6HSWHPEHU2FWREHUZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP PUBLISHER & EDITOR’S 1RWHV :H·YH7XUQHGDQG6WLOO6RPHWKLQJ 1HZWR/HDUQ6RPHRQH1HZWR0HHW Last month’s issue marked a milestone for us. Allegheny West residents during production of this issue, too. Meet and learn about Magazine turned 15 years old! They say time flies when you’re having jewelry artist Alma Lleras, World War II veteran Reid Feather, and third- fun. Well, we have certainly seen time fly over all the years we have sat generation food service company owner Deni “Sonny” Napoleone. Be at this desk, or attended hundreds of events, inspired by Moon Area High School alumni Ankit Medhekar and Suyesh meetings, interviews, photo shoots, and more. Acharya. Delight in the success young Trent Clayton is experiencing, Just when you think you know about despite his disabilities. everything going on around our town, you learn With the football season underway in our neighborhoods, our assistant something new, meet someone new, or hear editor, Doug Hughey, met up with Joe Walton of Robert Morris something new. University. This well-loved and highly success football coach retires at For example, Pittsburgh Technical Institute the end of this season after 20 years. proudly rolled out its American Academy of Needless to say, we continue to enjoy the ride and especially to play Culinary Arts to meet continued growing an important part in helping to keep our residents and businesses demand for cooks and chefs in the region. connected and informed. The Hollow Oak Land Trust is doing bigger Thank you! As we celebrate our 15th birthday, being the community’s and better things to preserve nature in this part storyteller has been one of the best gifts we could ever receive. And it of Allegheny County, as guest writer, Carolyn keeps on giving! Morrison, reports in her story on page 12. We had the pleasure of being introduced to some very talented Moon Pat Jennette, Publisher & Editor &RQWLQXHG&RPPXQLW\'LVFRYHULHV$PD]HDQG,PSUHVV I don’t know about you, but when the Discovery Channel show Man vs. Wild started airing on television a few years ago, I became a fan. My introduction was the episode where host Bear Grylls, a British special forces member-turned motivational speaker, got dropped into a remote location in Hawaii. After traipsing across cooled lava fields and plucking fresh avocados right out of the treetops, Bear made a home-made smoker to quell a giant bee’s nest, and pulled out a first-sized chunk of gooey honeycomb that he devoured right there on the spot. For those of you not familiar with the since canceled show, Bear was often dropped into remote locations like the Sierra Nevada or Rocky mountains to demonstrate survival skills. Serving as the show’s backdrop were some of the wildest and most beautiful places on earth. To me, sitting in the cramped apartment in Boston I used to rent, with the sounds of neighbors on all sides, and the daily battle of the subway still fresh in my mind, it was pure escape. The idea of the unending wilderness is one that’s actually pretty ubiquitous, and become the backbone behind some pretty big business. While it’s been good for clothing lines and retail box stores, it’s also been good for our parks. Ecotourism helps them survive. In this issue, we feature a story about the Hollow Oak Land Trust, and the organization’s efforts to preserve green spaces throughout the Moon area by encouraging eco-tourism into some surprisingly beautiful spaces right under our noses. I encourage you to read the piece, and also check out some of the trails that HOLT is developing. Maybe you’ll even volunteer with them. We say it a lot in this magazine, but we’re always learning things that surprise us about the communities we cover. There are lots of stories about amazing individuals doing outstanding things in this issue of Allegheny West Magazine. Among them is the story behind how Joe Walton emerged from a 36-year career in the NFL to start up a program at Robert Morris. We run this story of Joe’s impending retirement. We hope you enjoy reading about Joe, HOLT, and some other amazing folks who have made it into this issue, and who make the Moon community what it is. Doug Hughey, Assistant Editor $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH6HSWHPEHU2FWREHU RIGHT: Area children participated in the youth programs held this summer at the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden. “GOOD NEWS ALWAYS, MAILED & DELIVERED FREE, EVERY TIME” TO REACH US :DOQXW6WUHHW6XLWH,PSHULDO3$ $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH0RRQ(GLWLRQLVDQDOOSRVLWLYHJRRGQHZVSXEOLFDWLRQPDLOHGIUHHLQWRWKHKRPHVDQGEXVLQHVVHVRIWKH0RRQ$UHD 3KRQH)D[ 6FKRRO'LVWULFWFRPPXQLWLHVRI0RRQDQG&UHVFHQWWRFRQQHFWFRPPXQLWLHVSURPRWHSHRSOHKHLJKWHQDZDUHQHVVDERXWWKHULFKQHVVRIWKHDLUSRUW (0DLODOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQH#FRPFDVWQHW UHJLRQDQGEXLOGSULGHLQWKHZHVWHUQVXEXUEVRI$OOHJKHQ\&RXQW\ ZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP Moon Edition 92/,668( 6(37(0%(52&72%(5 FEATURES COLUMNS PUBLISHING TEAM 38%/,6+(5 $1' (',725 +2/73UHVHUYLQJ´7KH*UHHQµ 3XEOLVKHU (GLWRU·V1RWHV 3DW-HQQHWWH$35 2QWKH+RUL]RQ $66,67$17 (',725 1HZVPDNHUV$ERXQG 62&,$/ 0(',$ ',5(&725 508)RRWEDOO&RDFK5HWLULQJ *URXQG:RUN 'RXJ+XJKH\ <RXU+RXVHDQG6HQDWH 3+272*5$3+(56 37,5ROOV2XW1HZ&XOLQDU\$FDGHP\ *3DXO'H%RU6DUDK+XJKH\ /LEUDU\1HZV &KULVWRSKHU5ROLQVRQ)UDQN9LOVDFN :5,7(56 &KDPEHU%XVLQHVV/LQN .LOH\%UDG\.DLWOLQ%XVFK 'LFN*ORYLHU-RFHO\Q*UHFNR'RXJ+XJKH\ 0DFDURQL.LG +HDWKHU6FKLHIHU0XUUD\-HVVLFD:DVLN SPECIAL SECTIONS *5$3+,& '(6,*1 $URXQG<RXU7RZQ 6DUDK+XJKH\ Moon Back to School <RXU6FKRROV $'9(57,6,1* 6$/(6 0LFKHOH6KUDGHU Fall Sports and School Calendars &RPPXQLW\&RQQHFWLRQV :(%0$67(5 ZZZGGVZHEGHVLJQFRP &2175,%87256 MORE INFO 0RRQ7RZQVKLS/LEUDU\ ABOUT THE COVER 3LWWVEXUJK$LUSRUW$UHD&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH0RRQ(GLWLRQLVSXEOLVKHGLQ-DQXDU\ Moon Township resident Reid Feather, a World War II 0DUFK0D\-XO\6HSWHPEHUDQG1RYHPEHUVL[LVVXHVD\HDUE\ OUR OTHER PUBLICATIONS veteran, received several medals for his outstanding -HQQHWWH&RPPXQLFDWLRQV*URXS:DOQXW6WUHHW6XLWH -HQQHWWH&RPPXQLFDWLRQV*URXSDOVRSXEOLVKHVWKH service, presented by U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy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s with every issue, your community businesses are the reason for the publication of Allegheny West Magazine. Please support these businesses. Their support allows us to mail this magazine, free, into the households of Crescent and Moon as a community service. $OOHJKHQ\+HDOWK1HWZRUN+DQG 8SSHU$UP([WUHPLW\S -R\FH·V*URRPQ·*R0RELOH3HW6DORQS ZZZDKQRUJ -XUPDQ6WHSKHQ$WWRUQH\SZZZMXUPDQODZFRP $OOHJKHQ\+HDOWK1HWZRUN2E*\QS .RHEHUOH $VVRF,QFSZZZNRHEHUOHODZFRP $OOHJKHQ\0HGLFDOZZZDOOHJKHQ\PHGLFDOFRP 0DF·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·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