i i i i i Hill im jiifiiii jisii;i 1 Hi Hill p i imih il!{ i S S ? 8 8 B COAST ADVERTISER TAFT WINS OHIO'S AMERICAN MARINES ON GUARD IN CUBA STATEWIDE PUBLISH BD WKKKI.T ORGANIZING FOR j M L M A R .............................. N. J. SIX DELEGATES THE CONVENTION JERSEY ITEMS Roosevelt Men Hist asConven Status ol Elected Members ol Gossipy Brevities Which Chron­ lion Endorses President Republican National Committee icle a Week's Miner Events. COLONEL ALLEGES FRAUD r ta selling to Cincinnati a t 12® * NO B01T, SAYS L M. DIXON BUILDING BOOMS REPORTED . tail wbat of U t Wbat i th e price -------- ------- - gasoline* / Voles W m » « U t to 35* 1-2—Shout* Reosevelt Wants Dlaen to Be •elected R«jl Estate Transactions Indicate S ■ payaayou enter car* the furtlrt* ol "•etrayar ond Hootm, Foil *0 •a National Chairman "in ths Evsnt j Business Awakening I" woman to par firea ou»t b« Swerve Ihe Regular Sf Colon*I s Nomination’*—All Sections — Churches Raising M o a t l i apoL Republican*. Factions in Fighting Mood- Funds for Worthy Objects. le tte r paper ta to coat more, but j tha lower will be expected to write Columbus. Ohio —Control lad hy tha Chicago. — W ith the con vent to* , The apple crop in South long letters Juat tbo aame. j Taft forces, led by United Slates Sen many daya off the dally acenoa in the j promises to be lighter than usual ■ ----- - ■ — j a lor Theodore Burton. Warren G. hotel lobbies where delegates and poll- f _ Europo reporta an eclfpce of tbe Bun. l i n i n g and Maurice Maachke, the ticiana gather during a National con- j Gloucester assessors find that *lHit China a Sun continues to ahins Republican State convention indorsed vention. aa well as at the Colifeum houses were built in the city la*i and break into tbe newspapers^ j ih<* administration ot the President Annex, where the convention head — ---------------- * amid cries ol ‘betrayal” and selected quarters are located, bate rivaled \ Mrs. Mattie White left Riverton on The rain falls more on the Juat than e il delegates at large to the national those which In other years were in a 6000-mil* journey to visit her son, the unjust, for the latter attach tbem- j e0nvention pledged to cast their vote* evidence only on Ihe very eve of the »b o is a naval surgeon In the Phillip- selves to any umbrella In sight. {cr hinj unqualifiedly. con vent km itself. Not only la the full I pines, --------------- | The vote on ihe question of indoi membership of the Republican Nation j _ A scientist announces that coffee !• ment was 393 1-2 for Taft and 359 1-2 al Committee represented here but the ' W illiam Rosell. Riverside's chatn- frequently tbe cause of divorce Some {or Roosevelt. The Taft forces thus advance guard of Helgatea and con- j pion angler, caught aa eel 48 inches coffee is capable of worse things than bad j j rotea more than a majority of testants, and leaders, who have no di- j long and weighing five pounds in Ran- that ! the convention. On the selection of rect connection with the committee or eocaa Creek. --------------- delegates at large the Roosevelt forces ihe Contests have been flocking into Harvard knows a lot. hut ih e haa ^ jn e d three votes, A committee of Millville Council hsd to acknowledge that ahe doenn't The convention waa riotous. Cheers, ihe city. A plan to meet at once the full force will urge the West Jersey A Seashore know how to keep the college eima Jwff> aod hleses prevailed almost from of Theodore Roosevelt's fight to con­ Railroad Company to place a station alive. the moment the chaplain offered pray- trol the organiZation of the Republican In the southeastern section of the city. -4 er to tbe vote of the last county in the J+AMDJJY& OUADDCAJiAMQ National Convention by making per­ Los Angeles chorus glrla are aald ts [ final m il call. The hissing especially American property in Cuba Is now being protected by American marines, who hsve been landed there In manent the organiZation, witb Senator be out on a strike. If they don’t Uk* marked tbe speech of W arren G. ilard- It ls expected that the street eou* considerable numbers. Though President Gomez does not want inter-ention by the United States, he Is glad to Klihu Root ss chairman, was practical­ tbeir jobs why don't they go Into poll ing indorsing President Taft. mlttee of Council will report favor bave the marines there, bo that his tloops can devote themselves entirely to pursuing the insurgents. ly agreed on by Taft leaders. Thia ia tics! “I have addressed 300 political gath­ ably on the petition for the paving of io accordance witb lhe wishes of the erings.” said Mr. Harding, “and thla is Broad street, EliZabeth. President. The hide of tbe whsle Is aald to be the first lim e I hare been hissed.” FIVE MAKE CONFESSION The permanent chairman will be re­ two fest thick In aome places Thl« The six delegates chosen are T. E. OF RECEIVING BRIBES ported to the committee on permanent A t EliZabeth, George Blash, of 3J0 i tha whale the politician of tha Burton. Cuyahoga county; H.M. Daugh­ WAITERS'STRIKE TAFT WELCOMES Pine street * aa held in $5u0 bail in organiZation made up of one member erty. Franklin county ; W. G. Harding. Atlantic City Officials Inform Detec­ from each state and territory, report­ police court on a charge of stabbing Marion county; Charles P. Taft, Ham­ tive Burns of Graft—Many Men ed from the floor of the convention, Steve Garbach, of 229 Bond street Tha baseball ssssoo of 1911 bldi ilton county; A I. Vorys, Franklin CRIPPLES HOTELS KAISER'S FLEETfollowing tbe temporary organiZation. Are Involved. fair to be quite aa highly seasoned aa county; D. J. Cable. Allen county. The wishes of the candidate for Presi­ Tripping over a rug in her room, of other yeara The convention will meet again in Mrs. Anna S. Taylor. 90 years old. of Atlantic City, N.J.—Harry F. Dough­ dent are usually consulted by the con­ Columbus, July 2, to name a State Advance in Food Prices Becao ie Gls8sboro,tal and her hip was broken. erty, one of the four Councilmen from German and American War vention. and ii ia generally assumed ticket. She ia in a critical condition a i tbe of Increased Wages. the Third W ard of Atlantic City, was that President Taft’s friends will Cincinnati women want a curfew Ships Exchange Salutes. home ol her daughter, Mrs. E. T. for men only. When a man haa to hi held for the Grand Jury's action on strive to make 8enator Root perman­ Roosevelt Cries Fraud. Kelly. chased home It Is plain he needs otb charges that he accepted a bribe of ent presiding officer. Oyster Bay. N. Y.—"The politicians 1500 for voting in favor of an ordin­ The Roosevelt campaign managers, nta. John Baker, a farmer near Penns- by adroit manipulation have succeed­ NEGRO STRIKE BREAKERS ance involving the building of a $1, HEADS OF NATIONS TOASTED wbo also have transferred their activi­ grove, and his wife have been ill for A train ran a race with a cyclone ln ed in giving Mr. Taft the six delegatee- 500.000 concrete structure in the place ties to tbs city, persisted in their pre­ at-large in frank and cynical defiance of the famous boardwalk that now dictions that Col. Roosevelt would bo several weeks. Their neighbors turn­ Kansas—snd won. The cyclone most ed in, plowed their ground and finish­ have rubbed the earth too close and of the emphatic action of the people Strike May Spread to Chicago and runs for seven miles along the ocean nominated on tbe first ballot when ths Salutes from All and Call Returned— ed the planting before nightfall. themselves. This is of course pure Baltimore During Conventiona— lront. Republican National Convention got full of friction. American Naval Officers Give s Din­ political brigandage.” President of Hotel Association Dougherty’s arraignment followed meets. From neither side haa there, ner on Board the Florida to B. E. Merriam. for several yesrs “Imports of diamonds hare fallen off Such ls Colonel Roosevelt's opinion the confession, of four other members been forthcoming for publication any Urges Contribution. superintendent of schools at Hacken­ b e am y /’ aays tbe New York World- of the action of tbe Ohio state conven­ of Council that tbey had accepted Guests in Our Waters. thorough analysis of the situation to sack, has been appointed school di­ Perhaps all the hotel clerks ars now tion, where he was defeated by the bribes to vote ia favor of the same or­ bear out with convincing force tbe as­ New Yca-k.—Hotel and restaurant rector and psychologist at lbe New Taft forces in the fight for the six dinance. Fort Monroe, Va.— W itb all the cere­ sertions of either. owners or Manhattan figured that if Jersey Slate Reformatory, assuming delegates-at-large. It Is contained in a A fifth m an confessed that he had monies which a friendly war fleet ex­ Nobody can scare us,” said Penross they are forced to grant the demands his duties-at the institution. A society woman In New Jersey statement in which alBo he scores the been the gb-between in the payment tends to a visiting squadron In a home of Pennsylvania.
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