THE WOLF-RAYET ECLIPSING BINARY HD 5980 IN THE SMALL MAGELLANIC CLOUD Jacques Breysacher European Southern Observatory, Garching bei Miinchen Anthony F. J. Moffat Departement de Physique, Universite de Montreal Virp i S. Niemela Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio, and Instituto de Radioastronomia, Buenos Aires 1 . INTRODUCTION The Wolf-Rayet star HD 5980, which is probably associa­ ted with the bright HII region NGC 346 of the Small Magella­ nic Cloud, was found to be an eclipsing binary by Hoffmann, Stift and Moffat (1978). Breysacher and Perrier (1980) deter­ mined the orbital period, P=19.266±0.003d , of the system whose light curve reveals a strongly eccentric orbit (e=0.47 for i=80°). The behaviour of the light curve outside the eclipses shows that we are dealing with a rather complex bi­ nary system. An analysis of the spectroscopic data is pre­ sented here . 2. OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS More than seventy spectra from two observatories are combined for the present study. 1)A series of 43 spectrograms (124 A°mm ) obtained during the period September 1975 - October 1978 by JB at the ESO 1.5m telescope on La Silla, Chile, with the "Echelec" spec- trograph (Baranne and Duchesne, 1976) equipped with a Lailemand-Duchesne "camera electronique". 2)A series of 28 spectrograms (45 A°mm~~') obtained by AFJM, VSN and R. Mendez from December 1978 to January 1980, using the Carnegie image tube attached to the spectrograph on the 1m Yale telescope on Cerro Tololo, Chile. 317 C. W. H. de Loore and A. J. Willis (eds.J, Wolf-Rayet Stars: Observations, Physics, Evolution, 317-320. Copyright ©1982 by the I A U. Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 28 Sep 2021 at 05:04:26, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0074180900029041 318 J. BRHYSACHER ET AL. The resulting spectral classification for HD 5980 is WN4 + 071:. The radial velocity curves obtained for the X4686 Hell emis- sion line and for the H9 + A4026 He I absorption lines confirm the orbital period and the high ecc entricity (e=0.49±0.10) of this binary system. Assuming tha t the A4686 Hell line reflects the true motion of the WR component, one derives the following masses from the orbital e 1emen t s: . 3 . + M S in I = 2.0 - 1 0 WR . 3 . MQ s in l = 2.2 ± 1 1 0 Thes e val ue s a re ex t r erne 1y low cons idering the high lumino- s i t ie s of the stars. HD 5 980 has in deed an absolute magni- tude Liv 7.5 ( Az zopa r d i an d Breysac her, 1979). Supposing that the KWR v al ue for HD 5980 has been reduced by perturbations M K K = 3 which is we t hen a dop t a mas s ratio MWTJR/Mo = o/ WR °- > we 11 in t nge of the ermined for other WN4 he ra values de t b ina r i e s , e K is th ital semi-amplitude. The wher . WR e true orb new va lue s ob taine d are: . 3 . M' s in I = 8 M 76 R WRS 0 aWRSini 0 . 3 . M' s in I = 27 M, a' s in i 23 R, u0 3000 ( ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 I ° ° £ /A /■ ^ / \ /■ #\ # ; : * \ i • \ . T ' \ T M . •T ' \ I 2000 H P \«" •"■/ " i r l" #"/ " \ I Q / \. T • * 1/ \* T • • 1 ^ / \ / • I I \# / • I ^ I \° / " II V / " I 0 0.25 050 075 0 Q25 Q50 0.75 0 PHASE Figure 1. Full half width versus light curve phase for the emission line Hell 4686. The CTI0 data (circles) refer to half density (-log intensity) width and have been adjusted to match the ESO data (squares) based on full widths at half intensity. Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 28 Sep 2021 at 05:04:26, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0074180900029041 THE WR ECLIPSING BINARY HD 5980 IN THE SMC 319 The mass of the 0-star now appears to be more realistic although it may still be somewhat low for its spectral type, Figure 1 shows the phase-dependent variations of the total width at half height of the A4686 Hell emission line. 3. DISCUSSION Moffat and S egge wi s s (19 80) have note d th at t he eccen- tricity e is s ign i f icant l y d if f eren t f r om zero onl y for WR binaries with rel a t ive ly long per iod s (P^5 Od) . Wit h P~19d, HD 5980 is thus t he f ir s t mod erat ely s hor t per iod doub1e- lined WR+0 star b inar y to sho w a s t r ongi y ecce nt r ic orbit. The A4686 He II r ad ia 1 ve loci ty cu rve prob ab ly do not represent the tru e WR orb it a nd t o und erst and why , the or i- gin of the pha s e-depe nden t va r ia t ion s exh i bite d by th i s 1ine deserves particul ar a tten t ion . Supp o s in g t hat the A4686 feature is the re suit of a co mb in at ion of emi s s ion from the WR envelope as a whol e, a hot 1 oc a 1 i zed re gion (br igh ter zone) in the WR e nve 1 ope and the 0-c om pone n t w ind (the ex i s- tence of a strong s t e liar win d fr om th e 0-star i s inf erred from the radial v e 1 oc ity grad ien t of t he B a lme r li ne s) , one can interpret the ob s e rve d wi dth var ia t ion s in the foil owing way . - At light curve phase 0=0, when the 0-star is in front, part of the A4686 emit ting region remains visible, the brighter zone is fully eel ipsed and only a narrow emission component is seen. - Around periastr on (0=0.17*0.04), due to the eccentricity of the orb i t the interaction effect between the WR star and the 0 companion i s strongest, the brighter zone is again visible and the A 4686 line reaches its maximum width. - At the secondar y minimum, 0=0.36 (WR star in front), the brightened region of the WR envelope is not visible and again the A4686 1 ine gets narrower. A multi-component A4686 emission feature also explains nicely the reduced K ^ v alue one observes. TTTWR REFERENCES Azzopardi, M., Breysacher, J.:1979, Astron. As trophys.75, 120 Baranne, A., Duchesne, M.:1976, Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, Vol. 40B, 641 Breysacher, J., Perrier, C : 1980 , Astron. Astrophys.90, 207 Hoffmann, M., Stift, M.J., Moffat, A.F.J. :1978, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 90, 101 Moffat, A.F.J., Seggewiss, W. : 1980, IAU Symp. No. 88, Close Binary Stars: Observations and Interpretation, eds. M.J. Plavec, D.M. Popper, R.K. Ulrich, Reide1,Dordrecht, p. 18 1 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 28 Sep 2021 at 05:04:26, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0074180900029041 320 J.BREYSACHERETAL. DISCUSSION Massey: The eclipses are equally deep, yet you have an 071 star and a WN4 star. Does this worry you ? Does the absolute strengths of the emission lines get weak at the correct phase ? Moffat: The nearly equal eclipse depths of the light curve of HD 5980 are likely the result of the similar effective temperatures. The absorption lines are very weak and make detection of phase-dependent variations very difficult. Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 28 Sep 2021 at 05:04:26, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0074180900029041.
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