California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Paw Print (1966-1983) Arthur E. Nelson University Archives 1-22-1980 January 22nd 1980 CSUSB Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/pawprint Recommended Citation CSUSB, "January 22nd 1980" (1980). Paw Print (1966-1983). 288. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/pawprint/288 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Arthur E. Nelson University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Paw Print (1966-1983) by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Shirley Pettis To Speak At Women In Govt. Conference "Each panelist will speak for 25 minutes pearances. she has been featured on "60 A distinguished panel of women leaders on the topic women in government." ex­ minutes." "The Tomorrow Show," "The improved programs for the aged. will speak here Wednesday. Jan. 23 for a plained Paul Woodruff. Political Science Everyday -Show," and "The Dinah Shore Newly appointed Fontana Municipal Women in Government Conference. Council president. "A question and answer Show." She is a regular on KNBC's weekly Court Judge Dana Henry will speak on Gloria Allred. Los Angeles attorney and period will follow." "Free-4-All." women in the judiciary. Exploring the history leading feminist: Shirley Pettis, former Con- Gloria Allred. an active supporter of the Shirley Pettis, drawing from her ex­ of women in the judiciary, she will reveal re­ gresswoman; and Judge Dana Henry of the Equal Rights Amendment, will focus her periences as the former Congresswoman for cent movements affecting women appoint­ Fontana Municipal Court, will speak at the comments on how women outside the the 37th district, will address the topic ments to the bench. The new National afternoon program which is open to the government can affect change within the "women in congress." Women Judges Association and its role will public. traditional -male-dominated system. She was elected to Congress in 1975. by also be discussed. Serving as moderator will be Dr. Carol Ms. Allred is a partner in the law firm of more than 60 percent of the total vote, to fill She has worked with the California Con­ Goss. associate professor of political science. Allred. Maroka and Goldberg. As a feminist, the vacancy caused by the death of her hus­ servation Corps, has been a member of the Sponsored by a newly revived student she has been written about in several band. Representative «)erry L. Pettis. Los Angeles City Fire Commission and the group at Cal State, the Political Science publications and has appeared on numerous Mrs. Pettis was noted for her special con­ Emergency Preparedness Commission, and Council, the conference will be held from 12 television and radio programs. cern for the problems of senior citizens arvd has been an attorney for the city of Sap noon to 2 p.m. in the Student Union. Included among her network ap­ has been recognized as a strong advocate oT Diego. Published by: Volume XV The Associated Students Issue No. 10 California State College January 22, 1980 San Bernardino serving the CSCSB community Nursing Program Is Accredited community college, explained Dr. Patterson. degree program at any time; however, cer­ The nursing program at here at Cal State quality of nursing education in the United Nurses who are graduates of diploma tain core courses are offered at specific has been acredited by the National League States. It also is the official accrediting agen­ times. Students admitted in the other quarter of Nursing for a six-year term, college of­ cy for the profession. schools must have their nursing work cer­ tified by a community college. In the pro­ may take prerequisite or elective courses. ficials announced January 16. in addition to attesting to the quality of the Participants must have a California license The Department of Nursing at the college program, accreditation also has several cess. they receive their A.A. degrees. "The need for nurses prepared at the bac­ because of the clinical field work. The pro­ offers a two-year, upper-division program direct implications for Cal State graduates, calaureate level continues to be critical." said gram Is open and there are no enrollment preparing registered nurses for a bachelor of explained Dr. Mary G. Patterson, chairman Dr. Patterson. "Current trends in the limitations now. science degree in nursing. of the Department of Nursing. It provides delivery of health care indicate a growing It is possible to enroll in the Cal State nurs­ The accreditation, the first received by the automatic certification in community health need for nurses who are able to assume ing degree program on a part-time basis. The nursing program, is the fulfillment of several nursing from the State Department of broader clinical responsibility, have com­ bulk of the more than 120 present students years of work in developing and refining a Health, it facilitates entry into graduate pro­ munity health experience, and who have the are employed in their profession. Dr. Patter- jjrogram which will nteet the needs of R.N.'s grams in nursing and is necessary for com­ i9t>i!tfv to- plan. provide leadCTship i and itkiM iiwimnmrifThP rpHr'^..b^jirrai?9e<^ and health care institutions in the area, ex­ mission status for'hlirseTentering the armed' itiate change These characteristics are classes around the times that shifts normally plained Dr. James D. Crum. dean of the forces. developed in nurses in programs at the bac­ change in hospitals, to help nurses School of Natural Sciences. While Cal State was awaiting accredita­ employed there. It is unusual, he indicated, for the initial tion. its nursing graduates received their calaureate level." The nursing program here places great Speaking of the National League of Nurs­ accreditation to be for a six-year term. The community health certification through a emphasis on primary care, specifically ing's recognition- of the college's program, National League of Nursing, which sent cooperative arrangement with California related to the community health scene, ex­ Dr. Patterson said: several teams to the campus to review the State University. Los Angeles. plained r>r- Patterson. It builds upon the "We are very proud of this achievement program, is the agency recognized in the The Ca! State program is designed for generic program in the care of the ill received and the national recognition of the quality of nursing profession as the overseer of the R.N.s who have an associate degree from a in the two-year program. our program am' our facility. We are in­ "Our program is probably more com­ debted to the unflagging and generous sup­ prehensive because it articulates with the port of Dean Crum. the faculty of the School community coleges more than most other of Natural Sciences and the college, the kinds of baccalaureate programs," she add­ generous support of the administration and ed. most particularly of President John M. Pfau, The nurse in the Cal State B.S. program Dean of Academic Planning Ralph Petrucci will learn to do health assessments of the and Vice President Gerald Scherba. adult and the aged, mother and child, and "The close collaboration of the community psycho-social, as a foundation for family services in providing the learning environ­ health care. The program also introduces the ment nad clinical opportunities for applying R.N. to leadership skills and a beginning advanced knowledge with new skills has pro­ understanding of research. vided an integral component in the develop­ The strong clinical component, spread ment of this program" over five quarters, includes field experience Dr. Patterson's efforts in the accreditation in health agencies in San Bernardino and process were recognized by an invitation "to Riverside counties, the chairman said. The tell others how we did it" at a two-day na­ college has contracts with approximately 12 tional conference, focusing on accreditation, agencies for this field experience. held in Los Angeles by the National League Nurses may be admitted to Cal State's of Nursing. We Want You To Give The Student Health Center, Veterans Club, and Intramural Department are sponsoring the Annual Blood Drive on Wednesday. January 23rd, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the Student Health Center. The entire process takes less than an hour, and cookies and orange juice will be served to each donor. Donors are needed to keep the fund reserve at a sufficient level, so please join us on January 23. give a pint, and bring a friend or two. You may also win one of four $25 cash prizes which will be awarded to the student donor whose name is drawn. CSEA has also voted to donate two $15 cash prizes to the employees whose names are drawn from the list of donors. Art 4,5! John P. Stark, a 36-year-old graduate stucent seeking a M.P.A. here, has declared Calendar his candidacy for the 36th Congressional seat. Stark, who previously earned a B.A. in Classified 8S political science here, is seeking the Republican nomination to challenge Congressman New Evening Service Editorial 21 George Brown. Stark works as a part-time legislative consultant to the San Bernardino Beginning January 21, the Counseling] Entertainment 6\ Chamber of Commerce and is a former staff member with Campus Crusade for Christ. Humor 2j Center will be open Monday evenings from 5 i Married, and the father of two, Stark was the first non-incumbent to announce for a to 8 p.m. in an effort to make their services^ News 1.3,1 San Bernardino Congressional seat, A profile of Stark will appear in the next issue of more readily available to evening students.
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