!1 Helpful tips when facilitating a Life Group" 5 Group Rules 1. Everyone shares in sentences, not paragraphs. 3. Focus only on what this group is seeing. 4. Give people time to respond, silence is okay. 5. Facilitator should facilitate discussion, not teach. 5. Separate into groups of guys and girls for the sections “Connect/ Review” and “Obey God’s Word” 5 Facilitator Rules 1. Keep the session on schedule. Have a time of connecting and reviewing, study God’s word, and make sure everyone sets a goal for how they should respond to the text. 2. Prepare before by studying passage, looking for main idea, and think of some examples/stories/applications from your own life. 3. Respond to questions by asking group, “What in the passage helps us answer that question?” 4. Respond to distracting comments by asking, “Where is that found in this passage?” 5. Respond to “strange” answers by asking, “Help us understand what you are thinking.” !2 Connect and Review" Separate into groups of guys and girls for better discussion. • What are you thankful for this week? What difficulties have you faced this week? • How did exalt Jesus this past week? • Pray for three things: 1. Pray for one another 2. Pray God would reveal Himself to the group in His word 3. Pray that God would give the group boldness to respond in obedience to the text Discover God’s Word | Philippians 2:5-8" Join back together as one group for God’s word 5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature[b] of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! Discovery Questions " • How does this passage exalt Christ?" • Why did Jesus choose to die? Could you list three reasons if someone asked you?" • How does this passage show that Jesus is both man and God?" • How is Christ’s humility displayed in this passage? Stop and read Isaiah 53, and marvel at the humility of Christ and at His atoning work." • What does Paul mean when he says for us to have the “same mindset as Christ Jesus” in our relationships with others?" • What would happen in our relationships if we lived out Philippians 2:5-8? " • Are you known for humility and compassion? " • How is Jesus’ model of leadership di$erent from a worldly view of leadership? How can you put this type of life in practice today? " • Why should we be overwhelmed by the fact that we (Christians) know Christ and that He knows us? If you don’t know Christ personally, what is preventing you from fully surrendering to Him?" Obey God’s Word " Separate back into groups of guys and girls. Have someone write down these goals so that you can review next week • What can you do di$erently this week in response to this text?" • How will you exalt Jesus this week?" • Who can you identify as someone lost that you can pray for/ share with?% !3 Commentary on Philippians 2:5-8 Use as needed. The goal of a discovery bible study is to ask questions and facilitate discussion (see facilitator notes above). Use this commentary for your own spiritual growth and personal understanding of the text. The Mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5) Whether translated “this mind,” “mind-set,” “frame of mind,” or “attitude,” it’s essentially saying the same thing. The main exegetical question is which verb should be supplied after this first phrase: “Have this mind among yourselves” (ESV). We are left with varying renderings of the latter clause, literally translated, “which also in Christ Jesus.” The ESV translates it, “which is yours in Christ Jesus,” but provides a footnote: “Or which was also in Christ Jesus.” But there’s a difference in “is yours” and “was in Christ.” One gives a theological interpretation, emphasizing our position in Christ (“is yours in Christ”), and the other gives an ethical interpretation, emphasizing emulation of Jesus’ example (“was also in Christ”). While “is yours in Christ Jesus” makes sense theologically, I concur with others who say that many interpreters overreact to the “idealized ethic” of following Jesus’ example, and they overlook the context, namely, that we’re dealing with an analogy of Christ as our example. The fact that Paul doesn’t detail the stages of Christ’s exaltation (e.g., His resurrection) also adds to the argument that he intended to use this hymn as an example for Christians to follow. More likely, Paul intended his readers to supply the verb “was,” rendering it, “Have this mind among yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus.” I think this latter view, the ethical interpretation, fits better than the former view. Paul is commending the attitude that Jesus had in order to stimulate humility and unity among the congregation. Even so, both options are true. And it is because of the fact that we are in Christ Jesus that we can live out this ethical exhortation. We are united with Christ, and we must now walk after Him. There’s also a corporate element to this example. Some translate it as “yourselves,” and others give a more dynamic equivalent or paraphrase, “in your relationships with one another” (NIV). Paul isn’t simply speaking to the private experience of individuals. He is writing about unity in the church, which comes through adopting a humble, Christ-like mind- set. He wants to see “a community mindful of Christ” (Hanson, Letter, 118). To summarize, Paul exhorts the Philippians to pursue the attitude and actions of Jesus. As we prepare to look at the hymn to Christ, keep this point in mind. As you reflect on it, ask yourself, Is this my attitude, my mind-set? Is this my way of life? Do I seek to get, get, and get, or to give, give, and give? And ask, Is this our mind-set as a community? Are we known for humility and compassion? His Humble Renunciation (2:6) Jesus enjoyed His preexistent exalted position, but He laid it aside. “Who, existing in the form of God” (v. 6a). Notice, in these opening phrases, some very important doctrinal points. When Paul uses this first phrase, he touches on both the preexistence of Jesus and the divine nature of Jesus. The divinity of Jesus is also expressed in the second half of the verse: He “did not consider equality with God as something to be used for His own advantage” (v. 6b; emphasis added). John writes that Jesus was “calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God” (John 5:18). !4 Other biblical writers highlight Jesus’ preexistence in many different passages (John 1:1-2,14; 8:58; 17:5; Col 1:15; Heb 1:2-3). There never was a time when Jesus didn’t exist. He had no point of origin. He is Alpha and Omega. John says, “He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created” (John 1:2-3). He is Creator; He wasn’t created. We differ from many cults and religions on this fundamental point. Regarding His divine nature, Paul says Jesus existed “in the form of God.” He isn’t saying that Jesus only “appeared as God.” He is saying that Jesus continues being in the very nature or essence of God. Morphe (“form”) doesn’t speak of external appearance or outward shape but of the essential attributes and the inner nature of Jesus. Paul uses the same word in verse 7 to say that Jesus was in very nature a slave. He was fully human and fully divine. Church history is littered with debates over the nature of Jesus. We read of the famous Council of Nicea that took place in AD 325. Arius believed that Jesus was the first and greatest created being, but Athanasius won the day, defending the biblical position that Jesus is fully God, being of the same essence as the Father. Today we still confess the magnificent creed adopted in this historic debate: [We believe] in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made. Indeed, there have been many alternative positions through the years. Ebionism denied the divine nature of Christ. Arianism denied the fullness of the deity of Christ. Docetism denied the humanity of Jesus. Apollinarianism denied the full humanity of Jesus. Nestorianism denied the unity of the natures in one person. Eutychianism denied the distinction of the natures. In AD 451, leaders in Chalcedon wrote a creed affirming both Jesus’ full humanity and His full deity, united in one person. In so doing, they rejected all six of these Christological heresies. In every generation, we must contend for the biblical view of the person and work of Christ. We still hear things like “He was a prophet,” “He was a good man,” “He was a fine example,” “The idea of Jesus is what matters.” Like Athanasius, we must boldly defend the glory of Christ. We must also teach these things to our children, who are growing up in a world that is fine with a phantom Christ, Christ as a mere man, or Christ as a funny, religious sage.
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