Tuggeranong Community Council Newsletter Issue 6: July 2011 ALDI buys into Chisholm New medical centre opens in Calwell The new Calwell Medical Centre has now opened its doors to patients after its official opening by ACT Chief Minister, Katy Gallagher. More than 300 people turned out for the opening at the Calwell Shopping Centre. The event was attended by Chief Execu- tive Officer of Ochre Health, John Burns, Opposition Leader, Zed Sesleja, Greens Leader, Meredith Hunter, Federal Mem- ber for Canberra, Gai Brodtman, ACT Senator Gary Humphries, local MLA‘s, Joy Burch, Amanda Bresnan, Brendan Smyth and Steve Doszpot. The opening was the culmination of a long campaign to improve health ser- vices in the Valley by lobby group, Doc- tors4Tuggeranong, led by local identity, Nick Tsoulias. At the opening Mr. Tsou- Aldi Foods Pty Ltd will build a new super- group centre incorporate a pre- lias said Ochre Health had brought a market at the Chisholm Group Centre, commitment for an Aldi and a Supabarn much needed lifeline of care and ser- after the ACT Government agreed to sell supermarket. In May 2011 a local con- vices closer to the residents of Tugger- a vacant block at market value. sortium paid $14.28 million for the Casey anong. site with the pre-commitment. The block of 3430 sq metres is located He said the new Calwell Medical Centre off Benham Street. The Government has Earlier this year, the Economic Develop- adds to facilities available at Calwell. agreed to sell the block as part of its ment Directorate undertook community policy of providing supermarket choice and stakeholder consultation on the pro- ―It will be of significant benefit to resi- and diversity for Canberra families. posed sale of the Chisholm site. Feed- dents who find it difficult to travel to ob- back from the community was strongly tain health care. The elderly, young So far, the policy has seen the ACT Gov- supportive. mothers and families now have more ernment engaged in advanced discus- convenient access to general and spe- sions with Aldi Foods Pty Ltd for new The Government expects to make a for- cial health care. supermarkets in several centres, includ- mal offer of a lease to Aldi later this ing Dickson, Kingston, Chisholm, and month, with a selling price based on The opening of the Calwell Medical Cen- Casey. three independent valuations. Aldi will be tre is testimony to all the hard work of required to submit a development appli- the Calwell community and highlights the Under the policy the Government has cation which will provide the community need for similar medical centres in other agreed to release sites in group centres with an opportunity to comment on the areas of Tuggeranong. at Dickson, Kingston, Casey and Amaroo design of the proposed supermarket. (3 May 2010). Source: Media Release. See photo album on page 5 It has also required that and in the Casey Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 1 CONTENTS PAGE Cemetery Good concerns neighbourly Residents attending the last Tugger- ALDI buys into Chisholm 1 advice anong Community Council (TCC) meet- New medical centre opens in Calwell 1 ing expressed concerns over plans to include a crematorium in the develop- ACT Policing and the ACT Ambulance Cemetery concerns 2 have issued a combined plea for resi- ment of a new southern cemetery at Good neighbourly advice 2 Hume. dents to look out for their elderly neighbours after a series of recent inci- Land releases in Chisholm and Conder 3 dents. They questioned the need for a cremato- Humphries at the Hyperdome 3 rium to be included in the project and said they were concerned about the level In a recent incident a 57-year-old man Spotting blackspots 3 of emissions from the proposed complex. was found deceased after several weeks in his Bonython home. He died of natural News in brief 3 The subject of the new southern ceme- causes. It appears no-one attended his Brindabella unchanged in boundary tery was discussed in detail during a residence during this time. proposal 4 presentation by Chief Executive Officer In another incident, a 70-year-old Kam- Calwell medical centre opening of the ACT Cemeteries Authority, photo album 5 Hamish Horne. bah man was found in very poor physical condition in his Kambah home after a Computekkie 6 visit by Centrelink officers on July 2. The Mr. Horne said the proposed cremato- Don‘t Forget 6 rium would be located at the furthest end man was transported by the ACT Ambu- of the cemetery site and at least 1 kilo- lance Service to The Canberra Hospital but died later that evening. metre from the nearest homes. He assured residents that the proposed More recently, police, firefighters and crematorium would use the latest tech- ambulance attended a Curtin residence nologies and that emissions would be where an 89-year-old woman had fallen minimal. inside her house sometime in the previ- ous day and was unable to summon TCC President, Darryl Johnston, asked if help. Emergency services were required the ACT Cemeteries Authority could in- to force entry to the house to provide vestigate if new cleaner technologies assistance. have been developed that would mean there would be no need for a cremato- Officer-in-Charge of Tuggeranong Police rium at the new southern cemetery. Station, Sergeant Rod Anderson said that these recent examples call for checks on people‘s welfare, particularly those more vulnerable in our community. ―Welfare checks are a regular part of police duties but we need Canberrans to keep an eye out for those vulnerable people in their immediate community who may, from time to time, need help,‖ Sergeant Anderson said. ―Emergency services are usually the first to attend such matters. What we don‘t like to find when we arrive is a vulner- able or elderly person who is very sick, highly distressed or worse.‖ ―If you have an elderly person that you know, is in your family or living alone next door, please make the effort to check on their welfare from time to time.‖ ―From a police and emergency services perspective, that sense of connected- ness to others in your immediate com- munity — whether it‘s within your apart- ment block or local area — can only make for a safer community,‖ Sergeant Hey Burt, what is this world coming to Anderson said. when kids get around with their dacks Source: Media Release around their ankles? Tuggeranong Community Council Working with our community www.tuggcc.com Page 2 Land releases in Chisholm News in brief and Conder The ACT Government has written to Lanyon Welfare and Community Ser- Community grants residents in Conder and Chisholm to vices Centre. advise them of land releases in their ACT Minister for Community Services, suburbs. ―Under the Territory Plan the block is Joy Burch, has called on community zoned Community CFZ which permits a groups in Tuggeranong to apply for The Economic Development Directorate range of community services and facili- $250,000 in funding to help pay for im- (EDD) has advised residents in Chisholm ties,‖ Mr. Arthur added. portant projects and vital equipment. that land on the intersection of Heagney and Deamer Crescents has been identi- The public is invited to comment on both Ms Burch said the 2011-12 Community fied for release. land releases. Comments can be made Support and Infrastructure Grants pro- via email to: gram awards grants of between $10,000 In a letter to residents EDD Director, EDD [email protected] or via the and $20,000 to groups that contribute John Arthur, says under the Territory post addressed to the Director Commu- significantly to the local community. Plan the land is currently zoned CZ4 nications Unit, GPO Box 158, Canberra which permits retailing, residential and City ACT 2601, by close of business 15 Links to application packages and further other services to the local community August 2011. information can be found at http:// compatible with nearby residential areas. www.grants.act.gov.au/ or by phoning For more information on the land release 6205 1308. Applications close on 15 Mr. Arthur said the EDD had also identi- program please visit: August. fied land off Sidney Nolan Street at www.edd.act.gov.au Conder for future release. Source; Media Release Calling frugal foodies He said this block is directly adjoining the OzHarvest is calling all frugal foodies to assist it in compiling a recipe book on Spotting what can be made from food leftovers. Humphries at The book, Luscious Leftovers, will be the Hyperdome blackspots launched at Floriade and all copies sold will help OzHarvest in providing meals to Canberrans have been asked to identify the underprivileged in our community. dangerous intersections for possible inclusion in the federal government‘s If you have a recipe for leftovers please Black Spots program. send it, with a photo if available (either of your dish or you), to Ruth Oldfield at Member for Fraser and chair of the ACT [email protected]. Full Black Spots Consultative Panel, Andrew acknowledgment will be given. It will also Leigh, has called on Canberrans to help be road or home tested, so please in- make their community safer by suggest- clude any relevant instructions, tips, etc. ing locations that may benefit from road improvements. Masterplan update The federally-funded Black Spots pro- gram allocates around $1 million per The ACT Government is preparing a ACT Liberal Senator, Gary Humphries year to help make ACT roads safer. master plan for the Tuggeranong town recently braved a cold morning to meet centre.
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