USCDEPARTMENTOFMATHEMATICS • 3620 S. VERMONT AVE, KAP 108 • LOS ANGELES, CA 90089-2532 E - M A I L:[email protected] • W E B: HTTP://SITES.GOOGLE.COM/VIEW/LAUDA-HOME A A R O N D. L A U D A September 16, 2021 RESEARCH INTERESTS • Low-dimensional topology and topological quantum field theory • Topological quantum computation • Categorification and its applications • Representation theory of Lie algebras and quantum groups EDUCATION 2021 Cambridge University Doctor of Science 2006 Cambridge University Ph.D. Mathematics Thesis: Open-closed topological field theory and Khovanov homology, Advisor: Martin Hyland 2003 University of California, Riverside M.S. in Physics Advisor: John Baez 2002 University of California, Riverside B.S in Pure Mathematics, Summa Cum Laude EMPLOYMENT February 2019 – present University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Dean’s Leadership Fellow for the Natural Sciences and Mathematics March 2014 – present University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Professor November 2013 - March 2014 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Associate Professor July 2011 - November 2013 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Assistant Professor Fall 2006– Spring 2011 Columbia University, New York, NY. Joseph Fels Ritt Assistant Professor Fall 2007 Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada. Special Program on ‘Geometric Aspects of Homotopy Theory’ Jerrold E. Marsden Postdoctoral Fellow 1 HONORS AND AWARDS 2021 Doctor of Science, Cambridge University 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematics Society 2016 Mathematical and Physical Sciences Simons Fellow 2014 Section Chair for Seoul ICM Section - Lie Theory and Generalizations 2013 NSF CAREER Award 2011 Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship 2005 Rayleigh-Knight prize, Cambridge University PUBLICATIONS Following the convention in mathematics, authors are listed alphabetically. As mathematicians do not work in labs, their independent research career often begins in graduate school, or sooner. The arXiv numbers correspond to the corresponding entries on the ArXiv preprint server, accessible at http://arxiv.org. Graduate students indicated with (∗) and postdocs with (†). 44. Pseudo-Hermitian Levin-Wen models from non-semisimple TQFTs, with Nathan Geer, Bertrand Patureau- Mirand, and Joshua Sussan, (2021), arXiv:2108.10798. 43. A Hermitian TQFT from a non-semisimple category of quantum sl(2)-modules, with Nathan Geer, Bertrand Patureau-Mirand, and Joshua Sussan, (2021), arXiv:2108.09242. 42. Strands algebras and the affine highest weight property for equivariant hypertoric categories, with Anthony Licata and Andy Manion† (2021), arXiv:2107.06480. 41. Super rewriting theory and nondegeneracy of odd categorified sl(2), with Benjamin Dupont*1 and Mark Ebert* (2021), arXiv:2102.00276. 40. From hypertoric geometry to bordered Floer homology via the m = 1 amplituhedron, with Anthony Licata and Andy Manion† (2020), arXiv:2009.03981. 39. An invitation to categorification, with Joshua Sussan, (2021), To appear in the Notices of American Mathematics Society. 38. Braid group actions from categorical symmetric Howe duality on deformed Webster algebras, with Mikhail Khovanov, Joshua Sussan, Yasuyoshi Yonezawa, To appear in Transformation Groups, (2021), arXiv:1802.05358. 37. Ozsvath-Szabo bordered algebras and subquotients of category O, with Andy Manion† Advances in Mathemat- ics, Volume 376, Issue 6, (2021), arXiv:1910.03770. 36. Curved Rickard complexes and link homologies, with Sabin Cautis and Joshua Sussan, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle), Volume 2020, Issue 769, 87–119, (2020), doi.org/10.1515/crelle-2019-0044, arXiv:1901.08195. 35. DG structures on odd categorified quantum sl(2), with Ilknur Egilmez*, Quantum Topology, Volume 11, Issue 2, pp. 227–294, (2020), arXiv:1808.04924. 34. Parameters in categorified quantum groups, Algebras and Representation Theory, Volume 23, pp 1265–1284, (2020), arXiv:1812.07654. 33. The Elliptic Hall algebra and the deformed Khovanov Heisenberg category, with Sabin Cautis, Anthony Licata, Peter Samuelson, Joshua Sussan, Selecta Mathematica, (2018), Volume 24, Issue 5, pp 4041-4103, arXiv:1609.03506. 32. W-algebras from Heisenberg categories, with Sabin Cautis, Anthony M. Licata, Joshua Sussan, Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jessieu, Volume 17, Issue 5, November (2018) , pp. 981-101,arXiv:1501.00589. 31. A DG-extention of symmetric functions arising from higher representation theory, with Andrea Appel†, Ilknur Egilmez*, and Matthew Hogancamp†, Journal of Combinatorial Algebra, Vol. 2, (2018), No. 2, 169-214, arXiv:1704.00713. 1Benjamin Dupont was a graduate student at Lyon while collaborating on this project. 2 30. The colored HOMFLYPT function is q-holonomic, with Stavros Garoufalidis and Thang T.Q. Lê, Duke Mathe- matics Journal, Volume 167, Number 3 (2018), 397-447. arXiv:1604.08502. 29. Current algebras and categorified quantum groups, with Anna Beliakova, Kazuo Habiro, and Ben Webster, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. 95, Issue 1, pages 248–276, (2017), arXiv:1412.1417. 28. Trace decategorification of categorified quantum sl(2), with Anna Beliakova, Kazuo Habiro, and Marko Zivkovic*, Mathematische Annalen, Vol. 367, No.1, (2017) pages 397-440, arXiv:1404.1806. 27. An odd categorification of quantum sl(2), with Alex P. Ellis*, Quantum Topology, Vol. 7, No. 2, (2016), pages 329–433, (2016), arXiv:1307.7816. 26. Cyclicity for categorified quantum groups, with Anna Beliakova, Kazuo Habiro, and Ben Webster, Journal of Algebra, Vol. 452, 118-132, (2016), arXiv:1506.04671. 25. Trace decategorification of the Hecke category, with Ben Elias, Journal of Algebra, Vol. 449, 615-634, (2016), arXiv:1504.05267. 24. Khovanov homology is a skew Howe 2-representation of categorified quantum sl(m), with Hoel Queffelec* and David E. V. Rose†, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, Vol. 15, No. 5, 2515–2606, (2015), arXiv:1212.6076. 23. Implicit structure in 2-representations of quantum groups, with Sabin Cautis, Selecta Mathematica , Volume 21, Issue 1, pp 201-244, (2015), arXiv:1111.1431. 22. Trace as an alternative decategorification functor, with Anna Beliakova, Zaur Guliyev*, and Kazuo Habiro, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica, Volume 39, Issue 4, pp 425-480, (2014), arXiv:1409.1198. 21. Oddification of the cohomology of type A Springer varieties, with Heather Russell†, International Mathematics Research Notices, vol. 2014, No. 17 pages 4822-4854, (2014), arXiv:1203.0797. 20. The odd nilHecke algebra and its diagrammatics, with Alexander Ellis* and Mikhail Khovanov, International Mathematics Research Notices, vol. 2014, No. 4, pages 991–1062, (2014), arXiv:1111.1320. 19. Categorified quantum sl(2) is an inverse limit of flag 2-categories, with Anna Beliakova, Transformation Groups, vol. 19, issue 1, pages 1–26, (2014), arXiv:1205.3608. 18. An introduction to diagrammatic algebra and categorified quantum sl(2), Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 165-270, (2012), arXiv:1106.2128. 17. A categorification of the Casimir of quantum sl(2), with Anna Beliakova and Mikhail Khovanov, Advances in Mathematics, 230, No. 3, pages 1442–1501, (2012) arXiv:1008.0370. 16. Extended graphical calculus for categorified quantum sl(2), with Mikhail Khovanov, Marco Mackaay, and Marko Stoši´c, Memoirs of the AMS, 219, (2012), arXiv:0909.1810. 15. Crystals from categorified quantum groups, with Monica Vazirani, Advances in Mathematics, 228, No. 2, pages 803-861, (2011), arXiv:1006.2866. 14. A diagrammatic approach to categorification of quantum groups II, with Mikhail Khovanov, Transactions of the AMS, 363, pages 2685-2700, (2011), arXiv:0804.2080. 13. Categorified quantum sl(2) and equivariant cohomology of iterated flag varieties, Algebras and Representation Theory, 14, No.2 pages 258-282, (2011), arXiv:0803.3848. 12. A pre-history of n-categorical physics, with John Baez, Deep Beauty: Mathematical Innovation and the Search for an Underlying Intelligibility of the Quantum World, pages 13–128, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, (2011) arXiv:0908.2469. 11. A categorification of quantum sl(2), Advances in Mathematics, 255, No. 6, pages 3327–3424, (2010), arXiv:0803.3652. 10. Crystals from categorified quantum groups, with Monica Vazirani, Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. Pro- ceedings, 22nd International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2010) pp. 869-880. 9. Categorification in Representation Theory with Anthony Licata and Alistair Savage, Editorial in International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (2010), Article ID 592359. 8. Nilpotency in type A cyclotomic quotients, with Alexander Hoffnung, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 32, No. 4 (2010), 533-555, arXiv:0903.2992. 3 7. A diagrammatic approach to categorification of quantum groups III, with Mikhail Khovanov, Quantum Topology 1, No.1, 1–92, (2010) arXiv:0807.3250. 6. A diagrammatic approach to categorification of quantum groups I, with Mikhail Khovanov, Representation The- ory, 3, 309-347, (2009), arXiv:0803.4121. 5. Open-closed TQFTs extend Khovanov homology from links to tangles, with Hendryk Pfeiffer, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 18, No.1 (2009) 87–150, arXiv:0606331. 4. Open-closed strings: Two-dimensional extended TQFTs and Frobenius algebras, with Hendryk Pfeiffer, Topol- ogy and its Applications 155 (2008), No. 7, 623–666, arXiv:0510664. 3. State sum construction of two-dimensional open-closed Topological Quantum Field Theories, with Hendryk Pfeiffer, Journal of Knot Theory and
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