USO0PP20710P2 (12) United States Plant Patent (10) Patent N0.: US PP20,710 P2 Lambert et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 2, 2010 (54) H YDRANGEA PLANT NAMED ‘INH-HYD-6’ (51) Int. Cl. (50) Latin Name: Hydrangea hybrid 52 ‘3051/00 (200601) Plt I250 Varie m1 Denomination: INH_HYD_6 ( ) I. ...... .... ...... ... ................................... .. (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................. .. Plt./250 (76) Inventors: Claudie Lambert, Agrocampus Ouest/ See apphcanon ?le for Complete Search hlstory' INH 2 Rue Andre 1e Notre, Angers (FR) Primary ExamineriAnnette H Para 49045; H Bartrats, Agrocampus Ouest/ INH 2 Rue Andre le Notre, Angers (FR) (57) ABSTRACT ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Anew and distinct Hydrangea cultivar named ‘INH'HYD' 6’ patent is extended or adjusted under 35 is disclosed, characterized by purple/bronze stems and young U_S_C_ 154(b) by 0 days_ foliage, large in?orescence with pink sepals with darker pink veins. The new variety is a Hydrangea, suitable for outdoor (21) Appl. No.: 12/290,496 Container and garden PurPO5e5~ (22) Filed: Oct. 29, 2008 1 Drawing Sheet 1 2 Latin name of the genus and species: Hydrangea hybrid. acteristics, however, plants of the new cultivar ‘INH-HYD-6’ Variety denomination: ‘ INH-HYD-6 ’ . have longer lateral branches, shorter petioles, different col ored sepals and a larger quantity of ?owers. Additionally, BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION plants of the new cultivar are sterile. ‘INH-HYD-6’ differs from the male parent ‘346’ in foliage The new cultivar is a product of a planned Hydrangea and stem color. Foliage and stems of the new cultivar are breeding program, from the Institut National d’Horticulture much darker than the male parent. Additionally, plants of the located inAngers, France. The new variety was discovered as a seedling from the planned breeding program. This seedling new variety have more ?owers, and are sterile. is a result from a crossing made in July 2001 of the female parent, an undistributed proprietary variety referred to as ‘347 COMMERCIAL COMPARISON ’ with the male parent, an undistributed proprietary variety referred to as ‘346.’ It was selected by Claudie Lambert and Plants of the new cultivar ‘INH-HYD-6’ are similar to Helene Bertrand during the Summer of 2005 in at the research plants of the commercial variety Hydrangea aspera ‘Macro facility in Angers, France. phylla’ unpatented in the United States, in many characteris Asexual reproduction of the new cultivar ‘INH-HYD-6’ by 15 tics important to commercial growers. However, plants of the vegetative cuttings was ?rst performed in Angers, France at new cultivar ‘INH-HYD-6’ differ in foliage and stem color, the Institut Nation d’ Horticulture, during the Spring of 2006 in?orescence colors in the new cultivar are different and the and has shown that the unique features of this cultivar are new cultivar has a larger quantity of ?owers. stable and reproduced true to type on successive generations. 20 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PHOTOGRAPH The cultivar ‘INH-HYD-6’ has not been observed under all The accompanying photograph in FIG. 1 illustrates in full possible environmental conditions. The phenotype may vary color a typical blooming plant of ‘INH-HYD-6’ grown out somewhat with variations in environment such as tempera doors inAngers, France. Age of the plant in the photograph is ture, day length, and light intensity, without, however, any approximately 2 years. The photograph was taken using con variance in genotype. ventional techniques and although colors may appear differ The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are ent from actual colors due to light re?ectance it is as accurate determined to be the unique characteristics of ‘INH-HYD-6’ as possible by conventional photographic techniques. These characteristics in combination distinguish ‘ INH-HYD 30 6’ as a new and distinct Hydrangea cultivar: DETAILED BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION 1. Pubescent leaves with red veins on the underside. 2. Unique coloration of the stems; young stems are red/ purple, turning bronze with age. In the following description, color references are made to 3. Corymbiforrn in?orescence with numerous large, sterile The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart except where 35 general terms of ordinary dictionary signi?cance are used. 4. Large sterile ?owers with petaloid sepals colored pink, The following observations and measurements describe with darker pink veins ‘INH-HYD-6’ plants grown outdoors, in half shade, in 5. Sterile, small central ?owers. Angers, France from October 2006 to October 2008. The growing temperature ranged from 10° C. to 17° C. at night to PARENTAL COMPARISON 40 12° C. to 35° C. during the day. Measurements and numerical values represent averages of typical ?owering types. Plants of the new cultivar ‘INH-HYD-6’ are similar to Botanical classi?cation: Hydrangea hybrid cultivar ‘INH plants of the female parent, ‘347,’ in most horticultural char HYD-6.’ US PP20,71O P2 3 PROPAGATION In?orescence: ArrangementACorymbifOrm. Time to rooting: 15 to 20 days at approximately 200 C. Type. *Between Mophead and Lacecap. Not completely Root description: Fine, ?brous, white. mophead, but with more sterile ?owers than lacecap. HeightiAverage 11 cm. PLANT WidthiAverage 19 cm. Quantity of?owers per in?orescenceiFer‘tile ?owers, Age of the plant described: Approximately 2 years. approximately 400 Sterile Flowers, approximately Growth habit: Shrub Bud: Height: Approximately 60 cm. 10 Plant spread: Approximately 70 cm. Bud shape. %}lobular. Growth rate: 30 cm/year Bud lengthiApproximately 0.2 cm. Branching characteristics: Dense, spreading Bud diameteriApproximately 0.1 cm. Length of lateral branches: Average 27 cm. Bud color: Near R.H.S. Red-Purple 69A Base/calyx: Near R.H.S. Greyed-Green 193B. Number of lateral branches: Average 37 cm. Flower: Diameter of lateral branches: Average 0.4 cm. ShapeiRotate. Pinching required: No. Facing directioniUpright. Details ofpinchingiNo matter Quantity of?owers per lateral stemiAbout 10 sterile Lateral branch shape: Slightly ?exible and 50 fertile. Lateral branch strength: Moderate 20 Quantity of ?owers and buds per plantiApproxi Lateral branch color: Approximately RHS: Greyed-Orange mately 20 in?orescences or 9600 ?owers. 177B with light stripe Greyed-Orange 165B Diameter of entire ?oweriFertile: Approximately 0.2 Other stem or plant characteristics: cm. Sterile: Approximately 3.5 cm. Lenticel lengthiApproximately 0.1 cm. Depth of?oweriFertile: Approximately 0.1 cm. Ster Lenticel widthiApproximately 0.05 cm. 25 ile: Approximately 0.1 cm. Lenticel coloriAbout RHS Orange-White 159A Rate of openingilndividual ?owers: Fully open Growing stemsiRed-purple Greyed-Purple 185B approximately 2 days from the bud stage. Whole Stem pubescenceiYes Plant: Approximately 60% of ?owers open at once. Number of leaves per lateral branch: Average 10 Flower longevity on plantiFertile ?owers:Approxi Age of plant described: Approximately 2 years mately 2 days. Sterile ?owers: Approximately 21 30 days. FOLIAGE Persistent or self-cleaningiPersistent. FragranceiYes, light. Leaf: Petals: ArrangementAOpposite. Length ofpetaliApproximately 0.1 cm. Compound or singleiSingle. 35 Width ofpetaliApproximately 0.05 cm. Average length.*10 cm. Apex.iAcute. Average width.i6 cm. Shape ofpetaliElliptic. Shape of blade.4Ovate to elliptic. Petal marginiEntire. Apex.iAcuminate. Petal arrangemenLACampanulate. Base. *Rounded or attenuate. 40 Petal number*4 to 5. Attachment.4Opposite. Petals fusediNo. MarginiEntire. Petal appearanceiDull. Texture of top surfaceiRough. Petal texture. *Fleshy. Texture of bottom surface. *Rough. Color: Leaf internode lengthiAverage 5 cm. 45 Upper surface at first opening. *Near RHS Red-Purple ColoriYoung foliage upper side: Near R.H.S. Green 137C Young foliage under side: Near R.H.S. Green Upiogelj surface at maturityiNear RHS Red-Purple 138C Mature foliage upper side: Near R.H.S. Green 137A Mature foliage under side: Near R.H.S. Green Up6pgelisuiface at fadingiNear RHS Red-Purple 69D. 138C. 50 Under surface at ?rst opening. *Near RHS Red-Purple VenationiType: pinnate Venation color upper side: Near R.H.S. primary veins Greyed-Purple 186C, sec Un6d9eix'suiface at maturityiNear RHS Red-Purple ondary veins Greyed-Yellow 160C Venation color under side: Near R.H.S. Greyed-Purple 185C. Un6d9eixsuiface at fadingiNear RHS Red-Purple 69D. Durability offol iage to stresses. *Moderate. 55 Petaloids: Petaloid sepals on sterile ?owers Petiole: Average length.i3.3 cm. DiameteriAverage 0.25 cm. ColoriNear R.H.S. Greyed Purple 185B. CALYX 60 Fertile ?owers Sterile ?owers FLOWER Present: yes yes Shape: carnpanulate rotate Bloom period: Length: Approximately 0.1 cm. 1.6 cm Natural seasoniluly and August. Diameter: Approximately 0.1 cm 3.5 cm Greenhouse production.*Approximately 4 weeks for 65 ?ower induction. US PP20,710 P2 6 REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS -continued Number ofpistils per ?0wer.*2 to 3. SEPAL Pistil LengtltiApproximately 0.1 cm. Fertile(all parts present) flowers Sterile flowers Stigma shapeiFan-shaped. Stigma caloriNear RHS White N155D. Number: 4 4 to 5 Style coloriNear RHS White N1 55D. Sepal Appearance: glabrous glabrous Sepal Arrangement: one whorl one whorl Style lengthiApproximately 0.05 cm. Sepal length: Approximately 0.05 cm. 1.6 cm Ovary coloriNear RHS White Nl55D. Sepal Width: Approximately 0.05 cm. 1.5 cm Stamens quantityil 2. Sepal shape: triangular rounded to broad ovate Anther shapeiFolded, atrophied. Base: broad attenuate Apex shape: acute rounded
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