AUTOMOBILES 200 AUTOMOBILES 200 AUTOMOBILES 200 AUTOMOBILES 200 Thursday, October 4, 1956 T O R R A N C E PRESS Page 43 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOB SALE FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 200 AUTOMOBILES 200 AUTOMOBILES 200 . AUTOMOBILES 200 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FOR SALE Open Always For You! HARBOR BUTLER BUIC'K MOTORS 100% FINANCING First On Approved Credit of the .ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR ABOUT USI Month 1955 BUICK .... ... $2195 2-Door Riviera Coupe. R*dio and heater. Dynaflo. Power loaded. ALL 1956 FORDS MUST GO 1954 BUICK ........ $1595 EARLY REGARDLESS OF LOSS ... ALL MUST BE SOLD! Riviera. Radio and heater. Dynaflow. Whitewalls. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED . COME IN and 1954 PONTIAC ....... $1495 MAKE YOUR OWN DEAL . HURRY, THEY WON'T LAST LONG! "8" Star Chief, custom 4-door Sedan. Radio and heater. Hydramatlc. Power. Low miles. 1956 CHEVROLET ...... $2495 Bel Air, 4-door, hardtop, radio and heater. Powerglide. Whitewalls. Power. TRADE'N ODAY? 1953 BUICK ........ $995 Riviera 2-door. Radio and heater. Whitewall tires. Loaded. 4-dr. deluxe. Radio heater. 2-tone. Paint 1956 FORD ........ $1895 / THE BEST Cuitomline 2-door. Radio and heater. Many extras. 1955 FORD ........ $1695 V-8 Customline 4-door. Loaded. 1955 MERCURY . ' . $1795 Loaded. RISER 1951 FORD ........ $695 SED CARS V-8 Customline. Loaded. 1955 PONTIAC . $1895 4-DOOR. " EASIEST TERMS 1954 MERCURY ....... $1895 "The Place to Buy an A- 1 Quality New Car Trade-in SUN VALLEY. Is Behind the Wheel at Oscar Maples" , OUR ONLY ANNUAL SALE " OF OSCAR MAPLES USED CAR INDEX" 1949 FORD ....~....... ...................... ...,|398 1949 PLYMOUTH ..._...._..._. .$499 V-8 rlub coup*. R*dio and heater. MERCURY Special deluxe club coupe, radio A 1956 BUICKS overdrive. Original light green. Nice heater, beautiful Tuoson tan. a sharp tires. good engine. 100% financing to car. No down payment. $1.00 per day. qualified buyer. EXECUTIVE CARS AS LOW AS ]»!SO BUTCK ............................. $699 195fl MERCURY ................. $3099 TORRAJrcaj LOT FA, 8-6014 Hpcr.ial 2-door. radio A heater. hydrt.- WALTTDRIA TXTT FA 8-R488 Monterey station wagon 8-pasaenger. s sharp ready to go. (100% radio A heater. Merc-o-matic. 6000 1952 PLYMOUTH ...............................$£99 Specia mntir, real financing) fl.OO pur day. '49 FORD ........... ............ J299 actual milrts. nuist see 1r» apprpciale. 4-door sedan. Factory equipped, radio $299 Down--$79 a Month WALTBRIA LOT -FA 8-84«S Ooiivwtlble. Radio and heater. While- power brake*. Whitewalls extra cost and heater, new motor, new car deal­ wall tires, bright red. No down plan trim, oost new $4480. 100% financing. er warranty. UP TO $1400. to qualified buyer. new car warranty. TORRANOB I/5T FA. 8-5014 15 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM-SAVE IB51 BUTCK ............................. WALTTORTA J>OT - FA 8-S4R* WALTKRIA LOT FA. $-8488 radio A heater, beau­ 8pecUl 2-door. 'M FORD ........ ................................ $«99 tiful 2-tonc green. Excellent condition 19f>2 MTORCURT ................$899 throughout. one owner. new car trade 4-door iiedan. Radio, heater. overdrive. PONTIAC Many Second Cars as Low as $195 100% financing. *1.30 per day. n*w whltewall tube lean tire*. 10O% 4-door. radio and heater. Merc-o-maUc. beautiful original 2-tone green. No WAI/TFJRTA LOT FA. 8 R481 financing 1o qualified buyer. WALTERIA 1>OT KA *-«4fi* down plan on approved credit. '54 PONTIAC WALTWRIA LOT FA. 8-8488 "8" Star Chief 4-door Radio, heater, 19f>2 BUICK . .$790 1W>3 FORD J799 hydramatlc. Beautiful biege and white. fluper Riviere 4-dowr, radio & heater, Ou«toni '«' 2-dt.or. radio A heater. %- M.BRC1JRT .. ....... .$59fl Very clean. Excellent condition. 100% Mainline 4-Hr, sedan. AulvMiiatlr tmnnmiMtom. A beautiful 1949 tone blue, chronie and leather. must heater. ovej'- financing to qualifies) buyer Radio, heater. Prac­ one owner new r«r trad* 100% financ­ see, to appreciate. 100% financing, you Rport coupe. Radio A ing. ll.fiO pec day. drive. full race engine, twin pipes. No WALTBRIA LOT FA 8-8488 100% FINANCING tically new rubber. name, the terms. down plan to qualified buyer. $36 a Ahsrp. Good running WAL.TITRIA LOT FA. 8-g4*l WALTP5RIA LOT FA. 8-8488 month. car. IBM FORD ........................................... 8H49 TORRANCB LOT - FA. 8-SO14 STUDEBAKER $895 Custom '»' 2-door. radio A heater. CHEVROLET Ford-o-matic. orlglneJ paint, new car 'fiO 1UQRCURY .......................... trade. 100% financing. 4-dooa-. Radio, heater, overdrive, nice 51 STUDBBAKBR .............__ TORRANCD LOT FA. 8-6014 bJege finish. Bxcellent throughout. V-8 Slarllte coupe. Radio and heater. BUTLER BUICK 1»51 CHEVROLET .............................IflflB financing to qualified buyer. automatic transmission. Bxtra nice. ........... ......................$990 DHiixe 2-door. radio & heater, origi­ 19N4 FORD ... WALTBRIA LOT FA 8-8488 Mechanically perfect. 100% financing nal forest green. No down plan, $i;20 V-8 Mainline 2-door. original factory to qualified buyer. One Giant Location 400 So. Sepulveda per day. finish, radio A hoater. WALTBRIA LOT FA 8-«4S$ WALTERIA LOT FA. 8-8488 WALTBRIA LOT FA. 8-848« Manhattan Beach 19fl5 FORD ......................................... $lf>99 1*60 CHEVROLET . ..........................|&99 V-8 Ranch wagon, radio A heater, ( Just North of Redondo Beach Blvd. & 101 Highway) Convertible. Radio and neuter, power- Ford-o-matic, was sold new here otie 1WV2 NASH ... ........................... .............$799 jflldf. pretty powder blur. Kxcrllent year ago. Rambler station wagon, radio A heat­ condition. 100% financing to qualified 8-*4SR 1955 CHEVROLET ^... ._....... ...$1396 Phone: FR. 4-8968 OR. 8-7814 buy or. WALTBRIA LOT FA. er, overdrive, original factory finish, a beautiful family car. 100% financing. Deluxe pick-up loaded, low mileage. WALTBRIA LOT FA 8-8488 19R2 FORD ........................................... »S99 you break it In. 100% financing. TORRANCB LOT FA. S-5014 Custom '8' 2-door Fx>rd-o-matic. radio TORRANCJD LOT -FA. $-5014 do-wn on ap­ JffM CMHJVROL.WT .................... |7J»P and heatM'. No money Stylellne Deluxe 4-door ertan. Radio proved credit. 19M NASH ....................................,.,.......$ftJ»fl 1951 DODOB ........ ...... ................._.......$799 and heater. Powerglide. This 1* a WALTF5RIA I/yr FA. 8-8488 Rambler convertible, radio A heater, Vton pick-up, dHuxe, wrap around beautiful oar. 100% financing, you overdrive. No down payment. $1.00 bumper, new paint and heavy duty mm* your terms. 19M FORD .. ........ .... ....... $899 per day, If Its economy you want, tires. 100% financing. $1.50 per day. TORRANCF) LOT FA. 8-BO14 V-8 Custom 2-door, radio A heater, nurry on thin one. TORRANCB LOT FA. $-5014 CHEVROLET! original 2-tone green, 100% $-ftOV4 1957 overdrive, TORRANCB LOT FA. financing. J1.00 per day. 19>4 FORD . ... .... ...Full Price $1299 CLEARANCE WALTBRIA LOT FA. l-*488 195ft NA8H ...........................................$I5M 4-ton pick-up. Ford-o-matic. Turn in­ dicator. Side mount, original snow DODGE IBM FORD ............................................ ,$ISfl9 Rambler club eedan. Radio A heater, hydramatlc. low mileage, one owner white, large bumper guard. Oost new USED CARS 3-door aedan. Radio and heater. Ivory new car trade, like new. No down $2110. No mojiey down. 60 finish. No money down. $30 a month. DODUK ............... ......... plan to qualified buyer. TORRANCB LOT FA, $-S014 TORRANCB LOT FA. 8-oO14 WALTBRIA LOT FA. 1-8488 for Bufllnes* cpupe. original navy blue, 1952 FORD . .............._»...._...........~..H9i Absolutely Must Go to Make Room overhauled engine, and excellent, tire*. 196S FORD ... ..$1499 heavy Ideal for seronri <-j»r. Our economy spe- V-R Ranch Wasron. ovordnve. radio V-8 H-ton flat bed. dual wheels, rlal. 1OO% financing. fl.OO per day. duty bulkhead. Excellent condition All '57 New Car Trade-ins and heater. Like new throughout. for gardener, etc. TORRANCB LOT FA. 8-5014 Muai see to appreriate. PLYMOUTH throughout, ideal TORRANOB LOT FA. $-8014 TORRANXSJ LOT FA. 8-5014 1954 FORD .................................. ..........$1$»» I»M DODOF5 . ........ ........... ..... ..$1009 1949 FOIU> . ..... .$M9 1053-WPLYMOUTH ... ..................... ..$$99 Red Run 4-door. Radio and heater. V-8 Station Wagoji. Radio A heater. V « (F-ROO) long wheel ba»e stake $10,000 automatic transtnisslon. whltewalU, overdrive. TCxcrllriit condition through­ Belvedere hardtop, radio A heater. 3 heavy duty 2-tone Job. new rubber. Like n«w. Overurive. beautiful niRif»on. A real family car out. 8-pansengar. No down plan to to choose from. .new motor, coat new $5100. 100% fi­ al. a Ivargaln prlre. 100% financing to qualltied buyer. $39 a month. 100% financing nancing. (2-speed axis). TORRANCB LOT - FA, 8-5014 STOCK REDUCTION SALE! qualified buyer. TORRANCB LOT FA. $-5014 TORRANCB LOT - FA. $-5014 "98 4-dr. sedsn 2- WALTBRIA LOT FA 8-84S8 tone paint. Hydra- 19ft* PX>RD . ........ .................. $2349 J9M) PLYMOUTH ...............................$4$9 1941 CHEVROLET ..................... ... Kairlane- 4-door. Radio, heate.r. Ford-o- 1955 Chevrolet.. $2299 1 95 1 Studebaker . $399 matlr, rsdio, heater, E ......................... rnatlr. big enirini*. Power brakes, pow­ Special deluxe 4tdoor. radio A heater, V*on pick-up ready to $*. No down new blue paint lob, excellent mechan­ plan to qualified buyer. Bel-Air V-8 hardtop. Radio, heater, V-8 4-door, fltifomaiic transmission, power brakes. Ooronet Suburban Station Wagon. er steering, plastic scat, covers. Beau­ $1.00 18.000 actual mile*. Equipped with tiful 2-tone green
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