SL' . k Jc ./s . - ■< '■¥ ■ ^ k__ ^ T» if'W ■>?■' ' ' ’■** 'JO?* ^ II% 'f^1 ^^ -fI I 3w ''.X ^ m I v,. ; . N ; . \ / , ' - \ ^ l !tr^ 1' Ki:t '♦•4' '■'’ uLC. -VCfsSfAiV/ 'v .S K ^ • > ':*.-^ “ ■-' • V»' V S \ t;i- ■- jV^ ■; { fj*-- . (i.. .--ji TCJwl > m Ri 5-1 . C l V' - I ' i iGwr; l i f t M d t « S ^ ^ . V ■ ■■ t > - . fuM ii ftitob ■r&i;&>irt''■ V i ' TiGo To Nev 4' {^s:} I S.--S * » fiototoBaiMl, TIm q» ■V ui Jhiwi't > i ' ; ' Hartford, Aug. is.—iAR)—Hope-^majyagtoB, ln.l932, be the fixat to New T * it m d R e tto % Hit I Ssmiiderwi To. « - i <> -y + lUl todt' toe rmeOroT of Confidence demoantoato that, business leeovmy * C' < Tophita; I i - ‘ -.V anioBg business men la toe first rign is. actually. uudmL way^ hto penjoiu^ w ^'At the prtoent mmnent, the levd —> k I n T p | i I ^lAljrvBfxvegy: from ftop current de- • |BMeuttt«-caMHBb«rr AlbuQb N. the Bagbteento'^u^^i^ of confidinice anid^the bustoess totte > presstoB, Dudley Hariikm, execiitiye of New Engbind are: distinctly highi- Siad Hndnu. T;,'A^. 18.—(AP)—WWte J(^ J. I/' c ptosriUgocQ^dence to^evtot^lpub- vH^ ^presidait of -tiu^New SSoglahd er. While toe staliatiics of buriness oictio,.- eblbst c o m ^ to; Mayor Geneva, Aug. 18.—(AP>—P resi- Cess of Afidfifistratlbii - le fts ' to Cdunril, pointed to definite indica- actlvity:'dp. not. yet reveal any aubr y^tiker, axsuod M ora Oovamor dent Hoover was charged today by tolng' reii^: ^ fboixi ;lim depfesrimt. tfOBa-of-lncrisased- activity ' in - the stahrial change in^ business -vChime, l^^dtotCCuriiSto^ ta^.ac- New Snglahd states, in a talk given it la appurent to all that , than has .BU UJEX D n ■ ^ Ikx^M n^ today fmr the dlmnlaaal of Bishop James CAnnon, Jr., of the toptad'rmtoiphiation by the P^pub- euiitar dmcaa^too-oouniMl obtatoad at the-Idontf Club: luncheon at the been an almoat complete reversal of London, A.fig. 18:^(A P) -r~ii ^ Methodist Bpisoopal churcb, Soufii, '..V. ;', Hotel. HeubMi} tfito noon. attitude .bn . the part of bushteas'men The CunarAUner Ascabia today' fro^ ..^jtfngpon Supraoie Cknirt with havihig surrendered 'to the ;-^e-Kansah; in his .formal addrtos “Just as 'New Sagland has- had througdxout . New England.. The reported that Captadn J. A. M o l^ jdftlea ap <mer raetrauilng tbe gov- speM te^es, bootleggers and nuUi- dir acceptance, said he fdlt the people somewhat more-favorable conditions steaks of-New Eng^and^s banks and llson, flyto^rffom Ireland amor ttpte .f«Birtng;tq?^ the may- ‘^fioiild at all' times, bergteen..'ruli than 6tfasr:h4ctions in the' last three inmiranca companies - have„ already Newfottodland, passed'that'V<M-;;r ' ^8 ;fia^ ahar the coi^ liers of the Constitution” in his opportunity to exjnem t o ^ dpho|ion jemrs, nn now New England business shared in toe spectacular "increase sel a t 4:00 p. m. (11:00 a. ]yny»i-«^yypayta (m the-legality of Speech of acceptance. When Old Sol hides hdiind the mpca on Augu^ JB».;to|a on-toe Coyrtituttott .or :amtodid«nto men - may .. reiArd- the develoianehts in security values on toe New. York E. S. T.) at 62J2 North Loig^^ “The outstan^dOiog, indeed the over-' entists be ready to study the cCleatlpli«ra^.'^’''-Hitoa!'a toe -t-bhrito” but ;that penamaHy. 'T^.am'; jik^tbe'last tow weeks ^ th particto Exchaj^.' The effects of these tude, 20A2 West LaOtode. ' ^^S^SJS^w . Iteu^ to i^ n o r shadowing;,part.of Hoover’s prohi- era erected by uMverrity; of Michigan, observers-, at ;']rtry«I)Urg, (^>Iiiosed to the iv to m (^;th e- sid<x : tor.'hdtofactian,” he. j salA “New aiimreciationB quickly make ' them- He seemed to be gbtog Wiltr, / a j^tovtotUtioAe obtained' by Oeorge bition statement;’’ he ■said in his scientists throughout. the countzy^.bave selector as the^placettoem whicli and t. am oppeued; to toe.' topeipl. U Eiiglandt led the country out of toe se^es felt in almost every home, There was a Ught ncHrtlMrii]i^ ItocnaBy. aieretaiy of /the Bronx critidsm, which ran to considt^nible toe eclipse can,be watched.Nto b n i ato^tage.;'. • ■<. : ther' Btyhtototb Amtojdmtot.” . | 'dtostorioh of :1920r21, and ..there is business firm, and fiduciary Institu- wind, and fine,. de«r weatow.- 4 " CStouialMf ^ ’^Cosnnierce will-hold up leo^rth, "is the startling declarati<ni< \ ' kb:. Curtia ,m a ^ jto reason to believe that this section tioh in - toe New England states.” - Hie position reported Ity the:-, ^lrm oial’6l*rlag, the* govemorla ty 'a Proisident of the United States '' >rrt -Ascania is about 66b'mUes west-V leg ^^^ti^S laltted . i.. from Galway. 4 r .f; v/T^ y/.Bafmtt, Jr*, attomey- oC th e' helplessness^ his ada^ihte- traticn in .Ite 'warfare agMnst .law- *1310 steamer Beaverbrae, -near''' «to«riU;>wlll'aiipaBr before Supreme. the Asoania, r a tte d iighthte^^ QoSSt%)atteel!irj. 6toley ^mor- lesimess,. in its efforts, td/ooif^l what 'Hoover dmoiclnates.toe'^-' MoOiKm a few mtouteS latmr. V; tdw^ns > frtBhd of 'th^^ court” and - He was flying low and fiast. ^ . notlas • l^ ^ Rooaev^elt‘a raptoeenta- ,t<d(mble'speakeasies and bootleg- tive.-Bennett fi^d he would- point Ktog* and to provent practical ntiUi- flcatkm of the Constitution.’ , Portmainoek, Irish «Vee S ta^ : qnt tO the court that it waa without ST. t M' K- IMMicthm* to intervene in the ax- “Bht is not the . president iiimself _ , I ■ ' • < Aug. 18,—(AP)—J.' ,'A. M bU j^ eeuilye; dutiee of ,t^ goyainc^. responsible if ^his admihistraUpn'.is ■ \ ' * rioted British distan'to flier, tobk/C^ Bath the WaBwr ordjBT adad. the as helpiess ’ ks ' he nopr so suddenly from here-at Hr:36 a..m.,on'a-^trfiis- IXgiieUy ordeTrCmiaeibefbre Juatice declares in the very . face of that Lamnedi, of Ohio, Cilk It Ab Atlantic iBghtto the ^ te d Si B|g}ay at .a ape<^'term of the Su- most'significant and encouraging Encased h % Sted M At- LANCASTER FREED v ’Fhe time of his take oiff pranto Ctourt tow rrow . official statement recently submitted ponds to 6:86 a. m. (EB;T.) Chertln throughout the hearing to Congress that consumption of in- DkAdvised, Expom e MoUism, planned’ tor make Ms firit hai contended' Mr. Rooeevelt is sit- toxicants had diminished over 60 per tached To BaHosi, Sden- stop at .'Narbor Grice, Newfound* iUnriana Jo^oial ofOcer; that the cent since 1914?” Bnmess V ntp^ Wonld OF MDRDER CHARGE land, and after zefUeiltog to diah^bri are Indict, and that Action In 1929 tid Stadies die Strato- immjedlatdy for V'Roosevdt rfUZd^ father a^ould be glvoi thi; right to Had President Hoover in Mar<^ Long Island. 'Then his achrthdtfvteitr. fuBe hif accusers and 'croas-examine 1929, dcdaiad bis piupoM to en- Unto. Nibw ti^rk ed for a quick-tornaround- -llad- a them. Mr. <?urtin also argu^ the fbflto vigetonsly and emdAhtly the qilimTor U^MWs. dash back agaito tois time witooist should oaP the wltnewsf Volatoad Act and a i ^ CoBgreap a atop to Cr^doik Ens^and.; j ^ bMhn tito Bofst|4^ to.ftifniiib vdiataver map and mcinaip WsMiington, Aug. |8.-;-(AP) -r H MoUison-bttcceedS it-the coixuhlttoe: ' BhQMvelt waf»:AnDaaaary Coof^ass would baa* -tite proJ^fod BL I^wtohee water- Bdolb, Italy, Aug. 18^^^^^^ — Om Conphte M o t firiit traasAtlaritic solo fitgbt-fi^ .granted Chvtin the. itgbt pi«V|itt<t.tiMm, he paid. way waB'di»cribed;todayina.state- ('harteaTiuiter Prof; AuguSte::Blp^d's fSif^d bal- eadt to west aiad the first NtotoVAt-. j» Ml of. the hnndn^ - of ."And now, without h»vtog.ifirai ^ment by tol^resehtative’ Lanmeek loon comuraioniipib-toeto Imitlc croiMtog to a Ughtahi>)aiie. ’■ 'who teethled befo.^e the •i-r- i^l^KUfd to Coagrcap tor axmeyiand (D., Ohto) as ‘^ t 'another lU- ... ,Q-J. , ,-ej ■ his pie to ' 9toitdent. aided th la^ ev ^ ^ a t fiyev dplbek A big-crowd aasemJfied on I'hody. advised; ‘ ^,«»to|dve gpvdmmiBhtai men'to aid him to prpvM^nuBificA- ; : ' N e w ' A ^ . he tanhijj^ld^ down- maznbek stand to witness to i tton of toe Cae^^^i^^fae/'M i^^ butoxtoa.-vtot^e.’'^ prolT f ;a^btoh eitoifAf— Mtoioit -tWMve 'heure'in off. I t cbeerad MOlBaon Wbeiitoe aff^ MflfiniBp' 'EStovpr • suddtoly Tha'WtoxiltoJ^to^ ■ t’flgo^a^;' Miami, Ela.. Adg. 18 — (A ^ — 9bei»\AibaiPs» N . ^.i wpt rtVjto;-lty |ia^~fN te B aM Ah^ wit Tal- yfi xaftftototo» 59"^ ,V-aequittei<U vaateedav:*. 111 M »Bto^'an|^Pri!^ihr:d^ .Jobfisofli soted Britoii' wty Vcl m •i 'A.'fitorlUB|’;'lhtoS>., -lewA'rihglteh'-ChHlite,A-y^^ .rr ttowwwmnrilito toMbfil- ipit cptoM to a iepn d^tto, reatod at thetopfoe of f 8ah% idKMt .tlhte' ig b 'd M ^ fh i^ Witoii '.sai«im'#ttem: ' ■ to a'^ield oh^^m tteM rte of tlri^ hiie atternagr today before starth^ fn antomoMln'MOIPe^'nto the’^^t- tom At- ite in the maypi^e thw ri- ;to«h/^to 'the iee- Ne-PftoM3tMY. tie town rto^-eptito'popularieo ot to huat: a job. er oomUtibas were >nttto; toaif h i to upiM ^ toe j CpiNtitotibfi^^toout etetotry, of ggOO^toriied'cmtoto'arri^ i.He:wB8 wtttuqat dednite plana for bad;m»r eatyected .wlto fight wtot*^ wjNne-safte^. of .his a vigbrena . jdphj^d that Congress nancesbf-Atositoh']____. --- ^ ii^b e recQniS68 tut ;the 'B(M0i6 uow Boahd of Tfaicab ControL itototol.: to :toe; W to^tereate of f^tteh^gp' dete#to»e ihlto^eed -venturers.-' - - - • toe future, he aaid; and dedhied to erly; winds.
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