Gong. Dist. #1 Hon. Thomas M. Pelly Form 10-300 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STATE: (Dec. 1968) NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Washington COUN T Y: NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Kins: INVENTORY - NOMINATION FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY ENTRY NUMBER (Type all entries — complete applicable sections) APR 1 4 1972 jl. NAME C OMMON: ___Eliza Ferry Leary .home AND/OR HISTORIC: [2. LOCATION STREET ANDNUMBER: - 10th East CITY OR TOWN: Seattle, 98102 CODE Y/ashington King 033 i CATEGORY ACCESSIBLE STATUS ("ChecA OrieJ TO THE PUBLIC District Building • {X] Public D Public Acquisition: Occupied E Yes: o D Site n Structure [~] Private E In Process Unoccupied [~~1 Restricted JX] Both Being Considered CD Preservotion work Unrestricted [ ] Object D h- in progress f~j No: D PRESENT USE (Check One or A/ore as Appropriate) Agricultural [""] Government D FJ3 Transportation [ | Commercial Q Industrial CD Private Residence fj Other (Specify) fj H Educotionol Q Military Religious Off iCCS <s> Entertoinment [~] Museum Scientific •z. ;:; OWNER OF PROPERTY OWNERS NAME: Archdiocese of Olympia, Episcopal Ohurch LJ STREET AND NUMBER: LLJ CITY OR TOWN: CODE Olympia Washington COURTHOUSE, REGISTRY OF DEEDS. ETC: King County Auditor's Office STREET AND NUMBER: County Courthouse Cl TY OR TOWN: STATE Seattle, 98104 Washington APPROXIMATE ACREAGE OF NOMINATED PROPERTY: [6.; REPRESENTATION IN EXISTING SURVEYS TITLE OF SURVEY: Municipal Art Commission List of Historic Buildings DATE OF SURVEY: Federol f~l State County Q Local DEPOSITORY FOR SURVEY RECORDS: Municipal Art Commission STREET AND NUMBER: Seattle Municipal Building CITY OR TOWN: Seattle, 98104 [7. DESCRIPTION (Check One) CONDITION Excellent Good Foir Deteriorated | | Ruins [1 Unexposed [| (Chock One) (Check On a) INTEGRITY Altered Q Unaltered Moved Q Original Site DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (it known) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE This imposing home was originally designed as an English-type country estate, with extensive wooded grounds, reaching to the east to the Lakeview Cemetery and to the west down the stfeep hillside above Lake Union. The home was built of heavy stone masonry. The turret-like masonry front entrance mass, with its-leaded glass and carved ornamentation, gives the impression of an English maronial estate. The half timbered, stuccoed, many gabled wings of varying story heights and dimensions, are liberally equipped with bay windows. The number of chimneys indicates a quantity of fireplaces, one of which is on an exterior porch, providing warmth for a north-facing view spot. The interior spaces are highly decorated in walnut panelling consistent with the building style. The great hall includes a maseive fireplace* CO m In recent years" the land to the east has been developed into m residential plots of normal city size. Streets have cut through in a north-south direction* The most recent widening of Tenth Avenue East sweeps close to the kitchen end of the home. Parking is z. now designated on the eastern edge of the property, but the lawn co remains to the south, and the wooded hillside remains to the west. H 70 C o H O z: CO S. SIGNIFICANCE PERIOD (Check One or More aa Appropriate) Pre-Columbian [ [ 16th Century [ | 18th Century 20th Century 15th Century Q 17th Century Q 19th Century SPECIFIC DATE(s) (K Applicable and Known) 1QQ5 ttO AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE (Check One or More aa Appropriate) Aboriginal Education [~1 Political a Urban Planning a Prehistoric [ 1 Engineering Religion/Phi­ Other (Specify) a [~] Historic Q Industry losophy a Agriculture [ 1 Invention [ | Science a Art Landscape Sculpture a [~~1 Commerce Architecture [ | Social/Human­ Communications [~| Literature (~| itarian a Conservation [~~1 Military Q Theater a Music Q Transportation [~1 STATEMENT O F SIGNI Fl C AN C E (Include Personages, Dates, Events, Etc.) The Leary home is impressive in itself, and was built by persons important in the history of Seattle. */» The massive jBtone»__stucco> _an.d-tinLb,er home was begun in 1905* It was z designed by the English architect Arthur Bodley, and by the end of o construction some four years later, was purported to have cost $250,000, Mr. Leary, the owner, died in 1905» just after the home was begun. Eliza Ferry Leary, his wife, was the daughter of Elisha Ferry, first U governor of the 8tate of Washington. John Leary was a lawyer until ID 1382 and then excelled in many business enterprises. He had come from the eastern part of the United States where he had been in lumbering and mercantile enterprises. Mr, Leary was mayor of Seattle in 1884. He .was a promoter of coal mines'and railroads, organized a gas company, and owned a business building. The 14 room home planned by him was completed by Mrs. Leary after his UJ death. She was a most gracious hostess in that setting until 193% General Insurance Company then bought the home, to use as an office. LLI Before it was so developed they gave it to the American Red Cross in to World War II to use as office and headquarters. At that time it was opened briefly for tours to the public. In 19^8 the Episcopal Church bought it. TheChurch also owns the similarly styled home to the south. Eliza Ferry was part of the large family of Elisha Ferry, who came to Washington Territory in 1869 on the appointment of Pres. Grant as Surveyor General of W.T. In her own right, she was just as outstanding. She was a charter member of the .Rainier Chapter of the D. A. R. in 1895» of the Seattle Red Cross, and of the Sunset Club and the Pioneers of State of Washington. She was a founder of the Seattle Children's . in 1885, and of the Children's Orthopedic-.Hospital in 190?« She vice president of the Seattle Y.W.G.A.^and was building chairman wheiT^he president YW building was constructed. On a national scale .sheVw^s a member of the Oregon Trail marking organization. She was it>jjjnej^|a vice regent of the Mt. Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union ;in I9P7» a voluntary post she held until her death in 1955- No one hasc^/illed the post since, although\one vice regent is sought from each- in order to run Mount Vernon. Mrs. Leary's home is an outstanding to a gracious and outstanding local citizen. Bagley, Olarence B., History of Seattle, Chicago, S. J. Olarke \ Publishing Oo., 1916. Wagner, Laura Virginia, Through Historic Years with Eliza Ferry Lea] Seattle, Dogwood Press, 1934* |10,;: GEOGRAPHICAL DATA LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE COORDINATES DEFINING THE CENTER POINT OF A PROPERTY OF LESS THAN ONE ACRE LATITUDE LONGITUDE LATITUDE LONGITUDE Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds NW O • • o • NE 58 02 W122 19 06 52 SE sw LIST ALL STATES AND COUNTIES FOR PROPERTIES OVERLAPPING STATE OR COUNTY-.&OUNDARI ES STATE: CODE COUNTY rn rn CODE is* H 73 ;• :F0RM PREPAR£[)} C NAME AND TITLE: ____Margaret A« Oorley, Kin£ Oounty Liason O ORGANI 2ATION -H _______Seattle Historical Society July, 1969 STREET AND NUMBER: 2161 East Hamlin Street CITY OR TOWN: STATE Washington |T2.;•; STATE LIAISON OFFlCERiCERtlFiCATlON As the designated State Liaison Officer for the Na­ tional Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law I hereby certify that this property is included in the 89-665), I hereby nominate this property for inclusion National Register. in the National Register and certify that it has been evaluated according to the criteria and procedures set forth by the National Park Service. The recommended Chief, Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation level of significance of this nomination is: National £H State Q Local . W Date I harles H. Odegaard ATTEST: / rule Director Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission Keeper of The Nayonal Register^ Date Date APR 1 4 'Form 10-301 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ST * TE (July 1969) NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Vfeshington JNTY NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES °°l King PROPERTY MAP FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY ENTRY NUMBER DATE (Type all entries - attach to or enclose with map) XlLjL . * A A ^ I3/^ z :: ::;:-:^:^:^:::-:^:::::::::;:::: :;;::::::::::::: ::;:^:::^:^:^;: :::i:::i::::::::::::::::^:::^::::^ o COMMON: Eliza 'FeTTy Leary home AND/OR HISTORIC: H. STREET AND NUM BER: u 1551 - 10th East CITY OR TOWN: Seattle, 98102 H STATE: CODE COUNTY: CODE Washington 55 King 033 z iliilliiiliillip^ SOURCE: /^v ' ur'^/.\ Standard Oil of California UJ SCALE: fcne inch equals 7/10 miles /^'/ ^ '</>. srVA DATE: 1970 r^7' ^, ' c/^ \--^\ m i i C> ; * "^ '&*\ ' ' TO BE INCLUDED ON ALL MAPS r\ ''">'' '^O .•'—-./ 1. Property broundaries where required. \V'" ' '. 2. North arrow. X/X/>\ / 3. Latitude and longitude reference. \!^/Y7; "T f \ ; •' T J Municipal Yadif M ffond Harbor Patro) Slol OUschi Pork.
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