2018 FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP REPORT DESIGN AND LAYOUT Nick Paulus Keara Mangan Lucy Zhang PHOTOGRAPHY Elizabeth Torgerson-Lamark/RIT PUBLISHED BY The Wallace Center - RIT Open Access Publishing OFFICE OF THE PROVOST www.rit.edu/provost/ 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Letter from the Provost 4 B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing & Information Sciences 24 College of Art and Design 36 College of Engineering Technology 50 College of Health Sciences & Technology 58 College of Liberal Arts 80 College of Science 104 Golisano Institute for Sustainability 112 International Campuses 116 Kate Gleason College of Engineering 134 National Technical Institute for the Deaf 158 Saunders College of Business 166 School of Individual Study Letter from the Provost I am delighted to present this 2018 Faculty Scholarship Report. This compendium of scholarly work by RIT faculty and students represents the best of who we are as scholars and creative artists. I hope you will take pride in your own and others’ awards, articles, books, juried exhibitions, editorships and other scholarly work highlighted here. The scholarly and artistic efforts within this report are examples of significant individual and group achievement. This work ranges from identifying antibacterial agents that promote burn wound healing, to building better barriers to cyberterrorism, to exploring representations of disability stigma in the media. It puts RIT and its research at the very heart of some of the world’s most critical technical, scientific, and social challenges. The impact of these accomplishments is also making a difference to RIT’s national reputation. For example, as the result of many recent research successes, we are now classified by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education as Carnegie Research 2. This new standing elevates our national status and expands the opportunities available to faculty and students alike. RIT’s vision for the future, embodied in the university’s strategic plan Greatness Through Difference, sets ambitious research and scholarship goals for the year 2025 including: $100M in sponsored program awards, $70M in sponsored program expenditures, 1,000 scholarly works produced annually, and at least 50 doctoral degrees conferred each year. The collective work displayed in this report makes me confident that these goals, though ambitious, are well within the talents of RIT’s faculty. It is with great pride that I present this report highlighting our faculty’s scholarly achievements during 2018. ELLEN GRANBERG, PH.D. Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Rochester Institute of Technology 3 B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing & Information Sciences Computer Science Published Conference Proceedings: Shea, Jordan, Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm, and Reynold Bai- Reynold J Bailey, Professor ley. "Contemporary Multimodal Data Collection Methodology for Reliable Inference of Authentic Published Conference Proceedings: Nwogu, Surprise." Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE West- Ifeoma, Bryan Passino, and Reynold Bailey. ern New York Image and Signal Processing "A Study on the Suppression of Amusement." Workshop,. Ed. IEEE. Rochester, New York: IEEE, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Automat- Web. * ic Face and Gesture Recognition, May 15-19, 2018, Xi\'an, China. Ed. Sidney D’Mello, Louis Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation: Philippe Morency, Michel Valstar, and Lijun Yin. Kothari, Rakshit, et al. "Gaze in Wild: A Dataset Xi’an, China: n.p., Web. * for Studying Vestibular-Ocular Coordination in Naturalistic Tasks." Proceedings of the 2018 Published Conference Proceedings: Haduong, IEEE Western New York Image and Signal Pro- Nikita, et al. "Multimodal Alignment for Affective cessing Workshop, October 2018, Rochester. Content." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference Ed. IEEE. Rochester, New York: IEEE. * on Artificial Intelligence - Workshop on Affective Content Analysis (AffCon 2018),. Ed. Niyati Ch- haya, Kokil Jaidka, Lyle Ungar, and P. Anandan. Ivona Bezakova, Professor New Orleans, Louisiana: n.p., Web. « Published Conference Proceedings: Butler, Published Conference Proceedings: Medina, Zack, Ivona Bezáková, and Kimberly Fluet. "Ana- Rebecca, et al. "Sensing Behaviors of Students lyzing Rich Qualitative Data to Study Pencil-Puz- in Online vs. Face to Face Lecturing Contexts." zle-based Assignments in CS1 and CS2." Pro- Proceedings of the IEEE International Confer- ceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Conference on ence on Pervasive Computing and Communica- Innovation and Technology in Computer Science tions (PerCom) - Workshop on Human-centered Education (ITiCSE), July 2-4, 2018, Larnaca, Computational Sensing (HCCS 2018), March Cyprus. Ed. Irene Polycarpou, et al. Larnaca, 2018, Athens, Greece. Ed. Alan Marchiori and Cyprus: ACM, Web. * Damith C. Ranasinghe. Athens, Greece: IEEE, Web. « Published Conference Proceedings: Bezáková, Ivona and Andrew Searns. "On Counting Oracles Published Conference Proceedings: Diaz, Yan- for Path Problems." Proceedings of the 29th carlos, et al. "Towards an Affective Video Recom- International Symposium on Algorithms and mendation System." Proceedings of the IEEE In- Computation (ISAAC), December 16-19, 2018, ternational Conference on Pervasive Computing Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan. Ed. Wen-Lian Hsu, Der-Tsai and Communications (PerCom) - Workshop on Lee, and Chung-Shou Liao. Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan: Human-centered Computational Sensing (HCCS Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informa- 2018), March 2018, Athens, Greece. Ed. Alan tik, Web. * Marchiori and Damith C. Ranasinghe. Athens, Greece: IEEE, Web. « FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP REPORT 2018 Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation: Published Conference Proceedings: Taylor, Butler, Zack, Ivona Bezáková, and Kimberly Cynthia, et al. "Propagating the Adoption of CS Fluet. "Qualitative Analysis of Open-ended Com- Educational Innovations." Proceedings of the ments in Introductory CS Courses." Proceed- ITiCSE 2018 Companion. Ed. Guido Rossling. ings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on New York, NY: ACM, Web. * Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), February 21-24, 2018, Baltimore, MD. Ed. Tiffany Barnes, et al. Baltimore, MD: ACM. * Matthew Fluet, Associate Professor Published Conference Proceedings: Guatto, Published Conference Proceedings: Bezáková, Adrien, et al. "Hierarchical Memory Management Ivona, et al. "Inapproximability of the Indepen- for Mutable State." Proceedings of the 23rd ACM dent Set Polynomial in the Complex Plane." SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice Proceedings of the 50th Annual ACM SIGACT of Parallel Programming (PPoPP'18; February Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), 24-26, 2018; Wien, Austria). Ed. Thomas Gross. June 25-29, 2018, Los Angeles, CA. Ed. Ilias Dia- New York, New York: ACM, 2018. Web. « konikolas, David Kempe, and Monika Henzinger. Los Angeles, CA: ACM, Web. * Joe Geigel, Professor Hans-Peter Bischof, Professor Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation: Scicali, Alberto, Ifeoma Nwogu, and Joe Geigel. Published Conference Proceedings: George, "Mobile Emotion Recognition Engine." Proceed- Jason St. "SONIFICATION OF SIMULATED BLACK ings of the Symposium for Applied Perception HOLE MERGER DATA." Proceedings of the 2018 (SAP 2018). Ed. Betsy Sanders. Vancouver, BC: International Conference on Modeling, Simula- n.p.. * tion & Visualization Methods. Ed. Hamid R. Arab- nia, Leonidas Deligiannidis, Fernando G. Tinetti. Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation: Las Vegas, NV: CSREA Press, Web. * Mishra, Antara and Joe Geigel. "Tone Reproduc- tion for Virtual Reality Applications." Proceedings Invited Article/Publication: Bischof, Hans-Pe- of the Symposium for Applied Perception (SAP ter. "The Hunt for Gravitational Waves and How 2018). Ed. Betsy Sanders. Vancouver, BC: n.p.. * to Visualize What No Person has Seen Before." SAS Global Forum 2018. (2018). Web. ∆ Published Conference Proceedings: Medina, Rebecca, et al. "Sensing Behaviors of Students in Online vs. Face-to-Face Lecturing Contexts." Zachary Butler, Professor Proceedings of the workshop on Human-Cen- Published Conference Proceedings: Butler, tered Computational Sensing (HCCS’18) - Athens Zack, Ivona Bezakova, and Kimberly Fluet. Greece, March 19, 2018. Ed. Cecilia Ovesdotter "Qualitative Analysis of Open-ended Comments Alm,, Reynold Bailey, and Ehsan Hoque. Athens, in Introductory CS Courses." Proceedings of the Greece: n.p., Web. * ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. Ed. Elizabeth Hawthorne and Manuel Perez-Quinones. New York, NY: ACM, Web. * Edith Hemaspaandra, Professor Published Conference Proceedings: Fitz- Published Conference Proceedings: Butler, simmons, Zack and Edith Hemaspaandra. Zack, Ivona Bezakova, and Kimberly Fluet. "Ana- "High-Multiplicity Election Problems." Proceed- lyzing Rich Qualitative Data to Study Pencil-Puz- ings of the Seventeenth International Confer- zle-based Assignments in CS1 and CS2." Pro- ence on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent ceedings of the ACM Conference on Innovation Systems (AAMAS 2018). Richland, SC: Interna- and Technology in Computer Science Education. tional Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Ed. P Andreou. New York, NY: ACM, Web. * Multiagent Systems, 2018. Web. « B. THOMAS GOLISANO COLLEGE OF COMPUTING & INFORMATION SCIENCES 5 Featured Faculty QI YU’S RESEARCH SPANS MULTIPLE BRANCHES IN MACHINE LEARNING AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WITH A MAJOR FOCUS ON INTEGRATING MACHINE INTELLIGENCE WITH HUMAN INTELLIGENCE THROUGH INNOVATIONS IN MULTIMODAL DATA FUSION, DYNAMIC DATA MODELING, ACTIVE LEARNING,
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