• EL RACISMO DE BREXIT 12 Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite! workers.org Vol. 58, No. 28 July 21, 2016 $1 Defend Black Lives Matter End the police war on Black & Brown people A call from Monica Moorehead and Lamont Lilly, Workers World Party 2016 candidates for president and vice president. July 12 — The time has come to open another front in the struggle against white supremacy. What happened in Dallas on July 7 has in the past, under different circumstances, provided the ruling class, the politicians, the mainstream media and the po- lice with more weapons than they could possi- bly need to impose a chilling effect on the Black Lives Matter movement and the struggle against racist police terror. The fall of 2014 was a high point for the Black Lives Matter movement. Thousands of march- ers nationwide were shutting down highways, bridges and shopping malls across the country in the aftermath of the police murders of Eric Garner, Michael Brown and Tamir Rice. But after two New York City cops were shot dead in December 2014, the pressure on the movement was so heavy that some activists canceled protests. It took months for the movement to recover from the political pressure orchestrated by the capitalist establishment. However, in the aftermath of the Dallas shootings, the capitalist political establishment has so far not been able to freeze out or push back the movement. It’s not that they haven’t tried. The pro-cop talking heads have been all over the media trying to blame and demonize the movement for cops killed in Dallas. Every politician who could find a microphone was eager to express solidarity with the police, call on ev- erybody to support the cops and admonish the move- ment to stop the “anti-cop rhetoric.” There’s going to be much, much more of that in the coming days and weeks, especially starting with President Obama speaking in Dallas today at a memorial for the slain cops. But the day after the Dallas shootings, the streets of Atlanta, New York, San Francisco, St. Paul, Baton Rouge and many other cities across the country, and even around the world, were filled with thousands of protest- ers demanding justice for Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, the two Black men executed by police last week and caught on video tape. Since the killings of Sterling and Castile, over a dozen more people of color have reportedly been murdered by the police, including five Latinos. These killings have re- ceived little to no national attention, except via Twitter. Up to this moment, the mass outrage over the latest victims of the police war against Black and Brown peo- Names and faces of just a handful of those whose lives have been stolen by the police. ple is so deep, and so powerful, that the people are say- ing by their refusal to suspend the struggle, “No, this time we are not going to allow Dallas to be used as an CONVENTION PROTESTS SET excuse to blame us and stop us.” Even high-profile athletes like Carmelo Anthony, 3 Serena Williams and Colin Kaepernick are speaking • RNC: Stop Trump Continued on page 6 • DNC: Reject Clinton 7 STOP KILLER COPS! Subscribe to Workers World Coast-to-coast reports on uprising 5-7 4 weeks trial $4 1 year subscription $30 Sign me up for the WWP Supporter Program: workers.org/articles/donate/supporters_/ CRIMES OF IMPERIALISM Name • Troops in Afghanistan • NATO Summit targets Russia • Blair, Bush & Iraq 8 Email ______________________________Phone __________ Editorial: 10 Street _________________City / State / Zip_________ War moves in Pacific Workers World 212.627.2994 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl, NY, NY 10011 workers.org Mexican teachers • French workers 9 Page 2 July 21, 2016 workers.org Wisconsin Petition blitz for Moorehead-Lilly campaign By Workers World Staff Milwaukee In the U.S. Wisconsin: Petition blitz for Moorehead-Lilly campaign ....2 Members and friends of Workers World Party from Vote4Socialism.org! ......................................2 around the country joined WWP members and support- In Cleveland: March to shut down Trump and racism! .....3 ers in Wisconsin June 30 to July 11 to assist in gathering North Carolina: Protests confront Clinton, Trump .........3 the signatures needed for ballot status for WWP 2016 na- tional candidates Monica Moorehead and Lamont Lilly. On the picket line ........................................4 Organizers, many youth and students, report the signa- Iowa’s Good Park Rebellion...............................4 ture-gathering blitz was a smashing success. Almost 4,000 Militant protests: ‘No more racist police killings!’..........5 signatures were obtained primarily in Milwaukee, Racine, Supporting the oppressed against the police .............6 Kenosha and Madison. For ballot status, 2,000 valid signa- WW PHOTO: Books for the struggle...................................10 tures must be certified by the Wisconsin Election Commis- Volunteers gathered 4,000 signatures to get WWP on the sion. WWP should receive official notice by Aug. 5. ballot. Cuba Caravan says ‘End blockade!’ ......................10 “The people of Wisconsin whom we met are enthusi- these horrific attacks on our class, and we look forward Mississippi is still burning................................10 astic about the Moorehead-Lilly campaign,” said Andrea to bringing Moorehead-Lilly back here this fall.” Around the world Banuelos, who traveled from Rockford, Ill., and stayed 10 Besides gathering signatures, organizers distributed Black solidarity with Bilal Kayed ..........................4 days. “Poor and working people here have a long histo- election campaign literature and hundreds of Workers ry of resistance against capitalism — from historic labor World newspapers. WWP Boston Branch member Gerry Afghanistan: The longest war, no end in sight.............8 strikes to current Black Lives Matter struggles. Scoppettuolo presented an LGBT Red, Black and Queer Blair is a war criminal (Bush, too)..........................8 “Many spoke at length about Dontre Hamilton, a Black slideshow at Milwaukee’s LGBT Resource Center on July 6. NATO Summit talks peace, plans war .....................8 man who was shot 14 times and killed by Milwaukee cop Teachers of Mexico say: ‘Our education is not for sale!’ ...9 Christopher Manney on April 30, 2014. They had words Stop the Bradley Foundation! France: A summer pause, but struggle will resume........9 for Gov. Scott Walker, who, on behalf of Wall Street inter- Organizers distributed thousands of palm cards and ests, virtually eliminated collective bargaining for public leaflets about two July 7 events in Milwaukee: a protest at Labour Party ranks swell in rebuff to immigrant bashing. 11 sector workers and ushered in right-to-work-for-less in the Bradley Foundation and a “Building People’s Power” Editorial Wisconsin. We talked about socialism as the solution for Continued on page 11 Ominous war moves in Pacific...............................10 WWP Presidential Campaign Defend Black Lives Matter .................................1 Vote4Socialism.org! An appeal to boycott Olympics ..............................3 Workers World Party’s national election campaign, with uplifts the need of workers and the most oppressed ev- Noticias en Español Monica Moorehead for president and Lamont Lilly for vice erywhere. This includes prisoners, youth under 18, un- Detengamos el racismo de Brexit president, is building the struggle to abolish capitalism, documented people and folks from other parts of the con solidaridad obrera mundial .........................12 defend Black Lives Matter, disarm the police and Immi- world — all can cast their ballot online for our candidates. gration and Customs Enforcement agents, and fight for Only the struggle for revolutionary socialism can change WW PHOTO socialist revolution. We aren’t running a campaign to win the dire conditions facing youth, workers and oppressed a seat in the White House; we are running to let people people worldwide. know that there is no way out of this crisis but to fight and Cast your vote today at our website, Vote4Socialism. organize — in the streets! A vote for Monica Moorehead org, and fill out the form there to get involved! We’ll con- and Lamont Lilly is a fist raised for socialist revolution! nect with you on more ways to support the campaign and Workers World Everyone can vote for our candidates online — two so- promote solidarity and unity in the struggle to build a 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl. cialists fighting for Black lives whose 10-point program workers’ world. New York, N.Y. 10011 Phone: 212.627.2994 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.workers.org Vol. 58, No. 28 • July 21, 2016 Closing date: July 12, 2016 Editor: Deirdre Griswold Who we are & what we’re fighting for Managing Editors: John Catalinotto, LeiLani Dowell, Kris Hamel, Monica Moorehead; Web Editor Gary Wilson Hate capitalism? Workers World Party fights for a degrading people because of their nationality, sexual or Production & Design Editors: Coordinator Lal Roohk; socialist society — where the wealth is socially owned gender identity or disabilities — all are tools the ruling Andy Katz, Cheryl LaBash and production is planned to satisfy human need. This class uses to keep us apart. They ruthlessly super-ex- outmoded capitalist system is dragging down workers’ ploit some in order to better exploit us all. WWP builds Copyediting and Proofreading: Sue Davis, Bob McCubbin living standards while throwing millions out of their unity among all workers while supporting the right jobs. If you’re young, you know they’re stealing your of self-determination. Fighting oppression is a work- Contributing Editors: Abayomi Azikiwe, future. And capitalism is threatening the entire planet ing-class issue, which is confirmed by the many labor Greg Butterfield, G. Dunkel, K. Durkin, Fred Goldstein, with its unplanned, profit-driven stranglehold over the struggles led today by people of color, immigrants and Martha Grevatt, Teresa Gutierrez, Larry Hales, means of production. women. Berta Joubert-Ceci, Terri Kay, Cheryl LaBash, Milt Neidenberg, John Parker, Bryan G.
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