r - / . WEDNESDAY, MAY 16.19B1' ilanrlrrat^r lEttrnins l^^rold Averaf* Dally Nat Praaa Run FMwaM 2*0 i _ _ Officers for a day and the positions r a t the Wwk Cadlag Mre. EaieebeUi WiUon, of that they held; Adrian Schmld- CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS Bfay 12. 1961 IM ey fhtr to p a tO j c4*wdy. Spruce etreet, to eeillni FWday Seats the Officers of Home Auxiliary Youths Guests hauser, Mayor: Fred Bllsh, Town ahowar* towxrd evealxg. TonigM. anemoon on the Manager; Andrew Gibson, South About Town ■pend four morthe ^ ■ ‘tjna reto- Manchester Fire ghlef; George POWER CLEANED 10,187 ttamHag had «*olcr. VNMay g«i- M n. Mildred P. Tedford of 170 T end friend* in Northern Ire* Of Local Club Case, North Mancheater Fire Chief: n t a v •< «ha Ao«H «mhy Mh *• raaiiy daady. a t lUU’o M otii*« Orcle will Hilliard atreet, Paat Department ' In Manrhrstvr and I icitiity lend. " "" Peter Plekculls. Town Engineer; M M at OtnalmUam Maneherter— A City of VUlago Charm hold lU iM t niMtlnf of th« MMon Prealdent of Spanlah War Vet- i James Warren, Building Inspector; toniaht * t «i«M o’clock *t Raymond Roberta, youngeat wn erana auxlllariea. during the year Boys and Girls Who Op­ Connie Glenney. Park Superinten­ DKI WKI.I..S .\M) SKl’TIC l .W K S INS T M I.I D at M n. ThonsM RMdell, 67 Thoinan dent: Harold Moore, Police Chief; of-Mr. and Mra. Emmett Ro^rU 1950, aeated the officer* of her home ^ erated Town for Day MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 17,1951 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE nVB CENTS Drive. of 203 Main atreet waa well re­ auxiliary Monday evening in the I Janet Bradley, Superintendent of VOL. LXX, NO. 191 {VkaaOMat Advarttolag oa Pag* M) membered Monday with a party to State,Armory. At Rotary Meeting Schools; Rudy Vlgnone, Principal McKINNEY BROS. The ceremony followed a dellci- of the High School: Carol Howes, celebrate hto eighth birthday, win SKU .\(;k d is i’o.s .m , <o . V _ _ _ _ _ _ fourteen of hto frlenda preaent. oue turkey aupper prepared and Judge of the Probate Court; Ruth The Manchester Rotary Club Gib.son, Tax Collector Arlene After playing gamea refreahnienta served by Mrs. Lottie Behrend, 130 IN-arl .St. Td. M aiidioicr .3308 BANTLY werl> aerved. Mr, and Mra. Robert.a chairman, and her committee. played host last night to the High Petcr.son, Town Clerk; I*htricia O'­ ha\’e two other children, Marilyn Comrade* of Ward Cheney Camp, School Boys and Girls who took Hara, Comptroller; and Jessie Lat- and Emmett, Jr. No. 13, U. S, w. V„ were guest*. over Town offices for a day dur­ terop. Assessor. The meal consisted of turkey with ing Boys' and Girls' week. Presi­ OIL CO. dressing and gravy, mashed po­ dent Carl Furay welcomed the A farewell party waa given le- tatoes. string beans, cranberry group and then introduced them Lines Hold Fast Against Red Hordes TEL. 629S cently by the membera of Our I.ady sauce, celery, rolls, apple pie and individually. Ea<h responded and MODEL AIRPLANES of the Moat Holy Roaary Mothera' coffee. The tahlea were tastefully told of their experiences in their Circle for Mra. G. J . Agoatinelli. decorated with white and purple particular office. In all cases the Rubber and Gas Powered Range and Fuel A beautiful rhineatone necklace lilac*. Mr*. Tedford was presented students were high in their praise waa preaented to Mra. Agoatinelli with a corsage of Illy of the valley, of the Town officials and expressed HOBBY SHOPPE W herr Red* Mas* and Attack and a dellcloua luncheon waa Freetl After 20 Years Walkout Cuts Oil Distributors and pansy corsages were worn by their amazement at what it takes 6 Griswold St. Manchester Plug Hole aer\ed. Mra. Agoatinelli and her the retiring and incoming presi­ to make the Town government run. 3338 two children left by plane on April dents. and Paat Department Presi­ The following were the Town Chenodo/y 70 S.%1 MAII4 ST. 29 to Join Mr. Agoatinelli in Texaa. Gen. Bradley Upheld Wire Service dent Mrs. Inez Batson. • Smgya Mrs. Sophie Orabowskl, former NORTH K0 R[AJ ISTATUTt MIKS As ROKs president, was returned for another Mr*. Mildred P. Tedford In 8 States COMMUMISrS term. Her associate officers in­ Fo^ Con/) feeax/itj ATTACK HfKf stalled were, senior vice president, her secretary and treasurer, and AMESITE DRIVEWAYS Fall Back DON’T THROW IT AWAY! SAVE IT FOR THE Mrs. Lawrence Converse; Junior Mr*. Tedford received a gift. On Withholding Data Hi SINCE IB-JO It's Fume-Proof Vice, Mrs. Mildred P. Tedford, who Plans were made for the next • REDUCED RATES PITTSBURGH PROOF 800 AFl, Weslern Union Rat»r¥oir^^ was seated by Past Department meeting, Monday, May 28, and for • GRADING FREE WORK New Sun-Proof Houm Wostern Front, Korea, Fri­ GUARANTEED ■ Wa.xhington, May 17 - (ff) — W'orkers Louve l*o»t8 HwAchen )• LIONS AUCTION President, Mrs. Batson: chaplain, attendance at the Memorial Day • POWER ROia.£R USED Paint produces film of un­ day, May 18—(/P)— Chlnene Mrs. Lottie Behrend: secretary. service at the Second Congrega­ • FREE ESTIMATES CALL ' Senate Inveatigatora upheld today PHONE 5838 or 4047 MANCHESTER usual whiteness. Smoke In Two Major O uters, forces struck Thursday night Mrs. Etheleen Lewis; treasurer, tional church, Sunday, May 27. • HME PAYMENTS HOUSE PAINT Feels Fine Now ' the refuaal of Gen. Omar N. Brad- Mrs. Florence Ntchols: historian, • SAVE 10% FOR CASH 7691 or gases will not discolor on the Seoul primeter, but Have the Llooa pic* up what you don’t need that they can give Gal $5.06 i ley to teatify about Prealdent Tru- Cite Non-Union Help Mrs. Letltla Rady; conductor, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Alton A. Hall, of SAVE WITH CHUNCHON after a four and a half-hour what aome do need. man'a private talk* with hla ad- 16 Elizabeth Maher; assistant con­ 37 Holl atreet. are among the By The Associated Press ns.snult they withdrew to lick rvenU ilnr Will Be Sold At the MANCHE.STER MONS CM B ductor, Mrs, Inez Batson; guard. parents Invited to a tea at Wesley I visers on firing Gen. Douglaa Mac- | F. T. BUSH HARDWARE CO. Western Union telegraph sorv- | their wound.s. AUCTION, SATUBDAY, MAY I9th, CHARTEB O.AK STREET Mrs. Gladys Rldolfi; assistant Junior College, Dover. Delaware, DeMAIO BROTHERS ' Arthur. Hon^Kon guard. Mrs. Minnie Hale; musician honoring the 1951 graduates of the ice in eight states remained crip- | AUCTION MART. Call Now— We Perspnally Supervise All Work 793 MAIN STREET I Senator McMahon (D-Conn.) Mr*, pllsabeth Phelon. The usual college and tHelr parents. Their pled today as some 800 AKL em­ Tokyo, May 17— {IP) — Thia Ada-ertlaement Paid For By Mancheater Drug. daughter. Miss Barbara Hall, to aaid the vote was 18 to 8. gifts were presented by Retiring ployees in the company's Phllsdel- President Mrs. Abbie Edwards to one of the 1951 graduates. The aetion austained a declalon Mo*ng$o«^ Wave.s of attacking Chinese by Senator Ruaaell (D-Ga), chair­ phia and Cinclnnsll offices rcf\ised Reds failed today to break man of the Joint Armed Servicea to work. SEOUL PyongchAng and Foreign Relation.a committee, Telegraphic service into and mil V. through the main United Na­ of I’cnnsylvanln, Ohio, New Je r­ • W OHJU tions defense line. that Bradley had a right to keep SUWON ailent on the talka. sey. Delaware. West Virginia. Ken­ The (’tiinese smn.shed S tucky, Tennessee and parta of Bradley declined on Tueaday to KumyAngiang hole in South Korean ranks tell the commllteea. In reaponae to Maryland slowed to a trickle. questions by Senator Wiley (R., A union spokesman insisted: Tt CK# and streamed through, but Wia.I. what was said at a While "This is a walkout, not a strike ' SOUTH Allied troops rusbed up and House conference April 6 which Uompany officials eoinmcnleii; pluggt'd tbe gap by nightfall. MAIN FLOOR led to the President's dismissal of "The walkout violates the exlslmg KOREA T«nyAr»g Waves of Chinese stormed MacArthur os Pacific commander •lulliia Krause, 39, has cause lalair contract iiccausc the agree­ CHUNGIU for his smile. .-tfter 20 years ment provides for an ord*rly pro­ . y ' - ■- U. S. positions. Hut every on April 11. cedure to resolve contract dts- A vote to overturn Rusaell's and live months In Ohio peniten­ Open arrows from boxen show where the Kedn were nuueiing and time the Americans were ruling could have led to a formal tiary hr was released on parole. piite.H " He contended from the very time Officers of the AFL-commercinl nItacUIng In Horen, May 16. Solid arrows Indicate .Alllerl moves. pushed off a hill they coun- demand that Bradley answer the The Coininnnlsts iinlctishcd a acrlisi of attacks from the t'hiinchon Im* Yvas charged with the holdup telegraphers union said the walk­ tiM-nttaeked to recapture the questions or face possible charges area eastward to the cimihI. Sonic groiiiul lost liy the Allies was of contempt of Congress. slaying of a griM-er In <>nton, out resulted over cornfmiiy's use high ground. of non-union employes on certain regained norllieiisl of liije and iit Chiinelioii. Hie enemy wan Infll- Hearings Stymied Ohio, In 1930, that he was Inno- Irntlng southward Into the Ihikhiiii rix'er xalley with a probable ob­ The nelions were along the For two days, the Senate Mac­ eeat. He eonvineed tlov.
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