources of the Coastal Volcanic Belt, Washington Co., Maine. The Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 45:1:5-24. Brockman, Mark and Barry Keegan 2016 Indigenous Lithic Sources of Northeastern North America. Mark Brockman, Chesterville, ME. Brockman, Mark E., Barry Keegan, and Vincent
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