: J, Thanksgiving Islamic neighbors in H.W. open home to all - Jason Sweeney Dr Faleh Husselnl, resident of because there IS a great deal of LIbyan Ines Staff Wnter the CIty of Grosse POinte and mIsunderstanding and mIscon- HussemI saId they are all dead I ''1.'lth contro,,('r~y ~urroundmg doctor at St .Joh n <Inn Bon ('('ptlon about us now" fiercely proud to be classIfied The Thanksgiving Day Issue of the the faith and the believers of Secours Hospital, was one of Those who did VISit were mtro- sImply as Arnencan Grosse POinte News Willbe published on Islam, the members of one of the those responsible for brmgmg ductIOn to several members of Fatima Ismail, daughter of the Wednesday, Nov 21 oldest IslamiC places of WOrshIP the open house together the mosque from all of the Imam (spmtual leader) and Consequently, all advertiSing and editor- m MichIgan, the Albaman "People dnve by all the time POlntes and Harper Woods. The member of the mosque, made Ial deadhnes are moved ahead one week IslamIc Center 10 Harper Woods, and see us (our bUIldmg)," saId natIOnahty of members ranges several dIstInctIOns to dIspel the day opened Its doors to the public Husseml "We wanted people to from Albaman to Synan, In See ISLAM. page 2A YourHome display ads and copy are due Saturday, Nov 11 come and find out about us EgyptIan, Palustam, Jordarnan, on noon Thursday, Nov 15 ClaSSified bor- der ads for YourHome are due by noon on Friday Word ads are due by 4 P m Gaffney, Kneiser Ads for the Features and Sports sec- tions are due Friday at 1030 a.m. Section A ads and copy are due Fnday by 5 p.m. retnain at helm The regular claSSIfied deadline IS noon Monday Edltonal copy for the Features section IS due Thursday by 3 P m Copy for Section A in G.P. Farms IS due on Fnday by 3 p.m Sports copy IS By Bonnie Caprara my support to make these due by 10 a m Monday Members of the SCottville Clown Band from western Michigan will Staff Writer changes" Happy ThanksgiVing' be one of the new featured attractions at this year's GroHe Pointe ElectiOn Day may have InitIally, DaVIS and fellow santa Claus Parade in the vtnaee Friday. Nov, 23, swept a Wind of change In newcomer Therese Joseph the makeup of the Grosse cast the only two dIssenting INSIDE Pomte Farms CIty CounCIl, votes agamst electmg Magical appeal added but leaderslup at the helm Gaffney But as promised, • Grosse POinte Hunt Club arson remaInS constant DaVIS turned to make the trial set for March 11. Page 3A The new city council voted vote unammous and the • Wayne County battles bram drain to Village Santa -Parade to seat Ed Gaffney as mayor council passed It as such Page 21A and Ron Knelser as mayor Gaffney was applauded for college scholarshIps • Ahee Jewelers named a Michigan By Bonnie Caprara pro tern for their second two- after he expressed apprecia- Other new m-archmg bands wIll be Retailer of the Year Page 21 A Staff Wnter year terms at ItS Monday, tIon for the counCIl m the • Bishop Gallagher's football team Count on a lot of clownmg around coming from East DetrOIt High Nov 12 meetmg faIth and confidence It had advanced to the state semifinals for the at thIS year's Grosse Pomte Santa School, Lmcoln HIgh School and Before the counCIl cast its m hIm Gaffney also said he Spam MIddle School thIrd lime In four years With a 52-14 Claus Parade votes for Gaffney, counCil would continue to be open, Local Shnner groups WIll also do pounding of Kingston In a DIVISionVIII The assemblage of new pamted newcomer Terry DaVIS work WIth everyone and to some clowmng around m tlus years' regional championship game Page 1C faces will descend on Kercheval as expressed hiS concern about coalesce the council Into a • University Liggett School's boys part of the pre-parade festival whIch parade New tlus year are the Moslem unpopular deCISIOns made force that would work Temple Shnne Female Clown Corps, soccer team lost 6-1 In the state takes place from 930 to 1030 am by the preVIOUS counCIl and through the changes DaVIS DIVISionIV semifinals to eventual state Fnday, Nov 23 the Moslem Shnne PreCISIon Motor called for changes regarding recommended as well as champion Southfield Christian Page Chuckles the Clown WIll kIck off Corps on theIr Harley-DaVIdson communIcatIon, CItizen par- other changes motorcycles and the Moslem Shnne Joseph nommated 2C. the parade's MagIcal MystIcal tiCIpatIon and the mayoral • Grosse POinte South's girls sWim- Kmgdom theme WIth a magIc show In Temple Arnencans, who will be recre- selectIOn process Knelser as mayor pro tern ming team took first place In the the performance area at the intersec- atmg theIr cowboy and IndIan shoot- "Based on past actIOns of WIthout dISCUSSIOn.CouncIl Macomb Area Conference Red DIVISion tIOn of St ClaIr and Kercheval at 9 45 out on mIniature motorcycles the counCIl, I cannot gIve Ed members LOUIS Theros and meet by a 42-polnt margin over runner- pm The female Shnner clown corps IS my support," DaVIS saId Fran Schonenberg irntIally up Grosse POinte North Page 3C Clowns Around Redford WIll spread the first all-female clown troupe to "But Ed WIll be elected WIth- cast dIssentIng votes A call theIr cheer for the first bme m the partICipate m the parade out my support When that's to make the vote unarnmous pre-parade festival WIth face pamtmg Another new addItIOn to thIS year's ObVIOUS,I'll move to make It was halted only by and balloon sculptUl es along parade WIll be the Rexford unammous and you'll have Schonenberg WEEK AHEAD Kercheval Therapeutic Horse Dnll Team The Other new pre-parade performers dnll team IS an outreach aUXIlIary of Saturday, Nov. 17 mclude a cowboy stlltwalker and the the Rexford Center for TherapeutIc Farms city ~torney Ridmg m New Haven whIch prOVIdes The Harper Woods Public Library Will Avenue of Mascots, featunng the ndmg and mstructIOn to the dIsabled celebrate Children's Book Week With DetrOIt Pistons' Hoops, DTE Energy's This year's parade festiVIties WIll Juggling, magic and a puppet show With LOUIethe LIghtmng Bug, McGruff the looks at rescinding begm at the Grosse Pomte HIgh Chns Clark at 1 p m Cnme Dog, Vmce and Larry the School track at 9 a m WIth the Grosse Call (313) 343-2575 to reserve a Crash Test DummIes and the DetrOlt Pomte LIOns Club Happy HolIday McKinley purchase seat TIgers' mascot Paws The ScottVIlle Clown Band WIll be Jmgle Bell WalkJRun, followed by the By Bonnie Caprara response to Farms reSIdents A mom-to-mom resale Will be held one of four new march10g bands In Pre-parade FestIval. Staff Wnter near the lower HIll area who from 9 30 a m to 2 p m at First Church thIS year's day after ThanksglVlng The parade, whIch runs from Whether the CIty of Grosse expressed outrage In not Fisher and Grosse POinte Boulevard of the Brethren In Harper Woods. parade In the Village Pomte Farms' letter of beIng mformed of the coun- "Tlus year we'll have 11 marchmg to Kercheval and CadIeux, WIll begm mtent to purchase two cd's deCISIOnto purchase the Monday, Nov. 19 bands In total, the most we've ever at 1030 am homes on McKinley IS a two homes to raze for a 33- had," said parade spokesperson Cmdy The Village Aglow Tree LIghtmg bmdmg purchase contract is spot parkmg lot belund the The City of Grosse POinte CIty Mellcan Ceremony WIll cap off the day's events under scrutmy by the city's Punch and Judy BuddIng CounCil Will meet In the counCil cham- About 30 out of 200 members of the begmnmg at 4 30 P m attorney Area reSIdents dId not bers at 7 30 P m ScottvIlle Clown Band, based m the Village shoppers WIll be treated to The Grosse POInte Farms know of any such plans untIl tmy town of 1,200 of SCottVIlle m free off-street parkmg and speCIal diS- City CounCil voted unam- they receIved a hand-dellv- The Grosse POinte Woods City western MIchIgan, WIll perform m the counts, refreshments, trunk shows mously at Its Monday, Nov ered letter the day after the CounCil Willm~et at the Woods City hall parade and at Border's Books m the and a chance to WIn a $100 shoppmg 12 meetmg to have the CIty counCIl agreed to purchase at 7 30 P m VIllage at 12 30 p m The otheTWlse spree through the weekend attorney take the preVIOUS the homes at ItS Oct 22 respectable group of people from all "We're always trymg to tIe In thmgs counCIl's agreement to pur- meetmg Tuesday, Nov. 20 walks of life, from former cnm10als to WIth our theme and to bnng In some- chase two homes at 159 and Attorney John Llzza, rep- The Grosse POinte Shores Village Judges, perform 10 parades around thmg to attract people of all ages," 163 McKmley under adVIse- resentmg the McKmley area CounCil Willmeel In the Shores mUniCI- the state and raise over $5,500 a year Mellcan saId ment. pal hall at 7 p m The motion was made In See MCKINLEY, page SA A family night program on American Sign Language Willbe held at 6 30 P m at the Harper Woods Library POINTER OF INTEREST Presenter Bethany McLain from Sign Language Services of Michigan Will help kids and their parents sign some Julie Sabit Simple phrases and leam about her work Home: Harper Woods For information and reservations, call Age: 69 (313) 343-2575 Claim to fame: Her "People at Play" exhibI- tIOn of more than 25 INDEX water color and 011can- vases IS on dIsplay at Opinion , 6A the Scarab club untIl Photo by Elame M Hen:ho<k Nov 25 WIth subjects Schools 10A from MIchigan, BelIze Shores patriots and Italy Obltuanes.
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