Kennett and the media: How it worked STEPHEN MAYNE This is a transcript of the lecture eff Kennett had 10 years in oppo- given by Stephen Mayne at the ing things happening every day, Jsition. I think it’s fair to say he got RSA ‘Threats to Democracy ‘ because we didn’t want to worry pretty terrible press over that period. Conference in Warburton on about marketing too much; we just A lot of people would argue that was October 29-31 last year. wanted to get on with the revolution. justified because he was stuffing up References to ‘current events’ So you had a large number of dif- all over the place, he delivered his should be read in that light. ferent reform programs breaking famous line about the Italian beauty Stephen Mayne is a journalist and out on various fronts, and only contest and so on. Yet, going back and a former a member of Jeff three press secretaries in the whole looking at the media coverage he Kennett’s Media Unit. His web site government media unit managing received during that time, Kennett «jeffed.com» was credited with the process. did get a pretty raw deal from the having a significant influence on press overall. The Kennett Media Unit the result of the 1999 state The best example of the media fail- After the initial three month period, election. About 250,000 people ing in their duties back in the Jeff decides that perhaps we did need Cain/Kirner years probably occurred visited the site before the election, some more press secretaries — three in the lead-up to the 1988 election. which is approximately the size of is just not enough when you have 22 Cain rushed to the polls early with a the swing against the Kennett ministers. Traditionally, every min- short campaign — at the same time government. Stephen now ister has their own press secretary in as the footy finals — and the VEDC operates a highly recommended their own office, but Jeff had three for story was running very big in the independent web site the entire government. He was Herald. But the Sun, which — like the «crikey.com.au» which critically determined to maintain control over Herald Sun today — was the most examines politics, the media and the flow of information to the media, important media for any politician to corporate affairs. so he set up the media unit — known have onside, did not run with the as the Ministry of Truth. story. Nor did The Age. Cain got back Neville Wran had a media unit in. Jeff was very bitter about that. which worked very well; John Cain in the early years had a media unit which a lot of his ministers resented. Divide and rule People like Marie Tehan and Alan Brown ran cam- So when he got into office with a landslide, he took paigns internally to have the media unit disbanded, that memory with him. Jeff had clear strategies of how so they could each have their own press secretary. he was going to deal with the media — basically, to Because ministers who can’t control what they do divide and rule. His approach was to play favorites, with the media can’t really promote themselves or to marginalise his critics and to open up as many run their own agenda — and Jeff knew that very well. battle fronts as possible for media opponents, polit- So he then hired another four press secretaries, lift- ical opponents, unions and the rest. To thin out the ing the number to seven. He had three press secre- ranks of the opposition. I first joined the media unit taries for himself, and four of us were looking after three months after the government got in. Alan Stock- the other 21 ministers. This was an incredible expe- dale said to me that they deliberately hadn’t hired rience: you would be working 80 hours a week and any press secretaries in the first three months, when the phone would not stop ringing. we had the so-called revolution. There were amaz- There was one guy there supporting Ian Smith who PAGE 12 AUSTRALIAN RATIONALIST • Number 52 had nine other ministers he had to them and exactly what was deal with. I remember having four going on. Clearly, the most ministers: Alan Stockdale, Finance important is the Herald Sun. Minister, Ian Smith, a different Ian It sells 560,000 papers a day Smith, Roger Hallam on Work- and has the highest penetra- Cover and Jim Plowman who was tion of any newspaper in the the Energy and Mining Minister. It world in its readership area. was just ridiculous, you couldn’t 40% of Victorian households work up strategies. get the Herald Sun. If you think about it, New South The Kennett/ Stockdale Wales has a population of 1 revolution million more than Victoria, yet the Daily Telegraph — Alan Stockdale should have had the local Murdoch tabloid — two press secretaries. He was only sells 430,000. So if you embarking on the most amazing, are going to be in office, you radical, privatisation, outsourcing just have to have the Herald and budget cutting program Sun on side. arguably of any Treasurer in the When Murdoch was going world, and there was just no mar- through his financial crisis in keting. Anyway, by the time they 1990, he merged the Herald got through to the end of 1993, Jeff and the Sun. Now the Sun then decided that, no, we needed was a fairly neutral paper, a a few more press secretaries. tabloid that sold up to Jeff started off not really worry- 600,000 per day. It didn’t ing about media management. He have editorials, it didn’t real- was just getting on with the revo- ly take very strong stands on lution. But he finished up, at the end issues. The Herald was a of his term of office, with something broadsheet, and was far more like 15 press secretaries all working aggressive. It campaigned for him. By the end he was putting on the VEDC, it was a hard- virtually all of his efforts into media hitting paper, and it was a management. He talked about hav- competitor to The Age. When ing a horizon out to 2050 or 2060. Murdoch put the two papers Yet you would not come across a together he brought in a politician more obsessed with the next headline, more chap called Piers Akerman. I actually had a conver- concerned about that little line on talkback radio. sation with him two days ago. He is a very bright guy, The way he reacted to his critics showed him to he’s got a mind like a steel trap, but he’s an absolute be incredibly sensitive and an incredible control freak. industrial thug. I have never seen anyone manage A friend of mine’s father was the head of the Victo- staff worse than Piers and he is completely to the rian Farmers Federation and he was quoted on ABC right, an absolute union-hater. Regional Radio saying that there was no Sunset Boule- So from that day, the Sun became the Herald Sun vard in Ouyen. In other words, we should have more and it was a completely different newspaper. It was resources going to the bush. Kennett pulled him aside just running a ridiculous right-wing campaign dis- at a conference he saw him at and gave him an torting all the facts. It was basically an arm of the gov- absolute bollocking. He tore strips off him and told ernment. My major criticism as a journalist of the him that he would never get any access to him again Herald Sun — and I personally have had a lot of prob- if he uttered another word of criticism publicly. So lems with Labor’s financial issues, particularly the it was quite an amazing transition: from virtually no last two years under Joan Kirner — is that it didn’t media resources, to complete and utter focus and need to distort or campaign. You could actually cause obsession with the media. a landslide with good investigative journalism. The facts spoke for themselves: the spending figures, prob- Jeff and The Herald Sun lems with the State Bank, Tricontinental. Now I’ll focus on various media outlets and explain But, that very day the Herald Sun put itself on a the relationship the government — or Jeff — had with course of blind loyalty to Jeff Kennett. Murdoch knew AUSTRALIAN RATIONALIST • Number 52 PAGE 13 what the paper was doing. And that blind faith played The irony is that this was really a bit of a beat-up. itself out right until the morning of the day the inde- The order went out at 4.00pm — which is really too pendents were making the decision about who they late to be able to contact all the MPs and to give them were going to back. The Herald Sun, in a last ditch time to get back. So the ‘no comment’ tag was attrib- effort, published a front-page editorial imploring the uted to four of them who actually did not get the mes- independents to back Jeff. To the last, the Herald Sun sage. They had not been reached. When a was blindly loyal to Kennett. predetermined front page, with a predetermined con- clusion, is ordered by the editor, then the reporters Gag story brings down the often have to distort and tweak it up a bit to actual- government ly meet the instructions.
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