the concorcten concordia college moorhead, minnesota 5656O Volume 70, Number 9 November 11,1977 Through wind, snow and cold Concordia stays open by Karen Hotsmgton. ,. - .,..,•', . A * . While the neighborin g tri- forecasf t predicting that the closed and then the statement, colleges and" the'entire Fargo storm would abate by noon in summary, no colleges or Moorhead school system_t s shut (which it unfortunately did not schools will fcx* open today." down during Wednesday's snow do). Another factor wass the Another radio station must have storm, Concordia College func- locality of Concordia's students been victim of a prankster when tioned somewhat normally.' a^d faculty: eightv it announced that "Concordia Most classes were conducted P?rcent ot" the students live has made a late decision to and offices were open either on campus or within dose." This could have contri- President Paul J Dovre said walking distance and the buted to the tow student attend- in retrospect, that Concordia majority d^the faculty hvcfnear . ance Wednesday. should have cancelled school campus. Those who are distant President Dovre, who de- for the day, although "such from the campus and unable to parted for a quick Alumni decisions are easy to review but plow through the drifts are Parents meeting in Bismarck hard to make at the time." discouraged from doing so,~a Tuesday night, also was not in The college's decision to policy states. The college attendance Wednesday. Al- Concordia's- "seasoned" bicyclists prepare for the Christmas breakremain open Wednesday was emphasizes individual judge- though he was at the airport at 6 bike trip across North Dakota. photo by Ben Toso based partly upon a weather ment. a.m. Wednesday ready to return Nevertheless, Wednesday's to Moorhead, it was fourteen "operation through rain or snow hours and 1,000 miles later (via Tri-College council established or sleet..." situation was not plane to Minneapolis and Grand by Ann Henderson unique. The last time weather Forks and train to Moorhead) warranted the college's closing when he finally did arrive, The Tri-Coilege Student Pres- Trice, the Tri-College paper. the card. Functions would was four years ago. And six The maintenance and food ident's Council has been estab- There is also the possibility of include Tri-College admission, years before that, when the F-M services proved their efficiency lished to promote increased a Tri-College publication spon- credit identification, picture ID, area was at a virtual standstill, during the blizzard. Mainten- activities and programs for the sore—•"d' by th" e studen' ' t' activit" " y Inter-Library card, and. Co-O. _ p . Concordia... closed fo. r two days, ance employees arose at 3 a.m. students of Concordia College, fees to serve as an art and discount card. President Dovre said that "it is a to clear campus walkways, and Moorhead State University, and literary magazine. Socierl and cultural activities sense ofr pride that keeps the some food service employees North Dakota State University. The Coop Program shall be would be extended between the college operating under adverse trekked over eight blocks to The council is now working on extended to include more areas colleges. Exchange programs conditions." make pie crusts because "stu- several proposals. of study. Efforts shall be made would include art showings,. The situation did provide dents have to eat." Plans have been made for the to encompass a larger geo- * coffeehouses, choirs and bands. some interesting stories, how- Another after-effect of the expansion of the Tri-College graphical distribution of bus- Inter-campus dorm functions, ever. Some students heard on snowstorm is a new addition to shuttle, with the increased costs inesses, which would mean gas including dances, parties, pic- the radio long lists of schools Bogstad Manor: a snow fort. being shared equally by the and fuel savings for students. nics and sports should be three colleges. Two delegates from each introduced in the interests of In the area of sports, an student government association friendly rivalry and comradery, intramural tournament would will be on the Tri-College Stu- the presidents believe. Activ- be held between the colleges at dent President's Council to dis- ities would also be between the close of each intramural cuss interrelated problems, the fraternities, sororities and event. Intramural or invita- m effects of decisions by outside brother-sister dorms. tional tournaments would also" governments on students educa- Participation of each college/ be sponsored in sports not tion and lifestyles, and any university in the special carni- represented on the varsity level, suggestions for change. vals, social weeks and other such as bowling, soccer, golf, A common Tri-College identi- large-scale seasonal celebra- Pool and swiniming, fication system, available to tions would be encouraged at Communication would be both students and faculty, has the non-athletic level. Examples encouraged regarding the con- been proposed as a permanent would be Tri-College Olympics cerns and interests of. students multi-purpose card. Picture and of keg-rolling, tug-of-war, bike between the colleges and to residence would be included on marathons and taco eating. A Fargo-Moorhead snow festival could be sponsored by the three File provides class info schools. Registration time arrives and ,SA president Heywood Fuller sant surprises" which sometimes 'T., is interested, in receiving Brown Hall prepares for what is expected to be the coldest winter students sometimes blindly arise from randomly selecting a determine tfie classes they will course on the basis of it's title, suggestions and opinions on take next semester, knowing professor or .course number. these ideas jrom students. little about the course require- Surprisingly, fewer than one ments and expectations of their hundred students have taken next-semester classes. advantage of the file's informa- Day of fast ends in Communion The Course Description File tion to date. was created to help bridge this An updated version of the ON NOVEMBER 76 the Con- the board plan have indicated opinion ahd not pushed on the problem and is updated each Course Description File is cur- students by the food service. semester before registration. cordia community will have a that they are supportive of the rently available in the Library on unique opportunity for fellow- fast and limited diet offered that Please refer any questions to Jeff' The file contains pertinent infor- reserve at the front desk. As- mation on course requirements, ship. This day will emphasize an day. Because of the complex- N. Olsgaard, PO2240, NOT the sembled by students working in awareness of world hunger, the ities in the operations of the Food Service. pre-requisites, testing pro- conjunction with the Registrar cedures, class size and ex- experience of fasting, the cele- Food Service, it will not be able Anyone interested in helping and the faculty, it may enable bration of a special communion to allocate any money. to make this day an eventful one pected goals. In other words, by students to know what courses using this file, students may and the opportunity for ex- Please consider that this is is also encouraged to contact more intelligently select their . will REALLY be like before pression in the form of an being made possible by student Jeff. cou-ses and avoid the "unplea- . walking into the classroom. offering. During the day there will be an Cobbers to feast on Nov. 18 AWARENESS SEMINAR held in College Council meets Nov. 17 the Tabernacle. This will in- by jim Reinhart Thanksgiving and also to pro- energy conservation, campus clude a look at the realities of vide a Thanksgiving dinner for by Bev Ogren beautification and the status of world hunger and the benefits of After working hard all sem- those students who live far away ^ At noon next Tuesday, Nov. women at Concordia. In Dec- fasting. World hunger and fast- ester [?l it is time to gather and aren't able to go home. 17, in the Regents Room will be ember, Loren Anderson will ing will be the topics that together and give thanks. So If you have a board contract, the fifth meeting of the College present a report on Concordia's morning in Chapel and will also Cobbers, get your Indian and you must exchange your ID Council. The Council consists major fund drive, presently be part of the Communion Pilgrim costumes out of your number for a ticket in.advance of administrators, faculty, SA being assessed for interest all celebration that evening. There closets, clean them and polish of the dinner. If you do not have leaders and interested students. over the country. This drive will be a collection for Lutheran the buckles, because the Big a board contract but wish to Representatives from the City would provide the needed funds World Relief. It is hoped that Thanksgiving Feast is coming on attend, you may purchase a Council of Moorhead will be for new art, biology and home the challenge and response will Friday, Nov. 18th. ticket in advance for $2.50. leading the post-luncheon dis- economics facilities. be as favorable as it has been in Alpha Phi Omega, the Service Tables will be set up by the cussion on the proposed Cul- College Council members in- past years. society, is sponsoring this All PO Boxes and at East Complex tural Heritage Bridge to be built clude President Dovre and the Those participating in the fast Campus Dinner in the Com- from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. all next between Fargo and Moorhead. Presidenfs.Council, the Faculty will be able to share a close mons. The theme is "Thanks- week for you to get tickets.
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