Journal of Applied Microbiology ISSN 1364-5072 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Rapid detection of viable Legionella pneumophila in tap water by a qPCR and RT-PCR-based method R. Boss1 , A. Baumgartner1, S. Kroos2, M. Blattner2, R. Fretz2 and D. Moor1 1 Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office, Berne, Switzerland 2 Food Safety and Veterinary Office, Canton of Basel-Landschaft, Liestal, Switzerland Keywords Abstract alternative method, Legionella pneumophila, qPCR, rapid, reverse transcription-PCR, rRNA, Aims: A molecular method for a rapid detection of viable Legionella viable, water. pneumophila of all serogroups in tap water samples was developed as an alternative to the reference method (ISO). Legionellae are responsible for Correspondence Legionnaires’ disease, a severe pneumonia in humans with high lethality. Renate Boss and Dominik Moor, Federal Food Methods and Results: The developed method is based on a nutritional Safety and Veterinary Office, Berne, stimulation and detection of an increase in precursor 16S rRNA as an Switzerland. E-mails: [email protected], and indicator for viability. For quantification, DNA was detected by qPCR. This [email protected] method was compared to the ISO method using water samples obtained from public sports facilities in Switzerland. The sensitivity and specificity were 91 2018/0489: received 6 March 2018, revised 4 and 97%, respectively, when testing samples for compliance with a May 2018 and accepted 23 May 2018 microbiological criterion of 1000 cell equivalents per l. Conclusion: The new method is sensitive and specific for Leg. pneumophila doi:10.1111/jam.13932 and allows results to be obtained within 8 h upon arrival, compared to one week or more by the ISO method. Significance and Impact of the Study: The method represents a useful tool for a rapid detection of viable Leg. pneumophila of all serogroups in water by molecular biology. It can be used as an alternative to the ISO method for official water analysis for legionellae and particularly when a short test time is required. Infection follows inhalation of contaminated water Introduction aerosols. Elderly or immunocompromised people, smok- Legionellosis is a bacterial disease with two clinical mani- ers and patients suffering from chronic respiratory ill- festations in humans: the self-limiting and nonpneumonic nesses are particularly at risk (Lanternier et al. 2017). The Pontiac fever and Legionnaires’ disease, characterized by best preventive method is to adjust temperatures in cold severe respiratory symptoms including pneumonia with water to below 20°C and to ensure a minimum water high lethality. The infectious agent is Legionella spp. and temperature of 60°C in boilers and preferably of 55°Cin predominantly Legionella pneumophila (WHO 2007; distribution pipes (WHO 2007; Bedard et al. 2015; Dominguez et al. 2009; Parr et al. 2015; ECDC 2016). Rhoads et al. 2015). To prevent scalding, temperature Legionellae naturally occur in environmental water regulator devices should be installed at points-of-use. sources and are well adapted to man-made water installa- Further aspects of prevention are appropriate construc- tions (WHO 2007). They grow in warm water of 25– tions with minimized water stagnation and materials that 45°C and are often found in buildings with convoluted do not support microbial growth (Bedard et al. 2015). water pipelines that are stagnant or rarely flushed parts Legionnaires’ disease occurs worldwide (WHO 2007) of the system (Rhoads et al. 2015). Predilection sites are with an assumed high number of unreported cases (Parr shower heads, but also pipes, taps, Jacuzzi tubs, and air et al. 2015). For the European Union and Norway, the conditioning installations (WHO 2007). incidence of infection was 1Á14 and 1Á35 per 105 © 2018 The Authors. Journal of Applied Microbiology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society for Applied Microbiology 1 This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Detection of viable Leg. pneumophila R. Boss et al. inhabitants in 2013 and 2014 respectively (ECDC 2015, 2010). Upon stagnancy of growth, precursor rRNA syn- 2016). In Switzerland, where it is a reportable disease, it thesis stops but maturation goes on, draining the precur- showed a continuous increase to 5Á8 infections per 105 sor rRNA pool. Thus, the presence of precursor rRNA inhabitants in 2017, compared to an average of 0Á8(0Á3– can be used as a molecular indicator for physiological 1Á1) in the 1990s and 2Á1(0Á9–2Á8) between 2000 and activity and therefore viability of bacterial cells (Stroot 2009 respectively (FOPH 1990-2017, 2018). In Europe, and Oerther 2003; Lu et al. 2009; Cangelosi et al. 2010). approximately 70% of the reported infections are caused As water is a limited nutritional medium for legionellae, by the Leg. pneumophila serogroup (SG) 1, 20–30% by cell populations are barely in an exponential growth phase Leg. pneumophila SGs 2–16, and 5–10% by Legionella and the precursor rRNA pool at a low level or even drained spp., mainly Legionella micdadei (WHO 2007). Nonpneu- off (Al-Bana et al. 2014). The transfer of such starved bac- mophila Legionella spp. are predominantly involved in teria into a fresh nutritional medium will stimulate them, nosocomial infection (WHO 2007). resulting in a boosted rRNA synthesis. Dead cell is neither For preventive purposes, microbiological criteria for activated nor is their rRNA synthesis boosted. Such a stim- Legionella spp. in public accessible bath and shower water ulation step was included in the newly developed method. were recently stipulated in Switzerland (FSVO 2017). To It is followed by nucleic acid (NA) extraction and reverse test water samples for compliance with these microbio- transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) to detect the precursor 16S logical criteria, an international standard method is speci- rRNA. A shift between the cycle threshold (CT)ofan fied (ISO 11731) which detects and enumerates living unstimulated and a stimulated sample can be interpreted cells of the pathogen by culturing on selective agar plates as the presence of viable Leg. pneumophila cells. For quan- (ISO 2008). Alternative methods are allowed, when the tification, a real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) was per- result’s evaluation does not influence the resulting deci- formed using the DNA fractions that were simultaneously sion. The ISO method is time consuming (up to 10 days) extracted from the same samples. and also has some other disadvantages (Kirschner 2016). The aim of the study was to develop and evaluate a rapid For example, legionellae can persist in a viable but not method to detect viable Leg. pneumophila in tap water sam- culturable (VBNC) status due to different reasons (Al- ples as an alternative to the bacteriological reference Bana et al. 2014; Li et al. 2015; Kirschner 2016), which method (ISO 11731). The two methods were compared by may result in false negative results. Under certain condi- analysing water samples from public sports facilities in a tions, VBNC legionellae are able to regain virulence and region of Switzerland with rather high incidence rates of infectiousness (Steinert et al. 1997; Ducret et al. 2014). legionellosis, that is, 7Á3 and 4Á6 infections per 105 inhabi- Molecular-based methods are faster but they usually tants in 2015 and 2016 respectively (FOPH 2018). detect both, viable and dead bacteria. The presence or number of dead cells might be of interest in some situa- Materials and methods tions but for the official control of water samples for legionellae, methods are needed which include only living Bacteriological detection of Leg. pneumophila cells. Methods using DNA intercalating reagents can dis- tinguish between living and dead bacterial cells but they Water samples were analyzed with the reference method have disadvantages. For example, the presence of biofilms ISO 11731-2:2008 (ISO 2008). In brief, 1 l of water was fil- can disturb detection (Taylor et al. 2014) and concentra- tered through a 0Á2 lm polycarbonate NucleporeTM mem- tion dependent cytotoxic effects of reagents are possible brane (Whatman Inc., Florham Park, NJ) and the bacterial (Yanez et al. 2011). Moreover, high cell counts, which cells then resuspended from the membrane. This suspension usually do not occur in field samples, are required for was plated on agar plates either directly or after acid or heat plausible analyses (Chang et al. 2009). pretreatment to minimize accompanying bacterial flora. Hence, as an alternative to the ISO method, a molecu- Plates were evaluated three times during the 10 days incu- lar detection method of viable Leg. pneumophila was bation period. One presumptive Legionella spp. per plate developed, based on PCR detection of a precursor 16S was confirmed by latex agglutination test (Oxoid, Pratteln, rRNA target that is specific for this species and occurs Switzerland and Microgen Bioproducts, Camberley, UK) only in living cells. Precursor rRNA represents a signifi- which identify the predominant Legionella spp. and allow cant fraction of the total microbial rRNA and is, because distinction between Leg. pneumophila SG 1 and SGs 2-15. of its higher stability, much easier to detect and handle than mRNA (Cangelosi et al. 2010). Precursor rRNA is Molecular detection of Leg. pneumophila synthesized by growing bacteria and its leader and tail sequences are subsequently removed during rRNA matu- A PCR system was designed that detects the precursor ration (Cangelosi and Brabant 1997; Cangelosi et al. region of the 16S rRNA sequence of Leg. pneumophila 2 © 2018 The Authors. Journal of Applied Microbiology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society for Applied Microbiology R. Boss et al. Detection of viable Leg. pneumophila which occurs threefold within its genome. Three copies Target concentration of the target were therefore regarded as one cell equiva- A 1 l water sample was filtered through a 0Á2 lm poly- lent (cellEq).
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