H7742 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 17, 2019 Schrader Speier Vargas cial ballots and absentee ballots received on cial courier service shall be counted if post- Schrier Stanton Veasey or after Election Day, September 10, 2019, are marked by Election Day and received by 5:00 Scott (VA) Stevens Vela still being counted. See N.C.G.S. 163A– pm on Wednesday, September 18, 2019. Scott, David Suozzi Vela´ zquez Serrano Swalwell (CA) 1169(a), 163A–1310, 163A–1344, 163A–1346. Civil- UOCAVA absentee ballots shall be counted if Visclosky ian and UOCAVA absentee ballots shall be received by 5:00 pm Thursday, September 19, Sewell (AL) Takano Wasserman counted if received by 5:00 pm on Friday, 2019. Shalala Thompson (CA) Schultz Sherman Titus Waters September 13, 2019 and all other require- The county canvasses will occur on Friday, Sherrill Tlaib Watson Coleman ments are met. September 20, 2019. Prior to canvass, county Sires Tonko Welch The county canvasses will occur on Mon- boards of elections complete sample audit Slotkin Torres (CA) Wexton day, September 16, 2019. Prior to canvass, Smith (WA) Trahan counts of a statistically significant sample Soto Trone Wild county boards of elections complete sample in each county. The purpose of the audit is Spanberger Underwood Yarmuth audit counts of a statistically significant to provide for a sample hand-to-eye count of sample in each county. The purpose of the ballots in each county to ensure equipment NOT VOTING—15 audit is to provide for a sample hand-to-eye used to count votes during the election Abraham Gabbard Roby count of ballots in each county to ensure worked properly. Arrington Gonzalez (TX) Ryan equipment used to count votes during the Any protest concerning the conduct of the Clyburn LaMalfa Thompson (MS) election worked properly. election must be filed with the county board Cummings Mast Webster (FL) Any protest concerning the conduct of the DeSaulnier McEachin Wilson (FL) of elections by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, Sep- election must be filed with the county board tember 24, 2019. See N.C.G.S. 163A–1177. To b 1859 of elections by 5:00 pm on Thursday, Sep- the best of my knowledge and belief as of the tember 18, 2019. See N.C.G.S. 163A–1177. To date of this letter, no protest has been filed. Mr. BLUMENAUER, Ms. KAPTUR, the best of my knowledge and belief as of the The State Board will hold its canvass on Mr. COURTNEY, Ms. CASTOR of Flor- date of this letter, no protest has been filed. Tuesday, October 1, 2019. State and county ida, Mrs. TRAHAN, Mr. LUJA´ N, Ms. The State Board will hold its canvass on board staff complete additional post-election Tuesday, October 1, 2019. State and county MCCOLLUM, Messrs. DEFAZIO, audits prior to this date. After the State board staff complete additional post-election DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, PRICE of canvass of votes for the Third Congressional audits prior to this date. After the State North Carolina, NEAL, HIMES, District of North Carolina has been com- canvass of votes for the Ninth Congressional HUFFMAN, YARMUTH, MOULTON, pleted, an official Certificate of Election will District of North Carolina has been com- be prepared for transmittal as required by Ms. OMAR, Messrs. WELCH, QUIGLEY, pleted, an official Certificate of Election will law. and Ms. SPEIER changed their vote be prepared for transmittal as required by Sincerely, from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ law. KATELYN LOVE, Messrs. HARRIS, ROUZER, and Sincerely, General Counsel. STEWART changed their vote from KATELYN LOVE, ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ General Counsel. f So the motion to instruct was re- f jected. The result of the vote was announced COMMUNICATION FROM THE SWEARING IN OF THE HONORABLE as above recorded. CLERK OF THE HOUSE DAN BISHOP, OF NORTH CARO- A motion to reconsider was laid on The SPEAKER laid before the House LINA, AND THE HONORABLE the table. the following communication from the GREG MURPHY, OF NORTH CARO- LINA, AS MEMBERS OF THE f Clerk of the House of Representatives: OFFICE OF THE CLERK, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COMMUNICATION FROM THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Madam CLERK OF THE HOUSE Washington, DC, September 12, 2019. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that The SPEAKER laid before the House Hon. NANCY PELOSI, The Speaker, House of Representatives, the gentlemen from North Carolina, the following communication from the Washington, DC. the Honorable Dan Bishop and the Hon- Clerk of the House of Representatives: DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: I have the honor to orable Greg Murphy, be permitted to OFFICE OF THE CLERK, transmit herewith a scanned copy of a letter take the oath of office today. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, received from Katelyn Love, General Coun- Their certificates of election have Washington, DC, September 12, 2019. sel, North Carolina State Board of Elections, not arrived, but there is no contest and Hon. NANCY PELOSI, indicating that, according to the preliminary The Speaker, House of Representatives, results of the Special Election held Sep- no question has been raised with regard Washington, DC. tember 10, 2019, the Honorable Greg Murphy to their elections. DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: I have the honor to was elected Representative to Congress for The SPEAKER. Is there objection to transmit herewith a scanned copy of a letter the Third Congressional District, State of the request of the gentleman from received from Katelyn Love, General Coun- North Carolina. North Carolina? sel, North Carolina State Board of Elections, With best wishes, I am, indicating that, according to the preliminary Sincerely, There was no objection. results of the Special Election held Sep- CHERYL L. JOHNSON. tember 10, 2019, the Honorable Dan Bishop f was elected Representative to Congress for NORTH CAROLINA the Ninth Congressional District, State of STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS, SWEARING IN OF MEMBERS-ELECT North Carolina. Raleigh, NC, September 12, 2019. With best wishes, I am, Hon. CHERYL L. JOHNSON, The SPEAKER. Will the Representa- Sincerely, Clerk, House of Representatives, tives-elect please present themselves in CHERYL L. JOHNSON. The Capitol, Washington, DC. the well. DEAR MS. JOHNSON: This is to advise you Mr. BISHOP of North Carolina and NORTH CAROLINA that current unofficial election night results STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS, of the Special Election held on Tuesday, Sep- Mr. MURPHY of North Carolina ap- Raleigh, NC, September 12, 2019. tember 10, 2019, for a Representative in Con- peared at the bar of the House and took Hon. CHERYL L. JOHNSON, gress from the Third Congressional District the oath of office, as follows: Clerk, House of Representatives, of North Carolina, show that Greg Murphy Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you Washington, DC. received 70,142 or 61.74% of the votes cast for will support and defend the Constitution of DEAR MS. JOHNSON: This is to advise you that office. the United States against all enemies, for- that current unofficial election night results While vote counting at the precinct and of eign and domestic; that you will bear true of the Special Election held on Tuesday, Sep- approved absentee ballots occurs imme- faith and allegiance to the same; that you tember 10, 2019, for a Representative in Con- diately after the polls close, provisional offi- take this obligation freely, without any gress from the Ninth Congressional District cial ballots and absentee ballots received on mental reservation or purpose of evasion; of North Carolina, show that Dan Bishop re- or after Election Day, September 10, 2019, are and that you will well and faithfully dis- ceived 96,081 or 50.74% of the votes cast for still being counted. See N.C.G.S. 163A– charge the duties of the office on which you that office. 1169(a), 163A–1310, 163A–1344, 163A–1346. Due are about to enter, so help you God. While vote counting at the precinct and of to Hurricane Dorian, the deadline to receive approved absentee ballots occurs imme- absentee ballots was extended. Civilian ab- The SPEAKER. Congratulations. You diately after the polls close, provisional offi- sentee ballots delivered by mail or commer- are now Members of the 116th Congress. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:50 Sep 18, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17SE7.032 H17SEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE.
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