Cereal Scoreboard 2

Cereal Scoreboard 2

Healthy Tips For Choosing Cereal Health and Nutrition Education 1. 3 grams or more of fiber, 100% whole grain or first two ingredients whole grain or bran (see end for more) Cereal Scoreboard 2. 3 grams or less of fat Cereal Scoreboard 3. 30 grams or less of total carbohydrates Cold Cereals: Very High Fiber 8 grams or more of fiber) Cereal Serving Calories Carb Fat Fiber Sugar Iron Sodium (g) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) All Bran, Original ½ cup 80 23 1 10 6 5 280 All Bran/Extra Fiber ½ cup 50 20 1 13 0 5 110 Barbara’s Bakery Ultima High Fiber ½ cup 90 24 1 8 5 1 130 Bran Buds, All Bran, Kellogg 1/3 cup 80 24 1 12 + 8 5 200 Fiber One, Original ½ cup 60 25 * 1 14 + 0 5 105 Fiber One, Honey Clusters 1 cup 160 42 1 13 + 6 5 280 Kashi Good Friends, Original 1 cup 170 43 2 12 + 9 2 130 Nature’s Path Smart Bran 2/3 cup 90 24 1 13 + 6 2 130 Cold Cereals: Less than 30 grams Total Carbohydrates High Fiber (3 grams or more per serving) Cereal Serving Calories Carb Fat Fiber Sugar Iron Sodium (g) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) Arrowhead Mills Oat Bran Flakes 1 cup 140 24 1 4 3 1 85 Arrowhead Mills Spelt Flakes 1 cup 120 24 1 3 3 1 100 Barbara’s Bakery Crispy Wheats ¾ cup 110 25 .5 3 5 1 190 Barbara’s Bakery Shredded Spoonfuls ¾ cup 110 25 1 4 5 1 190 Bran Flakes, Post 2/3 cup 90 22 0 6 5 8 210 Cascadian Farms Purely O’s 1 cup 110 22 2 3 + 1 8 250 Cheerios, plain 1 cup 100 23 2 3 + 1 6 190 Cheerios, multi-grain 1 cup 110 23 1 3 6 18 200 Health Valley Amaranth Flakes 1 cup 100 24 0 4 5 1 90 Health Valley Blue Corn Flakes ¾ cup 100 24 0 3 5 1 10 Kashi Heart to Heart, Honey Toasted ¾ cup 110 25 1.5 5 + 5 2 90 Kashi Honey Sunshine ¾ cup 100 23 0 6 + 6 2 90 Mother’s Toasted Oat Bran ¾ cup 120 24 1.5 3 5 1 200 Nature’s Path Multigrain Oatbran ¾ cup 110 24 1 5 4 1 110 Nature’s Path Organic Flax Plus ¾ cup 100 23 1.5 7 4 2 140 Nature’s Path Organic Heritage ¾ cup 110 24 1 5 4 1 130 Nature’s Path Organic Synergy ¾ cup 100 24 1 5 4 3 0 Total Wheat ¾ cup 100 24 .5 3 5 18 200 Weetabix Crispy Flakes, organic ¾ cup 110 24 1 4 + 4 5 180 Wheat Germ, Quaker Oats ¼ cup 35 10 1 7 n/a 2 0 Wheat Chex ¾ cup 170 38 1 5 5 14 395 Wheaties ¾ cup 100 22 1 3 4 8 190 Cold Cereal: Less than 30 grams Total Carbohydrates Low Fiber (Less than 3 grams per serving) Cereal Serving Calories Carb Fat Fiber Sugar Iron Sodium (g) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) Alpha-Bits, Post 1 cup 130 27 1 1 13 3 210 Apple Jacks 1 cup 120 30 0 1 16 5 150 Cheerios, Honey Nut ¾ cup 110 22 2 2 9 5 190 Corn Chex 1 cup 120 26 1 1 3 9 290 Corn Flakes, Kellogg’s 1 cup 100 24 0 1 2 8 305 Crispix 1 cup 110 25 0 1 3 2 240 For more information call Health Education at 608-287-2770 20 S. Park St., Suite 207 20 S. Park St., Suite 207 For more information call Health & Nutrition Education at 608-287-2770 Madison, WI 53715 Madison, WI 53715 2016 2016 CC002709 (0417) Froot Loops 1 cup 120 28 1 1 15 5 150 Honey Froot Loops Bunches of Oats ¾1 cupcup 120 2528 1.51 1 615 35 190150 KixFrootHoney Loops Bunches of Oats 1¾ 1/3cupcup cup 120 262825 .511.5 1 3156 853 270150190 ProductHoneyKix Bunches 19 of Oats 1¾ cup1/3cup cup 100120 2526 01.5.5 1 463 1838 280190270 RiceKixProduct Krispies 19 1 ¼1/3cup cup cup 112010020 222625 0.5 1 34 818 250270280 SpecialProductRice Krispies K19 1 cup¼ cup 110100120 2225 0 1 34 818 250280 RiceSpecial Krispies K 1 ¼cup cup 111020 22 0 1 3 8 250 Special K 1 cup 110 22 0 1 3 8 250 Cold Cereal: More than 30 grams Total Carbohydrates Cold Cereal: More than 30 grams Total Carbohydrates High Fiber (3 grams or more per serving) Cold Cereal: HighMore Fiberthan 30(3 grams orTotal more Carbohydrates per serving) Whole grain High Whole Fiber grain (3 grams or more per serving) Cereal Serving Calories Carb Fat Fiber Sugar Iron Sodium Cereal Whole grainServing Calories (g)Carb (g)Fat (g)Fiber (g)Sugar (mg)Iron (mg)Sodium ✓ BananaCereal Nut Crunch, Post Selects 1Serving cup 2Calories40 44Carb(g) 6Fat(g) 4Fiber(g) 11Sugar(g) 16Iron(mg) 200Sodium(mg) ✓ Banana Nut Crunch, Post Selects 1 cup 240 44 6 4 11 16 200 ✓ Frosted Mini Wheat 1 cup 200 48(g) 1(g) 6(g) 12(g) 16(mg) 0(mg) ✓ BananaFrosted NutMini Crunch Wheat, Post Selects 1 cup 220040 4448 61 46 1112 16 2000 ✓ Granola, Health Valley 2/3 cup 180 43 1 3 6 1 90 ✓ FrostedGranola, Mini Health Wheat Valley 12/3 cup cup 200180 4843 1 63 126 161 090 Grape Nuts, Post or Kashi Nuggets ½ cup 200 47 0 7 4 16 340 ✓ Granola,Grape Nuts, Health Post Valley or Kashi Nuggets 2/3½ cup cup 180200 4347 10 37 64 116 90340 Great Grains, Crunchy Pecan, Post Selects ½ cup 220 38 6 4 8 9 150 GreatGrape Grains,Nuts, Post Crunchy or Kashi Pecan, Nuggets Post Selects ½ cupcup 220200 3847 60 47 84 916 150340 ✓ Raisin Bran, Kellogg’s 1 cup 200 47 2 8 18 5 390 ✓ RaisinGreat Grains, Bran, Kellogg’s Crunchy Pecan, Post Selects 1½ cup cup 200220 4738 26 84 188 59 390150 ✓ Mueslix, Raisin, Kellogg’s 2/3 cup 200 40 3 4 17 5 70 ✓ RaisinMueslix, Bran, Raisin, Kellogg’s Kellogg’s 12/3 cup cup 200 4740 23 84 1817 5 39070 ✓ Oatmeal Crisp, Hearty Raisin 1 cup 230 51 3 4 20 9 135 ✓ Mueslix,Oatmeal CrispRaisin,, Hearty Kellogg’s Raisin 2/31 cup cup 200230 4051 3 4 1720 59 70135 ✓ Oatmeal Squares, Brown Sugar 1 cup 215 43 3 4 9 16 260 ✓ Oatmeal CrispSquares,, Hearty Brown Raisin Sugar 1 cup 230215 5143 3 4 209 916 135260 ✓ Kashi, Go Lean Crunch, Original 1 cup 190 36 3 8 + 13 2 95 ✓ OatmealKashi, Go Squares, Lean Crunch Brown, Original Sugar 1 cup 215190 4336 3 48 + 913 162 26095 ✓ Shredded Wheat, mini, unsweetened 1 cup 160 40 1 6 0 1 0 ✓ Kashi,Shredded Go Wheat, Lean Crunch mini, unsweetened, Original 1 cup 190160 3640 31 86 + 130 21 950 Smart Start, Strong Heart, Toasted Oat 1 ¼ cup 220 48 3 5 + 17 5 140 ✓ ShreddedSmart Start, Wheat, Strong mini, Heart, unsweetened Toasted Oat 1 cup¼ cup 160220 4048 13 65 + 017 15 0140 ✓ Uncle Sam ¾ cup 190 38 5 10 0 2 135 Smart Start, Strong Heart, Toasted Oat 1 ¼ cup 220 48 3 5 + 17 5 140 ✓ Uncle Sam ¾ cup 190 38 5 10 0 2 135 ✓ Uncle Sam ¾ cup 190 38 5 10 0 2 135 HOT CEREALS (approximately ¼ cup dry yields ½ cup cooked) HOTCereal CEREALS (approximatelyServing ¼ cup dryCalories yields Carb½ cup cooked)Fat Fiber Sugar Iron Sodium HOT Cereal CEREALS (approximatelyServing ¼ cup dryCalories yields Carb(g)½ cup cooked)(g)Fat (g)Fiber (g)Sugar (mg)Iron (mg)Sodium LessCereal than 30 gm carb, higher fiber Serving Calories Carb(g) Fat(g) Fiber(g) Sugar(g) Iron(mg) Sodium(mg) ✓ Oatmeal,Less than Steel 30 gm Cut carb, higher fiber ½ c cooked 150 26 (g) 2(g) 4(g) 0(g) 1(mg) 0(mg) ✓ Oatmeal, Steel Cut ½ c cooked 150 26 2 4 0 1 0 ✓ Oatmeal,Less than Instant 30 gm carb, higher fiber 1 packet 105 18 2 3 1 6 285 ✓ Oatmeal, SteelInstant Cut ½1 packetc cooked 150105 2618 2 43 01 16 0285 ✓ Oat Bran, Quaker 1 c cooked 150 25 3 6 1 3 0 ✓ Oatmeal,Oat Bran, Instant Quaker 1 packetc cooked 105150 1825 23 36 1 63 2850 ✓ Oatmeal, Instant, Lower Sugar 1 packet 120 24 2 3 4 4 290 ✓ OatOatmeal, Bran, Instant, Quaker Lower Sugar 1 cpacket cooked 150120 2524 32 63 14 34 0290 ✓ Wheatena ¾ c cooked 100 22 1 5 0 0 5 ✓ LessOatmeal,Wheatena than Instant, 30 gm Lowercarb, lower Sugar fiber 1¾ packetc cooked 120100 2422 21 35 40 40 2905 ✓ CreamWheatenaLess than of Rice 30 gm carb, lower fiber ½¾ c cooked 65100 1422 01 05 0 0 5 CreamLess than of WheatRice 30 gm carb, lower fiber ½ c cooked 75 65 16 14 0 2 0 0 0 5 Oatmeal,Cream of RegularRiceWheat or Quick ½ c cooked 7565 131416 10 20 10 0 05 MoreCreamOatmeal, than of RegularWheat 30 gm or carb, Quick higher fiber ½ c cooked 75 1613 01 2 01 0 50 Oatmeal,More than Instant,Regular 30 gm Mapleor carb, Quick Brownhigher Sugar fiber 1½ packetc cooked 16075 3213 21 32 1 40 2400 OatmealMoreOatmeal, than Express Instant, 30 gm (readyMaple carb, toBrownhigher heat )Sugar fiber 1 containerpacket 200 160 41 32 3 2 4 3 17 1 4 250 240 Oatmeal,Oatmeal ExpressInstant, (readyMaple toBrown heat )Sugar 1 packetcontainer 160200 3241 23 34 117 4 240250 * artificiallyOatmeal Expresssweetened (ready to heat ) 1 container 200 41 3 4 17 4 250 * artificially sweetened +* artificiallyincludes isolated sweetened fiber - used to increase fiber but not whole grain + includes (inulin, isolatedchicory rootfiber extract, - used tooat increase fiber, soy fiber fiber, but maltodextrin, not whole grain starches (ie corn), poly dextrose, gums, psyllium) + includes (inulin, isolatedchicory rootfiber extract, - used tooat increase fiber, soy fiber fiber, but maltodextrin, not whole grain starches (ie corn), poly dextrose, gums, psyllium) (inulin, chicory root extract, oat fiber, soy fiber, maltodextrin, starches (ie corn), poly dextrose, gums, psyllium) Adapted from Nutrition Action Health Letter, May, 2009 20 S.

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