•NET PRESS Rym AiVEBAOB DM IiT CIROULATIONI OF THE EVENING HERA^^ tor'tho luoutb of Januarjrt ISST,- 4,966 MANCHESTER,'-€ONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15,1927 lAbrary _ PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. X U .. NO. 116. Classified Advei^ing on Page O CoTvn HARVARD STUDENTS And Only One Was Killed DURANT RAPS WEAR “ TIN HATS.’ B R U N )^<N0TE Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 15.— FREE FOR A U nCHT Harvard students are •wearing “ steel helmets,” the famous (Hi ARMS CUT, WATER CO. IN “ tin hats” of the World War days.. Since the battle with the po­ REUPLAN LE^LATURE lice in Harvard Square, th^ AS CONGRESSMEN MIX ,trench hat has become quite a lad in classical Cambridge. As Anticipated, French Cabi­ Guilford Member Says He’s \**v. RIOT STARTS AS PASTOR Happy Because of Unfa- W IU THRESH OUT net Does Hot Approve of Yorable Report Made By SCHOOL TRANSPORT Coolidge’ s, Proposal; Jap­ IS HECKLED BY AUDIENCE House Committee. an to Agree. T O iyiO U N T ^ GIRL BREAKS JAIL I Donble Meeting of Boards ' TRACKED BY DOGS Blows Swapped— Tables and Paris, Feb. 16.— ’The French Hartford, Conn., Feb. 15.— The Cabinet, meeting with.. President Hundreds Killed By Cydones, Rutland, V t, Feb. 15— Myrtle first debate on. measures at the To Discuss Green District Neal, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was Chairs Overturned at present Legislative session occur­ Doumergue, today gave its unani­ ’Quakes and Blizzard In back In her cell in Riverside red in the House today on a bill Protests and Pleas. mous approval to the reply to the reformatory today, having been Hearing on Sunday Bine to repeal rights granted the New disarmament proposals, of Presldeht tracked by dogs after her second escape. She overpowered Mrs. ^aven Water Company at Guilford, Coolldge. ' .Various Parts of World; The reply will be handed to the W. Hbmpson, a nurse, and fied Law»— Woman Starts to and on an unfavorable report on a The moot question of whether or to the woods. She is serving a bill prohibiting sale of fireworks American embassy this*afternoon, not children living a mile or more and as exclusl'vjely announced by Steamer Sinks. term for smuggling drugs from in this state. « Canada. Pray In Midst of Fighting; Rebukes -for the officials of the from the Manchester Green school the International News Service on New Haven Water Company were are entitled to free transportation last Saturday, it is understood the IP Over 1,000 Eye-WitnesSr administered by Harry Durant, to and from school will be given a reply Is .In effect a rejection of the Cyclones, earthquakes, blizzards Guilford, because of what he term­ American proposals. thorough airing at a special double and fogs, a seeming revolution of ed “ abrogation of a contract to pay M. Brland, foreign minister, who the elements have taken a heavy the town of Guilford 110,000 as session of the Town Board of Ed­ drafted the note, said It wonH, CONN. RANKS HIGH es. A ' damages in the taking of land at uction, Monday evening, Febru­ probably, be published late this aft-, toll in line and property danaage in Lake Quonipaug.” ary 21. The meeting was to have ernoon or tomorrow. a sweep across the face of th& Rioke Gives History of Case IN ENGINEERING Washington, Feb, 15.— Rioting been held tomorrow night but to­ May Defeat Plans. in the past forty-eight hours. Mr. Durant did not oppose the The reply, couched In diplomatic, Earthquakes in Jugo-Slavia are and'fist-fighting in which members unfavorable report of the commit­ day G. P. Sturges of the State terms and sympathetic In • tone, is o f Congress and churchmen swap­ reported to have resulted In the tee on the water company bill but Board of Education notified Chair­ nevertheless a rebuff for the Cool­ ped blows, •women screamed, and loss of hundreds of lives and much declared his position and recited man Murphy of the local board he ldge proposals which may spell tables and chairs were overturned, the case’s history. “ The subject had damage to property. Some of the Greatest Pro­ broke up a Congressional hearing would be unable to attend and sot their defeat. In Queensland a cyclone has tak­ me crazy two years ago,” he said, Why this railroad accident at Demarest, Ga., did not prove one of the Minister of Interior Sarraut. in­ today on a bill which would, estab­ the date named above. The meet­ en nearly fifty llves^ and done Ines­ “ and it is with a feeling of relief catastrophles of the decade is as Inexplicable as its cause. While trav­ formed the International News lish Sunday blue laws in the Dis­ timable damage. jects in the Country Being that I approach Its funeral today.” ing will probably be held In the ersing a brand new timber trestle over Hazelwood Creek, the lo(mmOf Service that the note “ points out trict of Columbia. Then he said: “ If the case should Municipal building. tlve, baggage car and one passenger coach of a well-crowded train broke A cyclone In the Gulf of Cattaro Rep. Thomas L. Blanton, Demo­ firstly that the League of Nations is reported to have caused a Jugo­ go to court the judge would get the Old Problem through and crashed to the ground fifty feet below, killing but. one and is now handling disarmament prob­ Completed Now. crat of Texas, and Rep. Sol Bloom, case, the lawyers the money, and The transportation problem has injuring seventeen of the occupants. Another coach,^ the last of the slavian steamer to sink with a Democrat of New York, had a per­ lems, and secondly that naval dis­ great loss of life. Guilford would get the air.” ^existed for a long time. Several de­ train, was not pulled into the gulch by those ahead of it, remaining on armament Interests all nations not sonal encounter which wound up Royal K. Southwlck, of Corn­ mands have been filed with the Blizzards which have raged in the verge of the break. What caused the structure to give way is un­ only the five big powers.” New Haven, Feb. 15.— Connecti­ with Bloom lying across the table wall, the oldest member of the Town Board of Education but that northern Japan have taken a toll with the Texan on top of him. known. Belongs to League. of well over 100 lives. cut is engaged in engineering pro­ House, upheld Mr. Durant, saying body has not, as yet, seen fit to “ France can’t take thn problem Reporter Kayoed that the state is being used in up­ grant them. Its members have, co­ London today entered its fifth of disarmament from the League of jects that .rank with the greatest While this was going on, the holding the company “ after it has gent reasons, they assert, why day of foggy gloominess, the fog Nations— that is the gist ’of the In the country, according to Joseph official reporter went to the floor broken a moral obligation.” The transportation should not be fur­ 12 YEAR OLD BOY already having cost nearly a score OWNERS PLANNING note,” said M. Sarraut. P. Wadhams, Public Utilities Com­ under the impact o f the fist o f unfavorable report was accepted nished the school children at the of lives in accidents and heavy eco­ Harvey L. Bowlby, secretary of the with but few dissenting votes. Green any mor^ than it should be KILLS SHOPKEEPER Italy, it is learned, has indicated nomic losses. mission engineer, in the course of that she sympathizes with the Lord’s Day Alliance. The so-called “firecracker” bill to those of several other schools in an adress here today to the forty- Lad Tells Police He Was Hun­ FORSTRIKE-LEWIS French viewpoint and even in Blanton also knocked down L. was also put aside after a short de­ Manchester. They will make their 600 DEAD third convention of the Connecti­ B. Schloss, proprietor of an amuse­ bate by various members of the side of the argument known at the gry and Tried 10 Rob Man; Great Britain, the admiralty has Vienna, Feb. 15.— Six hundred some objections to offer which cut Society, of Civil Engineers. Mr. ment park, who attempted to pull House. hearing tomorrow night. Says It Was Accident. persons have been killed In the him.oft Bloom. Favorable Reports - Ordered By State Board might prevent a complete accept­ Jugo-Slavian earthquakes, accord­ Wadhams is president of the socie­ ance by the British government. There were almost a thousand Favorable reports received in the The spedlal .meeting of the Town New York, Feb. 15.— A Head o( Workers Makes ing to the" latest reports received ty. people In the committee room when House today Included the follow­ Board of Education was ordered by ■twelve-year-old boy, student In here. Projects cited by Mr. Wadhams the melee started, and there were ing: (^orge Sturges, attendance and em­ JAPAN AGREES. the eighth grade of public Tokio, Feb. 15.— Japan is will­ to prove his Contention include the several side fights among the spec­ Providing for paying' $100 by ployment officer of the' State Board school, was being held by Startliog Charges at Joint EARLY REPORTS -sbven-mlle-long tunnel for the. tators. The identities of -the com­ the town of Willington to Stafford of Education .after 'he had received ing to participate in President Brooklyn police today for the Belgrade, Feb. 15.—-Hundreds water supply of the city, of Water-' batants were -lost' in the eonfnsion as Its proportionate share of town a protest jfiom' .
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